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Viper minimap icon 冥界亚龙 is medium carry whose potent Nethertoxin icon 幽冥剧毒 grow more potent as his target's health diminishes. His Corrosive Skin icon 腐蚀皮肤 poisons any who dares attack him, while his Poison Attack icon 毒性攻击 and Viper Strike icon 蝮蛇突袭 slows any enemy to a crawl. Because of this, Viper is an exceedingly deadly ganker during the early game, but is less potent during the late game. Viper also lacks any disables, and struggles against enemies with 技能免疫.
优点 缺点
  • Powerful slow makes him a great ganker in the early stage.
  • Fairly durable.
  • Has mana issues during the early and mid game.
  • No real disable.


Poison Attack iconNethertoxin iconPoison Attack iconCorrosive Skin iconPoison Attack iconViper Strike iconPoison Attack iconCorrosive Skin iconNethertoxin iconTalent iconNethertoxin iconViper Strike iconNethertoxin iconCorrosive Skin iconTalent iconCorrosive Skin iconUnknown iconTalent iconTalent iconTalent icon


2倍 Corrosive Skin icon 腐蚀皮肤减速和魔抗25-11秒 Nethertoxin icon 幽冥剧毒冷却
+70 攻击力20+80 Viper Strike icon 蝮蛇突袭每秒伤害
+300 生命15+70 Nethertoxin icon 幽冥剧毒最高伤害
8% 技能吸血10+20 攻击速度
  • 生命天赋增加最大生命值,并且保持当前生命值百分比。
  • 攻击力天赋以攻击力加成的形式增加。
    • 幻象不能从中获益,也不受大多数百分比伤害增加或降低效果影响。



  • Poison Attack icon 毒性攻击 and Viper Strike icon 蝮蛇突袭 slow attack speed as well, apply them to the enemy carry to cripple their damage output.
  • Viper is great at kiting melee carries with his large variety of slows and with an Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖.
  • More tips needed.


Poison Attack icon 毒性攻击[]

  • Primarily leveling Poison Attack is the best way to slow and damage a target of your choice and doesn't require your opponents to attack you for the ability to be applied. If you're in a lane with supports, this is probably the strongest choice.
  • More tips needed.

Nethertoxin icon 幽冥剧毒[]

  • Nethertoxin is generally the last ability to level, but if the rest of your team is capable of getting your opponents to low HP quickly, this will allow you to easily clean up fights. It's a good choice to pick up early if you want to last-hit easier.
  • More tips needed.

Corrosive Skin icon 腐蚀皮肤[]

  • Corrosive Skin is the best choice to max first if you'll be in situations where you and your opponent(s) will be trading blows, rather than you just attacking. The damage per level of this ability is roughly the same as Poison Attack, but greatly increases how tanky you are.
  • Corrosive Skin is especially potent against DoT spells. Between the magic resistance and continuous reapplication of Corrosive Skin to the caster of the DoT, Viper will usually take less damage than Corrosive Skin returns.
  • More tips needed.

Viper Strike icon 蝮蛇突袭[]

  • Viper Strike is one of the best ganking abilities in the early game. Remember to take advantage of this.
  • With an early aghanims scepter viper strike could be the best ability to start teamfights as its cooldown would be low



  • Tango icon 树之祭祀 让冥界亚龙可以站住线上。
  • Slippers of Agility icon 敏捷便鞋 在游戏前期提高冥界亚龙的补刀能力。
  • Circlet icon 圆环 提升冥界亚龙的属性。



  • Power Treads icon 动力鞋 在鞋类中是可以提升冥界亚龙DPS和抗揍能力的选择。
  • Ring of Aquila icon 天鹰之戒 对于敏捷核心英雄是通用选择。
  • Dragon Lance icon 魔龙枪 提供攻击距离和性价比相当高的属性加成,在游戏中期相当重要。


  • Hurricane Pike icon 飓风长戟 是魔龙枪的升级版。
  • Shadow Blade icon 影刃 是冥界亚龙gank装备选择之一,如果能靠近目标,冥界亚龙是一名不错的gank手。在1v1的对抗中,他的减速和逐渐提升的攻击力相当厉害。
  • Butterfly icon 蝴蝶 是另一个提升冥界亚龙输出和肉盾能力的装备选择。只要你的生命值足够充裕,闪避会让冥界亚龙面对物理伤害更加坚挺。
  • Diffusal Blade icon 净魂之刃 提升冥界亚龙的输出,附带法力燃烧,主动效果可以净化敌人。
  • Mekansm icon 梅肯斯姆 对于团队和你个人都是不错的防御装。
  • Monkey King Bar icon 金箍棒 提供一个不是很可靠的控制以及一大块输出,当你们的阵容缺乏控制或者敌方英雄有闪避道具.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 可以让冥界亚龙在团战中多次使用自己的终极技能,让敌方英雄减速,降低输出,并且受到大量伤害。还可以提升冥界亚龙的肉盾能力,你在团战中存活的越久,发挥的作用就越大。
  • Manta Style icon 幻影斧 提供肉盾能力,伤害,以及追杀能力,所有的加成都对冥界亚龙很有用。主动效果也能驱散debuff。
  • Orchid Malevolence icon 紫怨 阻止敌方法师使用控制技能,亦可让敌人受到更多伤害,魔法恢复也可解决冥界亚龙缺蓝的问题。
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon 恐鳌之心 提升冥界亚龙的肉盾能力,配合上你的腐蚀皮肤和 Butterfly icon 蝴蝶,冥界亚龙简直肉的令人发指。