With a single bullet, Kardel Sharpeye pierced the steepstalker's central eye from the valley floor, an ominous act that resulted in his ritual exile. He would win acclaim on a field of battle, or never return. Like his mountain kin, the Sniper is one with his firearm. He Takes Aim from great distances, and scores Headshots that stop his targets dead. Armed with a modular rifle, Kardel launches incendiary rounds to rain burning Shrapnel over entrenched positions. No enemy is safe within the range of the Sniper's scope. Kardel pauses to line up his crosshairs, compensating for every variable before he Assassinates his mark in one fatal shot.
▶️ As long as there are two heroes left on the battlefield, someone is gonna want someone dead.
One of Sniper's lines while bottling a rune is ▶️ "Jarate!", which is a reference to Team Fortress 2 in-game weapon for Sniper class, Jarate.
One of Sniper's lines while casting his ultimate is ▶️ "Boom headshot!", which is a reference to the Pure Pwnage mockumentary series.
Incidentally, his voice actor, Gary Schwartz, also voices the Heavy Weapons Guy and Demoman in Team Fortress 2.
Sniper's line, "▶️ Inconceivable!" is likely a reference to Vizzini's catchphrase in the film The Princess Bride due to the similarities in both the appearance and voices of the two.
Sniper's name, Kardel Sharpeye, is a reference to professional Counter-Strike player Kyle "Ksharp" Miller of team 3D, who is regarded for his skillful AWP (Sniper rifle) use.
Sniper's ultimate, ▶️暗杀, also uses the same, though slightly modified gunshot ▶️ sound as Counter-Strike's AWP.
Sniper's fun name in DotA was Vasily Zaitsev, a highly skilled Russian sniper who was active during World War 2.
Sniper's line, "▶️ What a dum-dum!" is a pun on the Expanding bullet, also known as a dum-dum. It is designed to expand on impact in order to limit penetration and create a wound larger in diameter.
Sniper's line, "▶️ Oh, a few bullets more!" is a reference to the film For a Few Dollars More.