- 一开始,3群各12头座狼会随机在生成点上生成。每8秒生成一次,在该轮开始时立即生成。总共生成4次,共144头座狼。
- 第二阶段,在该轮45秒后开始,即前一阶段最后一波生成后21秒,生成3群各7头座狼和2头头狼。每5秒生成一次,在该阶段开始时立即生成。总共生成6次,共126头座狼和36头头狼。
- 该轮一共生成270头座狼和36头头狼,总共306个单位。
座狼有一个被动的 致命一击
座狼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
头狼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
温顺枭兽没有任何技能,但是数量非常多。德尊侍僧有一个小幅改动的 暗影波
温顺枭兽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
德尊侍僧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:施法时间,弹跳次数,治疗,伤害,魔法消耗,冷却
- 施法时间期间,侍僧周围会出现粉红色粒子效果,表示他将要施法
- 暗影波没有弹跳延迟,因此所有目标都会同时被治疗
- 无论目标是谁,德尊侍僧总是能够获得治疗,并且不计入弹跳次数中,因此能够治疗4个单位
- 所有弹跳击中可以治疗400点生命值
- 伤害范围以每个受到治疗的单位为中心,一个敌方单位每次施法可以被所有所有受到治疗的单位伤害
- 可以对一个单体目标造成最多400点伤害(伤害减免前)
地狱之熊没有任何技能,但是他们的攻击会造成相当的伤害。狂热圣甲虫能造成地狱之熊两倍的伤害并且有一个小幅改动的 穿刺
地狱之熊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
狂热圣甲虫 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小元素人没有任何技能,但是他们的短距离攻击相当快。大元素人能造成小元素人两倍的伤害并且有一个小幅改动的 波浪形态
小元素人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
大元素人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
公鸡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
迷魂傀儡本身非常弱,拥有非常低的生命值和攻击力。然而,跟他们一起的控魔师拥有 活力光环
控魔师 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
迷魂傀儡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:冷却,伤害,治疗,魔法消耗,施法距离和持续时间
- 每1秒造成伤害或治疗,在施法后1秒开始,总共8次实例
- 可以对目标造成最多240点伤害(减免前),或对友军治疗相同数额
- 多个暗言术完全叠加并且互相独立生效
- 目标是友军时播放第一个音效,敌人时播放第二个音效
- 尽管可以对任意友军或敌人使用,但自私的控魔师只会对自己使用
- 修改值:吟唱时间,冷却,魔法消耗,持续时间,和每秒减速
- 技能吟唱的时间越长,站在该区域中的单位的减速效果越强
- 减速的时间是基于吟唱时间的,而不是根据该单位站在受影响区域内的时间
- 减速效果每0.5秒增加3%,在施法后0.5秒开始
- 根据持续施法时间最多可以减速45%,有限的吟唱时间阻止到达减速上限
- 减速debuff会以相同的间隔施加或刷新
狂热僵尸是一个缓慢的单位,需要击杀两次。他们不会轻易死亡,断腿后会变成躯干继续攻击他们的敌人。变成躯干后的僵尸会造成更多的伤害并获得高额的魔法抗性,但是生命值较低。因此,该轮其实包含了525个敌人,因为躯干会计为额外的单位,并且每只僵尸都会如此变为躯干。暴怒噬魂兽是快速的单位,对敌人攻击时拥有 盛宴
暴怒噬魂兽 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:敌方当前生命值伤害/吸血量
- 治疗与造成的额外伤害完全独立,也就是说该技能总是治疗全额数量的生命值,与盛宴具体对目标造成的伤害无关
狂热僵尸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
狂热僵尸躯干 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 狂热僵尸死亡后0.75秒会生成躯干
新兵和食虾猎人都是没有特别之处的小型单位。队长和食鲨猎人相对较大型,并且各自有一个小幅改动的 洪流
新兵 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
队长 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
舰队上将 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:无,使用1级的X标记
- 送回时打断持续施法技能
- 受影响的单位在送回时会获得一个停止命令,取消当前的所有命令
- 以一个红色X标记目标当前的位置,只有在他们拥有该单位的视野,或X本身时,敌人才可以看到这个X
- 受影响的单位走动时会留下一个红色虚线,表示他们走的方向
- 这个路径在该单位不可见时停止绘制,然而,已经绘制的线仍然可见
- 一旦该单位再次变为可见,会向上一次看到的地方绘制一条红色直线
- 这些红线会忽略该单位真实的路径,只会从当前的位置绘制到上一个已知的位置
- 与视觉效果不同的是,目标不会在死亡并复活后返回
- 英雄无敌时,不会返回到X处,使得该技能被浪费了
- 提供X标记周围300范围的地面视野,持续5.94秒
- 修改值:无,使用1级的幽灵船
- 由于产生的小兵不是英雄,不会施加朗姆酒
- 幽灵船的移动速度为650,到达撞击地点需要3.1秒
- 在昆卡身后1000单位出产生船只,向前一定,并在昆卡前方1000单位处撞击
- 目标点会出现一个视觉指示器,显示船只的终点和范围,指示器对所有人可见
- 船只在移动中提供其周围300范围的空中视野,没有持续时间
食虾猎人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
食鲨猎人 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:魔法消耗,冷却,伤害,护甲降低,移动速度减缓,施法距离,波浪长度和弹道速度
- 食鲸猎人也拥有这个技能
- 效果与默认的 阿哈利姆神杖
- 巨浪的移动速度为600
- 波浪可以击中840距离外的单位(移动距离 + 范围)
- 击退是一个固定值。单位被击退的速度为1200,共持续0.25秒
- 击退期间单位被控制
- 提供弹道周围300空中视野
食鲸猎人 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵没有任何技能。陷阱师拥有 地之束缚
我是个小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
混沌投石器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 弹道的移动速度为500
- 在目标区域产生一个范围指示器,对所有人可见
- 弹道100范围内的敌人会被造成眩晕和伤害(需要验证)
- 到达目标区域时,弹道爆炸,造成巨额区域伤害并击退敌人
- 击退距离不定,将每一个敌人推出目标区域中心400距离外,因此最短击退距离为150
- 击退时间总是保持一致,因此击退速度在600(150击退距离)和1600(400击退距离)之间
- 可以将敌人推过不可穿过的地形,任何被击退单位碰到的树木都会被摧毁
- 在击退期间完全控制敌人
- 弹道飞行时提供其周围300距离的空中视野
- 被召唤的小兵和陷阱师会一直持续到被击杀
- 被召唤的单位不会计入上方的"剩余敌人"中,但必须将其击杀才能结束该轮
- 不会在地图上已经有64个或以上小兵时生成小兵,陷阱师采用相同的机制,数量为32个或以上
陷阱师 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
肉山宝宝 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 小兵 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
已达到最大循环执行次数 已达到最大循环执行次数
窃魂者非常强大,没有技能,攻击力相当高,移动速度很快。猎手拥有 致盲暗影
窃魂者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
猎手 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 对一个单位使用时,对施法时其当前位置释放
- 暗影的移动速度为400
- 可以击中最远910距离外的单位(移动距离 + 结束范围)
- 完整的区域形状像一个锥形
- 将被击中的敌人的白天和夜间视野设定为一个确定值,而不是降低一定数值的视野
- 修改值:无,使用1级的暗夜猎影
- 此活动中,夜晚会一直持续,因此该技能永远对猎手生效
- 有效使猎手的移动速度增加到480
深渊 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小月骑拥有修改的 月刃
小月骑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
银夜行者 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:无,使用4级的月神之箭
- 月神之箭的移动速度为857
- 箭矢在银夜行者前方51距离出开始移动,最远能移动3067距离
- 这意味着在行者前方50距离的单位不会被击中,因为箭矢不会搜索箭后的单位
- 最远可以击中3161单位外的单位(移动距离 + 范围)
- 每移动30距离增加0.1秒眩晕和2.8点伤害,根据特定距离产生以下数值(减免前):
- 300距离:1秒眩晕,28(78/168/258/348)点伤害
- 600距离:2秒眩晕,56(106/196/286/376)点伤害
- 900距离:3秒眩晕,84(134/224/314/404)点伤害
- 1200距离:4秒眩晕,112(162/252/342/432)点伤害
- 1500距离:5秒眩晕,140(190/280/370/460)点伤害
- 箭矢在移动1500距离后达到最大数值,需要1.75秒
- 月神之箭有500空中视野,在击中一个目标的地点上停留3秒
术士是非常强大的敌人,拥有非常高的生命值和攻击力,他们还拥有修改的 酸性喷雾
金术士 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 修改值:伤害类型,冷却,魔法消耗,最低伤害,最高伤害,最短眩晕时间和最长眩晕时间
- 施法时打断术士的持续施法技能
- 术士头上会有一个计时器显示化合物爆炸之前还剩多少时间,计时器对所有人可见
- 调制动作和粒子效果对所有人可见,buff—Unstable Concoction是隐藏的
- 音效只有在敌人视野内施法时,敌人才可以听到
- 伤害和眩晕时间根据化合物在术士或目标单位爆炸的时间而不同
- 在自身爆炸时,伤害一开始是750,每调制0.1秒增加15点伤害,在5秒后到达1500点伤害
- 在目标爆炸时,伤害一开始是800,每调制0.1秒增加16点伤害,在5秒后到达1600点伤害
- 在自身爆炸时,眩晕时间一开始是1.25秒,每调制0.1秒增加0.01秒,在5秒后到达1.75秒
- 在目标爆炸时,眩晕时间一开始是1.25秒,每调制0.1秒增加0.055秒,在5秒后到达4秒
- 不稳定化合物总是影响爆炸175范围内的单位,包括在术士爆炸时
- 当术士在调制过程中死亡,会立即爆炸,根据调制时间击中他周围的单位
- 调制化合物时,术士仍然可以移动和自由动作
- 术士可以通过该技能反补自己
投弹手自身非常脆弱,但是会以全速前进并 埋布非常多强力的地雷
投弹手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
地雷 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
守卫 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
已达到最大循环执行次数 已达到最大循环执行次数
突进手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
科瑞克斯学者 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
托纳鲁斯心智 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
加拉隆党羽 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
暗黑魔导师 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Modified values: Health regen bonus per Quas instance.
- The cast of Quas is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
- Quas interrupts Invoker's channeling spells upon cast.
- Invoker can only have up to 3 instances up at any time. The orbs floating above Invoker are visible to everyone.
- Restores health in the form of health regeneration, so it regenerates 2.6 health per Quas instance in 0.1 second intervals.
- Can restore up to 1560 health in one minute per Quas instance.
- Grants a total of 26/52/78 health regen with 1/2/3 instances.
- Modified values: Attack speed bonus per Wex instance and Movement speed bonus per Wex instance.
- The cast of Wex is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
- Wex interrupts Invoker's channeling spells upon cast.
- Invoker can only have up to 3 instances up at any time. The orbs floating above Invoker are visible to everyone.
- Grants a total of 28/56/84 attack speed and 14%/28%/42% movement speed 1/2/3 instances.
- The cast of Exort is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
- Exort interrupts Invoker's channeling spells upon cast.
- Invoker can only have up to 3 instances up at any time. The orbs floating above Invoker are visible to everyone.
- Grants a total of 56/112/168 attack damage with 1/2/3 instances.
- Modified values: None. This is the default Invoke.
- This is an innate ability and does not need to be learned.
- A button is located right above the ability icon. It opens a list which shows the required combination for every invoked ability.
- Invoke interrupts Invoker's channeling spells upon cast.
- The arrangement of element instances does not matter.
- When already having two spells invoked, invoking a new spell replaces the older spell.
- New invoked spells are always placed in the 4th ability slot.
- The previously invoked spell is moved to the 5th slot in the process, while the previous spell in the 5th slot is lost.
- When invoking a spell which is already invoked, Invoke neither costs mana, nor goes on cooldown.
- If the re-invoked ability was in the 5th ability slot, it moves into the 4th, swapping position with the other invoked ability.
- The 阿哈利姆神杖
upgrade does not improve the passive bonuses granted by Quas, Wex and Exort. It makes invoked spells consider them 1 level higher than what they are. - This means that it does not grant Invoker any of the abilities Quas, Wex and Exort when they are not learned yet.
- The Dark Magus cannot and does not need to invoke this ability. It always has this in its 7th ability slot.
- The phases happen every 40 seconds and last 10 seconds.
- The phases are split up into Quas phase, Wex phase and Exort phase, in this order.
- 冰
phase: - The aura starts emitting, applying 冰霜新星
's debuff on enemies, slowing their movement and attack speed. - Applies the Cold Feet debuff on all enemy heroes, working like 远古冰魄
's Cold Feet. - The debuff is not applied on heroes which already have the debuff, or have its following freeze debuff.
- Cold Snaps have a 50% chance to apply every second. If they do not get applied, 3 Forged Spirits spawn within 500 radius around the Magus.
- The aura starts emitting, applying 冰霜新星
- 雷
phase: - The aura switches from the Crystal Nova debuff to a custom debuff. This debuff only slows movement speed, and that by a lower value.
- Tornadoes spawn within a 2500 radius around the Dark Magus for each enemy.
- The tornadoes travel in straight lines, towards the enemy hero's location they spawned for.
- These tornadoes are independent from the 强袭飓风
ability. - The tornadoes have an effect radius of 180, travel for up to 4500 range, and travel at a speed of 500.
- Tornadoes have a 50% chance to spawn every second. If they do not spawn, 4 Forged Spirits spawn within 500 radius around the Magus.
- The aura switches from the custom debuff to 辉耀
's debuff. It now deals damage per second and blinds, instead of slowing. - In this phase, the Magus' cooldowns are reduced by 25%.
- Chaos Meteors and Sun Strikes are cast onto all enemy heroes in short intervals.
- The meteors spawn onto the heroes' locations, up to 3 per hero. They roll into random directions, up to a distance of 700.
- Sun Strikes are created based on enemy movement, placed in front of them so that they would hit if the hero continues walking that direction.
- The meteors and strikes are the same as the ones created by the 混沌陨石
and 阳炎冲击 abilities listed below. - Meteors and Sun Strikes have each a 33% chance to spawn every second. If they do not spawn, 4 Forged Spirits spawn within 500 radius around the Magus.
- The aura switches from the custom debuff to 辉耀
- Independent form the phases, Forged Spirits spawn at fixed locations every 30 seconds.
- All spirits spawned by this ability use the base values, and not the 熔炉精灵
values. - The spirits are ordered to attack-move towards the Temple. This means they move towards the temple and attack everything on their way there.
- Has a spawn limit of 40 spirits. All spirits despawn when the Magus dies.
- All spirits spawned by this ability use the base values, and not the 熔炉精灵
- Modified values: None.
- Ability invokes when Invoker has 3 冰
- Cold Snap immediately triggers on the target upon cast, so the next proc can only happen after the trigger cooldown.
- Every time the effect triggers, the target is stunned and damaged.
- Only triggers on damage equal to or greater than 10 (after reductions).
- Cold Snap does not trigger on self-inflicted damage, and on damage flagged as HP Removal.
- With its current trigger cooldown and debuff duration, it can trigger up to 11 times (including the initial trigger upon cast).
- Can deal up to 616 damage (before reductions) when triggering as often as possible.
- Ability formulas:
- Damage per proc: 0 + (7 * Quas)
- Trigger cooldown: 0.8 - (0.03 * Quas)
- Debuff duration: 2.5 + (0.5 * Quas)
- Modified values: Wall duration, movement speed slow and damage per second.
- The Ice Wall is always created in front of Invoker, perpendicular to the line between Invoker and a point 200 range right in front of him.
- Creates 15 wall segments, with a spacing of 80 between each, resulting in a total length of 1120. Each segment affects a 105 radius around itself.
- The wall's effective length is 1330 (1120 wall length + 105 radius from both sides).
- Each segment possesses a movement speed slowing aura. Its debuff lingers for 2 seconds.
- The damage is independent from the slow, so getting further than 105 radius away from a segment immediately stops the damage, while the slow still lingers.
- Deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in up to 13 possible instances.
- Can deal up to 1248 damage to a single unit (before reductions), when it stays in range for its full duration.
- Ice Wall is not a pathing blocker. Any unit can pass through it.
- Modified values: Cooldown, mana cost, effect delay and mana burned.
- Ability invokes when Invoker has 3 雷
- Applies the mana loss first, and then the damage.
- Invoker only gains the mana when it burns mana from heroes. Mana burned on illusions and other units does not restore mana.
- The damage and the restored mana are dependent on the amount of mana burned on the enemies.
- This means if the enemy had no mana left to burn, it deals no damage to it and does not restore Invoker's mana.
- Fully affects invisible units, but not invulnerable or hidden units.
- Can deal up to 180 damage to each affected unit (before reductions).
- Can restore up to 150 mana for Invoker from each affected hero.
- The visual effects and the sound during the effect delay are visible and audible to everyone.
- Modified values: Travel distance, cyclone duration and bonus damage per Wex instance.
- The Tornado travels at a speed of 1000 and always travels the full distance, so it takes 4 seconds to reach the max distance.
- The Tornado can hit units up to 4200 range away (travel distance + effect radius).
- Applies a Cyclone effect on the affected units, so it applies a basic dispel on them, turns them invulnerable and fully disables them for its duration.
- The damage is applied upon losing the Tornado debuff. Can deal up to 790 damage to each affected unit (before reductions).
- While in the air, other units may pass below the cycloned units.
- The Tornado provides 200 radius flying vision as it travels. This vision does not last.
- Also provides the same vision for 1.75 seconds after reaching its final destination.
- Modified values: Cooldown, mana cost and damage.
- Ability invokes when Invoker has 3 火
- The damage is spread evenly among all affected units within the targeted area.
- Therefore, it deals 1075/537.5/358.33/268.75/215 damage when hitting 1/2/3/4/5 enemies.
- Damage is only spread among units which are damaged by Sun Strike. All unaffected units do not soak up any damage.
- Does not affect wards, buildings, invulnerable or hidden units.
- Provides 300 radius flying vision at the targeted point for 5.5 seconds upon cast.
- The visual effects and the sound during the 1.7 seconds effect delay are visible and audible to everyone.
熔炉精灵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
小兵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Modified values: Spirit attack damage, spirit mana, spirit armor, spirit attack range, spirit health and spirit duration.
- Ability invokes when Invoker has 2 火
and 1 冰instances.
- Casting Forge Spirit does not replace the spirits from the previous cast.
- The spirits are always summoned next to Invoker at a random position around him, but always facing east upon spawn.
- Forged Spirits possess the 灼烧攻击
- Modified values: Cooldown, mana cost, travel distance, main damage per interval and burn damage per second.
- Ability invokes when Invoker has 2 火
and 1 雷instances.
- The Chaos Meteor needs 1.3 seconds to land. It lands at the targeted point, not at Invoker's position.
- Can hit units up to 2495 range away (cast range + travel distance + radius). The area between Invoker and the targeted point is unaffected.
- The visual effects and the sound during the 1.3 seconds effect delay (the meteor falling from the sky) are visible and audible to everyone.
- The Chaos Meteor rolls at a speed of 300 and always rolls the full distance, so it takes 5.06 seconds to reach the max distance.
- After landing, the meteor deals its main damage and places the burn debuff to units within its effect radius in 0.5 second intervals, starting immediately upon landing.
- The main damage can hit a unit up to 11 times and thus can deal up to 1650 damage (before reductions).
- The burn debuff deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 1 seconds after the debuff is placed, resulting in 3 instances for each debuff.
- The debuffs from each interval fully stack and do not refresh each other. So a unit can be affected by 11 instances of the burn debuff per cast.
- One instance of the burn debuff can deal up to 300 damage (before reductions).
- All possible instances of burn damage per unit together can deal up to 3300 damage (before reductions).
- The whole Chaos Meteor, main and burn damage, can deal up to 4950 damage (before reductions) when a unit is hit by all possible instances.
- The Meteor provides 400 radius flying vision while it is rolling. This vision does not last.
- Also provides the same vision for 3 seconds after reaching its final destination.
- Modified values: Damage, knockback duration and disarm duration.
- Deafening Blast travels at a speed of 1100 and always travels the full distance, which takes 0.91 seconds.
- The blast can hit units up to 1225 range away (1000 travel distance + 225 end radius).
- The complete area is shaped like a cone.
- Applies a non-disabling Forced Movement, so affected enemies can still use spells and items during it and their channeling spells are not interrupted.
- The knockback and disarm are applied at the same time.
- This is how the knockback works:
- Affected units are moved in 0.03 second intervals.
- They are moved 66 times.
- The first 1/3 times, units are moved linearly, by a distance of 6 per interval. 1/3 of the intervals is 22 times, which results in a distance of 132.
- For the remaining 44 intervals, the units are moved exponentially with 0.98 times the speed of the previous interval.
- So the remaining intervals together move the units by a distance of (sum 6 * 0.98 ^ 1 to 6 * 0.98 ^ 44 =) 170.67.
- Summed up, the total knockbackc distance 302.67.
- As conclusion, the knockback starts at a speed of 200 and decreases exponentially.
- Can knock units over impassable terrain. During the knockback, all trees the units collide with get destroyed.
- For the Dark Magus, Deafening Blast releases its blasts towards every direction around the Dark Magus, no matter what point is targeted.
- A total of 12 blasts are released. One blast is released towards the targeted point, while the other eleven are adapted to it, with 30 degree angles between them.
- A unit can only be hit by one blast per cast, so when a unit stands between two, only one hits it.
熔炉精灵 (幽灵漫步) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
远古 英雄级单位 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Modified values: None.
- Successive attacks fully refresh the whole stack's duration.
- The armor reduction is applied or increased after the attack damage is applied.
- Only affects heroes and illusion, and nothing else.
- The mana is used when the attack successfully hits the target, not upon projectile launch.