Dota 2 Wiki
Version 6.02
(Full list)
  • Removed the Quest Notes.
  • Fixed invulnerable creep bug.
Release Date


  • Removed the Quest Notes.

Lane Creeps[]

  • Fixed invulnerable creep bug.


Hero Changes[]

Anti-Mage icon
  • Fixed Spell Shield icon Spell Shield reducing attack speed by 80, instead of 20.
Axe icon
  • Battle Hunger icon Battle Hunger
    • Reduced cooldown from 30 to 25.
    • Increased mana cost from 75/90/105/120 to 105/115/125/135.
    • Increased damage from 10/15/20/25 to 15/15/20/25.
    • Reduced duration from 20/25/30/35 to 10/15/20/25.
  • Counter Helix icon Counter Helix
    • No longer whirls the triggering unit around Axe minimap icon Axe when it was in range.
    • Increased damage from 150 to 175.
  • Culling Blade icon Culling Blade
    • Increased damage from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400.
    • Increased kill threshold from 175/290/400 to 290/400/550.
    • Increased mana cost from 95/135/175 to 120/160/200.
    • Reduced cooldown from 75 to 75/65/55.
Bloodseeker icon
  • Unknown icon Bleed
    • Increased cooldown from 0 to 16.
    • Increased mana cost from 120 on each level to 110/120/130/140.
Bounty Hunter icon
  • Increased base attack damage from 2-16 to 24-38.
  • Bounty Hunter minimap icon Bounty Hunter can now attack flying units.
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.8 to 1.7.
  • Reduced model scale from 1.5 to 1.
  • Reduced selection scale from 1.75 to 1.25
Chaos Knight icon
Chen icon
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Increased base attack damage from 2-8 to 17-23 (total attack damage is now 38-44).
Enchantress icon
Enigma icon
Juggernaut icon
  • Fixed Omnislash icon Omnislash not going on cooldown sometimes when used.
Ogre Magi icon
  • Fireblast icon Fireblast
    • Increased damage from 75/125/175/225 to 75/125/175/275.
    • Reduced cooldown from 14 to 12.
Phantom Lancer icon
Medusa icon
  • Fixed Stone Gaze icon Gaze not going on cooldown when used.
Necrophos icon
  • Increased Death Pulse icon Death Pulse mana cost from 100/120/140/160 to 125/145/165/185.
Night Stalker icon
Riki icon
Shadow Fiend icon
  • Fixed Necromastery icon Necromastery's souls cap being at 30 on each level, instead of 8/15/23/30.
Vengeful Spirit icon
Venomancer icon
Visage icon
  • Unknown icon Anonymous Dead
    • Increased max bound units from 3 to 5.
    • Increased damage distributed from 5%/10%/15%/20% to 7%/14%/21%/28%.
Weaver icon
  • Reduced Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.5 to 1.9.
  • Shukuchi icon Shukuchi
    • Rescaled damage from 25/50/75/100 to 90 on each level.
    • Increased cooldown from 9 on each level to 13/11/9/7.
  • Increased Geminate Attack icon Geminate Attack max proc distance from 450 to 900.
  • Fixed Time Lapse icon Time Lapse not going on cooldown when used.


Items Changes[]

Sange icon
  • Fixed attack damage bonus being 4 times too much (40 instead of 10).
Sange and Yasha icon
  • Fixed attack damage bonus being too much (45 instead of 20).

Original Warcraft III Map Description[]

Map Description

Many things fixed. More to come.

Loading Screen

Team DotA Allstars Presents
DotA Allstars v6.02

Sorry for the long dealy, we will be releasing patches in
the coming days for any bugs/imbalances that remain.

To post bugs and suggestions about this map:

Please visit the DotA Allstars official gaming league:


Creep upgrade system reverted to 5.84b
-Fixed 1.18 cooldown bugs on Jugg, Venge, Weaver, and I think one other (?)
-Fixed invulnerable creep bug
-Fixed Necromastry getting +60 at Level 1
-Gave Bleed a cooldown
-Increased mana cost and cooldown on Smoke Screen
-Impetus now costs 45/50/55/60 mana
-Midnight Pulse no longer hits allies
-Black Hole no longer hits allies
-Battle Hunger now has 25 second cooldown, deals 15/20/20/25 damage a second for 10/15/20/25 seconds. Costs 20 more mana at all levels.
-Counter Helix now deals 175 damage
-Culling Blade now deals 200/300/400 damage and kills below 290/400/550 life. Increased mana cost
-Shrunk Bounty Hunter
-Added 15 to base damage of Crystal Maiden
-Bleed now costs 110/120/130/140 mana and has a 16 second cooldown.
-Cranium Basher now gives +3 Strength
-Shukuchi now deals a flat 90 damage, but cooldown is now 13/11/9/7
-Nerubian Weaver Str/level reduced to 1.9 from 2.5
-Mana Void icon fixed
-Increased mana cost on Death Pulse by 25 at all levels
-Phantom Edge now gives 5/10/15% dodge properly (reduced from 10/20/30%)
-Juxtapose tooltip fixed to 3/6/9/12%
-Fixed Sange/S&Y bonus damage bug
-Increased maim% from 5% to 10% on Sange and to 15% on S&Y
-Removed mana cost on Diffusal's Purge, restored to 10 charges
-Fixed Nature's Attendant's/Smoke Screen bug
-Increased range on Geminate Attack to 900 (fixed minor issue where sometimes it wouldn't go off if used at longer ranges)
-Fixed Chen's icons
-Fixed Sapphire Flask to only say 1 charge properly
-Fixed Bounty Hunter's icons
-Increased BH's base damage by a bit
-Dopplewalk now has constant 30 second cooldown at all levels
-All PL images now deal 25% damage
-Perdition increased in mana cost and fixed to not hit buildings
-Night Stalker can now attack air
-Fireblast now deals 275 damage at level 4 with 2 seconds off cooldown at all levels
-Anonymous Dead slightly improved to affect more targets and share a little more damage
-Fixed problem where AM was attacking at 20% rather than 80% speed with shield
-Misc typos fixed

Things that didn't get done:

-Mekansm: we're sorry, we didn't get to this quite yet. We don't
quite know what to do at the moment. Possibly removal, because using nulls in the recipe is always going to make it a really smooth item
-Fury Swipes: fiddled with some things, but haven't quite yet figured out what Blizz did.
-Techies Ultimate: we had it done, but something really weird glitched at the last second. We'll figure it out for the next version.
-Satanic: we'll be getting to this as well. Might host a poll on what to do.
-Omniknight: I recognize this guy as a weapon of mass destruction. Just didn't do anything about it this time around.
-Keeper of the Light, Razzel, and God of Wind are also in need some addressing. But again didn't quite get to them as I personally hate all three.

See also[]
