马格纳斯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 震荡波的移动速度为900,需要1.333到达最远距离
- 最远可以击中1400距离外的单位(移动长度 + 范围)
- 被击中的敌人会被牵引到震荡波的中心和马格纳斯
- 距离震荡波中心越远的敌人,受到其中心的牵引力就比向马格纳斯的更强
- 牵引被击中的敌人150距离持续0.2秒,因此速度为750
- 震荡波先施加debuff,再造成伤害
- 开始施法时播放一个初始音效和粒子效果
- 多次施法的减速不叠加,只刷新持续时间
- 对自身使用时,增加17.5%/35%/52.5%/70%(
- 只增加基础攻击力和受影响单位主属性提供的额外攻击力,不增加额外攻击力
- 周期性检查该单位的当前主要攻击力,并且会立即对加成做出调整
- 使近战目标获得分裂和攻击力加成,远程目标只获得攻击力
- 分裂伤害会被伤害格挡减少
- 分裂伤害取决于分裂单位造成的攻击力数值,而不是他们主目标受到的伤害
- 完整分裂区域的形状像攻击单位前方的等腰梯形
- 与其他分裂来源完全叠加,每一个分裂来源完全独立
- 与视觉效果无关,分裂伤害都会立即对整个区域施加
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
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- 护腕
provides additional Strength and damage. - 魔瓶
can save Magnus trips to the fountain, since its mana rejuvenation works well with his low-mana cost abilities. It is crucial if soloing the middle lane, allowing for rune control. - 魔杖
will not only provide him bonus attributes, but also more regeneration.
- 动力鞋
give slight attribute buffs for damage/attack speed/mana regen depending on what you set them on (strength/agility/intelligence respectively). Recommended to get set on Strength. - 闪烁匕首
will help Magnus initiate with Reverse Polarity, as well as give him more mobility. Shockwave and Skewer can also be efficiently used after blinking in front of the enemy. - 韧鼓
gives him additional strength and intelligence for his health and mana pool, as well as give him a small boost to his attack and movement speed.
- 狂战斧
gives Magnus more regeneration, additional attack damage, and a permanent cleave that stacks with Empower. - 刷新球
gives Magnus more regeneration and the ability to cast his ultimate in a shorter period of time. - 恐鳌之心
helps him tank more damage, as well as give him additional attack damage. - 疯狂面具
will give him a quick boost in attack speed, which could help when he is buffed with Empower. - 代达罗斯之殇
gives Magnus critical strike, enabling him to deal huge damage without relying on his spells. - 强袭胸甲
gives Magnus additional attack speed as well as armor, and also debuff his enemies' armor. - 黑皇杖
makes it easier for Magnus to use his ultimate, as he can place himself in the middle of heroes without being interrupted. It can also be used so that he can live longer against too many disablers. - 希瓦的守护
gives Magnus an additional nuke once he's in the middle of the enemy team, much needed armor, and a large boost to his somewhat small mana pool.
A magnoceros does not believe in chance, and the eruption of Mount Joerlak was no accident. For this reason Magnus set out, never to return to his kin until those responsible had been impaled upon his horn. He charges into battle, Skewering and dragging enemies through any terrain. With a deep bellow, the magnoceros Empowers his companions to strike beyond their normal scope, and devastates entire enemy columns with subterranean Shockwaves. In the midst of the fray, Magnus unleashes his most remarkable ability, Reverse Polarity. Nearby foes are pulled instantly to a spot before him, dazed and immobilized, ready to be dispatched by his allies. | |
定位: | 先手 控制 爆发 逃生 |
复杂程度: | ★★☆ |
- 在转变到Dota 2的过程中,马格纳斯的种族从半人猛犸变成半人犀牛,很有可能是为了避免与暴雪产生版权纠纷,因为半人猛犸是一个魔兽世界中存在的一个种族
- "马格纳斯"在拉丁文中表示"巨大的"
- This was used as an honorific in certain esteemed Romans; the most famous being Gnaeus Pompey Magnus (Pompey the great), party with Caesar on two triumvirates. When Caesar refused to disband his army and enter Rome as a citizen, Pompey led the Roman's evacuation and was the main general to oppose Caesar, until his (Pompey's) death.
- 马格纳斯的背景故事是由Supergiant Games中Greg Kasavin撰写的,Greg的原稿中,由于男性种群中有一种在交配之后会杀死女性的趋势,因此半人犀牛这个物种即将灭绝,也使得马格纳斯想要寻找一个新的能够满足他的伴侣,马格纳斯仍然有许多对敌方女性英雄的台词包含了原稿提到的内容[1]