大地之灵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
考林 the 大地之灵 is a 近战 力量 英雄 with great utility, possessing a wide array of 控制s in all of his basic abilities.
Unlike most heroes, his abilities revolve around an innate ability, 残岩, which allows him to place statues that can be used to augment his abilities. Using his abilities in tandem with these remnants, Earth Spirit can stun enemies with 巨石冲击, slow them and initiate with 巨石翻滚, and silence them with 地磁之握. His ultimate, 磁化, inflicts nearby enemies with a damage over time debuff, and allows him to spread the slow and silence from his abilities to other nearby enemies while refreshing the debuff duration by using his Stone Remnants, stopping entire groups of enemies in their tracks. With good timing and skill he can initiate fights from a distance, and given the right circumstances can deal a surprising amount of damage to both single and multiple targets, all the while disrupting enemy positioning allowing for easy kills. A useful ally and a dangerous enemy, the Earth Spirit's versatility and flexibility make him an ideal hero in almost any lineup or lane.
- 巨石冲击有着不一样的选择目标规则,取决于大地之灵想要冲击一个远处的残岩、周围的残岩还是一个单位
- 冲击一个远处的残岩:
- 这样做必须要选择地面,目标点周围200范围内必须有一个 残岩
- 如果发现了残岩,就会走向该点直到残岩在200距离内
- 路上碰到的所有残岩都会被忽略,只有最靠近目标点的残岩会被冲击
- 到达残岩时,大地之灵会将其向其接近的方向冲击
- 这样做必须要选择地面,目标点周围200范围内必须有一个 残岩
- 冲击一个周围的残岩:
- 这样做必须要选择地面,目标点周围200范围内必须没有一个残岩
- 大地之灵周围200范围内必须有一个残岩
- 巨石冲击有2000距离默认施法距离,这个距离使其可以精准瞄准残岩
- 对超过2000距离使用时,大地之灵会一直走到进入距离内,如果周围有残岩,就会将其冲击
- 冲击一个单位:
- 这样做必须直接选择该单位
- 大地之灵和目标单位之间必须没有一个残岩
- 大地之灵会一直走到目标进入150距离内,将其向其接近的方向冲击
- 如果大地之灵在走向目标时碰到一个残岩,就会将该残岩向目标单位处冲击
- 不能对☐ 禁用帮助的队友使用
- 巨石冲击先造成伤害,再施加击退debuff,被冲击的残岩先造成伤害,再施加减速debuff
- 对被冲击的残岩范围内的所有敌方单位造成移动速度减缓,冲击单位时既不会被减速也不会造成减速
- 对被冲击的残岩或单位范围内的所有敌方单位造成伤害
- 被冲击的敌人在施法时立即受到伤害
- 被冲击的友军不会受到伤害
- 被冲击的单位在击退期间不会被控制,可以自由行动,不会打断持续施法技能
- 不能对远古生物使用
- 可以将单位和残岩移动穿过不可通过的地形
- 在击退期间摧毁目标单位或残岩碰到的树木
- 需要 阿哈利姆神杖
- 在整段持续时间内提供目标的真实视域
- 对于 巨石冲击
: - 被魔咒的英雄会被击退2000 (
- 如果在巨石冲击期间魔咒消退,该单位仍然移动全额距离,但停止施加移动速度减缓
- 如果敌人在被冲击时魔咒消退,会受到伤害,但不会被减速
- 当大地之灵受到魔咒,巨石冲击变为一个无目标技能并且在使用时自动对其自身使用
- 被魔咒的英雄会被击退2000 (
- 对于 巨石翻滚
- 对于 地磁之握
: - 被魔咒的英雄(友军和敌人)会被以900的速度拉扯并造成伤害
- 如果在地磁之握期间魔咒消退,仍然会被以900的速度拉扯,但停止造成伤害
- 对于 磁化
- 也可以对 残岩
使用,使用较短的冷却 - 残岩魔咒期间的残岩不能过期,但是,会在残岩魔咒消退时被摧毁
- 结束时的区域伤害会击中所有敌人,而不只是英雄
英雄天赋 | ||
+0.6秒 巨石翻滚 | 25 | 地磁之握 |
+3秒 地磁之握 | 20 | +18% 技能增强 |
+120 巨石翻滚 | 15 | +300 巨石冲击 |
+2秒 磁化 | 10 | +325 巨石翻滚 |
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Reborn of stone and jade, Kaolin fights with strength gathered from a thousand years of entombment. The great general places, like pieces on a grand board, silent Stone Remnants for use in strategies known only to himself. A master of positioning, Kaolin knocks back foes with Boulder Smash, pulls close allies with Geomagnetic Grip, and freely manipulates his Remnants at will. Never one to lead from behind, Kaolin crashes into the fray as a Rolling Boulder. Foes are left stumbling away from battle, their health slipping as they try in vain to escape from the general's maze of Magnetized stone. | |
定位: | 爆发 逃生 控制 先手 耐久 |
复杂程度: | ★★★ |
- 在DotA里,大地之灵和 酒仙
, 风暴之灵 和 灰烬之灵 一样,同属熊猫人。然而,为避免与暴雪娱乐之间的版权纠纷,对其进行了重构,因为熊猫人是魔兽系列的一种生物种族。 - Stone Remnant is called Stone Caller in DotA, and it summons an actual Rock rather than a Remnant. Its function and mechanics are the same.
- Stone Remnant is still named Stone Caller in Dota 2's NPC files.
- Earth Spirit's original design included a hat, but this was scrapped before release. It is still visible on his Stone Remnants.
- Earth Spirit's name, Kaolin, is a reference to a type of fine white clay of the same name.
- Earth Spirit's lore draws inspiration from the Terracotta Army, a collection of statues depicting Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang Di's armies.
- Earth Spirit's quote "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" may be a reference from Matthew 26:41 in the Bible (KJV).