水晶室女 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
莉莱,水晶室女,is a 远程 智力 英雄 who uses the power of frost and ice to cope with her foes.
Renowned as a well-balanced hard 辅助, Crystal Maiden possesses strong nukes and disables that allow her to apply strong 减速s to enemies. 冰霜新星 is a powerful area-of-effect nuke that slows both attack and movement speeds of enemies within an area for several seconds, while 冰封禁制 encases an enemy in a block of ice for several seconds, immobilizing them and dealing moderate damage per second. Combining these two abilities together along with a laning partner's own spells is often enough to bring an enemy hero to their knees. Her 奥术光环 passive will also regenerate mana for Rylai and her allies, greatly boosting their ability to cast spells in the early game. Although her strong early game presence can be countered by her extreme frailty and poor mobility, she can still inflict a heavy amount of damage in teamfights later on if she is able to channel her deadly ultimate, 极寒领域. Her global mana aura, strong disabling and nuking prowess, simple spell layout, and almost complete lack of item dependence make Crystal Maiden a reliable support caster that can be a strong asset to any team, and judicious use of her ultimate allows her to lay waste to her enemies when used properly. With protection from her team and appropriate item selection, she can be the only support any team needs.
- 每0.1秒对范围内所有敌人施加减速,无视冰晶轰炸
- 每0.1秒发生一次轰炸,总共100轰炸
- 每次轰炸都在在水晶室女195到785之间的随机距离生成
- 轰炸生成范围被分为四个90°分区(0°–90°,90°–180°,180°–270°,270°–360°)
- 第一次轰炸发生在圆圈内东北分区,之后的轰炸逆时针依次发生
- 可以对1085距离外的单位造成伤害(最大生成范围+轰炸范围)
- 平均伤害最高击中在485范围,在此之外会降低伤害
- 785范围时稍少50%,在非常中部造成稍多(5%)伤害
- 对在整段持续时间内在485距离处的敌人造成大约2000/3300/4800点伤害,误差±1.9轰炸
- 如果所有轰炸都击中一个目标,将造成最多10500/17000/25000(
- 范围总是以水晶室女为中心,在她被移动时跟随她(比如 原力法杖
- 与视觉效果无关,伤害总是在生成下降的冰霜碎片时造成,而不是在他们到达地面时
- 阿哈利姆神杖
为极寒领域增加一个光环,跟踪区域内的敌人 - 如果一个敌方单位受到tracker特效影响1.75秒,就会被施加当前等级的 冰封禁制
- 一个单位只能被极寒领域禁制一次,即使他们重新进入区域,也不会被击中第二次
- 如果一个单位已经被一次手动施法冰封禁制了,他仍然可以被极寒领域再次禁制,刷新其持续时间
- tracker在其被重新施加到一个单位时重置,这意味着一个单位必须持续受此影响1.75秒才能被冰封禁制
- tracker特效在尚未升级时也会对敌人施加,照常跟踪敌人在区域内的持续时间
- 这意味着在持续施法时升级极寒领域,已经在区域内超过1.75秒的敌人会立即被施加冰封禁制
- tracker不影响无敌或隐藏单位
- tracker特效有0.1秒延滞时间
- 在技能征召中,需要征召到冰封禁制才能使升级生效
- 如果一个敌方单位受到tracker特效影响1.75秒,就会被施加当前等级的 冰封禁制
英雄天赋 | ||
+240 冰霜新星 | 25 | +1.25秒 冰封禁制 |
+50 极寒领域 | 20 | +200 攻击速度 |
-3秒 冰霜新星 | 15 | +6% 奥术光环 |
+125 冰霜新星 | 10 | +200 生命 |
- 生命天赋增加最大生命值,并且保持当前生命值百分比。
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
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Wherever Rylai went, the cold went with her. Fields and orchards withered in her wake, leaving her parents no choice but to pack her off to Icewrack, a realm in the frigid north. Under the tutelage of a hermit wizard, Rylai learned to imprison her enemies with Frostbite, holding them in place as she freezes the ground with Crystal Nova. Magic flourishes under her Arcane Aura, stimulating mana regeneration in all her companions. In the heat of battle, Rylai keeps a cool head. Channeling her elemental talents, the Crystal Maiden summons enormous shards of ice from the skies, obliterating all foes foolish enough to remain in her Freezing Field. | |
定位: | 辅助 控制 爆发 打野 |
复杂程度: | ★☆☆ |
- Rylai is one of the oldest heroes from the original DotA in Reign of Chaos DotA. Her title used to be Frost Maiden.
- Rylai's name in Warcraft DotA was Rylai Crestfall. Her surname was removed in the transition to Dota 2 for the implementation of her sibling rivalry with 莉娜.
- Crystal Maiden's 奥术光环
used to be named Brilliance Aura. - In early versions of DotA, Crystal Maiden and 巫妖
used to share the same 寒霜爆发 ability (although they were both named Frost Nova). However, in later updates, Crystal Maiden's Frost Nova was changed to Crystal Nova, turning it into a free-cast area-of-effect ability, while Lich kept the original effects. - In Warcraft DotA, Crystal Maiden's 冰封禁制
can freeze the enemy's Fountain and the duration was counted as creep. - League of Legends features an item called Rylai's Crystal Scepter as an homage to Crystal Maiden, boosting Ability (spell) Power and adding a slowing effect to spells and abilities.
- In World of Warcraft an Alliance NPC is named Rylai Crestfall, a homage to the original Crystal Maiden from Warcraft III's DotA.
- Crystal Maiden's leveling-up response ▶️ "Is it cold in here or is it just me?" is a reference to the action movie Demolition Man.[1]
- Crystal Maiden's respawning line ▶️ "You only live ice..." is a reference to the 1967 James Bond film You Only Live Twice based on the novel of the same name.
- Crystal Maiden's line ▶️ "It's all fun and games until someone's frozen solid." is a reference to a novel written by Christopher Brookmyre entitled All Fun and Games until Somebody Loses an Eye.
- Crystal Maiden's rare response ▶️ "Can you guess my... favorite poet?" is a reference to Robert Frost due to his last name, and also an allusion to Frost's poem "Fire and Ice". Crystal Maiden is the ice, and her sister 莉娜 is fire. An excerpt: "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice ... know enough of hate, to say that for destruction ice is also great, and would suffice.