斯溫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 只增加基礎攻擊傷害和斯溫主屬性提供的額外攻擊傷害
- 周期性檢查斯溫的當前主要攻擊傷害,並且會立即對加成做出調整
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改動</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
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- 鐵樹枝幹
gives Sven much needed stats, also additional regeneration combined with 樹之祭祀 . - 樹之祭祀
s are needed for early health regeneration. - 治療藥膏
gives rapid health regeneration, at a higher cost. - 圓盾
helps Sven deal with harassment in lane. - 魔法芒果
gives burst mana replenish which allows for an additional Storm Hammer in a pinch. - 壓制之刃
can be picked up to help Sven last hit more efficiently. - 淨化藥水
potions can be useful due to Sven's small mana pool and large mana cost on Storm Hammer, and is more likely bought by a supportive Sven.
- 窮鬼盾
is a upgrade from 圓盾 and help Sven tank harassment in forms of attack. - 速度之靴
increases Sven's moderate movement speed, allows him to attack a few more times while chasing and escape. - 魔棒
is a good choice when faced with heavy lane harassment in forms of skills. - 靈魂之戒
is sometimes bought so that Sven can use |Storm Hammer more frequently.
- 魔杖
可以將 魔棒 與出門時攜帶的比如 鐵樹枝幹 這些屬性加成的物品整合到一起 - 動力鞋
能夠提供攻擊速度,而且也需要獲得 力量腰帶 的加成,因此對斯溫來說非常適合 - 黑皇杖
是一件斯溫最核心的裝備,這是他唯一一個能夠應付控制的防守手段,並且能夠為斯溫的力量和攻擊傷害提供不錯的加成。However sometimes the item could be purchased later since it does not increase your farm speed.
- 韌鼓
will enable Sven to quickly get into combat and survive teamfights. It can be bought if Sven's early game does not go well enough to afford bigger items. - 瘋狂面具
compensates for his low attack and move speed. With lifesteal, Sven can recover his health with just a few hits on the enemy. - 莫爾迪基安的臂章
is a good early teamfight item as it provides overall growth in damage and attack speed as well as additional health and armor while active. Its active could be switched twice in quick succession in a pinch to gain additional health. - 回音戰刃
essentially acts as a crit, allowing Sven's burst to increase significantly for a cheap price. Additionally, this second attack works identically to his regular attacks, meaning, if used while possessing a 代達羅斯之殤 , gives Sven twice the chance to crit. - 支配頭盔
is an alternative to Mask of Madness, providing more armor than speed, and also allowing Sven to dominate a creep and use them to stack camps with it, allowing him to farm quickly thanks to his cleave. - 閃爍匕首
greatly improves Sven's mobility, allowing him to initiate teamfights as well as gank unsuspecting enemies, which can make a big difference in game outcomes. - 散夜對劍
is a worthwhile pick up for the mid game, especially because Sven can obtain it quickly - The attack speed, movement speed and added damage (partially added through strength) are all things Sven needs while the maim makes it harder for enemies to kite him. - 代達羅斯之殤
is the attack damage item Sven needs, as it gives Sven the critical chance that allows him to destroy enemies in just a few hits. - 金箍棒
provides less damage compared to 代達羅斯之殤 . However, True Strike counters Evasion, and the Mini-bash part allows Sven to chase and manfight better. - 銀月之晶
grants a huge boost in attack speed. Though largely lacking in utility and thus exceeded in usefulness by several other choices, a Moon Shard is a powerful luxury item that ensures Sven's continued dominance in a winning game. As Moon Shard can be consumed to permanently add attack speed, it does not need to take up an useful item slot that most other lategame items do. - 強襲胸甲
can be considered in the late game, as the negative armour debuff, attack speed and massive armor gain allows for Sven to truly become a tank. - 恐鰲之心
not only provides Sven with much better survivability, it also gives a lot strength bonus, which greatly increases the damage from God's Strength. - 撒旦之邪力
provides Sven with a good amount of survivability and damage. The active synergises well with Sven's large DPS, ensuring that he will be able to get back into full health should he be allowed to continue attacking. - 刷新球
gives Sven twice the time of 撒旦之邪力 , also double Storm Hammer in quick succession. The biggest contribute it provides is the 10 second 黑皇杖 in late game when Sven may be kited due to the Spell Immunity time loss. It also gives additional time for God's Strength to reactivate so that Sven can bring down towers after teamfight or reactivate after buyback. Beware of Sven's small mana pool since Refresh active costs a lot of mana. - 深淵之刃
, while providing very little natural damage by itself, does provide an additional form of lockdown, granting Sven a minimum of 4 seconds of lockdown coupled with Storm Hammer (and without counting any additional bashes you get), which is more than enough to secure a kill on any enemy who doesn't have anyone to help them around. It also makes Sven much more difficult, if not near impossible to manfight as Sven's already overwhelming damage becomes all the more terrifying by the fact that he can outright stop an enemy from attacking through magic immunity. Finally, Sven is also one of the better users of this item in terms of damage due to the fact that it also provides strength, further increasing his damage during his ultimate. It also comes from 先鋒盾 , making him nearly impervious to damage from most jungle creeps and most summons, though this feature is largely useless to a hero like Sven. - 遠行鞋
is a natural pickup in late game.
The Rogue Knight lives by two creeds: Honor, as ordained by his own personal code, and solitude. Using his iron gauntlet, Sven throws out the Storm Hammer to stun multiple foes, then closes in to cut them down with Great Cleave. In the heat of battle, the Rogue Knight calls upon God's Strength, greatly increasing his power as he descends on hapless opponents with his gargantuan blade. | |
專長: | 核心 控制 先手 耐久 爆發 |
複雜程度: | ★☆☆ |
- Sven是以健身愛好者和演員Sven-Ole Thorsen命名的
- 在早期版本的DotA中,斯溫的惡搞名字為"Arnold Schwarzenegger"
- 台詞中"▶️ Twas only a flesh wound"和"▶️ It was but a scratch"是引用自巨蟒與聖杯中的黑武士的
- 台詞中"▶️ Blame the host"和"▶️ Bad host"是根據原Warcraft III DotA中遊戲穩定性取決於主機玩家的網絡連接質量而產生的
- 風暴之拳
在早期beta階段的名字為Storm Bolt,之後某次改動後更名為Storm Hammer,這也是DotA 1中原來的名字,而在Dota 2斯溫的施法台詞中也有所體現,他將其稱為▶️ "Storm Bolt"