祸乱之源 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- ↓↓ 双击自动对自身施法
- 对受影响的单位施加睡眠,阻止他们行动
- 噩梦将目标变为无敌持续1秒,阻止受影响的单位醒来
- 噩梦将受影响的敌方单位的视野降低到200
- 目标在一个单位开始向其攻击(包括手动使用主动攻击特效),或受到伤害时醒来
- 目标在受到特定来源和处于一些罕见情况下时不会醒来:
- 通过一次攻击醒来时,噩梦会在攻击开始时转移到攻击单位,而不是攻击击中时
- 噩梦被转移时,持续时间会被刷新,包括1秒无敌
- 噩梦不能转移到技能免疫单位,或守卫和建筑,因此他们的攻击只会唤醒被噩梦的单位
- 祸乱之源及其幻象(包括其自身,敌人或友军的幻象)可以攻击被噩梦的单位而不唤醒目标,噩梦也不会转移给他们
- 被噩梦的单位永远不会被自动攻击,无视设置,攻击他们需要一个强制攻击命令
- 只要一个单位受到祸乱之源的噩梦影响,噩梦就会被替换为一个子技能使祸乱之源可以唤醒该单位
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- 旧 虚弱
- 祸乱之源对敌人施放技能时会施加一个debuff,降低他们的魔法抗性和状态抗性
- 状态抗性降低: 15%/20%/25%/30%
- 魔法抗性降低: 4%/8%/12%/16%
- 持续时间: 8
- 附录: 被动技能。可以被驱散。虚弱的buff在触发的技能生效之前施加,所以技能会马上受虚弱影响。debuff不叠加
- 新 虚弱
- 降低敌人的总攻击力、施法速度和恢复
- 施法时间: 0.2
- 施法距离: 1100
- 攻击力减少: 25%/35%/45%/55%
- 生命恢复降低: 25%/35%/45%/55%
- 施法速度降低: 30%
- 持续时间: 8
- 魔法消耗: 40/50/60/70
- 冷却时间: 20/16/12/8
- 附录: 主动技能。不无视技能免疫。buff可以被驱散
- 蚀脑
魔法消耗从 110/130/150/170 增加到 120/140/160/180
</div> </div>
Formed from the ichor of Nyctasha, Atropos is the vaporous embodiment of pure fear. Sheer terror Enfeebles his enemies, diminishing their attacks. The Bane Elemental puts heroes to sleep, sending them into a restless Nightmare as he feeds on their vital energies through Brain Sap. Some will never wake. Caught in the Fiend's Grip, Bane's victims can only swing at imagined phantoms as fear chokes the life from their bodies. | |
定位: | 辅助 控制 爆发 耐久 |
复杂程度: | ★★☆ |
- The origin of the name "Atropos" comes from Greek mythology. One of the Moirai Sisters (commonly referred to as the Sisters of Fate), Atropos was the sister in charge of cutting the "Life Thread" of those who were going to die. Her name literally means 'the no-Turning One' (> α 'no, without' + τρέπειν 'to turn'), referring to the irreversible and inevitable destiny of death.
- Bane's rival line towards 修补匠
▶️ "Do Tinkers dream of electric sheepsticks?" is a reference to the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. "Sheepstick" is also a commonly used name for the 邪恶镰刀 . - The theme and abilities of Bane are based on the game Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis. In this game, there is a Bane "element" which provides spells that are named Enfeeble, Brain Sap, Nightmare and Fiend's Grip, with a similar theme of Bane in Dota 2.
- Bane's move line ▶️ "Sleep no more!" is a reference to Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in particular, his famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy. Hamlet reasons over whether to take his own life or carry on: "To die, to sleep-. No more-and by a sleep we say to end..."
- Fiend's Grip sound effect makes use of one of Bane's lines ("▶️ The bane of your existence").
- Bane's Last hit Response "▶️ The wages of fear" is a reference to the film of the same name.
- Bane is the only hero in Dota that has both the same base value as well as the same growth value on all 3 attributes. Even when general attribute value adjustments have been made on other heroes through different versions, Bane has still kept this peculiarity in every version, intentionally.