森海飞霞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
森海飞霞 is a crafty 远程 敏捷 英雄 who is at home among the trees of Mistwoods. Armed with arbalests and acorns alike, she creates new forests through which to 密林奔走
- 爆栗出击的施法距离基于施法者的攻击距离。
- 加上技能的增益,爆栗出击相当于拥有1100施法距离。
- 施法距离可被增加攻击距离或者施法距离的增益增加。
- 栗子的飞行速度为2000。
- 栗子弹射间隔为0.1秒。
- 当附近有可用的弹射目标时可以多次弹射到同一单位。
- 以单位为目标时第一下攻击不算弹射,所以最大攻击次数为3/4/5/6。
- 减速效果与即时攻击独立,即使攻击被闪避也会触发。
- 栗子先攻击目标再施加减速效果。
- 栗子飞的过程中提供范围为200的飞行视野,此视野不延续。
- 如果以地面为目标,栗子到达地点时会种一棵树。种的树比普通树有更小的碰撞体积,也阻挡更少的视野。
- 对由爆栗出击种的树使用 树之祭祀
- 对由爆栗出击种的树使用 树之祭祀
- 当对地面施放时,种的树提供200范围的地面视野,持续20秒,或者持续到树被摧毁为止。
- 森海飞霞的头顶会出现一个对所有人可见的计时器提示剩余发射时间。
- 发射方向可以通过下达移动指令改变。
- 森海飞霞瞄准时,一条直线指示弩箭发射后的飞行轨迹。
- 指示线也会提示发射剩余时间,蓄力开始时为绿色,到达最大发射时间点时逐渐变为红色。
- 蓄力时指示线提供100范围的飞行视野。随着指示线移动,提供的视野也会跟着移动。
- 指示线仅由本人可见,队友与对手均不可见。
- Hoodwink can still perform other actions during Sharpshooter. Non-targeted spells and items are used normally.
- However, targeted items that require facing can only be cast when targeted within her current facing direction.
- Targeting outside her facing direction causes her to get locked in position until the stop or hold command are used.
- Hoodwink is disarmed during Sharpshooter. Attack orders behave like move orders during disarms, so right-clicking an enemy sets a new location as well.
- Sharpshooter cannot be canceled by anything besides the own sub-spell and death. It cannot be interrupted by disables.
- Once released, Hoodwink gets knocked back in an arc with a height of 75 and distance of up to 350 over up to 0.4 seconds, or until touching the ground again.
- This means the knockback distance and duration can be reduced/increased by jumping up/down a cliff or a ramp.
- The damage starts at 0 and increases by 20/33.33/46.67 ( 26.67/44.44/62.22) for each 0.03 seconds charged, reaching the full damage in 3 seconds.
- The debuff duration starts at 0 and increases by 0.2 ( 0.27) for each 0.03 seconds charged, reaching the full duration in 3 seconds.
- The bolt travels at a speed of 2200 ( 2750), and travels for the full distance, or until hitting a valid target.
- The bolt starts on Hoodwink's position. It can hit units up to 3125 range away. It does not search for units behind the starting location.
- Can only hit heroes and creep-heroes. Does not hit invulnerable or hidden units, flying right through them.
- The bolt first applies the debuff, and then the damage.
- The bolt provides 350 radius flying vision as it travel. This vision does not linger.
- The cast backswing starts the moment the cast begins, so the effective backswing depends on when the shot was released.
- This means the backswing can range from 4.5 to 9.5 seconds.
英雄天赋 | ||
一箭穿心 | 25 | 2 爆栗出击 |
-3 Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"护甲削弱"的Cargo数据 | 20 | 25% 一箭穿心 |
+14 敏捷 | 15 | 密林奔走 |
-3秒 野地奇袭 | 10 | +175 生命 |
- 加入队长模式
- 转身速率从 1 降低至 0.9
- 爆栗出击
- 野地奇袭
- 修复单位死亡时偶尔会摧毁该树木,导致其他受影响单位被解放的问题
- 范围从 275 降低至 250
- 伤害从 90/180/270/360 降低至 75/150/225/300
- 眩晕时间从 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 增加至 1.4/1.7/2/2.3
- 密林奔走
- 主动移动速度加成从 25%/30%/35%/40% 降低至 20%/25%/30%/35%
- 充能补充时间从 30/25/20/15 降低至 30/24/18/12
- 一箭穿心
- 蓄力期间不再提供指示器的视野
- 现在初始就有20%蓄力,并以此为基准增加,而不是从0%开始 [?]
- 最大伤害从 600/1000/1400 降低至 550/900/1250
- 移动速度减缓从 每级50% 降低至 30%/40%/50%
- 最大减速时间从 6 降低至 5
- 魔法消耗从 每级150 平衡至 125/175/225
- 为 森海飞霞
添加 阿哈利姆神杖 升级:
- 向敌方目标掷出一把沿弧线飞行的回旋镖。击中后会飞回至森海飞霞。回旋镖对沿途击中的敌人都会造成伤害,并且施加一个猎手印记,使受到作用的敌人被减速,承受的法术伤害增加,并且状态抗性降低
- 施法前摇: 0.2
- 施法距离: 1000
- 回旋镖范围: 150
- 伤害: 350
- 移动速度减缓: 20%
- 受到技能伤害加深: 25%
- 状态抗性降低: 25%
- Debuff持续时间: 7
- 魔法消耗: 125
- 冷却时间: 18
- 附录: 回旋镖基础速度为900,但是移动时间最小为0.5秒,最大为1.2秒。以400宽度的弧形移动。不能被躲避
- 为 森海飞霞
添加 阿哈利姆魔晶 升级:
- 森海飞霞向目标地点派出一个迷惑性的幻象,带有密林奔走效果。幻象被攻击或被指向性技能击中就会消失,在原地种下一棵树,对附近的敌方英雄施加一次效果较弱的野地奇袭
- 施法前摇: 0
- 施法距离: Global
- 魔法消耗: 50
- 冷却时间: 60
- 野地奇袭范围: 250
- 野地奇袭眩晕时间: 1
- 幻象造成伤害: 0%
- 幻象受到伤害: 100%
- 幻象持续时间: 12
- 树木持续时间: 20
- 附录: 施法时不打断森海飞霞的持续事发技能或任何其他命令。密林奔走效果基于该技能当前等级,但总是施加该效果。这意味着即使未学习密林奔走,该buff也会提供tree-walking。尽管按描述效果基于野地奇袭,但是区域眩晕与野地奇袭独立。使用技能格挡,所以被指向性技能触发时,该指向性技能被无效。这意味着不触发技能格挡的技能也不会触发诱敌奇术
Small and nimble, Hoodwink peppers her foes from the foliage with Acorn Shots, binding them against trees before Scurrying into the deep reaches of the forest. A natural Sharpshooter, Hookwink winds up her heavy arbalest to deliver devastating bolts into the heart of the target. | |
定位: | 爆发 逃生 控制 |
复杂程度: | ★★☆ |
- 森海飞霞当前没有装备。
- Hoodwink’s rodent nature was hinted at before release in an official blog post that mentioned the new hero needed to “cozy up for the winter” a little longer.
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