- ▶️ Lion.
- ▶️ I am Lion.
- ▶️ Demon witch.
- ▶️ You summon the Demon Witch.
- ▶️ Hell hath no fury like meeee.
- ▶️ All hells broken loose, and I hold the pieces.
- ▶️ Yes.
- ▶️ Yes.
- ▶️ Oh, yes.
- ▶️ Yesss.
- ▶️ Forward.
- ▶️ I go like the devil.
- ▶️ Onward.
- ▶️ Why not.
- ▶️ Verily.
- ▶️ To Hell and back.
- ▶️ Where's the fight?
- ▶️ Oh, hell yes.
- ▶️ Prowling.
- ▶️ Attack!
- ▶️ The Devil to pay!
- ▶️ Die at my hand!
- ▶️ Cower!
- ▶️ I'll put the squeeze on you!
- ▶️ To Hell with you!
- ▶️ After them!
- ▶️ You will pay.
- ▶️ Knuckle under!
- ▶️ Hell's fury burns!
- ▶️ Battle rages!
- ▶️ Feel my claw!
- ▶️ Heah!
- ▶️ Haya!
Casting a Spell[]
Casting Earth Spike[]
Casting Hex[]
- ▶️ Croak.
- ▶️ Hop frog.
- ▶️ Nice legs.
- ▶️ Hop to it.
- ▶️ Look at you!
- ▶️ The real you.
- ▶️ Puny.
- ▶️ Puny little thing.
- ▶️ That's a good look for you.
- ▶️ Not feeling yourself.
Failing to Kill a Hero[]
Gaining a Level[]
- ▶️ Oh, such strength is mine!
- ▶️ More power.
- ▶️ I've got a power grip!
- ▶️ Lionize me!
- ▶️ Power pours into me.
- ▶️ Ho-ha-ha-ha-huh.
- ▶️ Heh-hah!
Killing a Hero[]
- ▶️ Here you die.
- ▶️ To Hell with you!
- ▶️ When you get to Hell, tell them I sent you.
- ▶️ I've got the magic touch.
- ▶️ You thought to tame the lion?
- ▶️ My pride, your fall.
- ▶️ Death to all betrayers!
- ▶️ By my horns, you'll not live to see the dawn!
- ▶️ Death is only the start of your suffering.
- ▶️ I'll let you go now.
- ▶️ Hwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Killing in a Special Way[]
- ▶️ All we need now is a wardrobe.
Last Hitting[]
- ▶️ Cash in hand.
- ▶️ Hell to pay.
- ▶️ Money changes hands.
- ▶️ Hand it over.
- ▶️ Paid handsomely.
- ▶️ Punched your ticket.
- ▶️ Cross my palm.
- ▶️ Mine.
- ▶️ I'll take that.
- ▶️ I've already been to Hell; what else can they do to me.
- ▶️ No!
- ▶️ My hands are tied.
- ▶️ Death transfigures once again.
- ▶️ I will have my revenge.
- ▶️ To Hell with me.
- ▶️ You wound my pride.
- ▶️ Hell's gates swing wide.
- ▶️ The lion's heart beats no more.
- ▶️ My rage will bring me back.
- ▶️ I've been to Hell and back, and back to Hell…and back.
- ▶️ Time to take matters into my own hand.
- ▶️ I don't fear Hell; Hell fears me.
- ▶️ Ohh, armed and dangerous.
- ▶️ I've still got my pride.
- ▶️ With grim resolve.
- ▶️ Hell cannot hold me.
- ▶️ My rage returns me to the living.
- ▶️ I'll not be tricked again.
- ▶️ This time, I've brought Hell back with me.
- ▶️ When the demon betrayed me, I took its very arm. Imagine what I'll do to a mere hero.
- ▶️ Betray me, and I'll chase you into Hell.
- ▶️ Behold, I am what remains once you burn away everything but rage and revenge.
Purchasing an Item[]
- ▶️ That nearly cost me an arm and a leg.
- ▶️ Hells, yes!
- ▶️ I would have pawned my golden glove for this.
Bottling a Rune[]
- ▶️ Who needs a bottle opener?
- ▶️ Little bit of Hell in a bottle.
- ▶️ I'll put this by for a cold day in Hell.
- ▶️ Denied!
- ▶️ Uh-uh.
- ▶️ Uh-uh.
- ▶️ Hands off.
- ▶️ I like to keep my hand in.
- ▶️ Ah, sorry to disappoint you.
- ▶️ Ah he he ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Hah-ha-he-heh-heh-heh-heh-ha.
- ▶️ Not today.
- ▶️ No way.
Taking Aegis of the Immortal[]
- ▶️ Immortality!
Activating Haste[]
Activating Double Damage[]
Activating Regeneration[]
Activating Illusion[]
Activating Invisibility[]
Attempting to Use an Ability on Cooldown[]
- ▶️ Not yet.
- ▶️ I'm not ready.
- ▶️ It's not time yet.
- ▶️ Not yet.
- ▶️ I'm not ready.
- ▶️ It's not time yet.
- ▶️ Not yet!
- ▶️ I'm not ready!
- ▶️ It's not time yet!
Attempting to Use an Ability without Mana[]
- ▶️ Out of mana.
- ▶️ No mana.
- ▶️ Not enough mana.
- ▶️ Out of mana.
- ▶️ No mana.
- ▶️ Not enough mana.
- ▶️ Out of mana.
- ▶️ No mana!
- ▶️ Not enough mana.
- ▶️ It’s in the bag!
Shitty Wizard[]
- ▶️ Shitty wizard!
Crummy Wizard[]
- ▶️ Crummy wizard!