剃刀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
剃刀,闪电幽魂是一个敏捷型远程英雄,通常作为坦克或核心。他能够凭借他的技能在较短的时间内造成大量伤害,凭借速度猎杀逃跑的受伤敌人,同时削弱那些更强的敌人。剃刀在施放技能时需要保持合适的距离来风筝他的敌人,以发挥其技能的最大效果。剃刀以其克制其他核心的能力闻名,因为他能够抽取敌人的攻击力来打击他们自己。对于任何胆敢对剃刀施法的敌人,他都能够对其反馈伤害和减速,并且净化他们的增益效果。他的终极技能,风暴之眼,进一步提高了他击杀核心的能力: 这一技能在持续时间内不断打击500范围内生命值最低的英雄,并不断削减其护甲。对于那些依靠蛮力独身作战的英雄,他们永远也无法逃离剃刀驻守的永劫之墟。
- 施法时打断剃刀的持续施法技能
- 等离子场以636的速度扩张和收缩,完全扩张和收缩需要2.2秒
- 整段持续时间内,等离子场以剃刀为中心
- 在2.2秒效果期间提供700范围的空中视野,跟随剃刀并留下2秒的视野轨迹
- 效果区域是一个100宽的环
- 环在剃刀105距离外开始并扩张到最多700距离,总距离到达805
- 加上伤害宽度,可以击中最远905距离外的单位
- 视觉效果在剃刀的位置开始并扩张相同距离
- 这意味着视觉效果在伤害环后105距离,而不是以其为中心
- 扩张和收缩时都会施加伤害和移动速度减缓,因此每个敌人可以被击中两次,减速debuff完全叠加
- 伤害和移动速度减缓基于环移动的距离,在805距离处到达最大数值
- 105距离:35/40/45/50 ( 65/70/75/80)点伤害和5%/5%/5%/5%减速
- 205距离:41/51/60/69 ( 71/81/90/99)点伤害和8%/9%/9%/10%减速
- 305距离:48/61/75/89 ( 78/91/105/119)点伤害和11%/12%/14%/15%减速
- 405距离:54/72/90/108 ( 84/102/120/138)点伤害和14%/16%/18%/20%减速
- 505距离:61/83/105/127 ( 91/113/135/157)点伤害和16%/19%/22%/25%减速
- 605距离:67/94/120/146 ( 97/124/150/176)点伤害和19%/23%/26%/30%减速
- 705距离:74/104/135/166 ( 104/134/165/196)点伤害和22%/26%/31%/35%减速
- 805距离:80/115/150/185 ( 110/145/180/215)点伤害和25%/30%/35%/40%减速
- 905距离:80/115/150/185 ( 110/145/180/215)点伤害和25%/30%/35%/40%减速
- 静电连接在任意一方死亡或连接被拉伸超过800距离时断开,其他东西不能断开连接
- 每次偷取攻击力之前检查剃刀和目标之间的距离,如果距离在检查时超过,连接就会断开
- 由于连接使用该技能的施法距离,因此施法距离增加效果也会增加连接断开距离
- 静电连接在吸取时提供目标的共享视野
- 即使目标的攻击力到达0时静电连接也会偷取攻击力
- 每0.25秒吸取1.75/3/4.25/5.5 ( 3/4.25/5.5/6.75)点攻击力,施法后0.25秒开始,总共20/24/28/32 ( 44/48/52/56)次实例
- 吸取整段持续时间可以偷取最多35/72/119/176点攻击力
- 拥有攻击力窃取增加 天赋后,可以吸取最多60/102/154/216点伤害
- 拥有连接持续时间增加 天赋后,可以吸取最多77/144/221/308点伤害
- 拥有两个 天赋后,可以吸取最多132/204/286/378点伤害
- 在施法时和每次移动命令时,静电连接对剃刀发出攻击目标命令
- 使剃刀可以在攻击静电连接目标时移动
- 剃刀发出一个单位目标命令或一个非移动或攻击的点目标命令即可在移动时不攻击目标
- 静电连接多次施法互相叠加,每次施法会施加其自身对目标的debuff和对剃刀的buff
- 但是,视野特效不叠加,在第一个连接结束时立即消失
- 在移动时只有最开始连接的目标可以被攻击
- 施法时打断剃刀的持续施法技能
- 风暴之眼总是先选择范围内当前生命值最低的单位
- 如果范围内有多个生命值最低且相同的单位,风暴之眼会在其之间随机选择
- 风暴会优先选择拥有Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"静电连接"的Cargo数据
视野特效的敌人,对其打击而忽略范围内的其他单位,无视生命值 - 如果范围内有多个敌人拥有视野特效,风暴每次会随机选择打击
- 单位上的护甲降低debuff一直持续到风暴结束或剃刀死亡
- 风暴之眼可以打击最多42/50/60 ( 50/60/75)次,并对每个目标造成最多2520/3750/5400 ( 3000/4500/6750)点伤害(伤害减免前)
- 剃刀变为隐身时,风暴之眼及其打击也会变得不可见,但仍然在无法看到或听到的情况下打击周围敌人
- 风暴之眼在剃刀死亡时立即结束
- 铁树枝干
adds to Razor's already decent starting stats. - 树之祭祀
helps Razor stay in lane. - 治疗药膏
can save Razor if used at the last moment. - 圆盾
protects Razor in lane, and is sometimes built into a 先锋盾 later.
Early Game:
- 魔杖
can help Razor get off an extra Plasma Field. - 速度之靴
is mandatory on all heroes. Combined with Unstable Current, it makes Razor one of the fastest heroes in the early game. - 魔瓶
is commonly picked up if Razor is playing in mid, as his superior movement speed helps him reach runes faster. - 韧鼓
is sometimes bought to make Razor move even faster. - 天鹰之戒
provides a well-rounded mix of damage, armor, and mana regeneration.
- 动力鞋
gives Razor a good attack speed boost. - 相位鞋
can be a good alternative, as it allows Razor to catch up to enemies and keep them within range of Static Link and Eye of the Storm. - 黯灭
's large armor reduction synergizes well with the armor reduction from Eye of the Storm. - 散夜对剑
provides both extra speed and a slow effect, and helps Razor keep enemies within range of his abilities. - 黑皇杖
is often needed against enemies with numerous disables, which can prevent Razor from keeping up with enemies.
- 影刃
allows Razor to use and pursue enemies with Static Link and Eye of the Storm without retaliation. The sounds and particle effects from his abilities cannot be seen or heard by the enemy when he is invisible, but will still do damage. - 阿哈利姆神杖
upgrades Eye of the Storm's damage, and helps Razor take down buildings faster. - 恐鳌之心
gives Razor supreme durability, helping him stay alive and keep Eye of the Storm active as long as possible. - 斯嘉蒂之眼
gives a sizeable amount of health, and its slowing effect helps Razor keep enemies in range of his abilities. - 梅肯斯姆
is sometimes picked up, as Razor relies more on his abilities to do damage. - 魔龙枪
is popular to supplement Razor's attack range. - 支配头盔
helps Razor last longer in lane, increases his attack speed and allows him to dominate a creep to scout, use its abilities or rightclick. - 刃甲
deters enemies from attacking, letting Razor stay alive longer when using Static Link and Eye of the Storm. - 先锋盾
adds to Razor's defense, allowing him to take a more aggressive stance in teamfights. - 刷新球
allows two instances of Eye of the Storm to be active at the same time, dealing heavy DPS and armor reduction. - Combined with 阿哈利姆神杖
, this can deal twice the damage to buildings.
- Combined with 阿哈利姆神杖
- 蝴蝶
makes it much more difficult for enemy carries to take down Razor, which in turn means he has even more time to drain them damage. - 强袭胸甲
's armor reduction works well with Eye of the Storm, as well as 黯灭 .
The whip that ushers the dead through the Narrow Maze brings just as much pain on the battlefield. The Lightning Revenant radiates a Plasma Field that shocks nearby foes, once upon expansion, and again upon contraction. He connects to enemy heroes with a Static Link, transferring their power to his own reserves. Charged by a Storm Surge, Razor hovers effortlessly off the ground, and sends jolts of electricity to those who dare come too close. In the Eye of the Storm, one finds Razor, watching and delighting in his work as bolts of lightning reduce his foes to charred remains. | |
定位: | 核心 耐久 爆发 推进 |
复杂程度: | ★☆☆ |
- 剃刀在DotA中有一个隐藏名字:吉列,这是一个著名的剃须刀品牌
- 剃刀的攻击台词▶️ "Ride the Lightning!"来源于Metallica的同名专辑及歌曲(歌曲描写的是电椅死囚的感受)
- 剃刀的拾取 不朽之守护
台词▶️ "There is a lightning that never goes out."来源于The Smiths的歌曲"There is a lightning that never goes out." - 剃刀的台词▶️ "Conduct me where you will."来源于查尔斯·狄更斯的作品《圣诞颂歌》中斯克鲁奇的台词