Dragon's Blood
Many hands make light work.
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Bad against...[]
- Ice Blast disables the healing component of Cold Embrace, making it essentially a 4 second stun on an ally and a perfect setup for Ice Blast.
- If Cold Feet is cast on an Allied hero affected by Cold Embrace, it will almost guarantee the Ally comes out stunned.
- Cold Embrace is the perfect setup for all his nukes - Chaos Meteor, E.M.P. and especially global Sun Strike.
- Cold Embrace is no salvation against Lucent Beam and Eclipse.
- Moon Glaives will not hit a hero affected by Winter's Curse, making it weak against allies, but strong versus enemies.
- Luna has better night vision provided by Lunar Blessing than Winter Wyvern when affected by Arctic Burn.
- Guardian Angel completely counters Winter's Curse, allowing his team to survive Winter Wyvern's initiation.
- Purification and Repel are very useful against Arctic Burn, Splinter Blast and Winter's Curse as well.
- Winter Wyvern must never put her allies in Cold Embrace against Outworld Destroyer as Arcane Orb will continue to deal damage to the defenseless hero.
- Arcane Orb does not hit his allies when he is taunted by Winter's Curse, making it weak against allies, but strong versus enemies.
- Astral Imprisonment can protect a target inflicted with Winter's Curse.
- Cold Embrace is a death sentence against Pugna, since its the perfect setup for all his abilities, especially Life Drain.
- Decrepify can be cast to save the ally under Winter's Curse effect, wasting most of its duration.
- Winter Wyvern's abilities require a lot of mana, allowing Nether Ward to deal lots of damage.
- Cold Embrace is the perfect setup for Mystic Flare, and his 6-second silence is good against Winter Wyvern in general.
- Arctic Burn and Splinter Blast's debuffs are can be dispelled with with Dark Pact. Arctic Burn also cannot be used to escape against Pounce.
- Even though Cold Embrace can protect it's owner from Slark's direct attacks, Slark can still gain Essence Shift stacks from attacking heroes affected by it.
- However, Essence Shift works against allies, and Slark's low health pool means that if he's the target for Winter's Curse, he will go down very quickly as Winter's Curse cannot be dispelled at all.
- Timbersaw relies on dealing massive amounts of pure damage, making Cold Embrace a good setup for his nukes.
- If he has Reactive Armor stacks, Timbersaw can tank the damage from his allies if he is targeted by Winter's Curse. If he's not the target, Timbersaw's abysmal attack damage will contribute next to nothing when he is cursed to attack an ally.
- As Timbersaw commonly buys Lotus Orb, he can use it to reflect Winter's Curse back to Winter Wyvern if she uses it impulsively on him or any other hero while affected by it.
- All of Tinker's damage is magical and pure, which makes Cold Embrace a good setup for his nukes.
- Winter's Curse is very hard to cast on Tinker because he usually stays in the back-lines in team-fights. In turn, Tinker has mediocre attack damage and will contribute very little when he is cursed to attack an ally. He can also save his ally under Winter's Curse effect with Ethereal Blade and Defense Matrix.
- Winter Wyvern cannot handle the Zombies created by Tombstone very well. In most situations, Zombies will have more movement speed than her.
- Undying can gain one or two easy Decay stacks on an ally in Cold Embrace. The ally will still take the damage as well, since it is magical.
- Even though Ursa is a hero who relies on direct attacks to be effective, Fury Swipes does not work on allies if Ursa is affected by Winter's Curse, mitigating a majority of Ursa's damage. In addition, Ursa's unimpressive attack speed and attack damage without Overpower and Fury Swipes means that he deals little to no damage to allies during Winter's Curse.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Enrage allows Ursa to survive Winter Wyvern's initiation with Winter's Curse.
- Heavy nukers will do well against Cold Embrace ( Lina, Zeus etc).
- Blinkers and mana burners may also be a threat to Winter Wyvern, as she has no reliable escape.
- Disablers are more hazardous against Winter Wyvern than to other supports, because Cold Embrace stuns allies.
- Items that deal magical damage like Dagon, Spirit Vessel, Wind Waker, Meteor Hammer, Overwhelming Blink, Gleipnir, Mjollnir, Radiance, Revenant's Brooch and Ethereal Blade will damage through Cold Embrace, especially when amplified with Veil of Discord.
- Ethereal Blade can be cast on ally under Winter's Curse effect wasting most of its duration.
- Linken's Sphere will easily block any attempt to initiate with a Winter's Curse.
- Revenant's Brooch will allow heroes reliant on basic attacks to have their next five attacks deal magical damage, and thus, ignore Cold Embrace's protection, making Winter Wyvern weak even against heroes she naturally counters.
- Black King Bar will cause it's wielder immune to be taunted by Winter's Curse unless if they are targeted directly by the spell, which may be useful to lock down key carries for a few critical seconds (e.g. a Sven that has just activated his ultimate and Black King Bar and is about to wreak havoc on your team). Additionally, Arctic Burn's and Splinter Blast's debuffs will not work.
- Lotus Orb will render Winter's Curse very useless when activated since Winter Wyvern relies on taunting enemies heroes with Winter's Curse, reflecting it back at Winter Wyvern and ruining her ganking attempts with it.
Good against...[]
- Beastmaster's summons and Inner Beast are very useful to attack his cursed teammate.
- Cold Embrace effectively mitigates Primal Roar's single-target initiation on allies.
- Winter Wyvern can make Chaos Knight's illusions attack the real one, provided the player knows who it is.
- Alternatively, Winter's Curse can make Chaos Knight and all his illusions attack one of his allies.
- Cold Embrace protects ally who is focused by Chaos Knight.
- Splinter Blast deals decent area damage to Chaos Knight's illusions.
- Chaos Knight's high health pool and tendency to not build magic resistance items will make Arctic Burn deal a lot of damage to him and his illusions.
- All of Lycan's damage is physical which is totally negated by Cold Embrace.
- Lycan often moves around with large amount of creeps, wolves created by Summon Wolves and neutral creep dominated by Helm of the Dominator which can be easily cleared by Splinter Blast or used as a great source of damage by Winter's Curse. If you catch Lycan with creeps nearby and affected by Shapeshift using Winter's Curse on him will most certainly end up with his death.
- Cold Embrace is very effective against Duel.
- Also, casting Winter's Curse at Legion Commander while an ally is in a Duel will stun her for most of the duration, possibly preventing lethal damage dealt to your ally. It can also turn her high-damage against her teammate.
- Meepo's clones usually gets grouped in teamfight making any of them ideal target for Winter's Curse, forcing Meepo to literally kill himself. Also, unlike other heroes he cannot protect himself with Linken's Sphere.
- While Meepo's clones are grouped up, Splinter Blast will hit almost every clone, slowing Meepo and making him easier to fight.
- Cold Embrace will protect your ally from being damaged if he gets focused by Troll, although be careful as Fervor will keep gaining stacks even while Cold Embrace is active.
- Fervor works on allies.
- His high attack speed will help to kill his cursed ally faster.
- Broodmother, Nature's Prophet, Phantom Lancer by their nature offer very good target for Splinter Blast and Winter's Curse.
- Terrorblade and his illusions deal huge damage, which might used against him and his team with Winter's Curse.
- Many physical-only single-target heroes like Lifestealer, Sven, Wraith King, Phantom Assassin, Templar Assassin can have their damage mitigated by Cold Embrace.
- You can easily save any ally from physical bursts with Cold Embrace.
- Enemies with large health pool will suffer by Arctic Burn as it burns away portion of their current health per second.
Works well with...[]
- When Winter Wyvern has cast Winter's Curse, Vacuum can pull in nearby foes who weren't taunted already.
- Dark Seer can followup Winter Wyvern's initiation or vice versa.
- Winter's Curse can set up for an easy Midnight Pulse + Black Hole combo.
- Reverse Polarity can bunch up a lot of enemies together. Cast Winter's Curse when the stun has ended to ensure all taunted enemy heroes kill the victim quickly enough.
- Winter's Curse can set up for an easy Poison Nova, though keep in mind that the poison damage will not affect any enemy while they are still affected by the curse.
- Plague Ward and Venomous Gale, combined with Winter Wyvern's Arctic Burn and Splinter Blast can cripple enemy heroes in the laning phase. The slows from all 4 abilities can easily ensure a kill.
- Winter's Curse can set up for all of Invoker's AoE spells.
- Heroes with AoE spells work well with Winter Wyvern's Winter's Curse once the curse has worn off. These include but not limited to Leshrac, Queen of Pain, Puck, Disruptor, Treant Protector, Ember Spirit, Shadow Fiend and Riki.
- Any hero who can reduce armor e.g. Slardar, Naga Siren, Vengeful Spirit, etc. has good synergy with Winter's Curse.
- Orchid Malevolence and Bloodthorn have incredible synergy with Winter's Curse.
- Medallion of Courage and Solar Crest can be purchased to increase damage enemy suffers during Winter's Curse.
- Glimmer Cape synergies well with Cold Embrace, negating all physical and most magical damage.