噬魂鬼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 多次攻击的debuff不叠加,只会刷新持续时间

- 感染期间,噬魂鬼的所有技能会被隐藏,而感染会被 吞噬
- 感染期间,噬魂鬼会周期性地移动到宿主的当前位置,影响以下内容:
- 可以在33.33/25/20 (
- 被感染单位的最大和当前生命值增加给定的数值
- 当前生命值增加不会被计为治疗,并且穿过所有东西
- 被感染单位的移动速度也会增加给定的数值
- 如果目标不是一个英雄或英雄级单位,其基础移动速度也会被设置为与噬魂鬼当前的移动速度相等
- 如果目标不是一个英雄或英雄级单位,该单位自动受噬魂鬼控制,成为其单位
- 如果目标是一个敌人,将保留其生命条颜色,使其较难被敌人发现已经受控制了
- 被感染的单位会获得一个隐藏特效,在上面产生一个视觉效果,只对友军可见
- 感染的冷却在离开被感染单位时开始,而不是施法时
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- 基础攻击速度从130点降低到120点
- 狂暴
的魔法消耗从每级75点增加到75/100/125/150点 - 盛宴
- 不再增加15/30/45/60点攻击速度
- 敌方最大生命值吸血从1.5%/2%/2.5%/3%增加到1.6%/2.2%/2.8%/3.4%
- 撕裂伤口
不再是基础技能 - 3技能槽增加 尸鬼狂怒
- 尸鬼狂怒
- 被动地使噬魂鬼的攻击能大幅减缓敌人移动速度。提供攻击速度加成。
- 攻击速度加成:20/30/40/50
- 移动速度减缓:6%/12%/18%/24%
- 减速时间:1.5
- 附录:被动技能。可以被破坏禁用。
</div> </div>
- Consumables like 树之祭祀
and 治疗药膏 are good for covering your health issues until you can sustain yourself with lifesteal. - 圆盾
Stout Shield helps deal with harassment in lane, or block damage in jungle. Later can be upgraded to 先锋盾 and a future 深渊之刃 . - 压制之刃
makes last hitting easier.
- 莫尔迪基安的臂章
is N'aix's core item due to his lifesteal. The player may have this item active throughout every fight, since his Feast ability negates the health loss.
- 黯灭
increases Lifestealer's feast damage (lifesteal remains the same) and eventually critical hits (if you choose to go for 代达罗斯之殇 or 水晶剑 ) to hit incredibly hard against any targets. - 强袭胸甲
compensates for N'aix's very low base armor, and also gives more attack speed for use with 盛宴 . It is also useful for pushing enemy towers. - 碎颅锤
and its upgrade 深渊之刃 are situational, though they greatly improve the Lifestealer's attack capabilities, able to disable his prey long enough for him to tear down. - Get a 金箍棒
if the enemy carry has evasion or has a way of making you miss attacks such as 力丸 's 烟幕 or 酒仙 's 醉酒云雾 , as it makes these abilities partially useless. - 闪烁匕首
lets N'aix close the gap between vulnerable heroes who like to keep their distance from fights such as 狙击手 or 天怒法师 before casting Open Wounds and Rage. This is useful if you find yourself unable to get in range for what would otherwise be free kills. At the same time, it is excellent for escape after using Infest. - 恐鳌之心
is a good item pickup as it allows Lifestealer to keep 莫尔迪基安的臂章 activated indefinitely, and gives him greater durability and damage. - 相位鞋
allows the Lifestealer to close distance on his targets early on in order to get within Open Wounds' short range, and is ideal for ganking from the jungle. The lack of Attack Speed from not purchasing 动力鞋 is negated by allowing the player to level more levels of Rage, increasing both survivability and damage. - 韧鼓
works well when combined with 相位鞋 as the combined movement speed from both allows players to catch up with faster enemy heroes. The attributes also help boost Lifestealer's lacking mana pool, and allow him to gank more often through frequent use of Open Wounds. - 代达罗斯之殇
lets Lifestealer crit his feast damage. Against high health heroes, such as 帕吉 and 斯温 , Lifestealer can deal huge crits to his enemies and heal himself for immense amounts of health.
What was once a man is now little more than a husk, its mind long since departed from lifetimes of imprisonment. Or has it? Now on the loose, N'aix appears to be driven by a new purpose, although what precisely that is, none would know. The Lifestealer Feasts on raw flesh, nourishing himself with every attack while inflicting grievous Open Wounds that make escape near impossible. By sheer ferocity, or perhaps madness, N'aix flies into a Rage, intensifying his assault while defying all wizardry. For a particularly nasty surprise, the Lifestealer Infests an unhappy victim, hiding inside its body in wait for the opportunity to burst out in a gory explosion. | |
定位: | 核心 耐久 打野 逃生 控制 |
复杂程度: | ★★☆ |
- 噬魂鬼在DotA中的恶搞名字为咕噜,是一个在指环王和哈比人系列中一个重要的角色
- 尸鬼狂热与Warcraft 3中食尸鬼的被动升级名称相同,食尸鬼是一个不死族单位并且噬魂鬼在DotA中来源于此,两个技能都会增加使用者的攻击速度,但噬魂鬼的被动是一个减速效果,而食尸鬼的被动则提供移动速度加成[2]