Visage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scouts and attacks with his familiars. | |
Perched atop the Narrow Maze was Visage, a dreadful gargoyle form to which the eternal spirit Necro'lic was bound. Tasked with hunting down those who escape the afterlife, Visage instills Grave Chill in his prey, impairing them while augmenting his speed. He reaps their essence with Soul Assumption, gathering energy from the anguish they felt before releasing it in a devastating attack. Protected by the Gravekeeper's Cloak, the gargoyle's ablative layers deflect both steel and spells. His deadly Familiars scout the land for runaways as Silent as the Grave. On his command, they harass their prey, dropping down to earth as Stone Statues to restrain the captive for their master's impending arrival. | |
Roles: | Support Nuker Durable Disabler Pusher |
Complexity: | |
Adjectives: | Blue, Flying, Wings, Nose Legs ( 2 )
▶️ "It is one thing to animate a corpse from beneath the ground. It is another to rip a soul from beyond the veil."
Perched atop the entrance to the Narrow Maze sit the looming shapes of sneering gargoyles, the paths into the hereafter forever in their gaze. Beasts and birds, men and monsters, all creatures that die and choose to travel beyond must someday pass beneath their sight. For an untethered spirit, the decision to journey through the veil of death is irrevocable. When chance comes, and by craft or cunning some restless soul escapes their hells and heavens, it is the dreaded gargoyle Visage, the bound form of the eternal spirit Necro’lic, who is dispatched to reclaim them. Ruthless and efficient, unhindered by the principles of death and fatigue, Visage stalks its prey without mercy or end, willingly destroying all which may give shelter to the fugitive essence. That which flaunts the laws of the afterlife may never rest, for while it is true that the dead may be revived, it is only a matter of time before Visage finds and returns them to their proper place.
Grave Chill
Target Unit
Target Unit
Visage drains the movement and attack speed of the targeted unit, gaining it for itself and nearby familiars.
Move Speed Change: 15%/20%/25%/30%
Attack Speed Change: 25/40/55/70
The Grave Chill buff only affect Familiars and does not affect any other player-controlled units.
The warmth of the sun is never felt in the dark cold of the Narrow Maze.
- The slow and speed bonus values are independent from each other.
- Upon cast, Visage gains movement speed based on his current movement speed while the affected target loses movement speed based on theirs.
- The same applies to the attack speed bonus and its reduction.
- This also means when either Visage or the target loses the buff/debuff, the other still keeps theirs.
- The buff is also independently applied to Familiars within 900 range of Visage.
- Dispelling Visage does not remove the buff on the Familiars.
- The buff is applied even while they are invulnerable (i.e. Stone Form), but not when hidden.
- This buff is not applied to other player-controlled units.
- Since the buff is not aura-based, Familiars can move away from Visage and still keep the buff after Grave Chill is cast.
Visage gathers charges of soul essence each time nearby heroes take more than 100 damage. When the essence is released, it deals base damage as well as damage for each gathered soul charge.
Passive Component
Charge Gain Damage Threshold: 100
Max Charges: 3/4/5/6
Damage Timer Duration: 6
Base Damage: 20
Spell Block / Reflection Notes:
Blocked upon impact.
The collected souls of the dead reach out to bring another into their fold.
- The projectile travels at a speed of 1000.
- Each instance of damage taken by heroes within 1800 radius is saved for 6 seconds or until Soul Assumption is cast.
- When the sum of the saved damage exceeds 100 damage, a charge is added.
- A total of 300/400/500/600 damage is needed, within the radius in the last 6 seconds to reach the maximum amount of charges.
- Counts damage values of all 3 damage types between 2 – 3000 (after reductions) that is dealt by player-controlled units and Roshan to heroes and clones.
- Does not count self-inflicted damage (e.g. Mist Coil), damage flagged as HP Removal (e.g. Soul Ring), and from illusions and creep-heroes.
- The number of current charges is visible in the form of yellow bars above Visage. This is visible to Visage and his allies only.
- Upon cast, Soul Assumption's damage is set and the charges counter is reset upon projectile launch.
- The projectile's visual appearance also reflects the number of charges, revealing how much damage it is approximately about to deal.
- With 0/1/2/3/4/5/6 charges, Soul Assumption can deal 20/90/160/230/300/370/440 ( 20/115/210/305/400/495/590) damage to the target (before reductions).
- TALENTThe Soul Assumption multishot talent launches 1 additional projectile towards random visible valid targets within the range.
- With the cast range and the range buffer, the ability has a search range of 1300.
- Cannot target the primary target with the additional projectile, so when no other targets are nearby, nothing happens.
- The secondary target is chosen randomly within the area, with heroes (including illusions and clones) being prioritized. Treats creep-heroes as creeps.
- Since the additional projectile uses the ability's cast range, cast range increasing effects increase its range as well.
Passive Component
Aura Radius: 900
Max Layers: 4
Damage Reduction per Layer: 8%/12%/16%/20%
Damage Reduction Cap: 80%
Min Damage Threshold: 40
Layer Recharge Time: 6/5/4/3
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Grants Visage the ability to cast Stone Form. Restores up to 25% of your health.
Break Notes:
Prevents incoming damage reduction and losing layers.
Lost layers still recharge normally.
Damage reduction on Familiars is only disabled when applying Break on Visage, not on the Familiar itself.
Modifiers [?]
The Gravekeeper's Cloak aura only affect Familiars and does not affect any other player-controlled units.
The active component does not require Summon Familiars drafted to work.
Visage's tough scales share equal properties of ghost and stone, making it nearly impervious to blade and magical assault.
- Applies generic incoming damage reduction on Visage. Stacks additively with other sources of generic incoming damage manipulation.
- Affects all damage types Visage receives.
- Only reduces player-based damage greater than 40 (after all other reductions).
- Neither reduces damage flagged as HP removal nor self-damage sources.
- Upon learning, 4 floating stones appear around Visage, indicating the number of layers he has. A stone disappears for each missing layer.
- The number of layers can be seen on the status buff icon as well.
- The recharge time for each layer is independent of all others. Multiple layers can recharge at once if they are removed quickly enough.
- Damage dealt to Familiars does not remove layers.
- With 4 layers, the damage reduction is hard capped at 32%/48%/64%/80%.
- For how much damage reduction is granted per layer, please refer to the chart below.
- The aura also affects all Familiars under Visage's control, granting them damage reduction based on the current charges on Visage. The buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- Unlike the damage reduction on Visage, this damage reduction has no minimum threshold, reducing all damage they take.
- The buff is applied even while they are invulnerable (i.e. Stone Form), but not when hidden.
- This buff is not applied to other player-controlled units.
- TALENTThe Gravekeeper's Cloak armor talent also grants armor to the Familiars.
- Visage receives this armor bonus from the ability's passive modifier since the aura only affects Familiars.
- Adds an active component to Gravekeeper's Cloak, with the passive effects still present.
- Except for the health regeneration values, the other values are taken from Familiars' Stone Form, based on the current level of Summon Familiars.
- Can regenerate 4.17% of Visage's max health per second over the duration.
- Stone Form notes fully apply.
- If Summon Familiars is not learned, nothing happens upon cast, wasting the mana and cooldown.
After a short delay, the nearest Familiar turns into stone and smashes into the ground, stunning and damaging all targets in the area. The Familiar becomes invulnerable, and will regain its health very rapidly. After 6 seconds, the Familiar will automatically leave Stone Form.
- This is innate to Visage and does not need to be learned.
- Does not interrupt Visage's channeling abilities upon cast.
- This ability is disabled when no Familiar has Stone Form ready.
- The ability goes on a cooldown equal to the cooldown time of the Stone Form with the lowest cooldown among all Familiars.
- The cooldown is not affected by any cooldown reduction and cooldown resets sources, it periodically updates itself to match the next lowest Stone Form cooldown.
- This means re-casting Summon Familiars while the sub-ability is on cooldown, Stone Form is instantly ready to be cast again.
- Upon cast, it orders the closest Familiar to enter Stone Form automatically.
- Familiars entering Stone Form via this sub-ability do not trigger on-cast effects.
- If the familiar is stunned, silenced, sleeping, hidden, taunted, feared, or hypnotized, it cannot be made to enter Stone Form.
- This ability can be cast when Visage is stunned, cycloned, sleeping, taunted, hidden, or during forced movement.
- However, he cannot use this ability while silenced, hexed or prevented from acting.
- Visage is unable to ⇧ Shift-queue this ability.
- This ability is not acquirable.
Silent as the Grave
Turns Visage and familiars invisible, granting Visage bonus movement speed and upgrading its movement type to flying. When Visage or its familiars leave invisibility they deal more damage for 4 seconds. Lasts 35 seconds. Invisibility ends when attacking or casting.
Fade Time: 0
Move Speed Bonus: 20%
Attack Damage Bonus: 25%
Damage Bonus Duration: 4
Invisibility Duration: 35
Silent as the Grave only affect Familiars and does not affect any other player-controlled units.
Requires drafting Summon Familiars to be unlocked.
- Requires Aghanim's Scepter to be unlocked.
- Silent as the Grave does not interrupt Visage's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Only affects Visage and his Familiars, regardless of where they are on the map.
- Does not affect any other player-controlled units and illusions.
- The invisibility is lost upon reaching the cast point of abilities, or upon landing an attack on an enemy.
- This means if the attack misses, the invisibility is not lost.
- Visage can pick up, drop, and attack items without breaking the invisibility.
- Grants Visage flying movement, but does not grant flying vision.
- Upon cast, the hero model and hitbox of Visage ascends 150 units above the z-axis.
- However, its collision size is still on the ground. This does not change the current absolute coordinates of the model as well.
- The attack damage buff is granted whenever the invisibility buff is lost in any way.
- The attack damage bonus is also granted by the invisibility buff itself so that the first attack out of the invisibility has the bonus as well.
- Grants regular flat bonus attack damage based on Visage's and his Familiars' main attack damage respectively. Does not further increase bonus attack damage.
- Their current main attack damage is periodically checked and the bonuses are adapted instantly.
- Rubick ascends 150 units above the z-axis, but does not turn into a flying unit.
Summon Familiars
No Target
No Target
Conjures blind Familiars to fight for Visage. Familiars possess the Stone Form ability, that allows them to turn into stone, stunning enemies upon landing. While in Stone Form, Familiars are invulnerable, and rapidly regenerate their health. Familiars grant high bounty when killed.
Familiar Duration: Permanent
Grants the Silent as the Grave ability.
Modifiers [?]
Does not have the Stone Form sub-ability on the hero.
Guardians of the Narrow Maze, Necro'lic's Familiars stand watch over his domain.
- Interrupts Visage's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Does not update any values of already summoned Familiars upon leveling up the ability.
- Casting Summon Familiars replaces all existing Familiars from a previous cast, creating new ones based on the current level.
- The Familiars always spawn in the same formation, 200 range in front of Visage, and with a 120 range between the Familiars.
- Visage is always at the center of the line of the first two spawned Familiars.
- The Familiars face the same angle as Visage.
- TALENTThe number of Familiars increasing talent spawns the third Familiar 200 range in front of Visage, and the other Familiars 120 range to the left and right respectively of the middle Familiar.
- The Familiars have flying movement, are considered as both creep-heroes and ancient creeps, making them interact differently with several abilities.
- Visage and the Familiars have an innate hidden modifier that manages the talent bonuses for them.
- Therefore the attack damage increasing talents are immediately applied to existing Familiars. However, the talent bonuses do not apply to the current active illusions.
- The debuff of multiple different Armor Corruption sources fully stacks, with each source applying its own debuff and refreshing its own duration upon successive attacks.
- The attacks first apply the debuff, then their own damage.
- Works against wards, buildings, and allied units.
- Visage and all Familiars together can reduce a total of 3 ( 4) armor.
- The Familiars' Armor Corruption debuff uses the Summon Familiars icon.
Familiar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summoned Ancient Creep-Hero | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After a short delay, the Familiar turns into stone and smashes into the ground, stunning and damaging all targets in the area. The Familiar becomes invulnerable, and will regain its health very rapidly. After 6 seconds, the Familiar will automatically leave Stone Form.
Effect Radius: 375
Effect Delay: 0.55
Health Regen Bonus: 150/175/200
Damage: 60/100/140
Stun Duration: 0.8/1/1.2
Stone Form Duration: 6
- The Familiar is rooted during the 0.55-second effect delay.
- However, it can still turn, attack, and cast abilities during the effect delay.
- After the effect delay, the Familiar is invulnerable and disabled, and the area damage and stun are applied.
- Stone Form first applies the stun debuff, then the damage.
- When a Familiar dies during the effect delay, the area effects are not applied, but the visual effects still appear.
- Upon landing, trees within 375 radius are destroyed.
- Can regenerate up to 900/1050/1200 health over its full duration.
- Stone Form's duration is indicated by a yellow number above the Familiar, visible to Visage only.
Gravekeeper's Cloak Calculations[]
Gravekeeper's Cloak Damage Reduction/ Layer | |||||||||
Level / Layer(s) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||
Level 1 | 8% | 16% | 24% | 32% | |||||
Level 2 | 12% | 24% | 36% | 48% | |||||
Level 3 | 16% | 32% | 48% | 64% | |||||
Level 4 | 20% | 40% | 60% | 80% |
Hero Talents | ||
+1 Familiar | 25 | Gravekeeper's Cloak grants +10 Armor |
+1 Armor Corruption to Visage and Familiars | 20 | +25 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge |
Soul Assumption Hits 2 Targets | 15 | +2s Grave Chill Duration |
+6 Visage and Familiars Attack Damage | 10 | -3s Grave Chill Cooldown |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Familiar
- Reduced Stone Form cooldown from 14 to 11.
- Talents:
- LVL 15LVL 20
- Reduced base attack damage from 7‒17 to 4‒14.
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango sustains Visage's health during the laning phase, keeping him from returning to base due to enemy harassment.
- Healing Salve also restores health to Visage in the laning stage.
- Clarity allows Visage to maintain his mana in order to cast his spells in the laning phase, particularly Soul Assumption, which costs roughly half of his base mana pool and can be important for securing kills during ganks.
- Iron Branch is cheap and give Visage a small amount of attributes, a useful way to spend his remaining gold. They can be used with Tango for more health restoration, sold for inventory space, or built into Magic Wand or Mekansm.
- Magic Stick is a useful burst healing/mana item if the enemies in lane will be casting many spells. It can later be built into a Magic Wand.
Early game:
- Magic Wand, built from Magic Stick, gives Visage bonus attributes and increased charge storage for burst regeneration. As a support, Visage can benefit greatly from both if lacking farm.
- Ring of Basilius gives Visage's lane increased physical survivability and some mana regeneration to sustain spell casting. Past the laning stage, it can be upgraded to Vladmir's Offering.
- Boots of Speed are necessary to rectify Visage's poor movement speed. Getting boots as early as possible in the laning phase allows Visage to pursue enemies during ganks, particularly to get within range to cast Grave Chill to slow them.
- Medallion of Courage is a powerful utility support item in Visage's hands. The item provides armor and mana regeneration, giving Visage more survivability and maintaining his mana pool. The active allows him to either buff up an ally's armor to help them in fights, or reduce an enemy's armor to increase the amount of damage they take from allies, Visage's attacks, and most importantly his Summon Familiars.
Mid game:
- Phylactery gives very cost-effective stats and low cooldown nuke that synergies with Soul Assumption.
- Solar Crest, upgraded from Medallion of Courage, provides many of the same benefits. The increased armor, stats, and mana regeneration give Visage even more tankiness and helps keep his mana topped up even in the late game. Can be used on enemies to slow and increase familiar damage by lowering target armor. Can also be used on a familiar while attacking towers to give +80 attack speed.
- Vladmir's Offering, grants bonus damage, lifesteal, and armor to familiars. 1.75 mana regeneration also helps Visage to maintain the mana pool.
Late game:
- Assault Cuirass greatly boosts Visage's armor and attack speed, making him a strong presence in teamfights and ganks. The aura can boost his Familiars' attack speed and reduce enemies' armor to allow the Familiars' attacks to deal additional damage.
- Orchid Malevolence gives Visage many useful benefits, including physical damage output, more mana and mana regeneration. The silence can prevent enemies from casting escape spells during ganks, and deal powerful burn damage from Visage's powerful burst damage at the end of the silence. Can be upgraded into Bloodthorn.
- Scythe of Vyse is a strong support item that, while expensive, provides extremely strong benefits. The all-around attributes, larger mana pool and increased mana regeneration allow Visage to better contribute in teamfights, and the instant hard-disable can be crucial for getting off successful ganks and disabling important targets in teamfights.
Situational items:
- Glimmer Cape saves Visage and teammates with magic resistance and invisibility.
- Force Staff gives Visage more intelligence, increasing his base damage and the size of his mana pool, and provides some health regeneration. The active allows Visage to quickly re-position himself to cast his spells during ganks and fights, and can act as an escape if needed. It can also be cast on teammates caught out of position in order to save them.
- Mekansm gives Visage increased utility and allows him to further support his team through healing them. The increased attributes and armor also vastly boost Visage's durability, making him tankier in fights and allowing him to contribute more. Can be upgraded into Guardian Greaves.
- Pipe of Insight can give Visage increased survivability and utility for his team. The magic resistance allows Visage to weather magic nukes more effectively when Gravekeeper's Cloak is down, and the magic barrier can shield teammates from magic damage during fights.
- Lotus Orb's Echo Shell deters enemy heroes from using single-target abilities on Visage or affected allies for fear of reflection. Otherwise, it grants armor and regeneration so Visage can survive in battles a little longer.
- Shiva's Guard boosts Visage's survivability against physical damage and greatly improves his mana pool and base damage. The active can be used as a slow and nuke, further slowing an enemy alongside Grave Chill and building up damage for Soul Assumption.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
Bronze |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
| |
Master |
| |
Grandmaster |
- Visage has one of the most numerous ability remakes in the game, with Grave Chill being his only mainstay:
- Soul Assumption, in an earlier version, was an autocast enabled attack modifier where he will deal bonus damage and steal the life of his enemies upon death, healing him and leaving no corpse.
- Gravekeeper's Cloak used to be a passive aura where allies in the area will be healed when Visage takes damage, physical or magical.
- Raise Revenants, his former ultimate, lets him summon up to eight pitch-black, gargoyle-shaped spirits from a corpse. It was likely changed because of it being a very effective scouting tool that makes map control easier. The Revenants had good vision range, a flying attribute, and can be resummoned easily since the ability neither cost a lot of mana nor had a long cooldown. This, along with the fact that the Revenants did not do a lot of damage on their own (attack modifier limits their damage to one-third the stated amount against heroes) and no special abilities give them very limited usage in combat situations.
- His rival line towards Keeper of the Light ▶️ "You shall not pass!" is a direct quote from "Gandalf", a character from "The Lord of the Rings". This reference is due to the similarities between Keeper of the Light and Gandalf.[1]
Low Violence model
Visage on the Spring Cleaning 2014 splash art on the update page.