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Bad against...[]

Axe icon
Clockwerk icon
Doom icon
  • Doom ability icon Doom completely takes Windranger out of a team fight, a hero who relies heavily on using abilities and items to contribute in team fights.
Bristleback icon
  • Using Focus Fire on Bristleback tends to fare badly for Windranger, as he can trigger passive Quill Spray icon Quill Sprays many times, especially when she attacks him from behind. In addition, Windrun does not protect her from both Viscous Nasal Goo icon Viscous Nasal Goo and Quill Spray icon Quill Spray, rendering her helpless.
  • Bristleback's natural tankiness makes it hard for Windranger to effectively burst her down throughout the game.
  • Bristleback tends to continuously spam Viscous Nasal Goo icon Viscous Nasal Goo to slow down Windranger when she uses Windrun to escape, potentially allowing him to outrun her with his Warpath icon Warpath stacks.
  • Bristleback can build Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb to reflect Shackleshot and Focus Fire back at Windranger.
Anti-Mage icon
Bloodseeker icon
  • Rupture icon Rupture turns Windranger's mobility against her.
  • Blood Rite icon Blood Rite's silence makes Windranger totally useless, since she's extremely reliant on abilities.
Centaur Warrunner icon
  • Stampede icon Stampede can help his teammates escape from Windrun and Focus Fire.
  • Retaliate icon Retaliate will shred through Windranger's health if she chooses to attack him during Focus Fire.
Dark Willow icon
  • Windrun does not protect Windranger from Cursed Crown icon Cursed Crown stun or Dark Willow's magical nukes.
  • Focus Fire cannot target Dark Willow in Shadow Realm icon Shadow Realm and will be interrupted if targeted earlier, wasting the ultimate.
Drow Ranger icon
  • A well-timed Gust icon Gust prevents Windranger from escaping or counter-initiating with Windrun.
  • Drow Ranger can combine Frost Arrows icon Frost Arrows and Eye of Skadi icon Eye of Skadi to effectively slow down Windranger if she tries to escape with Windrun, since both slow effects stack with each other.
  • Drow Ranger commonly buys Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade or Silver Edge icon Silver Edge, which allows her to escape from Focus Fire. Drow Ranger can also buy Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar or Nullifier icon Nullifier to counter Windranger's evasion from Windrun.
  • The bonus agility from Marksmanship icon Marksmanship can shred through Windranger's low armor.
Faceless Void icon
  • Time Dilation icon Time Dilation affects Windranger's low cooldown abilities, making them unusable for a long time, reducing Windranger's escape potential.
  • The high mobility provided by Time Walk icon Time Walk makes it hard for Windranger to find a good position to land Shackleshot or a full duration of Focus Fire.
  • Chronosphere icon Chronosphere provides excellent lockdown against Windranger, allowing for reliable kills in all stages of the game.
  • Faceless Void tends to go for items that require Javelin icon Javelin, such as Maelstrom icon Maelstrom, Mjollnir icon Mjollnir and Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar, allowing him to bypass the evasion from Windrun.
Morphling icon
Nyx Assassin icon
  • Many of Nyx Assassin's abilities are good against Windranger.
    • Impale icon Impale is great for stunning Windranger and allowing additional disables to be landed.
  • Mind Flare icon Mind Flare is useful against Windranger's decent intelligence growth.
  • Spiked Carapace icon Spiked Carapace is easy to use against Powershot.
  • Vendetta icon Vendetta allows Nyx Assassin to sneak up on and deal massive damage to Windranger without giving Windranger a chance to use Windrun to evade it.
  • Nyx Assassin's item build allows him to easily deal with Windranger.
Legion Commander icon
  • Press the Attack icon Press the Attack can save her allies dispels the stun from Shackleshot.
  • Duel icon Duel can lock down Windranger before she can escape with Windrun.
  • Legion Commander tends to go for Blade Mail icon Blade Mail, which returns the damage she takes from Focus Fire.
Ember Spirit icon
  • The high mobility provided by Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant makes it hard for Windranger to find a good position to land Shackleshot or a full duration of Focus Fire.
  • Flame Guard icon Flame Guard and Searing Chains icon Searing Chains deal considerable magical damage to Windranger which she cannot avoid with Windrun.
    • Searing chains also negates the mobility from Windrun.
Pangolier icon
  • Rolling Thunder icon Rolling Thunder allows Pangolier to escape from Focus Fire, or close the gap to Windranger whenever she tries to escape with Windrun.
  • Disarm from Lucky Shot icon Lucky Shot makes Focus Fire temporarily useless.
Razor icon
  • Static Link icon Static Link greatly lowers Windranger's damage output from Focus Fire.
  • Eye of the Storm icon Eye of the Storm strikes cannot miss, even if Windrun is active.
Silencer icon
  • Glaives of Wisdom icon Glaives of Wisdom's intelligence steal can prove detrimental to Windranger, as she heavily relies on her abilities to be able to make an impact.
  • Silencer's abilities hamper Windranger's effectiveness in battle, preventing her from comboing abilities and escaping using Windrun icon Windrun.
Spectre icon
  • Spectre can instantly escape Focus Fire or hunt a Windranger with Haunt icon Haunt.
  • Spectre can catch up to her with Spectral Dagger icon Spectral Dagger, even if she uses Windrun.
  • Desolate icon Desolate allows Spectre to hit Windranger through Windrun.
  • Dispersion icon Dispersion combined with Blade Mail icon Blade Mail and/or Vanguard icon Vanguard (and its upgrade Abyssal Blade icon Abyssal Blade) makes Spectre tanky and/or reflects some damage back to Windranger.
Sven icon
Shadow Demon icon
  • Shadow Demon can waste precious seconds of Windrun with Disruption icon Disruption.
    • Alternatively, Demonic Purge icon Demonic Purge. can be used to dispel it altogether, leaving her completely defenseless.
  • Disruption icon Disruption can be used to save an ally if they get stunned by Shackleshot.
Storm Spirit icon
  • The high mobility provided by Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning makes it hard for Windranger to find a good position to land Shackleshot or a full duration of Focus Fire. It can be also used to dodge Powershot.
Tidehunter icon
  • Kraken Shell icon Kraken Shell can easily dispel Shackleshot after he has taken a certain threshold of damage.
  • Ravage icon Ravage provides excellent lockdown against Windranger, allowing his teammates to kite her throughout the game.
  • When Tidehunter has Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard, he will gain access to Dead in the Water icon Dead in the Water, allowing him to lock down Windranger at any time. When Windranger tries to move away from the anchor with Windrun, she will be effectively slowed, preventing her from escaping.
Venomancer icon
  • Due to lack of magic resistance, Venomancer abilities eats through Windranger's health.
  • Venomancer's multiple slows, to an extent, negates Windrun's mobility.
Void Spirit icon
  • Void Spirit deals entirely magical damage in the early game, ignoring her evasion from Windrun icon Windrun.
  • A Void Spirit with fast reaction time can use Dissimilate or Astral Step to dodge Powershot icon Powershot.



  • Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar gives accuracy that allows it's owner's attacks to bypass Windrun's evasion.
  • Rod of Atos icon Rod of Atos, Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity and Abyssal Blade icon Abyssal Blade prevents Windranger from escaping with Windrun.
  • Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence, it's upgrade Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn and Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse can greatly reduce Windranger's performance due to her relying heavily on her skills for any tactical advantage. Bloodthorn also grants true strike, bypassing Windrun's evasion.
  • Linken's Sphere icon Linken's Sphere works against Focus Fire and Shackleshot.
  • Nullifier icon Nullifier is exceptionally useful against Windranger since it dispels Windrun.
  • Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd can disarm Windranger, allowing its owner to save himself/herself or their allies from Focus Fire's damage.
  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb can reflect Windranger's Shackleshot and Focus Fire back to her if she impulsively uses it on a hero protected by it.
  • Blade Mail icon Blade Mail reflects Windranger's physical damage and goes through Windrun, exposing her vulnerability to physical damage.

Good against...[]

Earthshaker icon
  • Windrun can be used to dodge Earthshaker's abilities if Windranger has a quick reaction time.
  • Focus Fire and Windrun allows Windranger to kite Earthshaker.
  • A Windranger with fast fingers can prevent Earthshaker from using Fissure icon Fissure with Shackleshot.
Huskar icon
  • Windranger prevents Huskar from landing Burning Spear icon Burning Spears by using Windrun.
  • Because Huskar tends to be at low health, Focus Fire and Powershot are good abilities against him.
Hoodwink icon
  • Powershot can destroy the trees to prevent Scurry icon Scurry's passive as well as end Bushwhack icon Bushwhack prematurely or prevent it completely.
  • Acorn Shot (Secondary) icon Acorn Shot creates a tree for Windranger to get an easy Shackleshot off.
  • Acorn Shot (Secondary) icon Acorn Shot does not grant True Strike, thus making it easy for Windranger to evade it with Windrun.
  • Shackleshot stuns Hoodwink for a lengthy duration due to her often reliance on positioning with trees.
Phantom Assassin icon
  • Phantom Assassin's Blur icon Blur is useless against Windranger as she commonly buys items that require Javelin icon Javelin like Maelstrom icon Maelstrom, Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar or Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn, and other than Stifling Dagger, Phantom Assassin has nothing else that can bypass Windrun.
  • Additionally, Phantom Assassin doesn't like building Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar because her crits are reliant on attack damage.
  • Focus Fire can still deal considerable damage despite Blur's evasion due to the increased attack speed.
Pudge icon
  • Pudge relies on his hook to initiate his combo. As long as she's able to avoid the hook with Windrun and shackle him, Windranger can take him down easily. Pudge's low armor means that he won't be able to endure Focus Fire for long.
Ursa icon
  • Windranger can avoid Ursa's primary source of damage, Fury Swipes icon Fury Swipes, by simply using Windrun. The slow from Earthshock icon Earthshock is also rendered irrelevant by Windrun.
  • Focus Fire and Windrun can be used to kite Ursa.


Works well with...[]

Bloodseeker icon
  • Thirst icon Thirst synergizes well with Windranger's Powershot, allowing her Powershot snipe enemies from far away and finish them when they're low on HP.
Nature's Prophet icon
  • Windranger can shackle a unit to a sprouted tree.
Hoodwink icon
  • Windranger can shackle a unit to a tree from Acorn Shot (Secondary) icon Acorn Shot.
  • Shackleshot and Bushwhack icon Bushwhack combine to make a very long chain stun, allowing Windranger and Hoodwink to land both Powershot and Sharpshooter, respectively. Be sure not to destroy the tree early with Powershot, as doing so will end Bushwhack's stun.


  • Iron Branch icon Iron Branch is a also good item for Windranger. With fast hands and a Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger, she can easily shackle enemies even with no trees nearby.
