补丁 (最新) | ← 2017年10月27日更新 | 2017年10月31日更新 | 2017年11月1日更新 → |
- 加入的新英雄:
- 所有英雄的 天赋 已被重做, 许多与英雄本身技能相关的天赋被添加。
- 天赋:
- 化学狂暴生命回复 从 50/75/100 修改为 40/48/56.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 攻击速度 或 +5 护甲
- 15级: +50 伤害 或 +250 生命
- 20级: +25% 分裂伤害 或 +200 不稳定化合物伤害
- 25级: -8秒 不稳定化合物冷却时间 或 -0.2秒化学狂暴基础攻击间隔
- 极寒之触持续时间由 30秒 修改为 20/24/28/32秒.
- 极寒之触不再降低友军攻击速度.
- 极寒之触魔法伤害由 50/60/70/80 降低为 30/45/60/75.
- 极寒之触现在施加一个可叠加的30%减速效果,持续0.3秒.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +60 金钱/分 或 +10% 技能增强
- 15级: +20 生命回复 或 -1.5秒冰霜漩涡冷却
- 20级: +80 极寒之触伤害 或 +8%冰霜漩涡 减速/抗性降低
- 25级: +4% 冰晶爆轰斩杀上限 或 4 寒霜之足能量点
- 移动速度由 315 降低至 310.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +175 生命 或 +20 攻击速度
- 15级: -1s 闪烁冷却 或 闪烁产生不可控幻象 (?)
- 20级: +300 闪烁距离 或 +10 全属性
- 25级: -50s 法力虚空冷却 或 +30% 法力护盾
- 移动速度由 285 降低至 280.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 攻击速度 或 +5 护甲
- 15级: +2秒乱流持续时间 或 +350 生命
- 20级: +100 攻击距离 或 +10% 冷却时间减少
- 25级: +30% 吸血 或 +350 闪光幽魂伤害
- 天赋:
- 10级: +8 力量 或 +40 攻击速度
- 15级: +3 魔法回复 或 +30 移动速度
- 20级: +20 生命回复 或 攻击触发反击螺旋 (?)
- 25级: +100 狂战士之吼范围 或 +120 战斗饥渴每秒伤害
- 祸乱之源可以攻击受到噩梦的单位,并且不唤醒目标。
- 所有技能的施法前摇从0.5秒降低至0.4秒
- 噩梦不再造成每秒20点伤害。
- 天赋:
- 10级: 虚弱窃取攻击力 或 +6 护甲
- 15级: +150 施法距离 或 +40% 经验获取
- 20级: +100 虚弱降低攻击力 或 +75 移动速度
- 25级: +7秒 魔爪持续时间 或 +250 蚀脑伤害/治疗
- 烈焰破击的技能弹道现在会显示飞行的弧线。
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 护甲 或 +6% 技能增强
- 15级: +300 生命 或 +2秒 烈焰破击烧灼持续时间
- 20级: +50 移动速度 或 +15% 冷却时间减少
- 25级: +8秒 火焰飞行持续时间 或 -13秒 烈焰破击冷却
- 转身速率从0.4增加至0.5。
- 野性之斧重做:
- 散开距离(飞至中段时两柄飞斧的距离)从353提升至450
- 野性之斧的命中范围从140提升至175
- 野性之斧的魔法消耗从105/110/115/120点降低至60/65/70/75点
- 野性之斧的伤害从70/100/130/160点减少至40/70/100/130点
- 野性之斧的冷却时间从13秒降低至8秒
- 野性之斧现在向受到作用的单位施加一个可叠加的效果。每被一柄飞斧击中,目标受到来自兽王或他控制单位的所有伤害提升6/8/10/12%。负面效果持续10秒。
- 原始咆哮现在会使兽王和他所有单位提升30%的移动速度,持续3秒。
- 重做野性呼唤。现在是单个技能。
- 野兽持续60秒。
- 冷却时间:60。
- 魔法消耗:50/60/70/80。
- 1级:1级豪猪
- 2级:2级豪猪
- 3级:3级豪猪 + 战鹰
- 4级:4级豪猪 + 战鹰 + 随机中立生物
- 豪猪生命:275/350/425/500
- 豪猪攻击力:20/30/40/50(调整前为10/25/40/55)
- 豪猪减速:10/20/30/40%
- 豪猪减速持续时间:3
- 战鹰不再具备隐形能力。
- 战鹰生命:350(提升自40/60/80/100)
- 战鹰护甲:5
- 战鹰速度:450
- 战鹰夜间视野:1000
- 战鹰白天视野:1000
- 中立生物:将会从下列中立生物中随机选择(头狼、地狱熊怪粉碎者、萨特苦难使者、半人马征服者、黑暗巨魔召唤法师)
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30 移动速度 或 +25% 经验获取
- 15级: +40 豪猪攻击力 或 +7 护甲
- 20级: +500 生命 或 +120 野性之斧伤害
- 25级: +2 战鹰或 +40 野性之心攻击速度
- 移动速度由290减少至285.
- 割裂施法范围由1000减少至800.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 攻击速度 或 +4 护甲
- 15级: +300 生命 或 +75 血祭伤害
- 20级: +25% 吸血 或 +14% 割裂伤害
- 25级: -6s 血祭冷却 或 +20 焦渴效果
- 移动速度由320减少至315.
- Track can now be alt-clicked to alert your team to how much gold the target has (this information is already available in the track debuff tooltip).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30 移动速度 或 +25% 经验获取
- 15级: +50 攻击速度 或 +350 生命
- 20级: +75 投掷飞镖伤害 或 +125% 忍术暴击
- 25级: +50% 闪避 或 300 追踪术金钱(影响自身和队友)
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 生命 或 +30 攻击力
- 15级: +3s Thunder Clap Slow 或 +20% Magic Resistance
- 20级: +100 攻击速度 或 +1500 Primal Split Health
- 25级: -65s Primal Split Cooldown 或 +15% Drunken Brawler
- 天赋:
- 10级: +2 Mana Regen 或 +20 Movement Speed
- 15级: +6 Max Goo Stacks 或 +250 Health
- 20级: +25 Quill Stack Damage 或 +20 Health Regen
- 25级: +15% Spell Lifesteal 或 +20 Warpath Damage Per Stack
- Reduced movement speed from 295 to 270.
- Spin Web no longer grants invisibility.
- Spin Web pathing/speed buff is no longer removed when taking damage.
- Spin Web charges increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/4/6/8 (matches amount you can place).
- Spiderling HP reduced from 450 to 250.
- Spiderlite HP reduced from 175 to 100.
- Spiders now have 50% magic resistance.
- Spiders armor increased by 8.
- Spiders HP regen increased from 0.5 to 2.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +60 Spawn Spiderling Damage 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +35% XP Gain 或 +20% Cooldown Reduction
- 20级: +60 Attack Speed 或 +20 Spiders Attack Damage
- 25级: +75 Insatiable Hunger Damage/Lifesteal 或 +350 Spiders Health
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10% Evasion 或 +10% Magic Resistance
- 15级: +75 Damage 或 +15% Return Strength Damage
- 20级: +250 Double Edge Damage 或 +20 Strength
- 25级: +1.5s Hoof Stomp Duration 或 Gains Return Aura
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Movement Speed 或 +5 All Stats
- 15级: +15 Strength 或 12% Cooldown Reduction
- 20级: 150 Gold/Min 或 Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity
- 25级: -7 Reality Rift Armor Reduction 或 +2 Max Chaos Bolt Duration
- Attack range increased from 600 to 650.
- Removed Test of Faith (Teleport).
- Holy Persuasion can be cast on allied units to send them home after a 6/5/4/3 second delay and on yourself to teleport your creeps to you.
- Holy Persuasion mana cost rescaled from 100 to 100/110/120/130.
- Test of Faith can now target allies, healing for half of the damage values. Always applies max values to yourself.
- Test of Faith mana cost rescaled from 90/100/110/120 to 60/80/100/120.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20% XP Gain 或 +125 Cast Range
- 15级: +7 Armor 或 -10 Test of Faith Cooldown
- 20级: +180 Gold/Min 或 +1000 Creep Min Health
- 25级: +4 Holy Persuasion Max Count 或 +400 Hand of God Heal
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Agility growth reduced from 3.3 to 2.6.
- Death Pact HP reduced from 50/70/90 to 40/60/80%.
- Death Pact damage reduced from 5/7/9% to 4/6/8%.
- Reworked Strafe.
- Now gives +80/140/200/260 Attack Speed for 3 seconds. During this time you will automatically dodge up to 3 projectiles (ranged attacks or spells), stepping to the side slightly upon impact. Strafe ends if you lose the 3 stacks.
- Cooldown: 45/35/25/15
- 天赋:
- 10级: +12% Magic Resistance 或 +5 Armor
- 15级: +15% Evasion 或 +30 Searing Arrows Damage
- 20级: +100 Attack Range 或 +20 Health Regen
- 25级: +4s Strafe Stacks/Duration或 Searing Arrows Multishot (Fires Searing Arrows on a random nearby target)
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Movement Speed 或 +5 Armor
- 15级: +15 Strength 或 +30 Battery Assault Damage
- 20级: +20% Magic Resistance 或 +125 Rocket Flare Damage
- 25级: -0.3s Battery Assault Interval 或 Rocket Flare True Sight (affects wards as well)
- Arcane Aura on Allies rescaled from 1/1.5/2/3 to 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4
- Arcane Aura on Self rescaled from 2/3/4/8 to 1/2/3/4
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +100 Cast Range
- 15级: +14% Mana cost/Manaloss Reduction Aura 或 +90 Gold/Min
- 20级: +60 Freezing Field Damage 或 +250 Attack Speed
- 25级: +300 Crystal Nova Damage 或 +1.5s Frostbite Duration
- 天赋:
- 10级: +12% Evasion 或 +90 Damage
- 15级: +12 HP Regen 或 +75 Vacuum AoE
- 20级: 300 AoE Surge 或 +15% Cooldown Reduction
- 25级: Parallel Wall 或 +150 Ion Shell Damage
- Reworked Poison Touch.
- Targets a unit and releases a poison that splashes on nearby targets (like Ethershock targeting). Applies a DPS and a slow to the targeted enemies. Anytime a poisoned target gets attacked, the debuff duration gets refreshed.
- Physical damage type. Gets refreshed by the same target rules as Blink (player-controlled units and 肉山).
- Deals 10/20/30/40 DPS and slows for 14/16/18/20%
- Lasts 4/5/6/7 seconds
- Affects up to 4/5/6/7 targets.
- Cooldown: 35/30/25/20.
- Mana cost: 80.
- Cast Range: 600/700/800/900.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +60 Damage 或 +175 Health
- 15级: +125 Cast Range 或 +20 Shadow Wave Heal/Damage
- 20级: +50 Movement Speed 或 +30 Poison Touch DPS
- 25级: -4s Shadow Wave Cooldown 或 +0.5 Weave Armor Per Second
- 天赋:
- 10级: +12% Magic Resistance 或 +50 Damage
- 15级: +150 Cast Range 或 +1% Max Health Spirit Siphon
- 20级: +500 Health 或 -2s Crypt Swarm Cooldown
- 25级: +8 Exorcism Spirits 或 Exorcism Grants Haste
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +40 Thunder Strike Damage
- 15级: +150 Cast Range 或 -3s Kinetic Field Cooldown
- 20级: +180 Gold/Min 或 +4 Thunder Strike Hits
- 25级: -10s Glimpse Cooldown 或 +4s Kinetic Field Duration
- Scorched Earth heal rescaled from 16/24/32/40 to 12/18/24/30.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10 Scorched Earth Damage/Heal 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: +20% Evasion 或 +150 Devour Bonus Gold
- 20级: +40 Doom DPS 或 Devour Targets Ancients
- 25级: +3% Infernal Blade Damage 或 +100% Cleave
- Dragon Blood rescaled from 3/6/9/12 to 4/6/8/10.
- Breathe Fire now reduces total attack damage and not just base damage
- Breathe Fire attack damage reduction reduced from 35% to 25%
- Breathe Fire cast point increased from 0 to 0.2
- Breathe Fire distance increased from 650 to 750
- 天赋:
- 10级: +2 Mana Regen 或 +30 Attack Speed
- 15级: +300 Health 或 +40% XP Gain
- 20级: 2x Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor 或 +150 Gold/Min
- 25级: +40 Strength 或 +1.75s Dragon Tail Stun Duration
- Reduced movement speed from 290 to 285.
- Added a visual effect on creeps when Precision Aura is cast.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 All Stats 或 +20 Movement Speed
- 15级: +25 Attack Speed 或 +300 Gust Distance/Knockback
- 20级: +1.5s Gust Duration 或 +20 Marksmanship Agility
- 25级: 50% Cooldown Reduction 或 +20% Precision Aura
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10 Intelligence 或 +40 Damage
- 15级: +7 Armor 或 +200 Rolling Boulder Damage
- 20级: +150 Gold/Min 或 +15% Spell Amplification
- 25级: +1s Boulder Smash Stun Duration 或 Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies
- Echo Slam initial damage removed.
- Echo Slam Echo Damage increased from 40/55/70 to 60/85/110.
- Echo Slam bounces twice off of non-illusion heroes.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +250 Mana 或 +30 Damage
- 15级: +7 armor 或 +30 Movement Speed
- 20级: +50 Echo Damage 或 +400 Fissure Range
- 25级: -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown 或 +50% Magic Resistance
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Echo Stomp now wakes up if the target takes more than 50/100/150/200 cumulative damage (no longer has exception for player owned damage source or not).
- Added visual effects for Natural Order.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: +30 Astral Spirit Hero Attack 或 +15% Magic Resistance
- 20级: +70 Attack Speed 或 +100 Echo Stomp Damage
- 25级: -75s Earth Splitter Cooldown 或 +100% Lifesteal
- Reduced movement speed from 310 to 305.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +150 Flame Guard Absorption 或 +20 Damage
- 15级: +30 Flame Guard DPS 或 +1s Searing Chains Duration
- 20级: +10% Spell Amplification 或 True Strike
- 25级: 2 Sleight of Fist Charges 或 -25s Remnant Charge Replenish
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Enchant now removes positive buffs on enemy heroes.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +15% Magic Resistance 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: +50 Damage 或 +8 Nature's Attendants Wisps
- 20级: Enchant Affects Ancients 或 +100 Untouchable Slow
- 25级: +25 Nature's Attendants Heal 或 +8% Impetus Damage
- 天赋:
- 10级: +15% Magic Resistance 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: +120 Gold/Min 或 +15% Cooldown Reduction
- 20级: +400 Health 或 +70 Eidolon Damage
- 25级: +4 Malefice Instances 或 +8 Demonic Conversion Eidolons
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +8 Strength 或 +20 Damage
- 15级: +100 Time Lock Damage 或 +300 Health
- 20级: +500 Timewalk Cast Range 或 +40 Attack Speed
- 25级: +25% Backtrack 或 +175 Chronosphere AoE
- Reduced movement speed from 325 to 320.
- Removed Homing Missile cast point.
- Homing Missile will find a new target if its primary target dies. Prioritizes heroes.
- Homing Missile speed increased from 340 to 500.
- Homing Missile launch delay increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
- Homing Missile now does a fixed amount of damage, rescaled from a max of 125/250/375/500 to a fixed 100/175/250/325.
- Homing Missile hits to destroy from 3/3/4/5 to 3/3/4/4.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Damage 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +3 Flak Cannon Attacks 或 +11 Rocket Barrage Damage
- 20级: +50 Movement Speed 或 -25s Call Down Cooldown
- 25级: Global Call Down 或 3 Homing Missile Charges
- Inner Vitality threshold heal factor rescaled from 20/40/60/80% to 22/30/38/46%.
- Inner Vitality normal heal factor rescaled from 5/10/15/20% to 6/8/10/12%.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Damage 或 +175 Health
- 15级: +15% Lifesteal 或 +10 Burning Spears DPS
- 20级: +15 Strength 或 +400 Life Break Cast Range
- 25级: +125 Attack Range 或 0s Inner Vitality Cooldown
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30 Chaos Meteor Damage 或 +0.3s Tornado Duration
- 15级: +1.5s Cold Snap Duration 或 +1 Forged Spirit Summoned
- 20级: +35 Alacrity Damage/Speed 或 Cataclysm (?)
- 25级: AoE Deafening Blast 或 -16s Tornado Cooldown
- Relocate cooldown increased from 100/80/60 to 120/100/80.
- Max Spirits range reduced from 875 to 700.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +400 Spirits Max Range 或 +60 Damage
- 15级: Tether Grants Scepter Bonus 或 +90 Spirits Damage
- 20级: +150 Gold/Min 或 Attack Tethered Ally's Target (?)
- 25级: +50 Health Regen 或 Tether Stuns
- Dual Breath cast point reduced from 0.65 to 0.55.
- Macropyre cast point reduced from 0.65 to 0.55.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +8% Spell Amplification 或 +25% XP Gain
- 15级: +250 Attack Range 或 +40 Dual Breath Damage
- 20级: -60 Liquid Fire Attack Speed 或 +150 Gold/Min
- 25级: +1.25s Ice Path Duration 或 Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- No longer fully silenced while using Blade Fury (Can cast Healing Ward but not Omnislash).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 All Stats 或 +20 Movement Speed
- 15级: +1s Blade Fury Duration 或 +25 Attack Speed
- 20级: +10 Armor 或 +100 Blade Fury DPS
- 25级: +600 Health 或 +5 Omnislash Strikes
- Mana Leak cast range reduced from 550/700/850/1000 to 400/500/600/700.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Movement Speed 或 +8% Spell Lifesteal
- 15级: +40% XP Gain 或 +350 Cast Range
- 20级: +300 Chakra Magic Mana 或 +40% Magic Resistance
- 25级: +200 Illuminate Damage/Heal 或 +2s Mana Leak Stun
- No longer restricted from using Quelling Blade.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +40 Damage 或 +6 Armor
- 15级: +10 Health Regen 或 +120 Torrent Damage
- 20级: +100 Torrent AoE 或 +25 Strength
- 25级: Ghost Ship Fleet 或 +50% Tidebringer Cleave
- Press The Attack rescaled from 30/40/50/60 to 30/35/40/45.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25% XP Gain 或 +8 Strength
- 15级: +30 Attack Speed 或 +50 Overwhelming Odds Hero Damage
- 20级: +60 Movement Speed 或 +10% Moment Proc Chance
- 25级: +40 Duel Damage Bonus 或 -10s Press The Attack Cooldown
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Armor 或 +250 Mana
- 15级: +15 Strength 或 +40 Movement Speed
- 20级: +25% Evasion 或 +50 Pulse Nova Damage
- 25级: +50 Diabolic Edict Explostions 或 +3s Lightning Storm Slow Duration
- Chainfrost is now reflected on initial projectile impact, rather than on cast time.
- Ice Armor slow rescaled from 24/26/28/30% to 8/16/24/32%.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +175 Health 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: +120 Damage 或 -4s Frost Blast Cooldown
- 20级: +120 Gold/Min 或 +175 Cast Range
- 25级: Attacks Apply 30% MS/AS Slow 或 Ice Armor Provides +30 HP Regen
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Attack Speed 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +30 Damage 或 +35 Movement Speed
- 20级: +20% Evasion 或 +50% Open Wounds Heal
- 25级: +2s Rage Duration 或 +2% Feast
- 天赋:
- 10级: +100 Cast Range 或 +25 Damage
- 15级: +300 Health 或 +140 Light Strike Array Damage
- 20级: +10% Spell Amplification 或 +25/2% Fiery Soul Per Stack
- 25级: +175 Attack Range 或 -6s Dragon Slave Cooldown
- 天赋:
- 10级: +75 Cast Range 或 +75 Damage
- 15级: +200 Finger of Death Damage 或 +90 Gold/Min
- 20级: +500 Health 或 +2 Mana Drain Multi Target
- 25级: +1000 Earth Spike Range 或 +325 AoE Hex
- Reduced movement speed from 325 to 320.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Battle Cry cooldown reduced from 60 to 45.
- Battle Cry duration reduced from 6 to 5.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +175 Attack Range 或 +250 Health
- 15级: -8s Savage Roar Cooldown 或 +10 Spirit Bear Armor
- 20级: +40 Rabid Attack Speed 或 -25s Battle Cry Cooldown
- 25级: 0 Entangle Cooldown 或 Battle Cry Grants Spell Immunity
- Reduced movement speed from 335 to 330.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Attack Speed 或 +150 Cast Range
- 15级: -2s Lucent Beam CD 或 +24 Luna Blessing Damage
- 20级: +10 All Stats 或 +100 Lucent Beam Damage
- 25级: +25% Lifesteal 或 +0.25s Eclipse Lucent Ministun
- Feral Impulse rescaled from 1/4/7/10 to 1/3/5/7.
- Fixed break not disabling Feral Impulse.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Armor 或 +20 Damage
- 15级: +8 Feral HP Regen 或 +12% Cooldown Reduction
- 20级: +8s Shapeshift Duration 或 +16% Feral Impulse Damage
- 25级: +3 Wolves Summoned 或 +600 Howl Hero Health
- Shockwave Scepter speed increased from 1575 to 1700.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Attack Speed 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +15 Strength 或 +75 Shockwave Damage
- 20级: +12 Armor 或 +500 Skewer Range
- 25级: +20% Empower Damage/Cleave 或 +0.75s Reverse Polarity
- Reduced movement speed from 290 to 285.
- Stone Gaze slow no longer continues to affect targets after they turn away from Medusa.
- Stone Gaze can now be reapplied after it wears off if the target continues to face Medusa (timer on facing direction is reset after a Stone debuff is over).
- Split Shot is now a passive.
- Split Shot projectiles rescaled from 1/2/3/4 to 3.
- Split Shot rescaled from -20% damage to -65/50/35/20%.
- Split Shot no longer reduces damage for the primary target.
- Split Shot range now uses your attack range +100, rather than a fixed 700.
- Split Shot does not fire when attacking allied units.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Damage 或 +10% Evasion
- 15级: +30 Attack Speed 或 +10% Mystic Snake Mana Steal
- 20级: +800 Mana 或 +2s Stone Gaze Duration (?)
- 25级: +7 Split Shot Targets 或 Split Shot Uses Modifiers (?)
- Reduced movement speed from 315 to 310.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10% Lifesteal 或 +30 Movement Speed
- 15级: +10 Strength 或 +40 Poof Damage
- 20级: +40 Damage 或 +15% Evasion
- 25级: +700 Health 或 -4s Poof Cooldown
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Reworked Leap.
- Has 3 charges. Leaps a distance of 550 per charge. Grants you movement and attack speed for 2 seconds.
- Replenish Time: 60/50/40/30
- Mana cost: 40
- Movement Speed: 8/16/24/32%
- Attack Speed: 25/50/75/100
- Leap bonus affects only Mirana.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +20 Damage
- 15级: -5s Sacred Arrow Cooldown 或 +100 Leap Attack Speed
- 20级: +12% Spell Amp 或 +25 Mana Break
- 25级: +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows 或 -70 Moonlight Shadow Cooldown
- Reduced movement speed from 305 to 300.
- Base damage reduced by 3.
- Jingu Mastery bonus damage rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 60/90/120/150.
- Monkey King no longer destroys trees he is standing on during Scepter Stampede.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +150 Tree Dance Vision AoE 或 +20 Attack Speed
- 15级: +300 Tree Dance Cast Range 或 +75 Jingu Mastery Damage
- 20级: +50% Boundless Strike Damage 或 +300 Primal Spring Damage
- 25级: +100 Armor Wukong's Command 或 +1 Wukong Command Ring
- Reduced movement speed from 285 to 280.
- Reduced base Intelligence from 17 to 13.
- Renamed Morph to Attribute Shift.
- Attribute Shift rate rescaled from 2/4/8/16 to 1/4/10/25.
- Attribute Shift now costs no mana.
- Adaptive Strike is now two abilities, one that deals damage based on Agility and one that stuns/knocks back based on Strength. When one is cast, the other goes into cooldown for 3 seconds.
- Adaptive Strike (Strength) stun duration rescaled from 1.25/2.25/3.25/4.25 to 1.5/2/2.5/3.0.
- Adaptive Strike (Strength) knockback increased from max 300 to 500.
- Removed Morphling's Scepter.
- Replaced Replicate with a new ultimate: Morph.
- Changes your hero to match the target enemy. Copies the target's visual model, basic abilities, base movement speed, attack range, and attributes. Applies a soft dispel on transformation. If you die during this, Morphling dies. You can exit the morphed form anytime. Lasts 30 seconds.
- CD: 160/100/40
- Cast Range: 600
- Mana cost: 75/100/125 (?)
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10 Agility 或 +20 Movement Speed
- 15级: Waveform Attacks Targets 或 +30 Attack Speed
- 20级: -25s Morph Cooldown 或 Morph Targets Allies
- 25级: +800 Waveform Range 或 +2 Multishot Adaptive Strike
- Reduced movement speed from 320 to 315.
- Ensnare mana cost rescaled from 100 to 70/80/90/100.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +175 Health 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: +15 Agility 或 +14 Strength
- 20级: +1 Mirror Image Illusion 或 -5s Ensnare Cooldown
- 25级: -6 Rip Tide Armor 或 +30% Evasion
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30 Damage 或 +30 Movement Speed
- 15级: +4 Treants Summoned 或 +8 Armor
- 20级: +40 Attack Speed 或 -4s Sprout Cooldown
- 25级: Removed Teleportation Cooldown 或 2x Treant HP/Damage
- Death Pulse mana regen rescaled from 1/3/5/7 to 2/2.25/2.5/2.75.
- Death Pulse kill HP regen multiplier rescaled from 10 to 6.
- Death Pulse kill HP regen duration rescaled from 7 to 6.
- Death Pulse HP regen rescaled from 1/3/5/7 to 2/3/4/5.
- Ghost Shroud slow reduced from 12/20/28/36 to 6/12/18/24.
- Ghost Shroud bonus magic damage taken increased from 25% to 30%.
- Heartstopper Aura range reduced from 900 to 700.
- Heartstopper Aura rescaled from 0.6/1.0/1.4/1.8 to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0.
- Reaper's Scythe cooldown increased from 100 to 120.
- Reaper's Scythe mana cost from 175/340/500 to 200/350/500.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10 Strength 或 +40 Damage
- 15级: +30 Movement Speed 或 +300 Health
- 20级: +20% Magic Resistance 或 +80 Attack Speed
- 25级: -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown 或 +0.6 Heartstopper Aura
- Daytime vision reduced from 1200 to 800.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Mana 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +15 Strength 或 +150 Cast Range
- 20级: +50 Movement Speed 或 +50 Damage
- 25级: -8s Crippling Fear Cooldown 或 +140 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- Spiked Carapace damage return mechanics now work like Blademail (still returns only once per enemy, does not stun the Spell Immune).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +60 Gold/Min 或 +6% Spell Amplification
- 15级: +325 Health 或 +35 Movement Speed
- 20级: +75% Spiked Carapace Damage 或 +175 Impale Damage
- 25级: +100 Agility 或 Vendetta Unobstructed Pathing
- 天赋:
- 10级: +100 Cast Range 或 +60 Gold/Min
- 15级: +300 Health 或 +90 Damage
- 20级: +40 Bloodlust Attack Speed 或 +30 Strength
- 25级: +90 Movement Speed 或 +275 Fireblast Damage
- Guardian Angel cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.4.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +90 Gold/Min 或 +75 Purification AoE
- 15级: +35% XP Gain 或 +90 Damage
- 20级: +6 Mana Regen 或 -12% Degen Aura
- 25级: +3s Repel Duration 或 +200 Purification Damage/Heal
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- False Promise visual effects now show if the hero will die or not.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +1s Fortune's End Max Duration 或 +25% XP Gain
- 15级: +150 Cast Range 或 +90 Gold/Min
- 20级: +75 Movement Speed 或 False Promise Invisibility (0.6s Fade Time)
- 25级: -5s Fate's Edict Cooldown 或 +2 False Promise Duration
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +20 Attack Speed
- 15级: +15% Essence Aura Chance 或 +40 Movement Speed
- 20级: +20 Strength 或 +2 Sanity's Eclipse Multiplier
- 25级: +60s Arcane Orb Int Steal 或 +15% Spell Lifesteal
- Reduced movement speed from 310 to 305.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +150 Health 或 +15 Damage
- 15级: +20% Cleave 或 -4 Armor Corruption
- 20级: 20% Lifesteal 或 Double Strike Stifling Dagger
- 25级: +5% Coup de Grace 或 +25% Blur Evasion
- Reduced movement speed from 290 to 285.
- Phantom Rush can now be toggled to disable it (default state is enabled).
- Doppelganger now adds 2 seconds duration to all your illusions.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10% Evasion 或 +20 Attack Speed
- 15级: +250 Health 或 +125 Spirit Lance Damage
- 20级: +4 Max Juxtapose Illusions 或 +500 Phantom Rush Range
- 25级: -5s Doppelganger CD 或 30% Critical Strike (2x)
- 天赋:
- 10级: +8% Spell Amplification 或 +90 Gold/Min
- 15级: +60 Fire Spirits DPS 或 +40% XP Gain
- 20级: +1400 Icarus Dive 或 +1s Supernova Stun Duration
- 25级: +3 Supernova Hit Count 或 +2% Max Health Sun Ray Damage
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Dreamcoil no longer deals 100/150/200 damage on cast.
- Dreamcoil link break damage increased from 100/150/200 to 300/400/500 (Scepter damage increased from 200/250/300 to 400/550/700).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Armor 或 +10 Intelligence
- 15级: +50 Damage 或 +8% Spell Amplification
- 20级: -5s Waning Rift Cooldown 或 +40% Illusory Orb Distance/Speed
- 25级: +420 Gold/Min 或 Dream Coil Rapid Fire (Attacks everyone once per 0.6 seconds within attack range)
- Meat Hook can pull Runes back to you. Mana cost is refunded if successful.
- Dismember now pulls the target closer to Pudge.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Armor 或 +35 Rot Damage
- 15级: +13% Spell Lifesteal 或 +75 Damage
- 20级: +15% Cooldown Reduction或 +180 Gold/Min
- 25级: +2.0 Flesh Heap Stack Str 或 +3s Dismember Duration
- Life Drain range reduced by 100.
- Decrepify can now target Tombstone.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +225 Health 或 +25 Movement Speed
- 15级: -1s Netherblast Cooldown 或 +1 Nether Ward Health
- 20级: +2s Decrepify Duration 或 +25% Life Drain Heal
- 25级: +1.75 Netherward Damage per Mana 或 +200 Netherblast Damage
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10 Strength 或 +25 Damage
- 15级: +40 Attack Speed 或 +12% Cooldown Reduction
- 20级: +650 AoE Shadow Strike 或 +30% Spell Lifesteal
- 25级: 20s Spell Block 或 Scream of Pain 1.5s Fear
- Reduced movement speed from 290 to 285.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Reworked Unstable Current.
- Passive: 4/8/12/16% Movement Bonus (like before).
- Every 5 seconds, a random enemy within 350 AoE will be shocked, taking 100/130/160/190 damage and getting purged (40% slow for 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds, dispels positive buffs).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +15 Agility 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +4% Unstable Current Movement Speed 或 +7 Static Link Damage Steal
- 20级: +10 Armor 或 -0.1 Eye of the Storm Strike Interval
- 25级: +100 Attack Speed 或 -3s Unstable Current Interval
- Reduced movement speed from 280 to 275.
- Enemy units in Smoke Screen have no vision.
- Backstab damage can now be used in procs like Critical Strike, Cleave, etc.
- Backstab damage reduced from 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Health Regen 或 +8 Agility
- 15级: -4s Smokescreen Cooldown 或 20% 1.5x Crit
- 20级: +900 Blink Strike Cast Range 或 +0.2 Backstab Multiplier
- 25级: +400 Tricks of the Trade AoE 或 Cloak and Dagger Doesn't Reveal (?)
- Null Field can now be toggled between defensive and offensive forms. Has a 30 second cooldown once toggled. Offensive form reduces enemy magic resistance..
- Null Field AoE increased from 900 to 1200.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +60 Damage
- 15级: +100 Cast Range 或 -35 Fade Bolt Hero Attack
- 20级: +5% Null Field 或 +300 Telekinesis Land Distance
- 25级: +75% Spell Amp For Stolen Spells 或 -15s Telekinesis Cooldown
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30 Movement Speed 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +50 Sand Storm DPS 或 -50 Epicenter Attack Slow
- 20级: +10 Armor 或 +4 Epicenter Pulses
- 25级: +35 Health Regen 或 50% Sand Storm Slow and Blind
- Demonic Purge now works on cycloned units.
- Soul Catcher no longer splits its effect, it only affects one unit in the area.
- Shadow Poison radius increased from 190 to 200.
- When an enemy dies under Soul Catcher, an illusion of them is created under your control. Lasts until they respawn or it is killed. Deals 30/45/60/75% damage and takes 200% damage.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25% XP Gain 或 +10 Strength
- 15级: +25% Shadow Poison Damage 或 +40 Movement Speed
- 20级: -6s Soul Catcher Cooldown 或 -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown
- 25级: +500 Demonic Purge Damage 或 +5s Disruption Banish Duration
- Reduced movement speed from 315 to 310.
- Shadow Raze damage reduced from 100/175/250/325 to 90/160/230/300.
- Shadow Raze now has a stack counter for each time an enemy gets hit. Causes the enemy to take 60 more Shadow Raze damage per stack. Lasts 8 seconds, gets refreshed on stack gain. (First hit does 0 bonus, next does 60, 120, etc.).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10% Spell Amplification 或 +20 Attack Speed
- 15级: Presence Aura Affects Building 或 +40 Movement Speed
- 20级: +150 Shadow Raze Damage 或 +20% Evasion
- 25级: 40% Cooldown Reduction 或 +3 Damage Per Soul
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +20% XP Gain
- 15级: -4s Hex Cooldown 或 +125 Cast Range
- 20级: +3s Shackles Duration 或 +1 Serpent Wards Attacks HP
- 25级: +400 Ether Shock Damage 或 +60 Wards Attack Damage
- Glaives of Wisdom damage from 35/50/65/80% to 15/30/45/60%.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Armor 或 +25 Attack Speed
- 15级: +90 Gold/Min 或 +2 Intelligence Steal
- 20级: +125 Attack Range 或 +30 Curse Damage
- 25级: +20% Glaives of Wisdom 或 +2s Global Silence
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Movement Speed 或 +8 Intelligence
- 15级: -6s Ancient Seal Cooldown 或 +1 Arcane Bolt
- 20级: Global Concussive Shot 或 +15% Ancient Seal Magic Resistance Reduction
- 25级: +600 Mystic Flare damage 或 +300 Gold/Min
- Guardian Sprint now moves at 700 movespeed along the river at maximum level.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Damage 或 +5 Health Regen
- 15级: +300 Health 或 +100 Bash Damage
- 20级: +50 Attack Speed 或 Night Vision +1000
- 25级: +15% Bash Chance 或 Corrosive Haze Undispellable
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- Fixed a bug with Pounce where you could sometimes force yourself out if you were not moving on pounce impact.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +8 Strength 或 +10 Agility
- 15级: +30 Attack Speed 或 +20% Lifesteal
- 20级: +150 Dark Pact Damage 或 +3s Pounce Leash
- 25级: +1s Shadow Dance Duration 或 +120s Essence Shift duration
- Reduced movement speed from 290 to 285.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +12% Cooldown Reduction 或 +20 Damage
- 15级: +40 Attack Speed 或 +20 Shrapnel DPS
- 20级: +35 Knockback Distance Headshot 或 -1.5s Assassinate
- 25级: +6 Shrapnel Charges 或 +125 Attack Range
- Reduced movement speed from 290 to 285.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Desolate now applies a debuff that reduces the unit's vision by 40/50/60/70% for 5 seconds.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Health Regen 或 +15 Desolate Damage
- 15级: -8s Spectral Dagger Cooldown 或 +8 All Stats
- 20级: +500 Health 或 +20% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus
- 25级: +20% Haunt Illusion Damage 或 +8% Dispersion
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Charge of Darkness no longer goes into cooldown when you die.
- Spirit Breaker base HP regen reduced by 1.
- Greater Bash damage rescaled from 22/30/38/46 to 12/24/36/48%.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +400 Night Vision 或 +5 Armor
- 15级: +10 Health Regen 或 +30 Damage
- 20级: +400 Charge Speed 或 +30% Greater Bash Damage
- 25级: +800 Health 或 +25% Greater Bash Chance
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Damage 或 +2 Mana Regen
- 15级: +80 Static Remnant Damage 或 +300 Health
- 20级: +0.5s Electric Vortex 或 +40 Attack Speed
- 25级: Overload Pierces Immunity 或 Auto Remnant per 500 Ball Lightning
- 天赋:
- 10级: +2 Mana Regen 或 +8 Strength
- 15级: +30 Movement Speed 或 +30 Damage
- 20级: +25% Lifesteal 或 Storm Hammer Dispels Enemies
- 25级: +40 STR God's Strength 或 -8s Storm Hammer Cooldown
- Proximity Mines bounty reduced from 50 to 25.
- Proximity Mines damage increased from 150/350/550/750 to 200/400/600/800.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30% XP Gain 或 -4s Proximity Mines Cooldown
- 15级: +300 Blast Off Damage 或 +4 Mana Regen
- 20级: +75 Movement Speed 或 +150 Gold/Min
- 25级: +251 Damage 或 +25 Mines Movement Speed
- Reduced movement speed from 305 to 300.
- Psionic Traps now deal 100/125/150 damage when fully charged (dealt over the duration of the debuff rather than instantly).
- 天赋:
- 10级: +200 Health 或 +25 Attack Speed
- 15级: +7 Armor 或 +200 Psionic Trap Damage
- 20级: Refraction Dispels 或 -4 Meld Armor Reduction
- 25级: +4 Refraction Instances 或 Psi Blades Spill Paralyzes (slows affected targets MS by 100% for 1 second)
- Reduced movement speed from 315 to 310.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Movement Speed 或 +10% Evasion
- 15级: +300 Health 或 +25 Attack Speed
- 20级: +10 All Stats 或 -8s Reflection Cooldown
- 25级: -35s Sunder Cooldown 或 +300 Metamorphosis Attack Range
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Ravage AoE increased from 1025 to 1250.
- Ravage speed reduced from 775 to 725.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +25 Movement Speed 或 +80 Gush Damage
- 15级: +40% XP Gain 或 +25% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction
- 20级: +24 Kraken Shell 或 -4 Gush Armor
- 25级: +25% Cooldown Reduction 或 +250 Damage
- Reactive Armor rescaled from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 to 1/1.15/1.3/1.45.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +6% Spell Amplification 或 +25% XP Gain
- 15级: +100 Damage 或 +5 Reactive Armor Stacks
- 20级: +15 Strength 或 +10% Cooldown Reduction
- 25级: +8% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction 或 +1400 Timber Chain Range
- Rearm now affects items in the backpack.
- Heat Seeking Missiles travel speed reduced from 900 to 700.
- Heat Seeking Missiles mana cost reduced from 120/140/160/180 to 80/100/120/140.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +6% Spell Amplification 或 +75 Cast Range
- 15级: +40 Movement Speed 或 +10% Spell Lifesteal
- 20级: +100 Attack Damage 或 +8 March of the Machines Damage
- 25级: +100 Laser Damage 或 +0.3s Heat-Seeking Missile Ministun
- Base HP regen increased by 1.
- Attack point reduced from 0.49 to 0.4.
- Avalanche damage rescaled from 100/180/260/300 to 120/180/240/300.
- Agility from 9 + 0.9 to 0 + 0.
- Base armor increased from -1 to 0.
- Removed Scepter.
- Removed Craggy Exterior.
- Added a new ability: Tree Grab. Targets a tree to use in attacks for 2/3/4/5 hits. Extends attack range to 350 range. Each hit deals 25% more base damage to units and 75% more base damage to buildings. Splashes 70% damage along the attack path. Affects buildings. Cooldown starts after bonus attacks are used.
- Cooldown: 40/32/24/16.
- Mana cost: 20/30/40/50.
- Reworked Grow: Grants you 20/30/40% Status Resistance, increases base damage by 40/80/120, movement by 40/50/60, and reduces attack speed by 30.
- Tree Grab gives you a secondary ability when you grab a tree. Lets you throw your tree (resulting in your charges being empty) at a targeted unit, proccing your attack on it and splashing 70% damage onto a 250 area. Cast Range: 1000.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +15% Magic Resistance 或 +25 Damage
- 15级: +75 Avalanche Damage 或 +350 Health
- 20级: -10s Tree Grab CD 或 Toss Requires No Target
- 25级: -12s Avalanche Cooldown 或 3 Toss Charges
- Living Armor rescaled from 4/8/12/16 to 4/7/10/13.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +35% XP Gain 或 +10% Cooldown Reduction
- 15级: +90 Damage 或 3s Tree Respawn Time (Means trees always respawn in 3 seconds)
- 20级: +2s Nature's Guise Root 或 +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal
- 25级: +6 Living Armor Block Instances 或 +350 Eyes and Overgrowth AoE
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- Whirling Axes ability icons are always visible on the UI, but disabled when unavailable due to melee/range form.
- Whirling Axes (ranged) cooldown reduced from 19/16/13/10 to 9.
- Whirling Axes (ranged) slow reduced from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 to 2.5/3/3.5/4.
- Whirling Axes (ranged) slow amount increased from 30% to 40%.
- Whirling Axes (melee) cooldown reduced from 12 to 9.
- Whirling Axes (melee) blind duration rescaled from 4/5/6/7 to 5.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +10 Agility 或 +200 Health
- 15级: +3 Max Fervor Stacks 或 +50 Whirling Axes Damage
- 20级: +20% Evasion 或 +50 Damage
- 25级: -6s Whirling Axes Cooldown 或 Battle Trance Dispels (affects allies as well)
- 天赋:
- 10级: +40% XP Gain 或 +90 Gold/Min
- 15级: +350 Health 或 +150 Snowball Damage
- 20级: +300 Snowball Speed 或 +100% Walrus Punch Crit
- 25级: 12% Chance Walrus Punch 或 -6s Ice Shards Cooldown
- 天赋:
- 10级: +18 Firestorm Damage 或 +30 Movement Speed
- 15级: +100 Cast Range 或 +15 Atrophy Attack Bonus Damage
- 20级: +70 Attack Speed 或 +30 Health Regen
- 25级: +0.8s Pit of Malice Root 或 25% Firestorm Building Damage
- Tombstone duration rescaled from 15/20/25/30 to 30.
- Tombstone AoE rescaled from 600/800/1000/1200 to 1200.
- Tombstone spawn rate rescaled from 3 to 4.5/4/3.5/3.
- Tombstone cooldown rescaled from 70 to 85/80/75/70.
- Reduced Tombstone zombie collision size.
- Decay mana cost rescaled from 70/90/110/130 to 70/85/100/115.
- Decay damage from 20/60/100/140 to 20/50/80/110.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +100 Cast Range 或 +8 Health Regen
- 15级: Tombstone On Death 或 +20 Decay Duration
- 20级: +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage 或 +3 Tombstone Attacks
- 25级: Gains Reincarnation 200 CD 或 -2s Decay Cooldown
- Reduced movement speed from 310 to 305.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +1.75 Mana Regen 或 +8 Strength
- 15级: +16 Agility 或 -1s Earthshock Cooldown
- 20级: +1 Enrage Duration 或 +25s Fury Swipes
- 25级: +14 Fury Swipes Damage 或 +600 AoE Earthshock
- Reduced movement speed from 300 to 295.
- Wave of Terror vision AoE reduced from 500 to 300 (same as impact radius).
- Wave of Terror cooldown reduced from 22/20/18/16 to 10.
- Wave of Terror debuff duration reduced from 15 to 8.
- Scepter Illusion damage increased from 50% to 100%.
- Vengeance Aura AoE increased from 900 to 1200.
- Vengeance Aura no longer applied to enemies when you die.
- Whenever an allied hero dies under your damage aura, an illusion of that hero will be created, attacking the enemy that killed him for 7 seconds. Illusions deal 100% Damage. Illusions are ghosts/not targetable and are visible/known to the enemy.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +15% Magic Resistance 或 -1 Wave of Terror Armor
- 15级: +15 Agility 或 -6s Wave of Terror Cooldown
- 20级: -4s Magic Missile Cooldown 或 +15% Vengeance Aura Damage
- 25级: +400 Magic Missile Damage 或 Magic Missile Pierces Spell Immunity
- Reduced movement speed from 285 to 270.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Base damage reduced by 3.
- Venomous Gale can now be dispelled.
- 天赋:
- 10级: -8 Venomous Gale CD 或 +90 Gold/Min
- 15级: +150 Cast Range 或 +6% Poison Sting Slow
- 20级: +6s Poison Nova Duration 或 Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards
- 25级: +600 Poison Nova AoE 或 3x Plague Ward HP/Damage
- Reduced movement speed from 280 to 275.
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Base armor reduced by 1.
- Corrosive Skin no longer slows movement speed.
- Corrosive Skin damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 8/16/24/32.
- Corrosive Skin Attack Slow rescaled from 10/15/20/25 to 8/16/24/32.
- Reworked Poison Attack. Slows the target and deals damage based on how much health the target is missing.
- MS/AS Slow: 25/30/35/40%.
- DPS: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0x * Missing Health percentage (so at max level 50% missing health would be 50 DPS, 90% missing health would be 90 DPS).
- Duration: 3.
- Cooldown*Mana cost: 40/35/30/25.
- Reworked Nethertoxin. Releases poison onto the targeted area. Deals damage over time, reduces magic resistance and applies Break (disabling passive abilities) to those standing in that area.
- AoE: 300.
- DPS: 20/30/40/50.
- Magic Resistance: -10/15/20/25% + Applies Break.
- Duration: 8.
- Cooldown: 5.
- Mana cost: 75.
- Cast Range: 900 (2000 projectile speed).
- Note: This affects the area targeted on the ground, does not leave a debuff on enemies upon cast. Only active as long as they are in the area.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Attack Speed 或 +8% Spell Lifesteal
- 15级: +100 Attack Range 或 +6 Corrosive Skin
- 20级: Poison Attack Affects Buildings 或 +100 Viper Strike DPS
- 25级: +120 Damage 或 Nethertoxin Silences
- Familiar's attack is now a constant 25/40/55 rather than damage charges.
- Casting Grave Chill now gives the buff to Familiars within 900 AoE at cast time.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +125 Cast Range 或 +30 Damage
- 15级: +40% XP Gain 或 Soul Assumption Double Strike
- 20级: +15 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge 或 +80 Familiars Movement Speed
- 25级: -2s Gravekeeper's Cloak 或 +1 Familiar
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5% Fatal Bonds Damage 或 +125 Cast Range
- 15级: -7s Shadow Word Cooldown 或 +40% XP Gain
- 20级: Summon a Golem on Death 或 250 Shadow Word AoE
- 25级: +20 Chaotic Offering Golems Armor 或 Spell Immunity for Golems
- Reduced movement speed from 285 to 280.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +20 Mana Break 或 +25% XP Gain
- 15级: 12 Strength 或 +75 Shukuchi Damage
- 20级: -0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction 或 +2 Swarm Attacks to Kill
- 25级: +200 Shukuchi Movement Speed 或 +1 Geminate Attack
- Focus Fire now allows Windranger to move while attacking the Focus Fire target.
- Focus Fire attack speed bonus reduced from 500 to 350.
- Focus Fire cooldown increased from 60 to 70.
- Shackleshot now shows an indicator for the missed area if it fails to latch onto a target.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +30% Windrun Slow 或 +1.75 Mana/sec
- 15级: +90 Powershot Damage 或 +75 Attack Range
- 20级: 25% Cooldown 或 Windrun Grants Invis
- 25级: +20% Ministun Focus Fire 或 +1 Shackleshot Target
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Cold Embrace base heal rescaled from 25 to 15.
- 天赋:
- 10级: 90 Gold/Min 或 +50 Damage
- 15级: +350 Health 或 +600 Night Vision
- 20级: +15% Arctic Burn Slow 或 -5s Cold Embrace Cooldown
- 25级: +1.5s Winter's Curse Duration 或 Splinter Blast 2s Stun
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Death Ward now attacks the enemy hero nearest to the ward on creation.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +5 Armor 或 +75 Damage
- 15级: +2 Cask Bounces 或 +120 Gold/Min
- 20级: +1 Maledict Tick 或 +125 Death Ward Attack Range
- 25级: +1.5% Max Health Voodoo Restoration 或 +75 Death Ward Damage
- Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5.
- Strength gain reduced from 3.2 to 2.8.
- Reworked Mortal Strike:
- Mortal Strike hero chance rescaled from 15% to 9/11/13/15% (same as creep chance).
- Mortal Strike hero crit rescaled from 150/200/250/300 to 300%.
- Reworked Mortal Strike vs creeps. Grants a 9/11/13/15% chance to kill a non-player non-ancient unit in one hit and gain a charge counter.
- Can cast Mortal Strike to summon skeletons equal to the number of charges you have (max of 4/5/6/7 charges). Skeletons are not bound to you and will auto attack targets they find.
- Activation requires 75 mana and has a 50 second cooldown. Skeletons have 35-40 Damage, 1.2 attack rate, 350 MS, 350 Health. Grant 15 Gold/XP Bounty..
- Skeletons are summoned once per 0.25 seconds (first is immediate).
- Note: If you have Vampiric, you lifesteal as if your attack dealt enough damage to kill the creep.
- Casting Hellfire Blast on a target will order all skeletons to attack that target.
- 天赋:
- 10级: +40 Wraithfire Blast DPS 或 +20 Attack Speed
- 15级: +5 Max Skeletons 或 +15 Strength
- 20级: No Reincarnation Mana cost 或 +30 Skeletons Attack Damage
- 25级: +25% Vampiric Aura Lifesteal 或 Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blasts
- 天赋:
- 10级: +6 Armor 或 +25% XP Gain
- 15级: +40 Movement Speed 或 +1% Static Field
- 20级: +15% Cooldown 或 +0.5 Lightning Bolt Stun
- 25级: +200 Cast Range 或 +170 Arc Lightning Damage
- Removed from the side shop: 短棍
, 淬毒之珠 , 攻击之爪 , 贤者面罩 , 圆盾 , 回复戒指 , 治疗指环 , 魔瓶 (1 charge) - Added to the side shop: 守护指环
- Added to Secret Shop: 虚无宝石
, 治疗指环 , 魔瓶 (3 charges)
- Requires:
- Ogre Axe (1000)
- Staff of Wizardry (1000)
- Ring of Regen (300)
- Sage's Mask (325)
- Total: 2625
- Provides:
- +12 Strength
- +12 Intelligence
- +4 HP Regen
- +1.5 Mana Regen
- Active: Channeling, 3 seconds. Summons a Meteor that strikes a 300 AoE and stuns for 1.75 seconds. Applies a 6 second debuff that deals 60 damage per second to structures (115 to non-structures). Cast Range: 600 , CD: 40, Mana cost: 125. You have vision over the impact area for the channel duration. Meteor impact destroys trees. Meteor takes 0.5 seconds to land.
- Requires:
- Vitality Booster (1100)
- Energy Booster (900)
- Recipe (1750)
- Total: 3750
- Provides:
- +250 Health
- +250 Mana
- +25% Status Resistance (Reduces the duration of effects like silence/stun/disarm/root/fear/etc. For DPS debuffs with slows, it instead just reduces the slow values, leaving the damage amount unaffected)
- Passive: Whenever you take damage and are below 80% health, you apply a strong dispel on your hero and you gain a 2.5 second buff that reduces all incoming and outgoing damage to zero. Cooldown: 100. Only triggers on player-based damage.
- Requires:
- Urn of Shadows (875)
- Vitality Booster (1100)
- Wind Lace (250)
- Recipe (600)
- Total Cost: 2825
- Provides:
- +250 Health
- +30 Movement Speed
- +2 All Stats
- +2 Armor
- +1 Mana regeneration
- Active: In addition to urn behavior, casting on an enemy target now reduces enemy HP regen and heals by 70%, and drains 3% of the target's current health per second. Casting on an allied target now amplifies HP regen and heals by 20%, and increases the target's health by 1% of their current health per second.
- Requires:
- Sacred Relic (3800)
- Helm of Iron Will (900)
- Total Cost: 4700
- Provides:
- +65 Damage
- +5 Armor
- +5 HP Regen
- Active: Dispels the target and mutes them for 5 seconds. Anytime the muted target is attacked, it will be slowed by 100% for 0.4 seconds. Applies slow on projectile impact. Cooldown: 14, Mana cost: 100, Cast Range: 600, Projectile Speed: 1200.
- Requires:
- Staff of Wizardry (1000)
- Robe of the Magi (450)
- Recipe (500)
- Total: 1950
- Provides:
- +16 Intelligence
- +10% Spell Amp
- +10% Mana cost & Mana loss Reduction (affects things like manaburn, manabreak, etc)
- Note: Multiple instances don't stack.
- No longer grants +10 Damage.
- Bashes cannot be evaded.
- Damage proc increased from 85 to 100 (displayed overhead).
- Reduced health regeneration from 15 to 7.
- Reworked:
- Old:
- +220 Cast Range
- +250 Mana
- +100% Mana Regeneration
- +6% Spell Amp
- New:
- +250 Cast Range
- +450 Mana
- +1.25 Mana Regeneration
- Cost increased from 100 to 200.
- Movement speed increased from 350 to 380.
- Can no longer refill 魔瓶
. - Can no longer be purchased more than once.
- Now upgrades automatically to 飞行信使
at 3 minutes.
- Increased Unholy Strength life drain from to 45 to 54.
- Reduced health regeneration from 7 to 4.
- Attack damage reduced from 55 to 50.
- Cleave distance increased from 570 to 625.
- Cleave end radius increased from 300 to 330.
- Changed mana regeneration from 150% to flat 2.25.
- Recipe changed:
- Old:
- Claymore
- Broadsword
- Perseverance
- Quelling Blade
- New:
- Demon Edge
- Perseverance
- Quelling Blade
- Initial charges increased from 12 to 14
- No longer heals in an area around your hero upon death.
- Reduced health regeneration from 9 to 7.
- Reduced mana regeneration per charge from 1 to 0.4.
- Recipe changed:
- Old:
- Soul Booster
- Soul Ring
- Recipe
- New:
- Perseverance
- Soul Booster
- Changed mana regeneration from 150% to flat 2.25.
- Movement speed reduced from +45 to +40.
- Building prioritization range increased from 325 to 700.
- Reduced total health restore amount per charge from 90 to 80
- Reduced total mana restore amount per charge from 60 to 40
- Old:
- +6 Strength
- +3 Agility
- +3 Intelligence
- +3 Damage
- New:
- +7 Strength
- +3 Agility
- +3 Intelligence
- Recipe cost reduced from 175 to 165.
- Flutter duration reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.
- Flutter no longer disables evasion.
- Reduced Replenish mana regeneration bonus from 3.8 to 3.2. [?]
- Reduced health regeneration from 8 to 6.
- No longer provides +9 damage.
- Intelligence bonus increased +2.
- Armor reduction reduced from -7 to -6.
- Reworked active:
- No longer dispels.
- No longer has charge limits.
- No longer upgradeable.
- Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.
- No longer provide +3 damage.
- Strength bonus increased +1.
- Active bonus attack speed increased from 25 to 35.
- Changed mana regeneration from 50% to flat 0.75.
- Projectile speed increased from 1200 to 1275.
- Changed mana regeneration from 150% to flat 2.25.
- No longer requires an Orb of Venom.
- Cooldown increased from 20 to 23.
- Reduced health regeneration from 6 to 5.
- Removed from the game. 动物信使
now upgrades automatically at 3 minutes. - Movement speed increased from 430 to 450.
- Replaced Haste ability with Courier Shield (Cooldown: 200, Duration: 2).
- Cost reduced from 150 to 135.
- Can no longer be disassembled.
- Reduced aura health regeneration from 4 to 3.5.
- Reduced critical health regeneration from 15 to 12.
- Reduced aura health regeneration from 3 to 2.
- Reduced aura health regeneration from 10 to 8.
- Reduced health regeneration from 8 to 6.5.
- Now requires a Wraith Band instead of a 500 gold recipe.
- Reduced health regeneration from 6 to 5.5.
- Reduced mana regeneration from 0.85 to 0.5.
- Removed from the game.
- Cost reduced from 1500 to 1100.
- No longer grants +10 Damage.
- Now provides 25% Accuracy.
- Accuracy proc now deals 100 magical damage (displayed overhead).
- No longer provides +15 damage.
- Cannot manually target self with Linken's Sphere.
- Reduced health regeneration from 8 to 6.5.
- Changed mana regeneration from 150% to flat 2.25.
- No longer provides +10 damage.
- Reduced health regeneration from 6 to 5.5.
- Changed mana regeneration from 125% to flat 1.75.
- Reciped changed:
- Old:
- Requires:
- Magic Stick (200)
- 2x Ironwood Branch (100)
- Circlet (165)
- Total: 465
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +4 All Stats
- Provides:
- New:
- Requires:
- Magic Stick (200)
- 2x Ironwood Branch (100)
- Enchanted Mango (100)
- Total: 400
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +2 All Stats
- +1.5 HP Regen
- Provides:
- Cost reduced from 150 to 135.
- Reduced aura health regeneration from 4 to 3.5.
- Reworked:
- Old:
- Requires:
- Demon Edge (2200)
- 2x Javelin (3000)
- Total: 5200
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +66 Damage
- +True Strike
- +35% chance to proc 160 magic damage and ministun for 0.01
- Provides:
- New:
- Requires:
- Hyper Stone (2000)
- 2x Javelin (2200)
- Total: 4200
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +60 Attack Speed
- +75% Accuracy + 60 Pure damage proc (the attack that procs the accuracy also procs the pure damage, pierces Spell Immunity)
- Provides:
- Removed Mana Burn from Necronomicon Archer.
- Level 3 Necronomicon Archer now gains Purge(Slow + Dispel, targets enemies only). Cooldown: 15
- Reworked:
- Old:
- Requires:
- Staff of Wizardry (1000)
- Belt of Strength (450)
- Recipe (1200)
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +8/12/16 Strength
- +15/21/24 Intelligence
- Provides:
- New:
- Requires:
- 2x Sage's Mask (650)
- Belt of Strength (550)
- Recipe (1300)
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +10/15/20 Strength
- +100/125/150% Mana Regen
- Provides:
- Old:
- +3 Strength
- +3 Agility
- +6 Intelligence
- +3 Damage
- New:
- +3 Strength
- +3 Agility
- +7 Intelligence
- Recipe cost increased from 155 to 165.
- Cost increased from 60 to 80.
- EXP bounty increased from 25 to 100.
- Damage over time no longer dispels consumables or disables Blink (behaves like Poison Sting).
- Changed mana regeneration from 150% to flat 2.25.
- No longer provides +10 damage.
- Reduced health regeneration from 6 to 5.5.
- Changed mana regeneration from 125% to flat 1.5.
- Barrier active can now affect buildings.
- Reduced health regeneration from 8 to 6.5.
- Reduced aura health regeneration from 4 to 2.
- Removed from the game.
- No longer provides +20 damage.
- Reduced health regeneration from 12 to 11.
- Changed mana regeneration from 250% to flat 3.0.
- Reduced aura mana regeneration from 0.65 to 0.5.
- Reduced aura mana regeneration from 0.65 to 0.5.
- Reduced health regeneration from 6 to 5.
- Cost reduced from 325 to 300.
- Reduced health regeneration from 2 to 1.5.
- No longer provides +6 damage.
- Now requires Claymore instead of Mithril Hammer.
- Changed mana regeneration from 150% to flat 2.25.
- Sentry wards no longer automatically appear in front of Observer Wards when buying the item.
- No longer applies enemy damage reduction.
- Movement speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
- Recipe cost increased from 750 to 1150.
- No longer grants +10 Damage.
- Bashes cannot be evaded.
- Damage proc increased from 85 to 100 (displayed overhead).
- Cost reduced from 150 to 135.
- Cost increased from 50 to 80.
- Stock cooldown reduced from 11 minutes to 10 minutes.
- Accuracy increased from 35% to 40%.
- Changed mana regeneration from 75% to flat 1.0.
- Reworked:
- Old:
- Requires:
- Sage's Mask (325)
- Ring of Regen (325)
- Enchanted Mango (100)
- Total: 750
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +3 Health Regen
- +50% Mana Regen
- Provides:
- Sacrifice CD: 30
- New:
- Requires:
- Ring of Regen (300)
- 2x Gauntlets of Strength (270)
- Recipe (185)
- Total: 755
- Requires:
- Provides:
- +6 Strength
- +2 Health Regen
- Provides:
- Sacrifice CD: 25
- Damage Block increased from16/8 to 18/9.
- Cost rescaled from 125 for 4 uses to 150 for 5 uses.
- Reduced health regeneration from 14 to 12.
- Soul Release damage type changed from pure to magical.
- Soul Release damage increased from 150 to 200.
- Soul Release health regeneration reduced from 50 to 35.
- Reduced health regeneration from 8 to 5.5.
- No longer provides +6 damage.
- Intelligence bonus increased from +12 to +14.
- Reduced health regeneration from 6 to 5.
- Vladmir's Aura now stacks with Ring of Aquila/Ring of Basilius.
- Reduced health regeneration from 3 to 2.5.
- Reduced mana regeneration from 0.8 to 0.65.
- Old:
- +3 Strength
- +6 Agility
- +3 Intelligence
- +3 Damage
- New:
- +3 Strength
- +7 Agility
- +3 Intelligence
- Recipe cost reduced from 170 to 165.
- 加入加速模式。
- 现在队长模式的第一阶段多了一个禁用名额(总共6个禁用名额)。
- 全英雄选择的挑选顺序为:A-BB-AA-BB-AA-B。
- 每天系统会自动选出10名奖励英雄。选择奖励英雄后直接获得一个免费的 魔法芒果
(无法出售)。 - 随机选择不再给予金钱奖励。而是从奖励英雄中选择一名,并给予一个 铁树枝干
(除了 魔法芒果 外)。 - 重新选择功能现已移除。
- 中路不再额外产生一个近战小兵。
- 现在小兵的相遇地点离双方优势路的防御塔更近。
- 反补小兵给予敌人(被反补的玩家)的经验从70%减少至25%。
- 反补小兵后己方获得的经验从30%减少至25%。
- 中立生物击杀线上小兵现在与兵线上击杀相同——不是反补,给予全额经验。只有自己反补小兵才会给予对方反补经验。
- 一波兵线的总经验(4个小兵)从210增加至240。
- 近战小兵的经验从40增加至57。
- 远程小兵的经验从90减少至69(两项改动结合后结果为240)。
- 近战小兵的金钱奖励增加4。
- 远程小兵的金钱奖励增加12(每波兵线的总金钱增加24)。
- 额外的攻城单位现在的产生时间为30:00,原为40:00。
- 攻城单位的生命值增加50点。
- 修复额外线上小兵的产生时间迟了一分钟的问题(应为15:00/30:00/40:00/45:00产生近战/近战/远程/近战)。
- 线上小兵的升级数值以超级兵为上限(原先在超过4小时的比赛中,普通小兵会比超级兵更厉害)。
- 第一波中立生物的出现时间从0:30改为1:00。
- 现在中立生物夜晚时睡觉。睡觉时仇恨范围为0。
- 移除中立生物对部分英雄的特殊仇恨( 混沌骑士
、 大地之灵 、 变体精灵 、 帕吉 、 发条技师 、 拉比克 和 小小 )。 - 中立生物对线上小兵的仇恨现在会根据所在的野点范围而定(传统的优势路/劣势路拉野点有效)。
- 魔抗光环现在对英雄的效果从5%增加至10%。
- 亵渎
- 猛击
- 飓风
- 雷霆一击
- 施法前摇从0.5秒减少至0.4秒。
- 魔法消耗从100点减少至50点。
- 战争践踏
- 施法前摇从0.5秒减少至0.4秒。
- 魔法消耗从100点减少至50点。
- [佚] 移动速度从350减少至320。
- [佚] 移动速度从330降低至300。
- [佚] 攻击距离从300降低至280。
- [佚] 主动攻击距离从300降低至280。
- 法力燃烧
施法前摇从0.5秒减少至0.3秒。 - [佚] 主动攻击距离从500降低至300。
- 邪恶光环
从6点调整为5.5点。 - [佚] 主动攻击距离从500降低至300。
- 连锁闪电
- [佚] 移动速度从350降低至250。
- [佚] 主动攻击距离从300降低至250。
- 诱捕
- 增加了弹道效果。
- 施法前摇从0.5秒减少至0.3秒。
- 魔法消耗从150点减少至75点。
- 亡灵复生
的施法前摇从0.5秒减少至0.3秒。 - [佚] 移动速度从320降低至300。
- [佚] 攻击距离从350降低至250。
- [佚] 主动攻击距离从300降低至250。
- 基础护甲从15点增加至18点。
- 第三次击杀肉山将掉落一次性的 刷新球碎片
。冷却时间与 刷新球 相互独立。 - 肉山的猛击伤害从70 + 5/分钟增加至70 + 8/分钟。
- 现在肉山每分钟都会升级,而不是每4分钟(加成数值已经调整,与原先相同但更加平滑)。
- 移除四塔的生命恢复(原为3点/秒)。
- 遗迹的生命恢复速率从3点/秒增加至8点/秒。
- 基地建筑(非防御塔)的护甲从12点增加至14点。
- 遗迹的护甲从15点增加至18点。
- 近战兵营的护甲从15点增加至18点。
- 远程兵营的护甲从10点增加至12点(护甲减伤计算公式改动前后的整体伤害减免效果保持不变)。
- 一塔护甲从14点增加至17点。
- 一塔的生命值从1400点增加至1600点。
- 二塔和三塔的护甲从16点增加至19点。
- 四塔的护甲从24点增加至29点。
- 泉水攻击力从190-199增加至220-240
- 泉水的魔法恢复速率从每秒最大魔法值的4% + 14点增加至6%
- 泉水的生命恢复速率从4%增加至5%
- 圣坛的护甲从20点增加至24点。
- 圣坛生命恢复速率从90点调整为75点
- 圣坛不再随着时间增加生命恢复速率。
- 圣坛的魔法恢复从40点/秒调整为30点/秒
- 圣坛不再随着时间提升魔法恢复数值
- 重做夜魇中路(现在双方会沿着地形一直前进)。
- 中路的斜坡现在更窄。
- 中路圣坛现在离双方主野区更近。
- 劣势路的圣坛和赏金神符交换位置。
- 劣势路地形调整得更加宽阔。
- 主野区的赏金神符地点现在离优势路的野怪点更近(靠近河道斜坡)。
- 重做夜魇优势路野区。
- 优势路大野点位置调整(主要能拉向对方劣势路,或从小野点连接)。
- 移除双方优势路附近往下前往野点的一个斜坡。
- 移除下列眼位:天辉远古/肉山,下路天辉符点,夜魇主野区(靠近远古野点)。
- 多个树木和视距调整。
- 下路河道强化神符位置稍稍往上了一点
- 通往夜魇优势路野区的斜坡变窄了
- 交换了主野区的中野点和大野点(大野点现在离中路二塔最近)
- 调整了天辉小野点拉野路径的树木位置
- 天辉通往夜魇劣势路的斜坡前的低地树木位置进行了微调(靠近蓝水晶——现在寻路系统在这些树周围没有问题)
- 从夜魇劣势路通往天辉优势路野区的斜坡减少了大小
- 稍微调整了天辉优势路大野点的位置
- 天辉神秘商店下方的斜坡稍稍减少了大小
- 夜魇劣势路的斜坡(连接天辉优势路大野点)稍稍右移
- 天辉大野点(靠近中路二塔)不再是在坑内
- 夜魇主野区上方和附近的树木布局、斜坡和地形进行了微调
- 调整了天辉远古野点通往上路河道的斜坡
- 现在英雄在比赛开始时就带有一个回城卷轴,并且处于冷却状态。
- 转身速率为0.4的英雄增加为0.5( 米拉娜
、 帕克 、 剃刀 、 暗影萨满 、 潮汐猎人 、 巫医 、 术士 、 兽王 、 剧毒术士 、 冥魂大帝 、 冥界亚龙 、 克林克兹 、 魅惑魔女 、 幽鬼 、 裂魂人 、 德鲁伊 、 上古巨神 、 神谕者 以及 寒冬飞龙 ) - 英雄复活时间从1-5级的8/10/12/14/16秒调整为5/7/9/13/16秒
- 现在妖术无法被驱散。
- 移除了剩余的独占攻效
- 现在幻象会对肉山造成比平常少80%的伤害,而不是一攻击就消失。
- 现在生命和魔法恢复对幻象有效。
- 护甲减伤的计算公式从0.06*护甲/(1+0.06*护甲)改为0.05*护甲/(1+0.05*护甲)
- 敏捷提供护甲从每7点敏捷提供1点护甲平衡为每6点敏捷提供1点
- 基础英雄击杀经验奖励(非助攻部分)从1-5级的100/120/140/160/180减少至30/60/90/120/150
- 根据助攻公式,击杀英雄还能获得额外经验
- 经验获取范围从1300增加至1500
- 英雄从1级升至2级所需的经验从240减少至200
- 英雄从2级升至3级所需的经验从360增加至400
- 恢复神符
- 力量、敏捷和智力现在为相应类型的英雄提供独特加成(除了+1 攻击力外)。
- 力量提供+0.15% 状态抗性(减少沉默/眩晕/缴械/缠绕/恐惧/等效果的持续时间,对于拥有持续伤害的减速效果,只减少减速数值,不影响伤害量)
- 敏捷提供+0.06% 移动速度
- 智力提供+0.15% 魔法抗性
属性总览 | |||
属性 | 力量 | 敏捷 | 智力 |
加成 |
独特加成 |
- 生命和魔法恢复速率的计算公式现已重做。现在生命和魔法都是获得直接数值。然后力量和智力分别增强生命和魔法恢复速率。如 虚无宝石
现在提供1.0点/秒魔法恢复,而不是100%。 - 重做生命恢复计算公式。每点力量使生命恢复速率提升0.7%。
- 旧:基础 + 0.06 * 力量 + 固定数值加成。
- 新:(基础 + 固定数值加成), 再计算每点力量提升0.7%
- 备注1:新公式下所有英雄的基础数值增加1.5点/秒。
- 备注2:调整了多个生命恢复速率相关的物品、天赋和技能。
- 重做魔法恢复计算公式,百分比加成改为纯数值加成。。
- 旧:(0.01 + 0.04 * 智力)*(1 + 百分比加成) + 固定数值加成。
- 新:(基础 + 固定数值加成), 再计算每点智力提升2%。
- 备注1:所有英雄当前的基础数值为0.9点/秒,但是未来可能会有调整(像现在的基础生命恢复速率)。
- 备注2:调整了多个魔法恢复速率相关的物品、天赋和技能。
- 优化了buff图标上叠加次数的可读性
- 现在可以看到敌人魔法恢复数值(之前只能看到生命恢复数值)
- 增加了显示锁闭状态的物品栏界面提示
- 增加了一个新的选项,仅有H/S键能打断持续施法技能
- 经济差排行因子(最富和最穷影响从助攻获得的金钱)从0.75->1.25改为0.7->1.3
- 英雄配置现在可以选择小小长大和暗夜魔王晚上和白天的不同形态
- 在聊天中敲出:可以自动补全你所拥有的聊天表情
- 聊天链接现在可以点击,发送到公共频道上的链接会通过Steam链接过滤重定向
- 你现在可以在游戏内使用/p聊天命令在队伍中聊天
- 增加了Dota 2的逆向运动支持,由育母蜘蛛开始,可以让她的身体和腿在不同的地形和倾斜表面上附着
- 属性描述区域会告诉你通过你的属性提供的生命/魔法百分比加成的数值,和恢复+智力/力量提供加成的绝对数值
- 增加了信号转盘
- 增加了天梯匹配的赛季和奖牌
- 新的选择界面
- 增加了选择时的聊天支持
- 增加了交换技能槽的支持
- 增加了邪影芳灵和石鳞剑士
- 为英雄的天赋和基础数据增加了描述并且指示英雄的主属性
- 观看录像时,记分板现在会在比赛结束时显示选择的技能
- 为技能征召增加了英雄的部分技能:帕克,圣堂刺客,陈,末日,影魔,灰烬之灵,复仇之魂,光之守卫,幽鬼,巨魔战将,凤凰,伐木机,上古巨神,食人魔魔法师,巨牙海民
- 修复了以下技能的bug:宙斯,矮人直升机,龙骑士,树精卫士,司夜刺客,恐怖利刃
- 为剑心之遗增加了之前未被使用的台词
- 以下英雄增加到了创意工坊:石鳞剑士,杰奇洛,远古冰魄,和工程师
- 为幻影长矛手增加了头部槽位
- 几个幻影长矛手肩部物品改为头部槽位
- 包含:
- 梦幻联赛第8赛季
- 2017年华硕ROG大师赛