混沌骑士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 混乱之箭的移动速度为700
- 眩晕时间和伤害数值会在击中时显示在目标头上(对友军和敌人可见),而持续时间会显示取整后的数值
- 但是,真正的眩晕时间并不是整秒,其范围在给定的数值之间(比如在1级时,可能会眩晕1.74秒)
- 伤害与眩晕值负相关,意味着眩晕时间越长,造成的伤害越低,反之亦然
- 这意味着每增加0.1秒眩晕就会降低9.47/8.46/7.88/7.5点伤害
- 1级:1.25秒 – 180点伤害,1.4875秒 – 157.5点伤害,1.725秒 – 135点伤害,1.9625秒 – 112.5点伤害,2.2秒 – 90点伤害(眩晕时间 – 伤害)
- 2级:1.5秒 – 220点伤害,1.825秒 – 192.5点伤害,2.15秒 – 165点伤害,2.475秒 – 137.5点伤害,2.8秒 – 110点伤害(眩晕时间 – 伤害)
- 3级:1.75秒 – 260点伤害,2.1625秒 – 227.5点伤害,2.575秒 – 195点伤害,2.9875秒 – 162.5点伤害,3.4秒 – 130点伤害(眩晕时间 – 伤害)
- 4级:2秒 – 300点伤害,2.5秒 – 262.5点伤害,3秒 – 225点伤害,3.5秒 – 187.5点伤害,4秒 – 150点伤害(眩晕时间 – 伤害)
- 升级20级天赋后,最短和最长眩晕时间都会增加,上述伤害保持不变
- 能量箭先施加debuff,再造成伤害
- 目标周围600范围内的所有混沌骑士拥有的幻象也会施放一个假的混沌之箭
- 他们会播放整个施法动作,并在真的能量箭发出的同时,发出他们假的能量箭
- 当幻象当前没有任何命令原地不动时,他们会转向目标施放假的能量箭
- 当幻象在移动或攻击时,他们会继续而不转身面向目标,他们仍然会播放施法动作,覆盖他们的移动或攻击动作
- 打断施法时,幻象仍然会播放完整施法动作,但不发出假的能量箭
- 假的能量箭没有任何作用,也不会造成伤害或眩晕目标
- 实相裂隙不能躲避弹道
- 将混沌骑士传送到目标位置面向混沌骑士原施法位置250/300/350/400距离外的一点上
- 目标被传送到该位置前方62距离处,因此他们有效被拉扯188/238/288/338距离
- 混沌骑士的幻象以随机角度围绕目标,保持其与混沌骑士相同的距离
- 位置在施法开始时就已经决定了
- 施法时的视觉效果表示混沌骑士及其目标的目标点
- 施法时周围所有友方幻象的位置也会播放一个视觉效果,即使幻象不属于混沌骑士
- 如果敌人拥有混沌骑士或目标的视野,这些视觉效果可以穿过迷雾看到
- 混沌骑士和他的幻象会面向他的目标并且对目标发出一个攻击命令
- 对 肉山
- 护甲debuff在施法时对目标施加,混沌骑士不需要攻击来施加debuff
- 多次使用的debuff不叠加,只会刷新持续时间
- 不打断目标的持续施法技能
- 重置当前对混沌骑士的攻击和技能优先级
- 分裂时间后,混沌骑士与他的幻象重新出现
- 重新出现的位置是根据施法时混沌骑士的位置决定的,其中一个出现在施法位置,而其他则出现在北边,东边,南边或西边
- 这意味着在生成3个幻象时,队形会呈T字型
- 每一个单位之间的距离为135
- 尽管队形总是一样的,混沌骑士和他的幻象会在队形中的随机一个位置生成,并且面向的角度是一致的
- 使施法者在分裂时间后发出停止命令,打断所有队列命令,和分裂时间期间发出的命令
- 再次使用混沌之军产生的幻象会取代之前施法产生的幻象,不管它们被谁控制。
- 混沌之军的幻象是强幻象,意味着他们不会被一些可以普通立即击杀幻象的技能立即击杀
- 阿哈利姆神杖
升级后,混沌之军也会产生每一个友方英雄的幻象,受混沌骑士控制 - 也会对友军施加基础驱散,但不会为他们躲避弹道
- 友军也不会变为无敌或隐藏,不会打断他们的命令
- 友军和幻象使用与混沌骑士同样的队形,位置与幻象位置随机分配
- 影响所有友方英雄,包括复制体,不影响无敌或隐藏友军
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- 基础 敏捷
</div> </div>
- 铁树枝干
es are very cheap and give small attribute bonuses. - 树之祭祀
and a 治疗药膏 , along with a 圆盾 allow to take a bit of damage while going for last hits.
- 速度之靴
give a nice movement speed boost. - 灵魂之戒
will solve most of Chaos Knight's mana problems. - 铁意头盔
gives some armor and health regeneration. It builds into 莫尔迪基安的臂章 .
- 动力鞋
are easily the strongest boot on Chaos Knight, as they provide tankiness, which transfer to his illusions, and allow him to tread switch if he has a source of regeneration. - 韧鼓
provide useful attribute bonuses for a cheap price, which is nice as it helps increase Chaos Knight's tankiness and bolster his weak mana pool. It also provides extra mobility which helps Chaos Knight move around between uses of Reality Rift. - 莫尔迪基安的臂章
provides a very large amount of strength, which will transfer to his illusions if it is activated before Phantasm is used. As Chaos Knight's main source of damage is his illusions, this allows them to stick around much longer.
- 恐鳌之心
makes Chaos Knight and his illusions very durable, and gives them a nice damage boost. This also enables you to keep Armlet of Mordiggian permanently on, as the heart will regen faster than the health loss, resulting in a large amount of bonus strength, damage, and attack speed at all times. - 强袭胸甲
is a very strong pickup, giving Chaos Knight much needed armor and attack speed. - 黑皇杖
provides a bit of tankiness and a bit of damage on top of much prized magic immunity. As magic immunity does not transfer to illusions, this is best when picked up against teams that can easily isolate the real CK and either lock him down for a long period of time or burst him down with single target magical damage. - 天堂之戟
is a strong pickup for Chaos Knight if there are one or more strong right-click heroes on the enemy team, or when it's picked up after CK has started to fall off and another carry on his team is the primary damage dealer. - 幻影斧
is a strong pickup on Chaos Knight if the enemy team does not have a way to clear out your illusions. They take more damage and deal less damage than the illusions made by Phantasm. However, they triple your chance to apply the armor reduction and combined with a level 3 Phantasm, Reality Rift will completely surround and trap any enemy that does not have the ability to blink away, phase through, or instantly kill an illusion; this often guarantees a kill. - 散夜对剑
is a decent item to pick up on Chaos Knight if it is finished early and you intend to build both Heaven's Halberd and Manta Style by disassembling this item. - 撒旦之邪力
gives Strength and armor, which increases durability. Its active ability allows Chaos Knight to stay in the fight much longer. Note that illusions do not lifesteal. - 净魂之刃
will give Chaos Knight's illusions Manabreak. Like Phantom Lancer, an army of Chaos Knights can deplete enemy's mana very quickly. Its active ability can also be used to ensure that enemies do not escape Chaos Knight's army after Reality Rift, if Chaos Bolt is unavailable. - 斯嘉蒂之眼
is the most cost-effective stat item in the game and give the highest DPS for him; It makes you and your illusions far stronger by giving you 25 strength and 25 agility, and with 25 intelligence it almost single-handedly fixes any mana issues Chaos Knight could have by giving nearly 600 points of raw mana and some regen. At max level, it is even possible to use 刷新球 after Phantasm, immediately cast Phantasm again, and still have a reasonably large amount of mana to work with.
Upon the black steed Armageddon, the Chaos Knight rode into countless battles with a single purpose in mind: To extinguish that which he knows as "The Light". Like a roll of unseen dice, the oldest Fundamental stuns his targets with a Chaos Bolt, then deals unpredictable damage in the form of Chaos Strikes. Those who escape the initial onslaught find themselves in a Reality Rift, reappearing inexplicably at Armageddon's side, exposed for its rider's wrath. Flanked by several images of himself, the Chaos Knight and his Phantasms hack their opponents apart with the strength of multiple heroes. | |
定位: | 核心 控制 耐久 推进 先手 |
复杂程度: | ★☆☆ |
- 混沌一击
的技能图标与D20骰子相似,通常用于桌面RPG游戏,20通常表示已经致命 - 混沌骑士的背景故事和台词有很多引用自天启四骑士,他的终极技能就是对他的解释
- ▶️ "Ah, Tidehunter, can I offer you a seabiscuit?"台词引用自海洋饼干,一匹美国非常著名的赛马
- 与他的主题相配,混沌骑士的攻击力范围在游戏中是最大的,他的实际攻击力与显示的攻击力相比有正负15点的差异
- 混沌骑士在DotA的真实名字为"涅沙",在转变到Dota 2的过程中已经被移除了,可能是由于他背景故事的改变
- 谜团
, 混沌骑士 , 光之守卫 , and 艾欧 together represent the four fundamental forces of the universe with Chaos Knight representing the weak nuclear force, the force behind radioactive decay, fitting his theme of bringing death and destruction wherever he treads. It also is the only one of the four fundamental forces that has different properties on matter and antimatter, and thus can be seen as the most "chaotic" of the four, also fitting Chaos Knight's theme. - Io's lore mentions "the great twin riders Dark and Light," referring to Chaos Knight (weak interaction) and Keeper of the Light (electromagnetism) uniting under the electroweak interaction.
- 混沌骑士的坐骑的名字是天劫
- 混沌骑士的其中一条死亡台词▶️ "Armageddon…out of here."可能引用自"冒牌天神"中,电影结尾处的"ARMAGEDON OUTA HERE"死亡预兆(无家可归的男人拿着一个经常出现错字的手写广告牌)。这与"I'mma gettin' out of here"发音相似,反映了一些事情不会无故戛然而止
- 混沌骑士在击杀龙骑士的台词,▶️ "You did need a steed, didn't you?",回应了龙骑士其中一个移动时的台词▶️ "I need no steed"