Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
24 + 2.8
10 + 1
25 + 3.1
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 648 1506 2386 2738
+0.25 +2.41 +5.94 +9.54 +10.98
Mana 75 375 891 1407 1611
+0 +1.25 +3.42 +5.57 +6.45
Armor 1 2.67 5 8.67 9.83
Magic Resist 25% 27.5% 31.84% 36.14% 37.89%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.53/s 0.59/s 0.67/s 0.8/s 0.84/s
Attack Range Ranged 600 (800)
Attack Speed ▶️ 90 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.3
Projectile Speed 1200
Move Speed ▶️ 300 (Nighttime 330)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_warlock
Summons powerful demons to fight at his side.
In the endless pursuit of rare texts, Demnok Lannik found it necessary to learn the magics that would help him reach the most inaccessible tomes. In short time, his obsessive study made him the most powerful Warlock in the academy. As he whispers a versatile Shadow Word to heal fellow adventurers, or damage hostile creatures. Fatally Binding his foes together forcing them to share their agony. Demnok Lannik brings a Chaotic Offering and Eldritch Imps to every fight. Mired in a dimensional Upheaval, not even an army can hold long against his dark spells, especially his Permanently Immolated Golems.
Fatal Bonds
Fatal Bonds
Shadow Word
Chaotic Offering
Chaotic Offering
Roles: Support Support Initiator Initiator Disabler Disabler
Complexity: Hero Complexity
Adjectives: Bearded, Cape, Red, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Warlock minimap iconDemnok Lannik, the Warlock
▶️ "Chaos comes at my command!"
As Chief Curator and Head of Acquisitions for the Arcane Archives of the Ultimyr Academy, Demnok Lannik was tireless in his pursuit of lost, rare and forbidden tomes. No cursed temple was so foreboding, no cavern path so treacherous, that any concern for his own survival could dissuade him from entering if rumors hinted that some pamphlet of primordial lore might still survive in its depths. However, so often did his investigations trigger the wrath of protector entities, that he finally found it necessary to master the arts of magic. He bent himself to learning sorcery with the same thorough obsessiveness that marked his quest for incunabula, becoming the most powerful Warlock of the Academy in less time than most practitioners required to complete a course of undergraduate work. Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells. And anticipating the day when he will have recovered every last lost spellbook, he has commenced writing his own Black Grimoire. It will undoubtedly be instructive.
Demnok Lannik, WL


Fatal Bonds
Fatal Bonds icon
Binds several enemy units together, causing a percentage of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others. Summons an imp from the corpse of any unit that dies while under the effects of Fatal Bonds that lasts for 19/21/23/25 seconds and explodes on death. Imps will automatically seek out nearby units, favoring bonded heroes, and will explode when reaching their prey.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1000
Bounce Distance: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 700
Number of Bounces: 6
Damage Shared: 12%/16%/20%/24% (Talent 16%/20%/24%/28%)
Imps per Unit Death: 1
Bonds Duration: 19/21/23/25
Imp Duration: 15
Search Radius: 1200
With Aghanim's Shard Imp Bonus Level: 1
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Increases the power of all imps summoned by Warlock.
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked fully only when primary target.
Modifiers [?]
An ancient incantation that links the vital energies of multiple lifeforms into one collective body.

Minor Imp
Warlock Warlock Golem model
Summoned Creep
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Ability Duration 15
Armor Armor 1
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Default
10/12/14/16/18 ‒ 11/13/15/17/19
Attack Range Melee 80
Acquisition Range 1200
Attack Speed 1 attack(s) per second. 200 • 2s BAT
Attack Animation 0.38+0.57
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 300/315/330/345/360 (100)
Turn Rate Takes 0.209s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 18
Bound Radius 8
Vision Range (G) 800
Bounty Gold 3
Experience 17
Abilities Eldritch Explosion (Minor Imp) icon Eldritch Explosion
Notes Uncontrollable

  • Fatal Bonds have no bounce delay, so all targets are bonded and damaged at the same time.
  • When cast multiple times, it searches and prioritizes enemies that were not debuffed by the previous cast, and then it searches for the next closest units.
    • The debuff can still stack on the same units if no other previously bonded units are nearby.
    • Can bond units inside the Fog of War, but cannot bond invisible units.
    • Does not affect Roshan icon Roshan at all.
    • Successive casts of Fatal Bonds fully stack and work independently from each other.
  • Fatal Bonds' damage has the no-reflection flag, preventing its damage from interacting with other sources of damage with the same flag.
  • Spreads the full damage value before the affected enemy targets actually take the damage.
    • This means that the damage spreads before all manipulations, so that it may only be affected by incoming damage manipulation the affected targets have.
    • This also means it shares damage instances that exceeded the targets' current health and killed them.
    • The shared damage is always sourced to Warlock. Therefore, if a unit dies to the damage done by Fatal Bonds, Warlock gets credited for the kill.
  • The distance between the bonded units does not matter. Once bonded, they always spread and/or receive the spread damage.
  • Non-player-controlled units are not aggro'd by the damage.
  • Increases the total damage output of every damage by 60%/80%/100%/120% (Talent 80%/100%/120%/140%) when the maximum amount of units is bonded.
  • Does not spawn Imps from enemies dying to the following sources:
  • Minor Imps are uncontrollable. However, they can be boosted by allied abilities or auras.
    • They automatically choose the nearest valid attack target within , prioritizing heroes affected by Fatal Bonds.
    • Minor Imps continue chasing their target even when the target turns invisible and untargetable.
    • 0.2 seconds after reaching its target, Eldritch Explosion (Minor Imp) icon Eldritch Explosion based on its current level is passively applied.
    • Minor Imps only attack the nearest building and do not explode, if there are no other valid targets.
  • Despite being uncontrollable, they can be Dominated. However, the Minor Imp continues its attempt to move to the last known location of its set target.
  • Each Minor Imp spawned has its own duration.
    • They use the same model as Warlock Warlock Golem icon Warlock Golem and have a smaller model size.
  • Increases the Minor Imp's level by based on the time spwaned and does not upgrade.

Shadow Word
Shadow Word icon
Warlock whispers an incantation, healing a friendly unit or damaging an enemy unit over time.
Cast Animation: 0.4+0.6
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 600/700/800/900
Damage per Second: 15/25/35/45 (Talent 33/43/53/63)
Heal per Second: 15/25/35/45 (Talent 33/43/53/63)
Duration: 10
Talent Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 450
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked fully only when primary target.
Modifiers [?]
Warlock arcane arts have a myriad of uses, allowing them to be powerful friendly enchantments or damaging curses.

  • Deals damage or heals in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in 10 instances.
    • The debuff duration on enemies is not affected by status resistance sources.
  • Can deal up to 150/250/350/450 (Talent 330/430/530/630) damage to the target (before reductions).
    • Always heals for the full amount per instance, regardless of how much damage the target actually takes.
    • TALENT
      Learning the damage and heal increasing Talent talent does not update already existing modifiers.
  • Successive casts of Shadow Word fully stack and work independently from each other.
  • The first sound is played when the target is an ally, and the second sound when it is an enemy.
    Shadow Word now turns into a radius area-targeted ability, so that it cannot directly target units anymore.

Upheaval icon
(Talent Allies)
A powerful slowing current that grows stronger as it's channelled. Lasts up to 10/12/14/16 seconds. Enemies are slowed for 3 seconds after leaving the area or the spell ends.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 900
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 500/550/600/650 (Talent 565/615/665/715)
Max Channel Time: 10/12/14/16
Damage Increase per Second: 10
Max Damage per Second: 35/60/85/110
Move Speed Slow Increase per Second: 11%/14%/17%/20%
Max Move Speed Slow: 55%/70%/85%/100%
Buff/Debuff Duration: 3
With Aghanim's Shard Number of Imps per Spawn: 1
With Aghanim's Shard Imp Spawn per Channel Interval: 2
Talent Ally Attack Speed Bonus Increase per Second: 10
Talent Ally Max Attack Speed Bonus: 70
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
While channeling, Warlock spawns an imp every 2 seconds that lasts for seconds and explode dealing damage to all enemies around them upon death.
Modifiers [?]
Demnok manipulates space-time, impairing entire armies.

  • The strength of the Upheaval is based on Warlock's channel duration, not on how long a unit stands in the affected area.
    • Both the debuff and buff values are applied and/or refreshed in the same intervals.
  • Upheaval's ability values stop increasing at the last 0.1-second of the channeling.
  • The ability values increase as follows on each server tick, starting 1 tick after cast:
    • The movement speed slow increases by 0.37%/0.47%/0.57%/0.67% per tick, taking 4.9/4.9/4.9/4.9 seconds to reach max values.
    • The damage per second increases by 1.17/2/2.83/3.67 damage per tick, taking 3.4/5.9/8.4/10.9 seconds to reach max values.
    • TALENT
      The ally attack speed bonus Talent talent increases by 0.33 attack speed bonus per tick, taking 6.9 seconds to reach max values.
      • Learning the Talent talent immediately updates the current instance.
  • With the max channel time and the debuff duration, it can deal up to a total 355.25/654/990.25/1364 damage (before reductions) within the area for the entire duration.
    • For how much damage Upheaval deals per increased second, please refer to the chart below.
  • Successive damage per second debuffs of Upheaval fully stack and work independently from each other.
    • However, successive debuffs applied update its movement speed slow values and refreshes its duration.
  • Upheaval now spawns 1 Warlock Warlock Golem icon Minor Imp based on the current level of Fatal Bonds icon Fatal Bonds per 2 seconds of channeling.
    • Can spawn up to 4/5/6/7 Minor Imps for the entire duration per Upheaval cast.
    • Fatal Bonds Minor Imp notes fully apply.
      • Does not require Fatal Bonds to be learned to spawn Minor Imps.

Chaotic Offering
Chaotic Offering icon
Target Area
(Talent Passive)
Summons a Golem from the depths, stunning enemies for one second. The Golem lives 60 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and Flaming Fists on attack.
Passive Component
Talent Number of Golems on Death: 1
Cast Animation: 0.5+0.7
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1000
Stun Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 600
Effect Delay: 0.5
Number of Golems: 1 (With Aghanim's Scepter 2)
Stun Duration: 0.8
Golem Duration: 60
With Aghanim's Scepter Golem Spawn Interval: 0.5
Golem Slow Resistance: 60%
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Calls 2 golems with reduced stats and bounty.
Not disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Does not disable the passive cast on death.
Cannot be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Illusions do not summon Golems on death.
Modifiers [?]
Demnok unleashes the captive spirit in his Dreadwood staff, causing destruction in enemy ranks.

  • Warlock Warlock Golem icon Warlock Golems are always summoned at the center of the targeted area facing the east.
  • Successive casts of Chaotic Offering do not replace any of the currently active Warlock Golems from a previous cast.
    • Leveling up the ability, learning the magic resistance or armor increasing Talent talents does not update already existing golems.
  • Upon spawning, Warlock Golems destroy all trees within 600 radius around them.
  • The visual effects and sounds during the effect delay are visible and audible to everyone.
    • It also plays a sound effect during the cast time, which is audible to everyone as well.
  • Chaotic Offering now summons a second golem 0.5 seconds after the first golem.
    • The second golem applies the area stun and destroys all trees within the radius as well, effectively extending the total stun duration to 1.3 seconds.
    The Golem on Death Talent talent automatically and passively casts Chaotic Offering centered on Warlock's death location whenever he dies.
    • Does not trigger when Warlock has Reincarnation.
    • The passive cast do not trigger the cooldown, work while on cooldown, and do not cost mana.
    • Applies the area stun like a manual cast and summons 1 Warlock Golem.
    • The Golem lasts its full duration, it is not bound to Warlock's death timer and does not disappear when he respawns.
    • Chaotic Offering notes and all of Warlock Golem's Talent talents fully apply.
    • The Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrades are not applied to this on-death passive cast.

Upheaval Calculations[]

Upheaval Damage Calculations at nth Second
Level / Interval 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Level 1 10 20 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Level 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Level 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 85 85 85 85 85
Level 4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 110 110 110 110 110

Warlock Golem[]

Warlock Golem
Warlock Warlock Golem model
Summoned Ancient Creep-Hero
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Ability Duration 60
Armor Armor 8/12/14 (Talent 28/32/34)
Magic Resistance 33% (Talent 87%)
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Default
100/160/220 ‒ 120/180/240 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 75/120/16585/130/175)
Attack Range Melee 225
Acquisition Range 500
Attack Speed 0.83 attack(s) per second. 100 • 1.2s BAT
Attack Animation 0.26+0.57
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 320/340/360 (100)
Turn Rate Takes 0.209s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800
Bounty Gold 100/150/200
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 50/75/100 )
Experience 98
Abilities Flaming Fists (Warlock Golem) icon Flaming Fists
Permanent Immolation (Warlock Golem) icon Permanent Immolation
Notes 60% Slow Resistance

Flaming Fists
Disabled by Break. Pierces debuff immunity. QQ
Flaming Fists (Warlock Golem) icon
Deals extra damage to nearby units when attacking.
Radius: 300
Damage: 40/50/60
Modifiers [?]

  • The radius is centered around the attacked target.
    • The bonus damage hits the attack target as well.

Permanent Immolation
Disabled by Break. Does not pierce debuff immunity. WW
Permanent Immolation (Warlock Golem) icon
Burns the Golem's nearby enemy units, with damage per second.
Radius: 300
Damage per Second: 30/50/70
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Modifiers [?]

  • Permanent Immolation of multiple Warlock Golems fully stacks with each other.
  • Permanent Immolation is an aura and its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
    • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is placed, resulting in 59 possible instances.
    • Can deal up to 1770/2950/4130 damage (before reductions) within the area per golem over the entire duration.

Minor Imp[]

Eldritch Explosion
Eldritch Explosion (Minor Imp) icon
Enemies / Self
Shortly after dying, a burst of damage based on the max health of the imp is dealt to all enemies in a small area.
Effect Radius: 400
Effect Delay: 0.2
Damage: 30/60/90/120/180
Creep Damage Multiplier: 0.5
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Fatal Bonds icon Fatal Bonds increases the level of the Minor Imp's ability by 1 and unlocks the 5th ability level.
Modifiers [?]

  • Passively triggers in the following conditions:
    • Upon death or when the Minor Imp is killed.
    • Upon reaching the affected enemy unit.
  • Does not passively triggers when attacking buildings.
  • Eldritch Explosion applies the damage, then instantly kill the Minor Imp.
  • Eldritch Explosion has 4 levels by default, but the 5th level can only be unlocked by Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Fatal Bonds icon Fatal Bonds.


Hero Talents
80% Magic Resistance for Warlock Warlock Golem icon Chaotic Offering Golems25+20 Warlock Warlock Golem icon Chaotic Offering Golems Armor
+450 Shadow Word icon Shadow Word AoE20Summons a Warlock Warlock Golem icon Golem on death
+18 Shadow Word icon Shadow Word Heal/Damage15+10 Upheaval icon Upheaval Attack Speed per second on Allies
+65 Upheaval icon Upheaval Radius10+4% Fatal Bonds icon Fatal Bonds Damage

Recent Changes[]

Main Article: Warlock/Changelogs

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Rescaled Upheaval icon Upheaval movement speed slow increase per second from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 11%/14%/17%/20%.
  • Reduced Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 3 to 2.8.
  • Increased Fatal Bonds icon Fatal Bonds duration from 25 on each level to 19/21/23/25.
  • Reduced base attack speed from 100 to 90.
  • Warlock Warlock Golem icon Minor Imp
    • Reduced movement speed from 320/335/350/365/380 to 300/315/330/345/360.

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]






  • In DotA, Warlock's ultimate is named "Rain of Chaos" and the summoned unit was called an Infernal, a hulking golem with green-colored flames. Both names were changed in the transition to Dota 2 to avoid copyright conflicts.
  • ▶️ "Just for that, I'm unfiending you." when killed is probably a play on "Unfriending you" an action in the popular social network Facebook where a person removes another from their friend list.
  • ▶️ "Bloodied but unbowed" when respawning is a reference to William Ernest Henley's poem "Invictus".[1]
  • ▶️ "Dark interval"'", which is likely a reference to the song of the same name featured in the credits of Half-Life 2: Episode 2, another game by Valve. It is also a reference to the metaphor "interval of darkness" that the Vortigaunts of the Half-Life series use for death, which is implied to be temporary for them, hence the word "interval" to describe the period of death that comes after their reincarnation.[2]


