Version 5.51
(Full list)
(Full list)
- Nerfed:
- Buffed:
- Rebalanced:
- Reworked:
- Reduced starting gold.
- Regeneration Rune now replenishes Mana.
- Added new items:
Release Date
- Reduced gold from 750 to 700, hero cost unchanged (250).
- Reduced starting gold from 500 to 450.
- Replaced Blood Gush with Fanadin's Enflame. [?]
- Regeneration Rune
- Increased Health regenerated from 1500 to 3000 (Increased health regenerated per second from 33.3 to 66.6).
- Regeneration now regenerates mana, mana regenerated 2000 (Mana regenerated per second 44.4).
- Blink
- Increased mana cost from from 50 to 70.
- Increased cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Increased Stop Time cooldown from 275/250/200 to 275/275/250.
- Reduced Diabolic Edict unit damage per explosion from 49 to 40.
- Blink
- Increased mana cost from from 50 to 70.
- Increased cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Tidal Wave
- Increased mana cost from 100/115/130/160 to 100/120/140/175
- Reduced cast range from 700 to 600.
- Reduced travel distance from 800 to 675.
- Shadow Strike
- Reduced initial damage from 60/80/80/110 to 50/70/70/100.
- Reduced movement speed slow from 75% to 50%.
- Shadow Strike
- Reduced initial damage from 60/80/80/110 to 50/70/70/100.
- Reduced movement speed slow from 75% to 50%.
- Blink
- Increased mana cost from from 50 to 70.
- Increased cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Fan of Knives
- Reduced damage from 90/180/270/360 to 80/160/230/300.
- Increased mana cost from 80/90/100/105 to 90/105/120/135.
- Reduced search radius from 450/475/500/525 to 400.
- Unholy Aura
- No longer affects allies.
- Reduced move speed bonus from 8%/16%/24%/32% to 3%/6%/9%/12%.
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Blink".
- Increased mana cost from from 50 to 70.
- Increased cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Rescaled Statis Trap stun duration from 2.5/3.5/5/6.50 to 3/4/5/6.
- Increased base attack damage from 25-31 to 26-32.
- Reduced base attack time from 1.7 to 1.5.
- Rescaled Metamorphosis mana cost from 100/125/150/175 to 150/140/132/125.
- Restored the previous Soul Steal.
- Reduced mana drained per interval from 3.13/6.25/9.37/12.50 to 2.5/5/7.50/10.
- Increased duration from 5 to 8.
- Increased mana cost from 50 to 75 .
- Increased Conjure Image illusion damage dealt from 25/35/45/55% to 35/45/55/65%.
- Rain of Chaos.
- Increased stun duration from 0.1 to 0.25.
- Reduced cooldown from 240 to 210.
- Reduced Shadow Strike initial damage from 60/80/80/110 to 50/70/70/100.
- Poison Sting
- Increased slow from 5%/10%/21%/28% to 7%/14%/23%/33%.
- Increased duration from 8 to 10 seconds.
- Blink
- Increased mana cost from from 50 to 70.
- Increased cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Reduced Shock disarm duration from 2/4/6/8 to 1/3/4.5/6.
New Items[]
- Added a new item: Sentry Ward: Drops a Sentry Ward to spy upon an area for 300 seconds. Contains 2 charges. Gold Cost: 350.
Active: Plant Plants a Sentry Ward, an invisible watcher that grants True Sight, the ability to see invisible enemy units and wards, to any existing allied vision within a radius. Placed Sentry Ward Vision Radius Day/Night: 1600 Health: 200 Passive: True Sight: Adds the ability to see invisible units and wards to any allied vision within the Sentry Ward's range. Radius: 1000 Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
- Added a new item: Lesser Clarity Potion. Non-Combat Consumable Regenerates the Hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds when used. Gold Cost: 90.
Active: Replenish Grants 3.33 mana regeneration to the target for 30 seconds. If the unit is attacked by an enemy hero or Roshan, the effect is lost.
Item Changes[]
- Reduced magic resistance bonus from 20% to 15%.
- Reduced gold cost from 320 Gold to 300 Gold.
- Reduced gold cost from 350 Gold to 310 Gold.
- Reduced gold cost from 320 Gold to 280 Gold.
- No longer grants 1 armor.
- Reduced gold cost from 3900 Gold to 2600 Gold.
- Blink
- Increased max distance from 1000 to 1300.
- Increased cooldown from 1.75 to 25.
- Increased mana regeneration bonus from 100% to 125%.
- Reduced magic resistance bonus from 20% to 15%.
- Increased Reincarnation cooldown from 360 to 720.
- Cleave
- Reduced cleave damage from 50% to 35%.
- Reduced radius from 185 to 160.
- Reduced attack damage bonus from 55 to 50.
- Increased attack damage bonus from 64 to 75.
- Now requires Claymore (1500 Gold) to build, instead of Upgrader (1500 Gold) (total cost remains at 6100 Gold).
Original Warcraft III Map Description[]
Map Description
Have fun with an expanded version of DotA Allstars. Featuring 24 heroes for each side, cool sounds, item recipies, and more!
Loading Screen
DotA Allstars v5.51 Go to and channel Clan TDA@Azeroth. You can find a list of all official version in our forums at, in the general discussion forum. All random mode is enabled when Blue types -allrandom within the first 10 seconds. "The destructive urge is also a creative one."
Startup Notes
Stop by the forum at or hang out in the channel Clan TDA@Azeroth. Check the quest menu for more information. Gold transfer has been disabled! If you don't want super creeps, type -nosupercreeps right now! If you don't want item powerups, type -nopowerups right now! You may now -repick once. It costs you 50 gold and gives you a new hero. You may only -repick in the first 60 seconds. If you want to play all random, Blue must type -allrandom as quickly as possible.
Quest Notes
V5.51 Welcome back to my DotA. Roshan can be killed for 500 bonus gold for your whole team. He is where Morbazan used to be. Item powerups spawn in the river. Super creeps spawn randomly after 10 minutes. Almost all recipes give the same abilities as the input items, plus a bonus. Beware that certain item abilities may cause other abilities to stop working. Fixed in v5.51: Debugged: Burize, Sprout, Radiance/Divine Rapier, Flame Lord ultimate, Boots of Travel, Dagger of Escape, improved Terrorblade, nerfed Zeus, Razor, Queen of Pain, and Morphling, Diabolic Edict nerf, Null talisman nerf, added Sentry Wards and Clarity Potions. This map is originally taken from TFT Dota 7.0 and DotA Allstars v.96b. Type -random to randomly select a hero. Credits to syl-la-ble, WKnight, zetta, mrquincy, mortred, about11, battlebotv8.0, darky27, sopho, linkmaster, nokternal, neichus, and everybody else who has helped me out. Check out our forum at Find a game in channel Clan TDA@Azeroth. Created on 5/27/04 at 8:26 PM. Enjoy! -Guinsoo
See also[]