Dota 2 Wiki
Dota 2 Wiki
Version 6.05
(Full list)

  • Balance changes.
Release Date


Neutral Creeps[]


Hero Changes[]

Chaos Knight icon
  • Reduced Chaos Strike icon Critical Strike damage from 1100%/150%/250%/367% to 1100%/150%/250%/333%.
Clinkz icon
  • Rescaled Strafe icon Strafe attack speed bonus from 40/70/95/110 to 55/70/85/100.
  • Reduced Skeleton Walk icon Skeleton Walk movement speed bonus from 10%/20%/30%/40% to 10%/20%/30%/35%.
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Fixed a control loss bug when Frostbite icon Frostbite gets reflected.
Doom icon
Old Firestorm icon Fire Storm
Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 3 seconds.
Cast range: 750
Max channel time: 6
Radius: 275
Number of waves: 6
Wave interval: 1
Damage per wave: 30/45/56/70
Damage per second: 5/10/15/20
Burn duration: 3
Mana cost: 75
Cooldown: 10
Notes: Deals 25% damage to buildings.
New Scorched Earth icon Scorched Earth
Blankets the ground in flames, damaging enemies and healing Doom. Also increases Doom's attack and movement speed.
Cast range: 800
Radius: 600
Damage per second: 2/4/6/8
Heal per second: 2/4/6/8
Movement speed bonus: 10%/15%/20%/25%
Attack speed bonus: 10/15/20/25
Duration: 20
Mana cost: 60
Cooldown: 10
Notes: Affects all units under Doom's control. Does not damage buildings.
  • Reduced Doom ability icon Doom cooldown from 480 to 300.
Enigma icon
Faceless Void icon
  • Increased Upheaval icon Stop Time cooldown from 210/150/90 to 210/150/110.
Keeper of the Light icon
Lich icon
  • Increased attack range from 570 to 580.
Lifestealer icon
Medusa icon
  • Increased Split Shot icon Split Shot damage per arrow from 35%/45%/55%/65% to 40%/50%/60%/70%.
Morphling icon
Old Waveform icon Tidal Wave
Creates a large wave of water, dealing damage to enemy units in a line.
Cast Range: 700
Starting Radius: 110
Travel Distance: 810
End Radius: 300
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Mana cost: 100/115/135/165
Cooldown: 11
New Waveform icon Waveform
The Morphling dissolves into his components and surges forward, dealing damage to everything in his wake.
Cast range: 700
Max blink distance: 700
Damage starting width: 110
Damage distance: 810
Damage end width: 300
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Mana cost: 110/120/130/140
Cooldown: 11
Notes: Upon cast, Morphling blinks to the targeted point. However, the damaging wave always travels the full distance. The blink does not disjoint.
  • Removed Blink (Anti-Mage) icon Blink.
  • Attribute Shift icon Morph
    • Reduced level requirement from 6/10/14/18 to 1/3/5/7.
    • Reduced mana cost per shift from 10 on each level to 2/4/6/8.
  • Replaced Glaives of Wisdom icon Spellsteal with Warpath icon Adapt.
Warpath icon Adapt
Allows the Morphling to adapt to his circumstances by altering his hero type.
Channel time: 5/4/3
Notes: Changes Morphling primary attribute from Agility attribute symbol Agility to Intelligence attribute symbol Intelligence, Intelligence attribute symbol Intelligence to Strength attribute symbol Strength and Strength attribute symbol Strength to Agility attribute symbol Agility, depending on what form he currently is. On each form he has a different sub-ability, attack range and movement speed. Morphling is still agility by default.
Unknown icon Morph Attack
Focuses his next attack to reach further targets.
Cast range: 550/650/750/850
Base damage: 30
Agility as damage: 120%/130%/140%/150%
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 10
Notes: Simply deals damage based on Morphling's agility to the target. Damage is dealt instantly. Damage type is magical.
Adaptive Strike (Agility) icon Crushing Wave
Summons a wave to blast an enemy unit. Deals damage, stuns for a short duration and moves the unit slightly backwards.
Cast range: 800
Damage: 50/100/150/200
Stun duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75
Knockback distance: 100
Mana cost: 95/100/105/110
Cooldown: 12
Notes: Knocks the target back instantly. Damage and stun use a projectile which travels at a speed of 3000 and can be disjointed.
Unknown icon Unstable Power
Increases the damage and armor of a target, but causes it to lose life over time. Castable on enemies and allies.
Cast range: 700
Attack damage bonus: 30%/40%/50%/60%
Armor bonus: 4/5/6/7
Damage per second: 15/20/25/30
Notes: Can be set to auto-cast. The damage per second is lethal. Dying to it counts as a suicide.
Nature's Prophet icon
Razor icon
  • Improved attack animation from 0.6/0.3 to 0.3/0.7.
  • Reduced attack projectile speed from 10000 to 2000.
  • Reduced cast backswing from 0.5 to 0.125.
Riki icon
  • Removed the Backstab! floating text whenever Backstab icon Backstab triggers.
Sand King icon
Old Sand Storm icon Sand Storm
Gives Sand King the ability to kick up dust in the face of his enemies causing them to miss. Also grants bonus damage.
Proc chance: 10%/18%/25%/35%
Attack damage bonus: 8/16/24/32
Enemy miss chance: 35%
Duration: 2
Notes: Is a Unique Attack Modifier. The attack damage bonus is permanent.
New Caustic Finale icon Caustic Finale
Sand King's attacks inject a venom that causes enemy units to explode violently upon death, spreading area damage.
Damage radius: 250
Damage: 90/130/170/220
Debuff duration: 0.25
Notes: Is a Unique Attack Modifier. Each attack places a debuff on the target. If the target dies with the debuff, enemy units around it are damaged.
Shadow Fiend icon
  • Casting Shadowraze (Medium) icon Shadowraze no longer causes Shadow Fiend to forget his previous orders.
Techies icon
Visage icon
  • Reduced Soul Assumption icon Soul Assumption cast range from 700 to 600 (matches attack range now).
Wraith King icon
  • Reduced Mortal Strike (Skeleton King) icon Mortal Strike critical damage from 150%/200%/250%/300% to 125%/175%/225%/275%.


New Items[]

Maelstrom icon
  • Added a new item: Maelstrom. Grants +10 Damage and +10 Strength.
  • Item description: "A hammer forged for the god themselves. Maelstrom allows its user to harness the power of lightning in attacking. Gives +6 Agility, +25 damage, and a 17% chance to relase a 175 damage Chain Lightning (maximum once every 2 seconds). Orb effects do no stack."
Boots of Elvenskin (450)
Mithril Hammer (1610)
Recipe (1200)

Passive: Chain Lightning
Grants a 17% chance on attack to release a bolt of electricity that leaps between 3 targets within a 500 radius, dealing 175 magical damage to each. Each jump deals less damage. Lightning proc pierces evasion.

Proc Chance: 17%
Proc Cooldown: 2
Bounce Distance: 500
Number of Bounces: 3
Bounce Interval: 0.25
Damage: 175
Damage Reduction per Target: 10%

Items Changes[]

Guardian Armor icon
  • Removed.
Blade Mail icon
Helm of the Dominator icon
  • Reduced Helm of the Dominator icon Dominate cooldown from 360 to 300.
Linken's Sphere icon
  • Reduced Default recipe icon Recipe cost from 1000 to 800 (total cost decreases from 3170 to 2970).
Necronomicon icon
Mekansm icon
  • Can no longer be dropped, sold and destroyed.
Monkey King Bar icon
Power Treads icon
Refresher Orb icon

Original Warcraft III Map Description[]

Map Description


Loading Screen
DotA Allstars v6.05

Many bug and balance fixes. A few hero changes.
Changelog is available at our homepage.

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*Rewrote scoreboard system
*Morph changed significantly
*Lucifer lost rain of fire and gained a new ability
*New command, -recreate added for tb/naix/lycan wc3 control loss issue (200 sec casting time, fountain range required)
*Naix Lifesteal now orb effect
*Sandking gained a new passive.
*Sent base now same shape as scourge
*Recoded illuminate
*Gave Lich Icy Hands back
*Rebased Shadowraze to not cancel previous action
*Recoded Spirit Lance
*Tweaked timing of dmg on blink strike


*Chaos Knight: Critical strike changed from 3.67 to 3.33
*Medusa: Splitshot from 35/45/55/65 to 40/50/60/70%
*Gambler: AllIn now uses a random number from 1 to gold with a MAX of 2500 to bound the odds.
*Bone Fletcher: WW lvl 4 changed from 40% to 35%
*Bone Fletcher: Strafe changed from 40/70/95/110 to 55/70/85/100
*Faceless Void: Timestop lvl 3 cooldown is 110 seconds up from 90
*Skeleton King: Crit changed from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75
*Sandking: Epicenter casting time at lvl 3 changed from 1.25 to 1.5 seconds
*Stone Giant: Area of effect of avalanche slightly increase
*Furion: Force of Nature (furion treants) cooldown increased from 30 to 37.
*Satyr Hellcaster mana burn ranged reduced
*Move speed bonuses no longer stack
*Neutral Centaurs no longer ressurect


*Sandking: Can no longer cast epicenter or burrow strike underground. You can but it won't do anything.
*Sandking: Epicenter conditional bug fixed
*Morphling: Instead of 2/2/0 stats on morph he now gains 2/2/1
*Crystal Maiden: Control loss via reflecting frostbite fixed.
*Stone Giant: Fast Grow fixed
*Phantom Assassin: Refresh restored for PA
*Visage: Fixed extra range due to Visage Soul Assumption
*Techies: Remote mines dealing proper damage type.
*Doombringer: Doom cooldown icon properly reflects actual cooldown.
*Duplicate heroes resolved (probably, hard to confirm with 100% certainty due its nature)
*Revival buyback bug fixed
*Global Hex bug fixed


*Items reorganized in a better fashion
*New item - Maelstrom
*Fixed the shop levels (so they don't all say lvl 3)
*Monkey King Bar now has 30% chance to deal 90 damage
*Necronomicon cooldown decreased by 5 seconds all levels.
*Linken Mirror Shield recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 800
*Blade Mail gives +15 dmg up from +9
*Corrected resale prices on all of the combo items
*Bracer and Wraith recipe now cost 230 from 250
*Staff of Negation AoE changed from 200 to 300 and is now properly perishable
*Staff of Negation changed from 5 charges to 3
*Headdress no longer has active heal, recipe cost from 300->225
*Mekansm cannot be dropped
*Treads no longer clickable
*Dominate cooldown now 5 minutes


*Few map optimizations (smaller map too)
*Leshrac Hero Description changed (fan fiction contest)
*Centaur Hero Description added
*More hero descriptions added
*Slardar uses his old voice
*Fixed a typo in which Shukuchi was spelled "Shukuci"
*Queen of Pain's "Scream of Pain" no longer has the word "knife" in it.
*Dopplewalk Duration tooltip typo
*Removed backstab text
*Smoke Screen typo
*Minor Terrain doodad tweaks
*Fixed Terror tooltip
*Rabbit model size increased a bit
*Bounty Hunter model slightly bigger
*Orb effect added to soul assumption tooltip
*Improved the backswing timing of techies attack

Quick notes:
A new loading screen picture will be included in the next version (contest in graphics center now)
Morph is still considered to be under development, he will most likely get tweaked a bit next version.
I'd like to give my personal thanks to ki-hunterkiller his extensive beta testing support along with
all the other beta testers, As well as naz and zetta for their input on various ideas.

See also[]
