沉默术士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
沉默术士拥有一个独特的先天技能, 智力窃取, 它能够永久窃取在沉默术士附近阵亡或是由沉默术士击杀的英雄的智力。这既是对他战斗表现的奖励,也使他的刀刃随着战斗的继续更为锐利。
- 每当受影响的单位使用一个技能,持续时间就会增加5秒,此效果没有叠加限制
- 奥术诅咒多次施法完全叠加,总是施加独立的debuff
- 每1秒造成一次伤害,debuff施加后1秒开始,总共6(+5每惩罚)次实例
- 可以对一个单位造成最多96/156/216/276 + 80/130/180/230每惩罚( 276/336/396/456 + 230/280/330/380每惩罚)点伤害(伤害减免前)
- 每次伤害实例播放的音效只对受影响的单位的玩家可听
- 在施加攻击伤害之前造成其伤害,但仍然取决于攻击是否击中目标
- 弹道击中时检查沉默术士的智力,因此在弹道飞行期间获得或失去智力会影响其伤害
- 在施加其伤害之前窃取智力,因此会立即影响智慧之刃的伤害
- 也会根据每点被窃取的智力降低目标12点当前魔法值,而不会保持当前魔法值百分比
- 有效移除目标12/12/24/36点当前魔法值,在debuff过期时返还失去的魔法值
- 与在目标上的不同,沉默术士在获得和失去智力时会保持其当前魔法值百分比
- 不能将敌方智力降低到低于0点,但沉默术士总是能获得全额智力,不管目标还剩下多少
- 目标有效失去12/12/24/36点魔法值和0.05/0.05/0.1/0.15点魔法恢复(智力英雄还会失去1/1/2/3点攻击力)
- 反之亦然,每次施法有效增加沉默术士同等数值的魔法值,魔法恢复,和攻击力
- 每次攻击对沉默术士和目标双方施加一个新的buff/debuff特效,这意味着其持续时间互相独立
- 沉默术士和其目标的counter特效显示他们获得/失去的智力数量
- 死亡时,死亡英雄的智力回到其正常数值,其他成员在剩余的持续时间内保持智力数值更改
- 永久窃取的智力直接从敌人的基础智力中移除,增加到沉默术士的基础智力
Two hundred years of selective breeding had produced Nortrom, the prophesied war-mage that would bring glory to the order of Aeol Drias. Therefore, disgust and disappointment followed when it was found that the boy could cast not even a hex. Yet, on the day of final testing, Nortrom would have the Last Word. His arranged opponents fell under an Arcane Curse, draining their health with each incantation made. Then, there was Global Silence. Not a gasp or whisper escaped their lips as Nortrom finished off each challenger with his multipronged Glaives of Wisdom. At that moment, it became clear to all watching: The absence of magic can be the greatest magic of all. | |
定位: | 核心 辅助 控制 先手 爆发 |
复杂程度: | ★★☆ |
- Unlike most heroes, Silencer's attack projectiles actually use the model of his equipped cosmetic weapon.
- Like 死亡先知
, 全能骑士 and 艾欧 , Silencer received a color palette change, changing his model and icons, having his former red armor replaced with violet. - Before his palette change, newer players would occasionally mistake Silencer for 龙骑士
, and he would sometimes be referred to as "The other Dragon Knight". Even after the palette swap, some older players may refer to him as "Purple Dragon Knight".
- Before his palette change, newer players would occasionally mistake Silencer for 龙骑士
- Silencer's spell sound effects are based on some of his voice lines. Arcane Curse debuff sounds is based on "▶️ Curse you!", Last Word is based on one of his laughing lines and Global Silence is based on ▶️ this.
- 陈
is a member of the Knights of the Fold which would make him an enemy to Silencer based on Silencer's background. Despite this, there is no dialogue between the two heroes.