- Because of his summons, 反击螺旋
will heavily damage Lycan. - 淘汰之刃
will prevent Lycan from running away with Shapeshift when low health.
- Beastmaster's Primal Roar stops lycan for long period of time so he can get bursted down quickly.
- 焦渴
will allow for early game ganks as 狼人 players will typically be on low health during early game jungling. After 狼人 purchases Morbid mask, the lifesteal allows him to stay above the 焦渴 threshold and remain undected. - 割裂
pierces through Black King Bar, thus will either heavily damage or prevent 狼人 from ratting (Running away at first sight of danger).
- He can tank Lycan's damage and kill all his summons with his 刺针扫射
- 魅影无形
is a real problem for Lycan, as even a Monkey King Bar will not prevent his summons from missing.
- His 巨力挥舞
will kill Lycan's summons very fast. - 战吼
will allow 斯温 to tank of Lycan's damage, which is only physical. - 风暴之拳
will damage and stun Lycan's summons too.
- All of 伐木机's spells deal AoE damage, killing Lycans summons very fast.
- 活性护甲
will gain stacks fast because of Lycans summons.
- 树精卫士
grants protection against his attacks with 活体护甲 and his ultimate, 疯狂生长 is a massive AoE disarm and root that pierces magic immunity, causing troubles to 狼人 . You will find yourself in need of an ally dispel or forced to pop 黑皇杖 for its dispel. - 龙骑士
's insane high armor and splash damage can cause The Werewolf to struggle taking him down. - 光之守卫
has a blind, which causes the 狼人 to miss its attacks, plus his 法力流失 will work well against your high movement speed while Shapeshifted - 帕格纳
's 衰老 prevents the user from taking physical damage. 狼人 is 100% of a physical dealer.
- 回城卷轴
is rather efficient against 狼人 , as he lacks disables to stop a teleporting Hero from escaping. - Or if he is Split-Pushing a lane, this might make him turn around. If not, stay in alert as he might dive.
- 天堂之戟
is a good counter to auto-attacks, and 狼人 heavily relies on them. - 刃甲
return might cause the 狼人 to stop attacking his victim. If not, 狼人 will take loads of returned damage. - 幽魂权杖
, 虚灵之刃 prevents the user from taking physical damage. 狼人 is 100% of a physical dealer.
- 巫妖
is made entirely of slows, which 狼人 doesn't care when he shapeshifts ( 变身 ). - 巫妖
has no in-built escape, being a good target for 狼人 .
- Not only sending wolves to defuse 感应地雷
, he can catch up Techies and kill him before suicide. Even if the suicide is successful, 狼人 can still survive because of his tankiness.
- 磁场
is useless for melee heroes so 狼人 can attack Zet without miss. - 乱流
doesn't affect 狼人 that much, because 变身 grants slow immunity and because he is never alone. - Has 风暴双雄
been called, 狼人 can kill Arc Warden before the double has expired.
- The Wolves speedy saute causes the Drow push back to be noneffective.
- She lacks escapes and is kinda fragile when someone is near her. 狼人
takes advantage of these weaknesses.
- 狼人
's ultimate makes him immune to slows from 熊战士 's 震撼大地 as well as allowing him to out manoeuvre 熊战士 during 激怒 . 狼人 can also easily chase down 熊战士 while shapeshifted, should 熊战士 try to flee.
- You can easily flay a squishy 狙击手
, due to your high movement speed and his lack of escape. - Once you get a 黑皇杖
, squishy spellcasters like 宙斯 , 天怒法师 and others will probably quit the game. - Heroes with low armor and little mobility, like 哈斯卡
, 艾欧 , etc. will also have calamitous fate.
- 嗥叫
increases the damage of 育母蜘蛛 's spiderlings, increasing her pushing power. - Because 育母蜘蛛
is not typically played in the jungle, she will not impede on 狼人 's farm. - Since 嗥叫
is a global ability, 狼人 can push one lane while 育母蜘蛛 pushes another and both will benefit from howl.
- Nature's Prophet has great synergy with Lycan, for several reasons. 嗥叫
can drastically increase the damage output of his treants, making your (split-)pushes that much deadlier. - Nature's Prophet is (like Lycan) a jungling and laning hero, so his absence while fighting Roshan is not a great concern for his teammates. Finally, the Prophet's ability to teleport directly into Roshan's pit is also useful for avoiding enemy wards (using 自然的呼唤
in Roshan's Pit with 发芽 is advised, however, in order to remain undetected by said wards).
- His 野性之心
also work on Lycan's own minions. - His own summons benefit from Lycan's Howl.
- Creeps enchanted with 神圣劝化
benefit from Howl. - Plenty of those creeps provide auras that strengthen Lycan and his minions.
- Lycan is a notable solo-pusher. If he over-stayed his welcome in the enemy's base, perhaps he can be kept alive with 上帝之手
- Perhaps your allies don't have any summons, but maybe they'll bring one in through purchase of a 支配头盔
. You might as well do it, but its rather situational, as 狼人 rushes 弗拉迪米尔的祭品 as his lifesteal. - 全能骑士
can purge and protect you against disables and nukes, making a replacement or just an early 黑皇杖 (you might buy it even if he is on your team to sum up more magic immunity time). - 亚巴顿
, altought he cannot prevent disables, he follows the same traits as 全能骑士 by dispelling disables and protecting against enemy damage. - 斯拉达
's 侵蚀雾霭 grealty amplifies the damage the enemies take from physical damage. 狼人 is 100% of a physical dealer.