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Dota 2 Wiki
Doom icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
24 + 3.7
11 + 0.9
15 + 2.1
等级 0 1 15 25 30
生命值 200 680 1700 2680 3100
+0 +2.4 +7.58 +12.48 +14.53
魔法值 75 255 603 999 1143
+0 +0.75 +2.22 +3.87 +4.5
护甲 0 1.83 3.93 7.43 8.52
伤害格挡 16 (50%)
魔法抗性 25%
状态抗性 0%
攻击力 30‒46 54‒70 105‒121 154‒170 175‒191
攻击频率 0.5/秒 0.56/秒 0.62/秒 0.72/秒 0.76/秒
攻击距离 近战 200 (600)
攻击速度 ▶️ 100 (2秒 BAT)
攻击动作 0.5+0.7
弹道速度 瞬间
移动速度 ▶️ 285
转身速率 转180°需要0 0.5
碰撞体积 24
视野 () 1800 • 800
碎片类型 默认

路西法末日使者,是一个拥有强大打钱能力,多功能,也是其中一个最强的单目标控制的力量型近战英雄。他的初始护甲非常低,使其在面对骚扰时非常脆弱,但是他的技能和他较高的生命值能使他在线上或是野区都有不错的地位。末日使者,一个冷酷无情的恶魔,他的技能都有一些共同点——贪婪,火焰,和死亡。他的吞噬技能能让他消化小兵,提供额外的金钱并且使他吸收他们的力量,利用他们来增强自己的力量,因为地图上有多个中立生物技能可以选择,并且将其与其他技能配合,因此他可以选择的定位非常灵活。焦土提供多种用途,集追击,逃生,恢复,持续燃烧于一体。他利用阎刃可以造成巨额的伤害,这是一个可以对敌人造成短暂眩晕和基于他们最大生命值的持续伤害的攻击特效,在后期将会是一个非常可怕的爆发技能。最后,他的同名终极技能,末日是游戏中其中一个最强的单目标禁闭技能,一个被末日影响的单位会受到非常长时间的伤害,而且他的所有主动技能 - 甚至物品的主动技能 - 都会完全被沉默。一个拥有多个昂贵装备的末日使者能够让一个敌方关键英雄在一次团战中变得疲软无力,没有人能够阻止他怒火的蔓延。


Doom minimap icon路西法 —— 末日使者
▶️ "Hehm ehme meh heh heh, speak of me, and I shall appear. Face me and face the furnace!"
John Patrick Lowrie (台词)


Devour icon
金钱奖励50/100/150/200天赋 170/220/270/320
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 自动施法仅用于启用获取中立生物技能,不会使末日使者自动使用该技能
  • 目标小兵会被立即击杀,跟常规正补一样获得其金钱经验奖励
  • 末日使者只有再打开自动施法时使用吞噬才能获取中立生物技能
    • 只能获得中立生物的技能,其他单位的技能不能被获取,在吞噬时就会获得技能
    • 技能会使用中立生物原来的施法点,但是,施法后摇跟根据技能而有所不同(查看表格)
    • 从中立生物中获得的技能是永久性的,即使是死亡也不会被移除,直到开启自动施法时吞噬了另一个有技能的中立生物才会被移除
    • 开启自动施法时,吞噬一个没有技能的小兵不会移除已经获得的技能
    • 吞噬Ancient Black Dragon icon 远古黑龙时,末日使者获得Fireball (Ancient Black Dragon) icon 火球Splash Attack (Ancient Black Dragon) icon 溅射攻击,而没有Dragonhide Aura (Ancient Black Dragon) icon 龙肤光环
    • 吞噬Ancient Thunderhide icon 远古雷肤兽时,末日使者获得Frenzy (Ancient Thunderhide) icon 暴怒War Drums Aura (Ancient Thunderhide) icon 战鼓光环,而没有Slam (Ancient Thunderhide) icon 猛击
    • 技能征召中,吞噬只会获得被吞噬中立生物的被动技能,不会获得主动技能,吞噬的冷却也不能被Rearm icon 再装填重置
  • 金钱奖励是不可靠的并且会在debuff消退时获得,因死亡而消除buff不会获得金钱
  • 在整段持续时间内可以恢复最多70/350/630/910点生命值
  • 多个特效实例互相完全叠加

Scorched Earth icon
敌人 / 自身
每秒伤害15/30/45/60天赋 45/60/75/90
移动速度加成9%/11%/13%/15%天赋 19%/21%/23%/25%
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 焦土的范围会以末日使者为中心持续全额时间
  • 伤害与光环独立
  • 每1秒会造成一次伤害实例,在施法后1秒开始,最多一共15次实例
  • 可以对一个整段时间都在范围内的敌人造成最多225/450/675/900(天赋 675/900/1125/1350)点伤害(伤害减免前)
  • 多个焦土不叠加,重复使用会刷新buff
  • 选择伤害天赋立即升级当前施法的伤害,但是,升级该技能不会更新
  • 选择移动速度天赋或升级该技能不会更新当前施法的速度

Infernal Blade icon
末日挥舞他的炽烈之剑,将敌人点燃。造成0.6秒眩晕,并施加一个燃烧效果,持续4秒,每秒造成16/20/24/28 + 1.25%/2.5%/3.75%/5%目标最大生命值的伤害。
每秒最大生命值伤害1.25%/2.5%/3.75%/5%天赋 3.65%/4.9%/6.15%/7.4%
伤害持续时间4阿哈利姆神杖 6
重击时间0.6阿哈利姆神杖 1.75
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 每1秒造成一次伤害,在施加debuff后1秒开始,总共4(可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 6)次伤害实例
  • 可以造成最多64/80/96/112点+5%/10%/15%/20%(天赋 14.6%/19.6%/24.6%/29.6%)目标最大生命值伤害(伤害减免前)
  • 多次对同一个单位使用完全叠加并且独立生效
  • 眩晕由一个重击提供,与其他重击技能完全叠加
  • 攻击先施加debuff,再造成其自身伤害
  • 阿哈利姆神杖升级后对目标施加一个破坏,禁用被动技能
  • 选择伤害天赋或升级该技能不会更新已存在实例的伤害

会被林肯法球效果格挡 无视技能免疫 RD
Doom ability icon
每秒伤害25/40/55天赋 55/70/85
持续时间16天赋 19
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 施法时对目标施加一个基础驱散,移除大多数拥有的buff
  • 不能对远古生物使用,可以对英雄级单位幻象使用
    • 对于同时为英雄级单位远古生物的单位,远古单位标签优先级更高,无法对其使用
  • 每1秒造成一次伤害,在施法时就立即开始,总共16(天赋 19)次伤害实例
  • 没有任何天赋时,可以造成总共400/640/880点伤害(伤害减免前)
    • 选择伤害增加天赋时,可以造成总共880/1120/1360
    • 选择持续时间增加天赋时,可以造成总共475/760/1045
    • 选择两个天赋时,可以造成总共1045/1330/1615
  • 被末日影响的英雄可以在他们的生命值低于25%时反补
  • 多次对同一个单位使用不叠加,但是会刷新持续时间
  • 升级该技能不会更新已存在实例的伤害,但选择伤害天赋会


+150% 分裂25+2.4% Infernal Blade icon 阎刃伤害
Devour icon 吞噬可作用远古20+30 Doom ability icon 末日每秒伤害
+120 Devour icon 吞噬额外金钱15+30 Scorched Earth icon 焦土伤害
+10% Scorched Earth icon 焦土移动速度10+3秒 Doom ability icon 末日持续时间
  • Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"分裂"的Cargo数据天赋不会被破坏禁用。


<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Devour icon 吞噬的生命恢复加成从2/6/10/14点降低到1/5/9/13
  • Scorched Earth icon 焦土的持续时间从16秒降低到15秒
  • 天赋:
10级左边天赋:+13% Scorched Earth icon 焦土移动速度 降低到 +10%
  • 攻击距离从175增加到200
  • 基础护甲从-1点增加到0点
  • Devour icon 吞噬
    • 金钱奖励从20/80/140/200增加到50/100/150/200
    • 生命恢复加成从3/7/11/15点降低到2/6/10/14点
  • Scorched Earth icon 焦土的施法后摇从1.27降低到0.83
  • 天赋:
10级右边天赋:+16 Scorched Earth icon 焦土伤害 ➜ +2秒 Doom ability icon 末日持续时间
15级右边天赋:+3秒 Doom ability icon 末日持续时间 ➜ +30 Scorched Earth icon 焦土伤害
  • 天赋:
15级右边天赋更改:16% 闪避 ➜ +3秒 Doom ability icon 末日持续时间
25级左边天赋:140% 分裂 增加到 150%

</div> </div>



  • Tango icon 树之祭祀 and Healing Salve icon 治疗药膏 are important basic regen items to have. Since Doom is a melee hero, he is easy to harass during the laning stage, so having regen can allow him to remain in-lane.
  • Stout Shield icon 圆盾 gives Doom damage block, which is useful both in lane and while jungling, particularly because of his extremely low base armor.
  • Iron Branch icon 铁树枝干es are cheap and give Doom some all-around attributes. They can be sold later for inventory space at little cost, or used to build into a Magic Wand.
  • In general, a Clarity icon 净化药水 or two are recommended during the laning stage, and especially if jungling, as Doom's abysmal base intelligence means that he runs completely out of mana after casting less than a handful of spells.
  • Iron Talon icon 寒铁钢爪 is a very powerful farming booster for Doom that can allow him to accelerate his farming speed as needed. It boosts his damage against creeps while also providing armor, increasing his physical damage resistance whether it is against creeps or heroes. Using the active on creeps can greatly reduce the amount of time Doom takes to clear a creep camp, and in particular can instantly reduce any neutral creep's health so that Devour can completely digest them before it comes off cooldown.


  • Magic Stick icon 魔棒 provides burst health and mana regen that can often be enough to save Doom's life. As Doom has very low base intelligence, a full-charge Magic Stick can easily replenish more than half of his mana pool in the early game, giving him the mana to cast most of his spells.
  • Boots of Speed icon 速度之靴 are important to get early on all heroes. For Doom, increasing his base movement speed increases his mobility with Scorched Earth icon 焦土, allowing him to chase down or outrun enemies more easily.
  • Ring of Basilius icon 王者之戒 gives Doom more armor, vastly alleviating one of his early weaknesses, and gives him some flat mana regen that is very useful on him early on due to his low base intelligence.
  • Wind Lace icon 风灵之纹 allows Doom to gank enemy heroes more effectively in the early game, and may be upgraded later on into a Drum of Endurance icon 韧鼓.


  • Phase Boots icon 相位鞋 give Doom more last-hitting power, allowing him to farm more easily, and gives him a mobility active that can be used alongside Scorched Earth. Mobility is important on Doom as he must be quick to get within range to cast Doom ability icon 末日 at the right time in ganks and teamfights.
  • Magic Wand icon 魔杖 is powerful on Doom for all the same reasons as Magic Stick. The increased attributes make him stronger in all areas, and the greater charge storage allows Doom to replenish much more health and mana. A full-charge Magic Wand can give Doom enough mana to cast any one of his spells as needed.
  • Drum of Endurance icon 韧鼓 is a good all-around stat booster that has an easy buildup and lets Doom participate more often in early fights. It provides more health, a bigger mana pool, and an aura that increases attack and movement speed to boost his team's mobility and damage output.
  • Vladmir's Offering icon 弗拉迪米尔的祭品 is a good mid-game item for Doom that can be built from an already-purchased Ring of Basilius. It gives Doom more armor, health and mana regen, lifesteal to maintain his health pool, and bonus physical damage. The aura gives his team a bigger edge in teamfights, increasing their overall strength.
  • Town Portal Scroll icon 回城卷轴 is mandatory on all heroes. Doom's ultimate makes him a strong ally to have in any engagement due to his ability to completely disable an enemy for an extended period of time.


  • Hand of Midas icon 迈达斯之手 is very good item for any role Doom as he can get lots of early gold from Devour to be able to afford it early on.
  • Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲 is a strong item on Doom that solves his armor and attack speed issues, giving him and his team increased physical damage output during fights.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul的神圣法杖 grants Doom a versatile active ability to avoid incoming enemy spells, temporarily disable an enemy, or trigger Linken's Sphere icon 林肯法球. It also boosts Doom's movement speed which is important for successfully closing-in on enemies and using Infernal Blade icon 阎刃. Doom also has low base Intelligence so the INT boost and mana regen from this item is appreciated.
  • Shiva's Guard icon 希瓦的守护 rectifies Doom's low base intelligence, allowing him to cast his spells much more often, while simultaneously alleviating his armor problem. The active can be used in a teamfight to debilitate enemies' movements, and is powerful when chasing enemies down.
  • Blink Dagger icon 闪烁匕首 is a very useful initiating item on Doom, as he can use it to quickly get within range to disable enemies using any abilities he has gained via the use of Devour icon 吞噬, as well as his ultimate. It greatly improves his mobility, allowing him to move around the map or position himself for casting spells more easily.
  • Shadow Blade icon 影刃 improves Doom's physical damage output, helping him deal damage in fights or farm more efficiently. The active allows Doom to invisibly initiate on enemies while dealing backstab damage prior to casting his ultimate, or can be used as an escape ability as needed.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon 恐鳌之心 is a very strong item on Doom, as it augments his already impressive strength growth. Once he has sufficient armor, bulking up his health can make him much harder to kill in teamfights, allowing him to outlast the enemy. The passive health regen allows him to completely recover his health pool outside of battle, which lets him be much more active.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 drastically improves the disabling power of Doom's ultimate, as it allows him to Break enemies rather than simply silencing and muting them, preventing them from contributing at all. Since the debuff does not count down in Doom's presence, it is guaranteed that an enemy is forced out of the fight, turning it into a 4-vs.-5 engagement. The countdown prevention also increases the spell's chances of killing its target if they linger in the area for too long after being afflicted by Doom.
  • Refresher Orb icon 刷新球 is a powerful complement to Doom's ultimate, as it allows him to remove two enemy players from a teamfight, drastically tipping the odds in his team's favor. However, due to Doom's low intelligence and the high mana cost of refreshing cooldowns, Doom should increase the size of his mana pool before attempting to purchase this.
  • Heaven's Halberd icon 天堂之戟 can give Doom increased survivability against physical damage by giving him more health as well as evasion against auto-attacks, helping to offset his armor vulnerability. The active is also powerful in eliminating a target's ability to attack, a powerful complement to his ultimate if the target decides to stand their ground and fight.
  • Radiance icon 辉耀 turns Doom into a walking hazard, as it inflicts burn damage to all nearby enemies (as well as stacking with Scorched Earth), and augments his attack damage. The Burn also induces a blind on all nearby enemies, causing them to miss some attacks and giving Doom more survivability against physical attacks.
  • It is possible to build any type of boots on Doom, as his flexibility allows him to be played in many different ways.
    • Arcane Boots icon 奥术鞋 is usually a good pickup on a support Doom, as his low base intelligence often limits his ability to cast spells or use active abilities on items. It also can be upgraded into Guardian Greaves icon 卫士胫甲 later.
    • Tranquil Boots icon 静谧之鞋 can be powerful to get on a support Doom, however, it is also powerful on a roaming Doom who wishes to play aggressively early on and can give him a powerful early-game advantage even as a carry. The armor drastically increases his early-game survivability, while the increased movement speed can allow him to chase down enemies quickly, especially once combined with Scorched Earth. Finally, the health regen allows him to recover health between fights, allowing him to quickly prepare for another gank.
    • Power Treads icon 动力鞋 can be useful for giving Doom good physical damage output due to the extra attack speed, and the extra attributes allow him to increase the size of his health or mana pools depending on what is needed. Treads are a powerful alternative to Phase Boots in any situation.
    • Boots of Travel icon 远行鞋 can free up an inventory slot to allow Doom to get a full six slots of core items. It additionally improves his mobility, both through increased base movement speed and higher bonus through Scorched Earth.
  • Blade Mail icon 刃甲 is a powerful mid-game item that gives Doom many powerful benefits. The increased intelligence greatly offsets his low base mana pool, the armor alleviates his weakness to physical damage, and the active works alongside his huge health pool to punish the enemy should they decide to attack him.
  • Vanguard icon 先锋盾 can greatly offset Doom's vulnerability to physical damage, and make him much beefier overall. It is a useful mid-game item that can be upgraded into a powerful utility item.
  • Armlet of Mordiggian icon 莫尔迪基安的臂章 is a decent mid-game item on Doom, as it gives him armor as well as many useful stats. It greatly increases his attack power and survivability, and the health loss from Unholy Strength can be negated by Scorched Earth.
  • Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖 can be extremely important to get on Doom, so that he can prevent himself from being chain-disabled and killed before getting his ultimate off. As well, once he gets farmed enough he needs to prevent himself from being disabled in teamfights so that he can take the enemy team head-on.
  • Moon Shard icon 银月之晶 greatly increases Doom's attack speed, giving him much more damage output with his physical attacks. The increased night vision also gives him better situational awareness, allowing him to spot enemies farther out in order to initiate on them with Doom. It can also be purchased as a seventh-slot item and consumed to give Doom a permanent attack speed bonus, given his ability to quickly farm using Devour.
  • Silver Edge icon 白银之锋, upgraded from a purchased Shadow Blade, gives Doom more damage output and health, and increases his initiating potential by allowing him to deal more backstab damage and inflict break on enemies prior to casting Doom. Its break can also be used alongside that of an Aghanim's-upgraded Doom to debilitate two enemies simultaneously.
  • Mjollnir icon 雷神之锤 can be a good item to build to give Doom enough attack speed to offset his low agility growth. Using the active on yourself can discourage the enemy from focusing you down for fear of proccing Static Charge. It is a powerful complement to Doom's tankiness once he has enough armor and health.
  • Eye of Skadi icon 斯嘉蒂之眼 is a powerful all-around stat booster, giving Doom more health, mana, armor and attack speed, to make him a much bigger threat to the enemy team. The attack modifier allows Doom to greatly slow enemies, and gives him a strong mobility advantage when combined with Scorched Earth.
  • Octarine Core icon 玲珑心 is an unorthodox item to build on Doom, but can be a powerful hybrid caster-survivability item. It greatly improves Doom's health and mana, giving him more survivability and casting power, while the cooldown reduction allows him to apply Infernal Blade's debuff and interrupt enemies more frequently in fights and reduces his ultimate's cooldown to allow it to be used more regularly. The spell lifesteal also greatly increases Doom's survivability, as he can lifesteal off of Infernal Blade's scaling damage, Scorched Earth and Doom in the middle of battle.
  • Abyssal Blade icon 深渊之刃 can be useful to get on Doom once he has built enough attack speed to increase the chances of proccing a bash, as it greatly increases the strength of his attacks while also providing some strength to increase his health and base damage. The active ability can also be used to instantly disable a target, through spell immunity if needed.
  • Doom's flexibility allows him to be played as a non-core hero as well, as he can contribute to teamfights with his ultimate alone. His ability to farm with Devour allows him to build items even when not given farm priority.
    • Mekansm icon 梅肯斯姆 is a useful item on a support-utility Doom, as it gives him stats across the board and a respectable amount of armor. The active also heals Doom himself and teammates, however, its high mana cost means that Doom must increase the size of his mana pool if he decides to purchase this.
    • Necronomicon icon 死灵书30px}} can be a good item to get on Doom due to the increased intelligence and strength it provides, increasing the size of Doom's mana and health pools, respectively. The summoned warriors give increased contribution in teamfights, and they can benefit from Scorched Earth's healing as well.
    • Crimson Guard icon 赤红甲 is a good utility item that vastly increases Doom's survivability against physical damage. The active ability can further protect all teammates from physical damage for some time as well.
    • Scythe of Vyse icon 邪恶镰刀 gives Doom a much bigger mana pool, good mana regen, good stats across the board and a ranged hard-disable that is a powerful complement to his ultimate. It is also useful on a carry Doom due to the Hex alone.
    • Guardian Greaves icon 卫士胫甲 greatly improves Doom's overall survivability, as its aura can make him much harder to bring down at low health. The active is very powerful in teamfights for healing and replenishing mana, and can remove debuffs from Doom himself.


Wings branded and visage twisted, the Fallen One bears little resemblance to his former self. Banished from the realm of light, Lucifer now walks the earth, bringing misery to all who stand against him. The towering demon Devours creeps in a single bite, digesting them whole and assimilating their abilities. The fires of Hell smolder at Lucifer's feet, leaving in his wake fields of Scorched Earth. When the bell of Vashundol tolls, an enemy's downfall is sure to follow. Lucifer places upon his adversary an enduring curse, burning away at its health and rendering it utterly powerless as it staggers towards its inevitable Doom.
定位: 核心 核心 控制 控制 先手 先手 耐久 耐久 爆发 爆发
复杂程度: ★★☆





  • 在DotA中,末日使者的名字是末日使者,在Dota 2的移植中在一开始也是Doom Bringer,在2013年1月10日更新之后,为了避免与暴雪产生版权纠纷,他的名字就被更改了
  • 多个末日使者的技能是受最终幻想中的Blue Mages启发的,死亡是基于Level 5 Death技能和LVL? S-flare的机制的,吞噬与最终幻想9Quina Quen的eat and cook技能非常相似,终极技能,末日,与另一个Blue Mage的技能共用一个名字,但是机制有所不同
  • 他的名字,路西法,取自于圣经中以赛亚书的,其简单地翻译成"晨星",通常作为圣经中的魔鬼(或撒旦)存在,因此很符合末日使者邪恶狠毒的形象
  • 末日使者的终极技能图标描绘了一个五角星图案,虽然符合普遍认为的恶魔/"邪恶"的标志,但实际上是一个表示保护的异教徒标志,而常见的"邪恶"标志,五角星应该是反过来的——这只会出现在游戏中,技能粒子效果中圆圈内的"星形图案"会慢慢旋转
  • 末日使者在激活Invisibility Rune minimap icon 隐身神符时的台词,▶️ "Heheheh, see no evil.",引用自三猿,其中有一句相关的句子:"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.",Riki minimap icon 力丸也有这个台词
  • 他的终极技能,也是标志性技能,末日,是源自于深渊魔王的,他是一个可以在魔兽争霸III: 冰封王座中使用的英雄,他原来的技能是只能对非英雄单位使用的,不可移除,其死亡后会产生一个毁灭守卫,毁灭守卫的模型就是路西法在DotA中的英雄模型

