- Tier 1 Neutral Items now drop at 7 minutes instead of 5.
- Melee hero damage block no longer works against enemy player units.
- Chaos Strike max crit increased from 140%/165%/190%/215% to 140%/170%/200%/230%
- Crystal Nova cooldown increased from 11/10/9/8 to 14/12/10/8
- Agility gain increased from 2.6 to 2.9
- Marksmanship agility multiplier increased from 30/35/40 to 35/40/45
- Agility gain increased from 2.1 to 2.6
- Strength gain increased from 3.1 to 3.4
- Level 10 Talent increased from +5 All Stats to +6
- Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +25
- Infest
- Movement speed for heroes is now the same as the creeps bonus
- Health bonus reduced from 750/1000/1250 to 400/800/1200
- Cooldown begins once you leave the infested unit
- Scepter cooldown increased from 20 to 25
- Spirit Bear base attack time increased from 1.7/1.6/1.5/1.4 to 1.75/1.65/1.55/1.45
- Base armor increased by 1
- Life Drain increased from 150/250/350 to 175/275/375
- Storm Surge movement speed reduced from 4/6/8/10% (8/12/16/20% for you) to 3/5/7/9% (6/10/14/18% for you)
- Cloak and Dagger backstab damage increased from 1/1.5/2 to 1.4/1.8/2.2
- Lil' Shredder
- Mana cost increased from 75 to 90
- Damage reduced from 45/60/75/90 to 40/55/70/85
- Attack speed slow per stack reduced from 20/25/30/35 to 15/20/25/30
- Firesnap Cookie
- Cooldown reduced from 24/22/20/18 to 24/21/18/15
- Projectile speed increased from 800 to 1000
- Cast point reduced when used on self from 0.4 to 0.3
- Now works on rooted targets
- Scepter bonus range reduced from 400 to 300
- Proximity Mines replenish time increased from 15 to 23
- Nature's Grasp
- No longer targets trees directly
- Cooldown reduced from 20 to 20/19/18/17
- Leech Seed cooldown reduced from 16 to 16/15/14/13
- Overgrowth damage increased from 50/75/100 to 100
- Strength gain reduced from 2.9 to 2.6
- Vengeance Aura attribute bonus reduced from 4/8/12/16 to 4/7/10/13
- Aether Remnant damage reduced from 90/150/210/270 to 80/130/180/230
- Dissimilate damage reduced from 140/220/300/380 to 100/180/260/340
- Resonant Pulse
- Cooldown increased from 14 to 16
- Mana cost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 100/110/120/130
- Base shield absorption reduced from 50/100/150/200 to 40/80/120/160
- Damage reduced from 70/130/190/250 to 70/120/170/220
- Level 15 Talent reduced from +150 Resonant Pulse Damage to +100 Resonant Pulse Damage
- Stun damage changed from Magical to Physical
- Movement Speed increased from 20 to 25
- Base damage increased from 20 to 24
- Critical strike reduced from 1.4 to 1.3
- Mana regeneration reduced from 1.25 to 1
- Now spawns with a 3 mango bundle
- Vision increased from 800 to 1200
- Reworked. Passive Cooldown. Passively provides +25 attack speed and +25 Magic damage on your attacks. The next attack against a hero silences them for 4 seconds. 20 Cooldown
- Movement speed increased from +25 to 30
- Gold per minute reduced from 75 to 60
- Secondary stats reduced from 14 to 13
- Mana regeneration increased from 0.5 to 1.25
- Stun damage changed from Magical to Physical
- Now also provides +7 All Stats, goes away when the item does
- Attack damage reduced from +22% to +16%
- Magic resistance reduced from +22% to +16%
- Status resistance reduced from +22% to +16%
- Cooldown reduced from 70 to 55
- Drop rates for Bounty/Flask/TP/Neutral adjusted from 25/25/25/25 to 16/28/28/28
- Spell Lifesteal lowered decreased from 10 to 8%
- Lifesteal increased from 10 to 14%
- Vision reduced from 450 to 250
See also[]