力丸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 在学习闪烁突袭时力丸立即获得全部2点充能
- 额外伤害与力丸的攻击伤害独立,并且立即对目标造成伤害
- 可以对友军使用而不造成伤害
- 如果目标是一个敌人,力丸会发出攻击目标命令
- 对敌人使用时,力丸会获得隐藏buff
- 不能对 信使

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- 树之祭祀
s and 治疗药膏 compensate for poor starting HP, allowing you to stay longer in the lane and reach level 6 sooner. - 敏捷便鞋
and three 铁树枝干 es to increase early damage and both health and mana regeneration, while the slippers prepare for the shield and the branches set up for the wand later.
- 魔棒
replaces your consumables with an alternative source of recovery, particularly if the enemy team includes heroes that rely on abilities. - 速度之靴
provide movement speed, allowing Riki to keep pace with fleeing heroes while Blink Strike is on cooldown. - 穷鬼盾
gives Riki damage block, aiding escape from attempted ganks or providing the defense to land one last hit on an almost dead opponent. - 淬毒之珠
helps secure kills with its movement slow and helps compensate for Riki's own horrible movement speed. Remember that neither Orb of Venom nor 净魂之刃 are UAMs, so they stack with other ones.
- 动力鞋
give Riki increased attack speed as well as a further bonus to attributes. - 魔杖
is an obvious upgrade from the 魔棒 and 铁树枝干 es purchased earlier, freeing up inventory slots while retaining the attribute bonuses and healing ability. - 净魂之刃
provides a way to weaken heroes receiving bonuses from buffs, as well as slow fleeing heroes and burn mana from casters. And using purge on an enemy under 烟幕 allows for a long silenced duration in which you can back-stab them or just fight them while they have an increased chance to miss. It also boosts Agility which will increase 刀光谍影
's back-stab damage.
- 蝴蝶
provides a huge increase in both survivability and damage, as well as attack speed. It also boosts your Agility which scales well with 刀光谍影
's back-stab damage. - 韧鼓
is a good early/mid game pickup, makes everyone faster and gives you stats, coupled with Orb of Venom for a better chasing power. - 黑皇杖
allows Riki to effectively fight in team-fights and get kills against opponents that have strong disables. - 散夜对剑
give great attribute bonuses, as well as an alternative slow method to save charges on, or use in place of a drained 净魂之刃 . - 碎颅锤
allows Riki to cancel TPs with a lucky bash and continue to lock-down opponents once they have acquired a 黑皇杖 , and upgrades into 深渊之刃 which allows for more reliable stuns. - 斯嘉蒂之眼
gives stats across the board as well as a flat HP and mana pool bonus, allowing Riki to take more hits, deal more damage and cast more spells. It also gives a powerful, 黑皇杖 piercing slow that will prevent your target from escaping. - 闪烁匕首
allows Riki to initiate using Blink Strike and Tricks of the Trade, then safely blinking away just before Tricks of the Trade finishes. - 幻影斧
can be used to dispel debuffs, including 显影之尘 , as it's the only source of dispel which has beneficial stats for Riki. - 狂战斧
can be utilized when allies such as 谜团 and/or 马格纳斯 are present. - 漩涡
can proc with 绝杀秘技 , but only up to once per strike due to the item's internal cooldown of 0.2 seconds. Can be upgraded to 雷神之锤 for higher damage. - 黯灭
can be used with 绝杀秘技 to hit multiple targets and reduce their armor, causing it to essentially be a multiple target 勇气勋章 .
The soldiers came for his father, and his brothers, but not for Riki. For once, it was good to be the neglected middle child. Leaving his past life behind, Riki escaped the royal grounds using his own methods of Cloak and Dagger. Stealthy and fond of killing from behind, Riki throws down a dense Smoke Screen, blinding and choking foes as he takes them by surprise with Blink Strike. Intruders who enter his turf are greeted with twin daggers, flashes of steel that slash simultaneously at every turned back, while the master himself remains unseen. How this feat is accomplished remains a mystery, for Riki is not one to divulge the Tricks of the Trade. | |
定位: | 核心 逃生 控制 |
复杂程度: | ★☆☆ |
- 在DotA中,力丸的名字为"Rikimaru",借鉴自天诛系列游戏的主要角色之一。
- 力丸的另一个名字为Riki Martin, 是一位有名的流行歌手Ricky Martin的梗。
- 力丸死亡时的台词▶️ "Good assassins never die… they just fade away.",借鉴自麦克阿瑟将军的演讲"老兵不死,只是凋零。"
- 力丸的台词▶️ "There are none so stabbed as those who will not see.",借鉴自一个谚语:"There are none so blind as those who will not see."
- 力丸的台词▶️ "I speak softly, but carry a sharp knife.",借鉴自西非谚语"Speak softly and carry a big stick.",通过美国总统西奥多·罗斯福为人所熟知。