- 5人队伍抵挡15波暗月大军。每一波产生不同的,更强的敌人。
- 5名玩家防守北边的神庙,抵御来自四面八方从四个入口产生的一波波敌人。
- 几乎每一轮都有大量小型单位和几个拥有特殊技能的大型单位。
- 有两轮是奖励关卡,可以获得一定经济,还有两轮是boss关卡。
- 击杀单位可以获得经验(全地图共享),并且死亡时也可以获得。
- 捡起敌人被击杀时掉落的金袋可以获得金钱。每一轮都有金钱获得上限。只要走过就能捡起金袋。
- 敌人也会随机掉落立即回复生命值或魔法值的药水,也是只要走过就能够捡起。
- 每一轮之间,玩家有30秒整顿时间,在下一轮开始之前购买物品。
- 遗迹被摧毁,或者在第15轮之前五名玩家全部死亡时,游戏就会提前结束。
- 想要查看建筑细节信息,请看这里。
- 神庙位于地图的北边,它是目标的一部分,必须不被摧毁。
- 有八座防御塔保护着神庙,内外各分布着四座。
- 回合结束时存活的防御塔会给予额外金钱。
- 地图上有三座圣坛,每一个有180秒冷却。
- 所有防御塔和圣坛会在每一轮结束时复活。
- 地图上有两个商店,一个在中间,另一个在神庙上方。
- 死亡时,玩家死亡的地方会留下一个墓碑。活着的队员可以右键点击墓碑复活该玩家。需要六秒持续施法时间。
- 对同一个墓碑持续施法的玩家越多,所需时间就越短。
- 可以使用买活,有一定冷却时间。
- 所有玩家都会在每一轮结束时以满额生命值和魔法值复活。
- 这次活动只有一些英雄可以选择。
- 一些英雄的技能会根据这次活动有所调整。
- 点击英雄图标查看其属性,微调/独特技能和此次活动的相关机制。
属性 | 英雄 |
力量 |
敏捷 |
智力 |
- 每一回合之间会有30秒休息时间、
- 想要查看这些单位和他们的技能,请看这里.
回合 | 敌人 | 属性 | 附录 |
回合1 杀狼有一手 |
回合2 先别数小鸡 |
回合3 夜神夜神夜神 |
回合4 变体时间到 |
回合5 派对雏丑 |
回合6 来自我的暗黑魔典 |
回合7 没你我们分崩离析 |
回合8 潮涨众舟起 |
回合9 检测到大量发射信号 |
回合10 雊~~~雊~~~ |
回合11 猎杀中 |
回合12 猫女郎来袭 |
回合13 炼金还当过术士 |
回合14 这是工程师大会 |
回合15 何人扰我? |
暗月来袭使用默认的Dota 2物品,但是有小幅调整。一些物品被完全禁用,而一小部分物品则有所调整。增加了三个只能掉落的新物品。
树之祭祀 / 树之祭祀(共享) |
动物信使 | 飞行信使 | 诡计之雾 | 圣剑 | 支配头盔 |
物品 | 修改内容 |
完全可以共享,并且可以在友军的物品栏中堆叠 | |
完全可以共享,并且可以在友军的物品栏中堆叠 | |
完全可以共享 | |
价格从200增加到500 | |
总价格从500增加到800,因为压制之刃的价格增加了 | |
总价格从4500增加到4800,因为压制之刃的价格增加了 分裂伤害从35%降低到20% | |
最大生命值生命恢复从7%降低到1% |
敌人也会偶尔掉落生命药水和魔法药水。他们有[ 信息不足 ]
敌人也可能会掉落 回城卷轴[ 信息不足 ]
图片 | 物品 | 描述 |
金袋 | 根据回合数获得金钱 (查看回合一节了解更多细节) | |
生命药水 | 回复20%生命值。 | |
魔法药水 | 回复20%魔法值。 | |
回城卷轴 | 获得一个 回城卷轴 |
- 火焰风暴
is very strong at dealing with early level mobs. Simply kiting enemies around its AoE will be able to deal with massive groups in the early game. - 衰退光环
's damage reduction can be very useful, and helps you and your team soak up more damage. - 先锋盾
is particularly useful on Underlord, as well as a 狂战斧 later on in the game.
- 暗杀
is useful in taking out big enemies from a distance. It also have the ability to scatter its damage to the enemies behind targeted enemy.
- 复制之墙
can be used to block off choke points, and help aggro enemies away from buildings. - 离子外壳
deals a great amount of damage to the Rooster in Round 5, especially when it is cornered. It also does great work against the chickens in round 10. - 真空
pulling effect ignores disable immunity, so it can disable and pull the Rooster on round 5 and the chikens on round 10.
- 动能力场
holds large groups of enemies together for effective nuking. Also effective against Rooster in Round 5, chickens in Round 10. - Taking cooldown reduction talent and purchasing 玲珑心
can allow 动能力场 to almost permanently hold enemies in place. It also reduces Static Storm's cooldown, so that it's on the same level as Tiny's Avalanche.
- Medusa acts as a great scaling AoE damage dealer, thanks to 分裂箭
and a great tank the longer the game goes, thanks to 魔法护盾 . - 秘术异蛇
petrifies enemies just like 石化凝视 , but lasting longer than Stone Gaze's petrify (as a trade-off, it has maximum targets while Stone Gaze does not). - However, since the petrify effect turns enemies immune to magical damage, it should be used with caution when having allies who try to nuke enemies down, as it will completely negate their damage.
- 窒息之刃
launches a flurry of daggers. It can be used to kill multiple targets at once from save distance, or kill or heavily damage a big target by concentrating them all on it by standing close enough. - 幻影突袭
increases Phantom Assassin's survivability, due to the added evasion, and damage output, due to the chance of counter-attacks she can do.
- 碎裂冲击
is useful in taking out large number or enemies in an area. While its damage diminishes its deadliness overtime, it can still apply slow debuffs to large crowds of enemies, and its range can let the player lure the enemies away from an area while using 极寒烧灼 to safely navigate through terrain if the player gets cornered. - 极寒之拥
can help your team last longer from larger creep waves. Note however that this will render the target immobile, leaving them helpless from magical damage or skills done by the enemy hero creeps and siege tanks. - 极寒烧灼
can be cast on your teammates and can help them get out any creep waves that have trapped them from every side. The spell also increases the attack range of any ranged hero as well as letting them apply frost burn. - 寒冬诅咒
is a great crowd control skill that can help kill any special enemies of the player's choice. This spell's stun however does not work on the chicken of Round 5.
- None of Gyro's abilities have been modified for this mode making him a very weak pick.
- Techies' high defensive ability can often carry the team through a round.
- Lay down mines as early as possible to keep Towers defended.
- Can plant a lot of mines ( 遥控炸弹
) and use 虚灵之刃 , dealing a lot of damage to The Dark Magus.
- Easily clears wave of high HP creeps with his passive, as well with 弧形闪电
. - The Dark Magus has 0% Magic Resistance, so 宙斯
can be useful.
- Can unleash huge AoE DPS, as well heal his teammates.
- 超新星
does take damage from the creeps, but takes much more attacks to get destroyed. Therefore, it needs some planning to cast, as a mob of creeps can easily take it out. - Consider getting a 阿哈利姆神杖
to take an ally with you.
- Consider getting a 阿哈利姆神杖
- The attack speed reduction from 烈火精灵
greatly diminishes their damage dealt. - 烈火精灵
has 25% Spell Lifesteal.
- 崎岖外表
is replaced by 碾压 , an active ability, which gives 小小 bonus movement speed and ability to stun and damage enemies that Tiny move through. The damage is based on his attack damage.
- 海象重拳!
can be useful in Round 6 against Demon Charmers and Enthralled Golems, as it spreads the golems around, potentially putting them out of the Demon Charmer's health aura range.
- 活体护甲
can be used on buildings. - 活体护甲
's protective layers have been increased tremendously for this map setting, having a maximum of 25 instances at skill level 4. Be wary that although it grants a lot more instances, the huge number of creeps in every wave can still chew through it very quickly. - 疯狂生长
fully affects the chickens that spawn on Round 5 and 10. Be sure to cast the spell whenever you can to buy a few seconds worth of additional hits.
- 狂战士的怒吼
works on bonus rounds, giving your team precious seconds to farm more gold. - 战斗狂怒
has been reworked for this gamemode, giving a percentage of lifesteal base on skill level on targeted allies hero. - 刀起人亡
has the ability to leap forward and deal damage in a small area of effect.
- Only her ultimate has been changed.
- 压倒性优势
is great in the first few rounds. It will instantly kill groups of cluttered mobs. The move speed boost is also helpful to collect gold bags left lying around. - 强攻
is a good heal and damage per second boost. It also helps 美杜莎 to hit faster in round 10 (baby roshlings). - 勇气之霎
scales well as Legion gains damage. Because there are a lot of mobs, it triggers often and provides significant regeneration. - Duel has been replaced with 格斗士,团结起来!
, an ability that temporarily sets up an arena inside which every hero deals increased damage. The more heroes inside the arena, the more damage for allied heroes.
- Information needed.
- Venomancer's range of abilities can help lessen the burden for the carries of your team to finish off large groups of enemies without fear of getting completely overwhelmed.
- 瘴气
's range can slow down a line of enemies, making escaping and luring easier despite his low base movement speed. - 毒刺
by you and your wards can severely cripple the movement speed of high-ranking creep heroes. - Venomancer in this mode is given two warding skills, featuring the regular 瘟疫守卫
s and the Scourge Wards. These Scourge Wards can use their own 瘴气 at a lower range and without the slow debuff. These gales can stack with your own Venomous Gale, allowing the enemies to suffer twice the poison. Note however that multiple Venomous Gales from different Scourge Wards will not stack, and will simply refresh the poison timer. - 剧毒新星
is a devastating AoE skill that can slowly lay waste to enemies from every direction. Note that enemies suffering from the Nova cannot die from it alone as it will stop damaging the units once they reach 1 HP. - Using 瘟疫守卫
s, 瘴气 and 剧毒新星 on chicken levels will maximize the gold drop rate as the poison effect will be very effective in triggering it. - Despite the poisonous advantage, Venomancer's skills diminish in effect against HP regeneration hero creeps, especially those regenerating for more than +30 HP/S, making his skills near-useless against Alchemist and Invoker.
- Also take note of Venomancer's early disadvantage of being soft, slow and mana-reliant.
- The 毁灭阴影
s are cheap AoE nukes which can quickly clear waves. All razes combined can even take down the bigger enemies of the waves. - Since there are so many enemy units in Dark Moon, 支配死灵
is basically guaranteed to be always at maximum souls, granting Shadow Fiend a great attack damage boost throughout. - 魔王降临
is basically a free Assault Cuirass effect on enemies. Stacking armor reduction effects is very effective against big enemies like the Chemists and the 4 Invoker. Together with Desolator, Solar Crest and Assault Cuirass, enemies lose a huge amount of armor.
- 剑刃风暴
is a very strong wave clearer on the early rounds thanks to its high damage, and a great survivability booster on later waves, as it grants Juggernaut high evasion. - An early level 剑舞
significantly boosts Blade Fury's damage, as its damage can crit based on Blade Dance's level. In the lategame, Blade Dance greatly bosts Juggernaut's attack damage. - 治疗守卫
is a very powerful heal. Since it comes from a ward, enemies usually do not attack it as long as a hero is within range. Its heal is also percentage-based, so that it scales very well as the game goes on. - 秘剑术
, which replaces Omnislash, allows Juggernaut to position himself while also dealing damage to enemies in a line. The invulnerability of it can be used to dodge enemy attacks and spells.
- Storm Spirit has a lot of magical damage burst with 残影
which allows him to clear early waves quite fast. The biggest advantage Static Remnant has is that it can be cast on the run, Storm Spirit neither needs to turn, nor to stop to cast it - 超负荷
grants Storm Spirit a second area damage spell, which also heavily slows enemies for a short while. On top of that, Overload's effects are applied to Static Remnant, hitting all enemies hit by the Remnant's damage, meaning the remnant effectively deals more damage and slows enemies. - 电子涡流
is a very strong AoE disable which ignores enemy disable immunity. This means it can stop and pull Roosters and Chickens. - Since Electric Vortex pulls enemies towards the center, it can serve as a poor man's Black Hole, creating combos with allied spells. Especially on the 10th round, it can pull and disable multiple chickens.
- 球状闪电
is the best mobility spell available in Dark Moon. It allows Storm Spirit to quickly travel the map, while also dealing area damage around him. With the right items, he can roll over enemies and instantly kill smaller mobs while also damaging the bigger ones. Due to its lack of cooldown, he can avoid damage quite easily even when standing between enemy masses. - Storm Spirit's items should include high intelligence items, like 邪恶镰刀
, 血棘 and 玲珑心 . Scythe grants an additional disable which is always useful, while Octarine Core allows Storm Spirit to cast Electric Vortex more often, on top of healing him from the damage his spells deal. - 血棘
is great on Storm Spirit for the same reason why it is great on him in default Dota. On top of this, Bloodthorn is extremely powerful in Dark Moon, making it the best item pick-up for Storm Spirit.
- 自然的呼唤
summons very tanky treants which can take care of a lane on their own, although they cannot usually kill the waves, they can lure them for long enough to keep the tower alive - The treants are ignored by spell-casting enemies, they only cast them on heroes. This makes them perfect for tanking enemies with disables while carries pick them off from afar.
- Since 发芽
does not technically disable enemies, but traps them so they cannot move, it one of the very few abilities able to stop Roosters and chickens. - The typical self-sprout + 传送
combo allows Nature's Prophet to escape sticky situations in which other heroes most likely would have died. - Moving right on top of an allied grave and casting Sprout on self allows Nature's Prophet to safely resurect allies.
- 自然之怒
hits many enemies and deals decent damage, but is still a rather weaker nuke as compared to other spells. However, once having 阿哈利姆神杖 , it becomes very powerful as it pumps the map full with treants. Greater Treants do not spawn though, since none of the enemies are considered heroes.
- Leshrac's massive area magic damage output makes him an excellent pick, as he can effectively damage an enormous amount of enemies, and also can deal with single big enemies on his own.
- Leshrac consumes large amounts of mana and is not too resilient. Therefore, players will usually include items that make up for this, such as 炎阳纹章
or Eul的神圣法杖 . - 邪恶镰刀
and 血棘 quench Lesh's glutton mana pool while providing helpful disables for alchemist and invoker rounds. - 脉冲新星
is highly effective. It quickly tears through mobs. When facing the final boss, it is a perfect quell for the large number of fire minions. - 脉冲新星
works on round 10 roshlings. The fact Leshrac can move while it is active is an advantage when compared to 美杜莎 .
- 麻痹药剂
has a low cooldown, so it can be spammed quite a bit. It aloso has a long stun duration against the smaller enemies, making it a decent gap creator for Witch Doctor, allowing him to resurrect allies more safely. - 巫毒回复术
is a potent heal, which can be kept active permanently with the right items. - 诅咒
can potentially deal insane amounts of damage, especially against bigger targets. Since its damage scales exponentially and is based on how much damage the target took, it can quickly kill big enemies like Whale-eaters. - Against the Dark Magus, Maledict has to be timed right. The best time to use it is immediately as the fight begins, and always directly after his tornado/sunstrike meteor spams end. If timed wrongly, Maledict may lose ticks due to the invulnerability the Dark Magus gets while spamming tornadoes/sun strikes and meteors.
- 死亡守卫
has very high dps and is able to attack multiple targets. Positioning is very important to cast this, since it is a channeled ability. Combined with Maledict, Witch Doctor can quickly kill big single targets even on his own. - Since Witch Doctor soley relies on his spells, he needs mana regeneration. 玲珑心
is very strong on him, as it allows him to keep Voodoo Restoration active during whole rounds, and allows him to cast his other spells more often. Maledict and Death Ward have an above average cooldown time, so that Octarine Core has a greater effect. - In order to be able to safely channel Death Ward, a 微光披风
may be required.
- An early 魔杖
can help keep heroes alive, as many charges are gained from enemy abilities. - 治疗药膏
and 净化药水 are highly beneficial in early levels when you urge life or mana during the fight. - Aura based items such as 弗拉迪米尔的祭品
, 希瓦的守护 , 赤红甲 , 强袭胸甲 and 卫士胫甲 will benefit your team a lot more than single target / burst items. - 血棘
is the best single target item against wave bosses. The crit is distributed to the whole team and grants true strike. - 漩涡
and 雷神之锤 are good for clearing large waves on physical attack heroes which lack area damage otherwise. - Mobility items such as 风灵之纹
, 原力法杖 and 闪烁匕首 play only a minor role. Nonetheless they can be useful to regroup and help out at other fighting fronts. - 炎阳纹章
is very useful item on tanks like 孽主 or 树精卫士
- Sacrificing Towers may be acceptable, as all Towers respawn at the end of each round.
- This also means that whenever an outer tower is destroyed, it refreshes glyph.
- Regeneration and 吸血 items are crucial in sustaining your team.
- Remember to use 回城卷轴
to quickly intercept oncoming waves across the map. Buy extra scrolls if necessary. - 魔瓶
charges cannot be refilled. - All enemies are considered 小兵s.
- 积分通过游戏获得。
- 每天的第一场游戏会获得日常加成。每次日常加成给予玩家35,000积分加上6倍游戏获得的积分。
- 日常加成只有在玩家通过回合5后才会发放。
回合 | 积分 | 总积分 |
回合1 | 48 | 48 |
回合2 | 60 | 108 |
回合3 | 72 | 180 |
回合4 | 88 | 268 |
回合5 | 0 | 268 |
回合6 | 100 | 368 |
回合7 | 118 | 486 |
回合8 | 136 | 622 |
回合9 | 158 | 780 |
回合10 | 0 | 780 |
回合11 | 180 | 960 |
回合12 | 208 | 1168 |
回合13 | 236 | 1404 |
回合14 | 262 | 1666 |
回合15 | 3000 | 4666 |
- 战胜这次活动所有回合的玩家可以获得一个特殊的暗月聊天表情。
- 消耗35,000积分可以旋转一次轮盘奖励。
- 轮盘会发放一个随机饰品。
- 想要查看可以获得的所有奖励列表,请看暗月来袭掉落列表。
- 暗月肉山宝宝是这次活动的独特奖励,可以通过轮盘非常小几率获得。
- 兵器库中的珍藏可以轮回获得20,000暗月来袭积分。
- 打开箱子后获得的物品不能轮回。
暗月来袭 | |
关联 | |
英雄 | 露娜 |
阵营 | Dark Moon Order 暗月大军 |
地点 | 银夜森林 蒙妮神庙 |
神 | 赛莉蒙妮 |
千年来,银夜森林的战士时刻都在警戒一心要让暗月降临的邪恶势力,在捍卫女神赛莉蒙妮的同时名利双收。但是现在,新月来临的夜晚,在她神庙的高墙后赛莉蒙妮选定之人进入神秘的沉睡,神庙也失去了护卫。 赛莉蒙妮的势力变得微弱,而野兽们扭曲的阴影在她的领地间穿行,月之女神在此召唤五位新的保护者,代替她的守卫抵挡暗月大军的侵袭。你会响应这神圣的号召吗? |
暗月来袭是一次大型活动,其重要性不得而知。这次重要的事件主要有两个阵营。一方面是,一群忠心的战士,Dark Moon Order保护着赛莉蒙妮, 露娜也是其中之一。另一方面是,想要袭击赛莉蒙妮并让暗月降临的暗月大军。在这两个阵营之间的冲突中,身处在外的保护者被召唤抵挡暗月大军。最近的交战发生在选定之人被一种神秘的力量而进入沉睡之时,通往蒙妮神庙的路上。
- 这次活动在游戏文件中被分类为New Bloom 2017
- 回合4的标题,"变体时间到",来自恐龙战队中主角说的一句话
- 回合9的标题,"检测到大量发射信号",可能来自暴雪娱乐星际争霸系列中幽灵单位发射战术核打击所说的"Nuclear Launch Detected"
- 回合14的标题,"这是工程师大会",来自星际迷航粉丝圈中的一句话,通常被粉丝称为'星舰家族',是该系列中召开大会而为人所知的
- 斧王
, 军团指挥官 , 主宰 , 影魔 , 剧毒术士 , 风暴之灵 和 巫医 ,是在2017年1月31日更新中加入到暗月来袭英雄池的,他们与2013年迎霜节/英雄出现的一样。这次活动的其他所有英雄都没有在2013年迎霜节中出现过