冥魂大帝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
冥魂大帝骷髅兵 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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召唤单位 小兵 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- 冥魂大帝每击杀2个单位获得一个 冥魂大帝骷髅兵
- 在冥魂大帝300范围内随机一点生成骷髅兵
- 这些骷髅兵无法被控制,会在大约6500距离内自动选择攻击目标
- 骷髅兵在被击杀时会重生,不能被阻止
- 与英雄重生相似,在其重生时击杀骷髅兵不会提供击杀金钱或经验
- 重生不会重置骷髅兵的持续时间,这意味着在其过期时也不能重生
英雄天赋 | ||
绝冥再生 | 25 | -2秒 本命一击 |
+6 最低 骷髅兵 | 20 | +25% 分裂 |
+24 骷髅兵 | 15 | +0.7秒 冥火爆击 |
+15 攻击速度 | 10 | +20 移动速度 |
- Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"分裂"的Cargo数据
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">版本</div> <div id="description">改动</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
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- 治疗药膏
and 树之祭祀 help Wraith King sustain his health against lane harassment. - 净化药水
gives Ostarion more opportunities to set up kills early on with Wraithfire Blast. - 铁树枝干
es give Wraith King enough mana pool to cast Wraithfire Blast two times at level 1. - 压制之刃
is an excellent starting item for Ostarion as it allows him to get last hits easier. It also makes Mortal Strike hit harder against creeps which makes you clean camps and creep waves faster. Increases the effectiveness of Vampiric Aura when attacking creeps. It can be used to cut trees and move faster from one camp to another while farming the jungle.
- 魔棒
can sometimes be the difference between a death and a kill. Its active usually grants enough mana to sustain Reincarnation. It also combos with 莫尔迪基安的臂章 toggle, as one can deactivate, use magic stick, and reactivate buying enough time for it to provide the 500 bonus hp. - 速度之靴
provide an excellent boost of speed for any hero.
- 魔杖
provides the same kind of benefit as the Magic Stick does, but it also provides a small amount of attributes. It makes great use of the earlier bought branches, making room for new items. - 动力鞋
provides attack speed which is one of Ostarion's main needs. Attribute switching also make his limited mana pool go much further if the treads are switched to intelligence before casting a spell. Due to Mortal Strike and his already high base damage it is better to leave treads in agility form to achieve maximum dps. One can use strength if tanking is essential or if last hitting is difficult. - 莫尔迪基安的臂章
is a very cost efficient item which provides lots of damage at cost of health degen, however Vampiric Aura easily negates the health drain effect making it Ostarion's main core item. - 闪烁匕首
solves another of Ostarion deficiency, mobility. It negates countering through kiting, helps with positioning, as well as moving across the maps quicker, thus increasing farm speed. Another possible trick is to instantly blink away after using 绝冥再生 , as Reincarnation delay and Dagger cooldown are both 3 seconds.
- 疯狂面具
gives massive attack and movement speed while debuff (silence and minus armor) doesn't hurts him at all. Lifesteal also stacks with his aura if he doesn't go for Desolator. 撒旦之邪力 can be a good choice if he decide to go for 圣剑 . - 黯灭
causes his physical attacks to hit harder, especially against targets with already low armor. Vampiric Aura also benefits greatly from it, as it heals based on dealt damage after armor reduction. It also helps pushing towers. - 黑皇杖
is a very situational item that you want to avoid. There are two situations, however, that it may be necessary: 1) Against heavy mana burn, which counters 绝冥再生 . 2) Being heavily kited even after buying 闪烁匕首 . It is better to spend gold on items that give you more health and/or more damage, forcing the enemy team to spend their spells on you first, which creates space for your teammates during a teamfight. - 强袭胸甲
increases his damage output by increasing his attack speed and further reducing enemy armor. The aura from this item also increases his team's armor and attack speed. Since Wraith King usually survives longer, the item's aura provides more impact. It has nice synergy with 黯灭 . - 雷神之锤
increases his attack speed and damage output and gives good active ability - Static Charge. - 深渊之刃
provides Ostarion a decent HP and some damage bonus, blocks 40 damage from incoming attacks and it also gives his attacks a chance to bash. On top of Wraithfire Blast another active stun which also pierces spell immunity provides immense control, which is very handy as he is easy to run away from. - 恐鳌之心
gives Ostarion a great health, health regeneration, and attack damage boost, making him even harder to kill and harder to ignore. It also provides enough hp regen to compensate 莫尔迪基安的臂章 health drain. - 天堂之戟
gives Ostarion some evasion against enemies which rely on their physical attacks, and lets him cut off an enemy carry from their primary source of damage for a while. - 金箍棒
increases Ostarion's attack damage, counters enemies with evasion abilities or items such as 蝴蝶 or 天堂之戟 , and provides him with a high chance to interrupt channeling spells when Wraithfire Blast is not an option. - 圣剑
is an excellent item for Ostarion to get due to it not dropping if Reincarnation activates upon death, thus making it less likely for him to lose it. When carrying the 不朽之守护, Ostarion has to die 3 times to lose the Rapier. The great damage boost also increases his endurance by improving his lifesteal aura's returns. - 阿哈利姆神杖
is a useful item if he is playing a support character, as it makes him able to elongate his teammate's lives, potentially getting more kills or other objectives. It also provides overall decent stats. - 银月之晶
is able to be consumed, granting him more attack speed and allowing him an effectively higher chance to proc Mortal Strike.
On the millennial solstice known as Wraith-Night, Ostarion stood frozen amid the carnage, absorbing innumerable souls as his champions sacrificed their lives for the King. Now brimming with Wraith Essence, Ostarion immobilizes his adversaries with Wraithfire Blast, stunning and searing them over time. His greatsword smashes foes in one Mortal Strike, sapping their essence to feed his Vampiric Aura. Only fools trust the erratic reports of Ostarion's death. For when slain, the wraith energies that bind his body begin to reconstitute his parts, joining limb to torso until the Wraith King's Reincarnation comes full circle. | |
定位: | 核心 辅助 耐久 控制 先手 |
复杂程度: | ★☆☆ |
- 在2013年12月13日之前,
- 在DotA 1中,冥魂大帝(在DotA 1中仍然是骷髅王)的名字是李奥瑞克,引用自暗黑破坏神中叫做李奥瑞克的骷髅王,转变到Dota2时,为了避免版权问题,他的名字就改成了奥斯塔里昂
- 版权问题也是骷髅王的模型和名字被重做成冥魂大帝的一个原因,另一个原因可能是重做模型能够解决饰品和完美世界客户端中低暴力版模型的问题。骷髅王需要低暴力版模型是因为中国政策上的限制,不能在电脑游戏中出现骷髅
- 冥魂大帝在购买 莫尔迪基安的臂章
时的台词▶️ "I NOW HAVE ALL THE SEXY",购买 圣剑 时的台词▶️ "Oh, Rapier. NOW YOUR KING IS BALLING OUT OF CONTROL!"和战斗开始的台词▶️ "I'LL HELP MY WEAK AND PUNY ALLIES WHERE I CAN."都是引用自一个著名的叫"CAPS LOCK LEORIC"的DotA英雄攻略 - 刀塔Plus第一次出现可以使用英雄台词时,许多社区成员就请求Valve将冥魂大帝的全部文本都使用大写,在多次请求后最终完成
- 在多个台词中,他称呼他自己为"Once and Future King",与King Arthur的头衔相同
- 其中一个在冥魂大帝激活 幻象神符
时的台词为"We'll lead as three kings",这句台词是引用自圣经中the three kings又称东方三贤士的故事