石鳞剑士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
唐特·培林,石鳞剑士,是一个近战敏捷英雄。Due to his aggressive and brawling-oriented nature, he is best played in a position where he can quickly get an item advantage over the enemy. 也许他最具代表性的技能是虚张声势, a trickster's tool for swordplay and mobility, and also the first and only vector-targeted ability in Dota 2. Other tools in his kit include 甲盾冲击,which deals an area nuke and provides him with incoming damage reduction for each enemy hero hit, 一剑穿心,允许他的攻击刺穿敌人的护甲,以及地雷滚滚,在此期间他卷成一个不可阻挡的滚球,以降低转身速率为代价,眩晕并击退他所击中的一切。
- 石鳞剑士在施法时跳向前方225距离处,高度250距离,在空中时,其他单位可以在下方通过
- 在地雷滚滚期间,甲盾冲击只会在z轴(垂直方向)上移动,不会在x和y轴移动(水平方向)
- 但是,由于垂直和水平方向互相叠加的方式,不会干扰将石鳞剑士在x和y轴移动的技能效果
- 这意味着在地雷滚滚期间使用时,能够有效以弧线移动,使用跳跃的高度和地雷滚滚的速度
- 在短途跳跃期间,石鳞剑士被眩晕,因此无法行动。但是,在地雷滚滚期间跳跃则不会被控制
- 当地雷滚滚在甲盾冲击跳跃期间结束时,其持续时间根据跳跃需要的时间延长,因此速度会保持到着陆
- 但是,当地雷滚滚在跳跃期间,通过其子技能手动结束时,会失去速度,因此石鳞剑士直直下落
- 跳跃的实际长度取决于地形,这意味着跳到较高/较低的地面时,跳跃会较短/较长,这不影响跳跃距离
- 对范围内所有击中的敌人造成区域伤害,但buff只计算被击中的英雄
- 这是每级击中一定数量英雄时获得的抗性
- 1级:9%/18%/27%/36%/45%
- 2级:12%/24%/36%/48%/60%
- 3级:15%/30%/45%/60%/75%
- 4级:18%/36%/54%/72%/90%
- 石鳞剑士周围的视觉效果(5个环绕的护盾)有3种不同的状态,取决于击中了多少个敌人
- 击中一个或两个敌人时,5个护盾较小,没有额外效果
- 击中三个敌人时,护盾较大并且获得黄色类似火焰的效果
- 击中四个或更多敌人时,黄色火焰更加强烈
- 在仍然拥有前一次施法获得的buff时再次施法,会刷新buff并且如果击中了更多敌方英雄时更新伤害抗性,但击中更少时不会
- 当石鳞剑士在跳跃过程中被眩晕,在着陆时不会施加伤害或获得伤害减免,但该技能仍然进入冷却
- 在 地雷滚滚
- 升级后,在施法时立即施加 虚张声势
,而不是着陆时 - 效果位置也会在施法时设定好,不会跟随石鳞剑士
- 角度基于石鳞剑士的面向角度,其他虚张声势分别间隔90°
- 地雷滚滚期间,施法者不需要转身来使用技能或物品
- 为了可读性,地雷滚滚的转身速率由每秒角度显示,而不是每0.03秒弧度
- 每秒120角度等于0.063转身速率
- 在开始滚动,击中悬崖或墙壁,或在甲盾冲击落地时,转身速率会增加120角度
- 该加成持续0.25秒,能有效将转身速率增加到0.149
- 石鳞剑士每次发出的移动命令最多只能转动180°,这意味着他不会绕一个目标点移动整个圆
- 石鳞剑士每次移动命令的最终路径和角度取决于从石鳞剑士到目标点的一个向量,该向量总是与路径平行
- 碰撞到不可穿过的地形时,石鳞剑士会停止0.2秒,然后开始向他来的方向滚动
- 石鳞剑士在滚动期间不会被控制,可以正常使用任何物品和技能
- 滚动速度是固定的,不能被任何方式修改
- 每一个在石鳞剑士150范围内的敌人(除了 肉山
)会受到伤害,击退,和眩晕 - 伤害和击退在接触时立即发生,而眩晕在击退之后造成,尽管击退本身也是控制
- 敌人被击退石鳞剑士150距离外,持续0.4秒,可以将敌人击退不可穿过的地形
- 这意味着总控制持续1.4/1.65/1.9秒
- Timeout debuff阻止单位再次被地雷滚滚击中,持续时间等同于击退和眩晕时间之和,不能被修改
- 地雷滚滚先造成伤害,再施加debuff
英雄天赋 | ||
-28秒 地雷滚滚 | 25 | -2.5秒 虚张声势 |
+18 力量 | 20 | +30 虚张声势 |
+3秒 地雷滚滚 | 15 | 2.5秒 滚动时 甲盾冲击 |
+400 虚张声势 | 10 | +2 魔法恢复 |
Fond of wine, women, and danger, the gallant Donté Panlin goes wherever adventure calls. Dropping into the fight with a Shield Crash, the Pangolier Swashbuckles his way to glory as he fends off attacks with his scaly plates. His rapier's pointed tip finds the weakness in any defense, delivering Lucky Shots cripple and maim. Curling up into an impenetrable ball, the rascally rogue's Rolling Thunder plows through the battlefield, slamming foes aside and clearing the path to victory. | |
定位: | 核心 爆发 控制 耐久 逃生 先手 |
复杂程度: | ★★☆ |
- Pangolier is sometimes labeled in the game files as Armadillo, and other times as Pangolin.
- Pangolier speaks some French phrases, and has a French accent.
- A swashbuckler is an heroic archetype in European adventure literature that is typified by the use of a sword and chivalric ideals.
- Pangolier's character was likely partially inspired by The Three Musketeers' D'Artagnan (for his mannerism, hot-hotheadedness, and French phrases) and Zorro.
- Some of Pangoliers abilities have different names in the game files:
- Rolling Thunder was the name of an American bombing campaign during the Vietnam War.
- Pangolier's response to killing 昆卡
▶️ "What to do with a drunken sailor? Simple. Stab him in the heart." refers to the famous folk song/sea shanty Drunken Sailor (Also known as What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?). - Pangolier's response to meeting 死亡先知
as ally ▶️ "Try to look on the bright side of life." is a reference to Eric Idle's famous song Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life, featured in the classic Monty Python movie Life of Brian IMDB. - Pangolier's response to meeting ally 莱恩
▶️ "Which level of hell is your favorite, Lion? I prefer the second. Or perhaps the seventh." alludes to Dante Alighieri's famous work: Divine Comedy. There are Nine Circles of Hell in Dante's work: the second is Lust, and the seventh is Violence, indicative of Pangolier's personality. Pangolier's name Donté Panlin also bears resemblance to Dante Alighieri. - Pangolier's rivalry response towards 巫医
▶️ "In my professional opinion? You're dead." is a direct quote from the Medic from Team Fortress 2.[1]