暗夜魔王 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 天赋:
- 25级左边天赋:-50秒 黑暗飞升
冷却 增加到 -60秒
- 25级左边天赋:-50秒 黑暗飞升
- Two 力量手套
greatly increase Night Stalker's base damage, as well as give him more HP to survive enemy harass. - 净化药水
allows Night Stalker to maintain his early mana pool, particularly since his base intelligence is so low. Keeping his mana up can allow Night Stalker to get last-hits with 虚空 safely. - One each of 树之祭祀
and 治疗药膏 are generally recommended in most any lane that Night Stalker is put in. - 圆盾
is a very good starting item to purchase on Night Stalker, as he is a melee hero who can be easily harassed. The damage block can greatly increase his survivability in-lane, and can be later upgraded into a 先锋盾 .
- 魔棒
is a very important item on Night Stalker, as he is very aggressive and must have mana to cast his spells when tower-diving. None of his spells cost more than 150 mana, so having a Magic Stick with full charges guarantees that Night Stalker will always have enough mana to cast something if he needs it. - 速度之靴
are critical for Night Stalker to pick up before the first nightfall. As 暗夜猎影 increases his base movement speed by a certain percentage, increasing Night Stalker's base movement speed will grant him unparalleled mobility at night. - 影之灵龛
is a very useful item on Night Stalker, as he is a very active ganker who can get charges easily. The extra strength gives him more HP and damage, while the mana regeneration helps him to maintain his mana pool. Urn charges can be used to heal Night Stalker and his teammates after a successful gank, allowing him to quickly be ready for another, or to add extra damage to an enemy to secure a kill. - 魔瓶
is a must for Night Stalker if he is played as a mid. As he has a small mana pool, getting a rune will replenish a large fraction of his mana, allowing him to cast his spells to their utmost during a gank. Even in the late game, his high mobility from Hunter in the Night and superior night vision allows him to spot and grab both runes in quick succession while roaming.
- 魔杖
is very good to buy on Night Stalker for all the same reasons as Magic Stick. In addition to the stats, instantly replenishing your HP and mana by 255 can drastically increase your resilience and ability to cast spells. - 相位鞋
provide Night Stalker with both a nice speed boost and extra damage, both of which synergize extremely well with Hunter in the Night. The extra damage is greatly augmented by the ability's attack speed bonus, while the active can be combined with Hunter in the Night to boost Night Stalker's movement speed to the limit. - 回城卷轴
is important to carry on Night Stalker at all times, as it can allow him to move around the map to react to gank opportunities more easily. - 阿哈利姆神杖
is a very powerful item to build as it removes terrain restrictions on Night Stalker's night vision, allowing him to take full advantage of his mobility and giving him a critical edge in situational awareness, particularly when Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"黑暗时间"的Cargo数据 is active. It also gives him more HP and mana, making him tankier and giving him more mana to cast his spells. - 先锋盾
greatly increases Night Stalker's resilience by increasing the size of his health pool and giving him damage block, which can be useful early in the game when diving towers for kills. The increased health regeneration also helps him to stay topped up between ganks. Can be later upgraded into a 赤红甲 or an 深渊之刃 .
- 恐鳌之心
greatly increases the size of Night Stalker's health pool, making him much harder to bring down in fights. The extra strength gives him more base damage as well, and the passive health regeneration allows him to always begin fights at full health, allowing him to be more active on the map. - 强袭胸甲
gives Night Stalker both offensive and defensive power. The extra armor makes him much tankier, synergizing well with his high strength growth, and the attack speed bonus combines with the enemy armor reduction to greatly improve Night Stalker's physical damage output. - 黑皇杖
makes Night Stalker immune to most crowd control and disables in teamfights, while giving him more HP and attack damage. It allows him to bring down key targets without worrying about being disabled. - 莫尔迪基安的臂章
gives Night Stalker many useful bonuses at a very cost-effective price. The +25 strength from the active boosts both his attack damage and HP, drastically increasing his DPS alongside Hunter in the Night, and the health loss can be mitigated with Urn of Shadows. - 天堂之戟
can be used in conjunction with 伤残恐惧 to completely prevent an enemy from fighting back. It also provides a chance to proc Lesser Maim on an enemy, further slowing their attack and movement speed on top of Void. - 碎颅锤
, which can be upgraded into 深渊之刃, can be used in conjunction with Night Stalker's naturally high attack speed during night to reliably proc a stun on an important target. This can allow Night Stalker to tear his targets apart with his high DPS while saving Void for another target if needed. - 撒旦之邪力
gives Night Stalker more armor, HP and damage, giving him survivability, more DPS, as well as lifesteal to keep him at full HP. The active allows him to heal himself back up to full health in the middle of a teamfight, so long as he is not disabled, making him a much bigger threat. - 银月之晶
gives Night Stalker lots of attack speed, making him a powerful threat even in the daytime. The passive night vision bonus boosts his already great night vision, allowing him to spot enemies from extreme ranges. - 清莲宝珠
gives Night Stalker a blend of self-sustain and survivability through the HP and mana regen as well as the additional armor. The active can discourage enemies from casting targeted spells on him, making him a bigger threat in teamfights and preventing gank targets from easily disabling him to escape. - 王者之戒
is a good early item for Night Stalker. It gives him more armor and some bonus damage, making him tankier and increasing his last-hitting power. The flat mana regen helps to keep his mana pool topped up, particularly given his low base intelligence. The item can be disassembled and recycled for components, or upgraded into a Vladmir's Offering. - 淬毒之珠
can be a useful attack modifier to build on Night Stalker, as adding 12% movement speed slow to Void's 50% can greatly reduce the target's chances of escaping. It can be upgraded into an Eye of Skadi as needed, or sold for more inventory space for other items. - 动力鞋
can be useful to consider on Night Stalker over Phase Boots, as attribute switching can allow Night Stalker to extend his mana pool and improve the value of his Bottle, as well as retain some measure of attack speed during the day when Hunter in the Night is not active. - 闪烁匕首
greatly extends Night Stalker's reach when initiating. As he has abnormally high night vision, Night Stalker can spot targets from very long distances, allowing him to instantly close the gap on a foe who isn't even aware of his presence. - 弗拉迪米尔的祭品
is a good mid-game support/utility item to pick up for your team, as it augments the attack power of all nearby allies and gives them armor. As well, it can provide lifesteal for your team, giving you more survivability in a teamfight. As an item for Night Stalker himself, it gives him mana regen and allows him to maintain his HP by lifestealing when farming neutral camps. - 炎阳纹章
is a strong utility item that gives Night Stalker armor and evasion, hardening his resistance against right-clicks, as well as mana regen to sustain his mana pool. The active can significantly reduce a gank target's armor and induce a miss chance that stacks alongside Crippling Fear, reducing their ability to fight back and increasing the damage they take from Night Stalker's right-clicks. - 散夜对剑
provides many useful benefits, as it increases Night Stalker's attack speed, damage, health, and movement speed by large amounts. In particular, the constant 16% movement speed bonus means that he can move at a constant 520 movement speed when combined with Hunter in the Night, greatly increasing his mobility. - 白银之锋
is a strong ganking item that gives Night Stalker a good combination of bonuses, and is particularly useful against enemies with powerful passive abilities. It gives him more damage output from his right-clicks, as well as a nice boost to his attributes. The Shadow Walk, combined with Hunter in the Night, allows him to gank while moving at maximum speed, inflicting bonus damage and a break on any enemies he finds.
The beast of bedtime tales, Balanar is the primal terror that every child knows to fear. When night falls, Balanar goes on the hunt, moving and striking with devilish swiftness. He inflicts a debilitating Void, slowing and forcing his quarry to flee, arms withering and spells fizzling as their hearts are stricken with Crippling Fear. Even the lighted hours provide no safety from the Night Stalker. When needed, Balanar transforms through a Dark Ascension, spreads his wings under the blackened veil of night, and goes on the prowl for ever more victims. | |
定位: | 核心 先手 耐久 控制 爆发 |
复杂程度: | ★☆☆ |
- 许多暗夜魔王的台词都是引用自他吸血鬼的气质的,使其更像Bram Stoker的Dracula,Dracula是一部Gary Oldman出演的由名著改编的电影
- 暗夜魔王的▶️ "If I ever get my claws on that bird."台词可能是引用自会在夜间时间变成白天时间时啼叫的公鸡
- 除此之外,也引用自"乐一通"中傻大猫描述"崔弟"所使用的台词
- 暗夜魔王低沉易怒的声音可能是引用自蝙蝠侠
- 在早期DotA版本中,有一个与暗夜魔王相似的英雄叫做 虚空恶魔
,他的一技能"时间虚空"与当前的 虚空 技能相似,会眩晕目标5秒,虚空恶魔也有一个与全能骑士的 退化光环 相似的技能,有着更大的600范围,他的三技能是一个推进技能,能够摧毁防御塔,叫做"地震",他的终极技能为"群体加速",这个光环能够让虚空恶魔和周围的友军获得与暗夜魔王的 暗夜猎影 相似的加成,但是这个技能没有条件限制,能够让虚空恶魔和他的队友在白天和黑夜中都能捕猎英雄。最终,虚空恶魔由于其技能被认为太过强大而被替换为暗夜魔王 - 暗夜魔王的"In the forest of the night"台词引用自William Blake的诗——The Tyger