Version 5.50
(Full list)
(Full list)
- Rebalanced:
- Reworked:
- Changed how starting gold works.
- Increased base health.
- Removed many Aghanim's Scepter upgrades.
- Added new items:
- Removed items:
Release Date
- Changed how starting gold works. After loading screen is over a pool of 3750 gold is equally divided between the number of players per team.
- Each member of a five-man team will start with 750 gold, a four-man team will start with 937, a three-man team will start with 1250, a two-man team will start with 1875 and a solo player will start with 3750 gold.
Lane Creeps Upgrades[]
- Reduced time between upgrades from 20 minutes to 12.
- Radiant/Sentinel Normal Creeps
- Reduced Melee Creep damage upgrade per cycle from +3 to +2.
- Reduced Melee Creep health upgrade per cycle from +16 to +14.
- Radiant/Sentinel Super Creeps
- Increased Super Melee Creep damage upgrade per cycle from +4 to +5.
- Increased Super Melee Creep health upgrade per cycle from +20 to +26.
- Increased Super Ranged Creep damage upgrade per cycle from +3 to +5.
- Increased Super Ranged Creep damage upgrade per cycle from +16 to +23.
- Dire/Scourge Normal Creeps
- Increased Ranged Creep health upgrade per cycle from +10 to +12.
- Dire/Scourge Super Creeps
- Increased Super Melee Creep damage upgrade per cycle from +4 to +5.
- Increased Super Melee Creep health upgrade per cycle from +20 to +26.
- Increased Super Ranged Creep upgrade per cycle from +4 to +5.
- Increased Super Ranged Creep damage upgrade per cycle from +16 to +23.
- Now Radiant/Sentinel and Dire/Scourge creeps upgrades match each other.
- Reduced Tier 2 Tower health from 1250 to 1150.
- Reduced Tier 3 Tower health from 1500 to 1300.
- Reduced Tier 4 Tower health from 1500 to 1300.
Filler/Effigy Buildings[]
- Reorganized Filler/Effigy Buildings.
- Reduced Dire Filler/Effigy Buildings from 24 to 23 (Ziggurats).
- Slam
- Reduced damage from 90 to 75.
- Reduced Move Speed Slow from 50% to 25%.
- Reduced Attack Speed Slow from 50 to 25.
- Reduced cooldown from 9 to 6.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased Blink cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Anti-Mage.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Thunder Clap
- Increased damage from 75/125/200/250 to 100/175/250/300
- Increased attack speed slow from 25%/35%/45%/55% to 25%/35%/45%/60%.
- Increased movement speed slow from 25%/35%/45%/55% to 25%/35%/45%/60%.
- Increased Drunken Brawler critical chance from 6%/8%/10%/12% to 7%/9%/11%/13%.
- Earth
- Now has 500/400/600 mana.
- Now has 2 mana regeneration.
- Increased base attack damage from 37-43/75-84/122-134 to 37-43/75-84/159-171.
- Increased base movement speed from 300 to 325.
- Storm
- Increased base attack damage from 37-43/75-84/122-134 to 37-43/75-84/159-171.
- Fire
- Increased base attack damage from 52-62/105-120/179-199 to 52-62/105-120/214-234.
- Increased base movement speed from 300 to 325.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Brewmaster.
- No longer increases Earth base attack damage to 75-84/122-134/192-204.
- No longer increases Storm base attack damage to 75-84/122-134/154-164.
- No longer reduces Storm base attack time to 1.5/1.35/1.35.
- No longer increases Fire base attack damage to 105-120/179-199/254-274.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Chaos Bolt
- Reduced mana cost from 125/140/150/165 to 115/130/145/155.
- Reduced damage from 75/150/220/290 to 50/100/150/200.
- Increased cast range from 420 to 500.
- Increased Blink Strike attack damage bonus from 150% to 175%.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Chaos Knight.
- No longer increases About 11 illusion damage dealt from 2%/4%/6% to 10%/20%/30%.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Holy Light
- Reduced cast range from 650 to 600.
- Reduced cooldown from 12 to 10.
- Increased mana cost from 110/140/175/220 to 125/160/200/250.
- Reduced damage from 150/300/450/600 to 75/150/225/300.
- Now ministuns for 0.01 seconds.
- Purge no longer stuns Heroes for 2/2/3/3 seconds.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Chen.
- No longer reduces Holy Persuasion mana cost from 250 to 150 and reduces cooldown from 120 to 60/40/15.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Clinkz.
- No longer reduces Death Pact mana cost to 75/110/150 and increases target current health as heal to 65%/105%/160%.
- Increased base HP from 100 to 150.
- Rescaled Summon Water Elemental mana cost from 105/115/125/135 to 110/120/130/150
- Summon Golem
- Increased mana cost from 105/115/125/135 to 110/125/135/150.
- Reduced cooldown from 20 to 15.
- Now Aghanim's Scepter Upgraded Phoenix also reduces cooldown from 120 to 120/120/80
- Increased base HP from 100 to 150.
- Updated Attack Projectile Model.
- Increased Projectile Speed from 1100 to 1300.
- Increased Freezing Field damage from 120/200/300 to 120/210/340.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Increased Freezing Field damage from 200/300/480 to 210/340/490.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Fire Storm
- Increased damage per wave from 25/35/45/55 to 35/45/55/65.
- Increased cast range from 660 to 690.
- Reduce cooldown from 20 to 10.
- Increased LVL? Death mana cost from 70/90/110/130 to 85/105/125/145.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Doom.
- No longer increases Doom damage per second to 50/90/130 and duration to 30.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Dragon Knight.
- No longer increases Elder Dragon Form duration to 120.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Frost Arrows
- Reduced movement speed slow from 20%/28%/36%/45% to 10%/20%/30%/40%.
- Reduced attack speed slow 20/30/40/50 to 10/20/30/40.
- Increased mana cost from 10 to 11.
- Reduced slow duration from 2 to 1.75.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Drow Ranger.
- No longer increases Marksmanship proc chance to 20%/45%/75%.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced Bash proc chance from 10%/17%/24%/31% to 10%/15%/21%/28%.
- Stop Time
- Reduced stun duration from 4/5/6 to 3/4/5.
- Increased cooldown from 150/250/375 to 275/250/200.
- Increased mana cost from 150/250/375 to 175/275/420.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Faceless Void.
- No longer increases Stop Time duration to 5/6/7.
- Increased base HP from 100 to 150.
- Fire Storm
- Increased damage per wave from 25/35/45/55 to 35/45/55/65.
- Increased cast range from 660 to 690.
- Reduce cooldown from 20 to 10.
- Reworked Inferno into Inferno
- Inferno:
- Creates a raging inferno in an area around the Flame Lord.
- Creates a explosion on every 45th degree of a 225 radius circle, resulting in 8 explosions forming a ring.
- Explosion Radius: 400
- Explosion Spawn Radius: 225
- Damage: 450/600/900. ( 600/900/1200)
- Mini Stun Duration: 0.1
- Explosion Effect Duration: 0.1
- Cooldown: 90
- Mana Cost: 260/400/650
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased Blade Fury damage per second from 50/70/90/110 to 70/90/110/130.
- Increased Blade Dance proc chance from 10%/18%/26%/35% to 10%/18%/26%/36%.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Juggernaut.
- No longer increases Omnislash minimum damage per slash to 300 and maximum damage per slash to 400.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased movement speed from 290 to 300.
- Diabolic Edict
- Reduced unit damage per explosion from 50 to 49.
- Reduced damage interval from 1/0.75/0.75/0.50 to 1/0.75/0.50/0.25.
- Increased number of explosions from 8/10/10/16 to 8/10/16/32.
- Increased radius from 150 to 200/200/300/300.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Reduced Pulse Nova damage interval from 1.50 to 1.25.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced Chain Frost cooldown from 145/115/75 to 145/115/60.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- No longer reduces Chain Frost mana cost and cooldown.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced base attack damage from 23-29 to 18-24.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Lifestealer.
- No longer reduces Siphon Strength cooldown to 15.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Light Strike Array
- Increased damage from 70/100/130/160 to 90/150/210/270.
- Reduced stun duration from 2/3/4/5 to 2.
- Reduced effect delay from 1.25 to 0.8.
- Increased mana cost from 100/105/110/115 to 105/120/140/165.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Increased Laguna Blade damage from 550/800/1200 to 600/875/1250.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Earth Spike
- Increased damage from 60/110/170/230 to 80/150/220/290.
- Reduced spikes travel distance from 600 to 400.
- Reduced cast range from 550 to 500.
- Reduced mana cost from 120/145/180/215 to 100/120/145/170.
- Reduced stun duration from 1/1.75/2.50/3.25 to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Increased Finger of Death damage from 600/800/1200 to 600/800/1225.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Luna.
- No longer increases Eclipse number of beams to 8/10/12 and cooldown to 120/90/60.
- Reduced strength gain from 3 to 2.85.
- Reduced base agility and gain from 17 + 2.1 to 16 + 2.
- Rescaled base intelligence and gain from 17 + 1.7 to 15 + 1.75.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Lycan Wolf
- Fixed being able to proc Critical Strike on level 1.
- Reduced health from 600/750/850/1000 to 500/600/700/900.
- Reduced base damage from 16-17/28-31/35-38/43-46 to 16-17/26-29/33-36/41-44.
- Rescaled base bounty from 26-38/26-50/36-60/36-60 to 21-33/26-50/36-60/41-65.
- Reduced Howl of Terror mana cost from 45/55/65/85 to 45/50/55/60
- Shapeshift
- Reduced critical chance from 40% to 22%.
- Reduced bonus movement speed from 300/600/900 to 150/275/400.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Lycan.
- No longer increases critical strike chance during Shapeshift to 60%.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reverse Polarity
- Reduced stun and damage radius from 725 to 515.
- Reduced pull radius from 730 to 500.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Chain Lightning
- Reduced base damage from 100/175/250/325 to 75/150/225/275.
- Reduced bounce damage reduction from 18/18/15/15% to 18/15/12/10%.
- Reduced mana cost from 100/150/195/235 to 90/125/145/165.
- Multi Shot
- Reduced bonus attack targets from 1/2/3/4 to 0/1/2/3 (9/3/4/5).
- Reduced search radius from 800 to 700.
- Purge no longer stuns Heroes for 2/2/3/3 seconds.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Medusa.
- No longer increases Pandemona number of summoned tornados to 3/5/7.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased Tidal Wave mana cost from 100/115/130/150 to 100/115/130/160.
- Undercover
- Increased duration from 90/180/indefinitely to indefinitely.
- Reduced stun duration from 4 to 2/3/4.
- Added backstab damage of 100/200/300.
- Increased base HP from 100 to 150.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade for Naga Siren.
- No longer reduces Song of the Siren mana cost to 100/200/300.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Replaced Entangling Roots with Sprout.
- Old Entangling Roots
- Causes roots to burst from the ground, immobilizing, disarming and dealing 30 damage per second to a target enemy.
- Cast range: 600
- Damage: 30
- Duration: 3/3.6/4.3/5
- Creep duration: 6/7.5/9/10.5
- Mana cost: 100/115/120/125
- Cooldown: 12
- New Sprout
- Sprouts a ring of trees around an enemy unit, trapping it in place.
- Mana Cost: 125/160/185/220
- Cooldown: 12
- Cast Range: 600
- Duration: 3/4/5/6
- Sprout Vision Radius: 1000
- Wrath of Nature
- Reduced base damage from 150/200/250 to 140/180/225.
- Increased mana cost from 200/380/590 to 200/380/610.
- Reduced base strength and gain from 23 + 3 to 20 + 2.75.
- Reduced base agility and gain from 20 + 2.5 to 17 + 2.
- Reduced intelligence gain from 1.7 to 1.25.
- Reduced base attack damage from 34-38 to 32-36.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced base health regeneration from 5 to 2.
- Void
- No longer stuns for 3 seconds during night.
- No longer slows for 3 seconds during day.
- Now slows for 3 seconds during night.
- Crippling Fear no longer has a 200 effect radius.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Night Stalker.
- No longer reduces Darkness mana cost from 140/220/325 to 120/200/275 and cooldown from 610/590/570 to 525/515/505.
- Increased intelligence gain from 2.75 to 2.8.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased base attack damage from 28-35 to 30-39.
- Impale
- Increased cast range from 400 to 500.
- Increased damage from 60/110/170/230 to 80/150/220/90.
- Reduced stun duration from 1.25/2.50/3.75/5.00 to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0 (air time unchanged).
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Nyx Assassin.
- No longer increases Spiked Carapace bonus armor to 6/12/18 and damage returned to 20/40/60.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Replaced Divine Retribution with Guardian Angel.
- Old Divine Retribution
- Whenever a nearby allied hero dies, the Omniknight gains divine power for a period of time.
- Death search radius: 900
- Movement speed bonus: 25%/50%/75%
- Attack speed bonus: 50/100/150
- Armor bonus: 10/20/30
- Attack damage bonus: 20%/40%/60%
- Duration: 20/30/40
- Guardian Angel
- Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly.
- Radius: 1000
- Health regen bonus: 2
- Duration: 3/6/9
- Mana Cost: 160/230/310
- Cooldown: 120/120/60
- Notes: Grants allies 9999 armor.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150
- Increased Blink Strike bonus damage from 150% to 175%.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Phantom Assassin.
- No longer increases Coup de Grace critical damage to 500%.
- Replaced Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Cannibalize". with Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Carrion Beetles"..
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Carrion Beetles".:
- Summons a number of Carrion Beetles to obey the Butcher. Each level Beetle is more powerful.
- Corpse search radius: 600
- Max allows Skarabs: 5/6/7/8
- Mana cost: 30
- Cooldown: 10
- Notes: Raises 1 scarab per cast. Skarabs lasts until killed,
- Scarabs have 140/425/600/800 health, 2 armor, 8-9/15-18/24-29/35-43 attack damage, 270/270/270/290 movement speed, 1400/1400 vision and have the Burrow ability on level 2-4.
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Necrogenesis".
- Changed corpses spawn order from Ghoul/Rifleman/Huntress/Tauren to Ghoul/Rifleman/Tauren/Huntress.
- Reduced Tauren health from 1300 to 1200.
- Reduced Tauren attack damage from 30-36 to 26-32.
- Increased Tauren movement speed from 270 to 285.
- Reduced Tauren collision size from 48 to 24
- Increased Huntress health from 575 to 1100.
- Increased Huntress attack damage from 17-19 to 26-28.
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Carrion Flies".
- Reduced evasion from 90% to 88%.
- Increased attack damage from 8-9/11-12/14-15 to 8-9/11-12/19-20.
- Reduced cooldown from 8 to 8/4/2.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Carrion Flies".
- No longer reduces mana cost from 50 to 20.
- No longer reduces cooldown from 8 to 3.
- Now grants Carrion Flies spell immunity.
- Now increases Carrion Flies attack damage from 8-9/11-12/19-20 to 9-10/12-13/22-23.
- Now reduces Carrion Flies evasion from 88% to 62%.
- Increased Carrion Flies mana regen from 2.5 to 3.5.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased Blink cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Sonic Wave
- Reduced cooldown from 120/100/80 to 120/100/75.
- Increased mana cost from 200/300/400 to 200/320/500.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Reduced Sonic Wave cooldown from 100/75/50 to 100/75/30.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Chain Lightning
- Reduced base damage from 100/175/250/325 to 75/150/225/275.
- Reduced bounce damage reduction from 18%/18%/15%/15% to 18%/15%/12%/10%.
- Reduced mana cost from 100/150/195/235 to 90/125/145/165.
- Frenzy
- Increased incoming damage amplification from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 10%/20%/30%/35%.
- Reduced attack speed bonus from 50/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120.
- Increased cooldown from 10 to 40.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Razor.
- No longer reduces Storm Seeker strike interval to 2.32.
- Increased base HP from 100 to 150.
- Increased Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Blink". cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for File:Riki/Old minimap icon.png Riki/Old.
- No longer increases damage and number of attack targets.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Forked Lightning
- Reduced damage from 80/150/210/275 to 75/150/225/300.
- Reduced max distance from 900 to 700.
- Rescaled number of targets from 4 to 3/4/6/7.
- Increased cast range from 550 to 600.
- Rescaled mana cost from 105/115/125/135 to 90/105/120/135.
- Increased cooldown from 8 to 10.
- Increased starting radius from 125 to 200.
- Reduced Shackles mana cost from 120/140/160/180 to 110/130/150/170.
- Increased Mass Serpent Ward mana cost from 200/270/380 to 200/300/450.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced Bash proc chance from 20%/22%/30%/38% to 10%/15%/21%/28%.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Slardar.
- No longer increases Amplify Damage armor reduction to 9/18/27 and reduces mana cost to 70/90/110.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced base attack time from 1.7 to 1.5.
- Replaced Undermine with Scattershot.
- Old Undermine
- All dwarves know how to undermine the structure of a building. Just let the rifleman close enough to a structure.
- Cast range: 75
- Building damage: 150/250/350/450
- Cast time: 2
- Mana cost: 100
- Cooldown: 32
- New Scattershot
- Fires an exploding shot, dealing moderate area of effect damage.
- Effect delay: 0.25
- Damage: 100/150/200/250
- Cast range: 650
- Radius: 250
- Mana cost: 85/100/115/130
- Cooldown: 10
- Replaced Rifle Upgrade with Take Aim.
- Old Rifle Upgrade
- Increases the power of the Sniper's rifle.
- Undermine mana cost reduction: 10/20/30/50
- Undermine cast time reduction: 0.67/0.67/0.67/0.5
- Headshot level 3/4 proc chance reduction: 0%/0%/5%/5% [?]
- Headshot damage increase: 3/6/9/12
- Assassinate damage increase: 10/20/30/40
- Assassinate cast range increase: 0/0/100/200
- New Take Aim
- Kardel enters sniper mode. he can only move very slowly, but gains an immense amount of range each shot deals more damage, but he attacks slower.
- Cast time: 3.25
- Base attack damage bonus: 27
- Attack range bonus: 1000
- Acquisition range bonus: 950
- Base attack time reduction: 0.5
- Night vision bonus: 800
- Health reduction: 100
- Movement speed reduction: 150
- Mana Cost: 120/80/40/0
- Cooldown: 0
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced strength gain from 3 to 2.7.
- Storm Bolt
- Reduced stun duration from 3 to 2.
- Increased cast range from 400 to 525.
- Great Cleave
- Reduced cleave damage from 20/40/60/80% to 15/30/45/60%.
- Reduced radius from 150/175/200/200/200 to 150/155/160/165.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Sven.
- No longer increases God's Strength's duration 60 and cooldown to 130/97/87.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150
- Increased base attack damage from 22-28 to 24-30.
- Land Mines
- Reduced trigger radius from 300 to 250
- Reduced cooldown from 18 to 25/20/15/5
- Statis Trap
- Rescaled cooldown from 18 to 18/15/10/5
- Increased mana cost from 100/120/140/160 to 100/130/160/180
- Removed the innate component from Rapid Revive. [?]
- Replaced Suicide Squad, Attack! with Remote Mines and added the Detonate All sub-ability.
- Old Suicide Squad, Attack!
- Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Deals massive area of effect damage.
- Cast range: 100
- Full damage radius: 200
- Partial damage radius: 500
- Full damage: 900/1600/2400
- Partial damage: 450/800/1250
- New Remote Mines
- Plants an invisible mine that will only activate when triggered. Doesn't damage buildings
- Cast range: 100
- Cast time: 2
- Duration: 600
- Detonate damage per mine: 300/450/600
- Radius: 400
- Explosion delay 0.25
- Mana cost: 200/240/300
- Cooldown: 10
- Detonate All
- Detonates all remote mines.
- Cast point: 1
- Mana cost: 50
- Notes: This ability is available after leveling up Remote Mines.
- Detonate All
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Techies.
- No longer increases Suicide Squad, Attack! full damage from 1050/1900/3800 to 1250/2900/5000 and reduces cooldown from 180 to 150.
- Replaced Soul Steal temporary with a Warcraft 3 Spell Life Drain.
- New Life Drain
- Absorbs the life essence of a target enemy unit by taking hit points from it every second and giving them to the Terrorblade.
- Health drain per second: 25/40/55
- Cast Rrange: 500
- Duration: 8
- Mana cost: 75
- Cooldown: 8
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Terrorblade.
- No longer increases Rain of Chaos number of infernals from 4 to 5.
- Increased base HP from 100 to 150.
- Reduced strength gain from 2 to 1.9.
- Reduced base attack damage from 11-32 to 9-30 (total attack damage is now 30-51).
- Reduced attack range from 550 to 525.
- Berserker's Rage
- Reduced level requirement from 1/3/5/7 to 0/2/4/6.
- Increased attack damage bonus from 16 to 31.
- Reduced health bonus from 100 to 75.
- Reduced Blind mana cost from 40/49/58/67 to 40 on each level.
- Increased agility gain from 2.9 to 3.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased attack range from 275 to 390.
- Increased base attack damage from 16-28 to 19-33.
- Increased Magic Missile stun duration from 1 to 2.
- Rescaled Terror mana cost from 45/55/65/85 to 45/50/55/60.
- Reduced Nether Swap cooldown from 10/10/8 to 8/6/4.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Vengeful Spirit.
- No longer increases Nether Swap cast range from 700/1000/1400 to 1000/1400/1800 and reduces cooldown from 10/10/8 to 5 on each level.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Frenzy
- Reduced bonus attack speed 50/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120.
- Increased incoming damage amplification from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 10%/20%/30%/35%.
- Increased cooldown from 10 to 40.
- Increased Poison Arrows mana cost from 13 to 14.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Viper.
- No longer increases Viper Strike damage per second from 40/70/110 to 55/90/150.
- Reduced strength and gain from 17 + 2 to 15 + 1.75.
- Reduced agility and gain from 19 + 2.8 to 18 + 2.5.
- Reduced intelligence and gain from 22 + 3.5 to 18 + 2.5.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Reduced base attack damage from 15-22 to 14-21.
- Frenzy
- Reduced incoming damage amplification from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 10%/20%/30%/35%.
- Reduced attack speed bonus from 50/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120.
- Increased cooldown from 10 to 40.
- Increased Blink cooldown from 10/7/5/2 to 10/7/5/3.
- Increased Death Pact cooldown from 15 to 90.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Visage.
- Increased Progenerate Gargoyle maximum units from 5/7/10 to 7/10/13 and increases Gargoyles health from 350/450/550 to 450/550/600.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Hellfire Blast
- Increased cast range from 400 to 525.
- Reduced stun duration from 3 to 2.
- Rescaled Vampiric Aura lifesteal from 8%/16%/24%/32% to 10%/16%/22%/28%.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Skeleton King.
- No longer reduces Reincarnation cooldown to 260/200/160.
- Increased base health from 100 to 150.
- Replaced Storm Bolt with Shock.
- Old Storm Bolt
- A magical hammer is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and suting the target for 3 seconds.
- Damage: 100/150/275/400
- Stun Duration: 3
- Non-hero stun duration: 12
- Cast range: 400
- Mana cost: 100/120/140/165
- Cooldown: 8
- New Shock
- Summons a powerful lightning magic to explode on an enemy unit spontaneously. Slows movement speed slightly and prohibits the target unit from attacking.
- Movement slow: 13%
- Cast range: 500
- Damage: 40/80/120/160
- Disarm duration: 2/4/6/8
- Non-hero disarm duration: 4/8/12/16
- Mana cost: 85/95/130/165
- Cooldown: 15
- Increased Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Thundergod's Wrath". mana cost from 200/325/400 to 200/325/450.
- Removed Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Zeus.
- No longer increases Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Thundergod's Wrath". damage from 200/350/500 to 350/500/600.
- Reduced Effect Delay from 7 to 5
- Now Reincarnation revives Hero at full Health instead 1500.
- Reworked
- Old Aegis of the Immortal:
- Recipe: Cloak (1600), Helm of Iron Will (1300), Perseverance (1775), 2x Upgrader (3000)
- Total cost: 7675
- Health regeneration bonus: 11
- Mana regeneration bonus: 135%
- Magic resistance bonus: 20%
- Notes: Due to a recipe conflict, it was impossible to build the item from 5.41 to 5.50. .
- New Aegis of the Immortal:
- Recipe: Cloak (1500), Point Booster, (1100), Perseverance (1775), Upgrader (1500)
- Total cost: 5875
- Health regeneration: 9
- Mana regeneration: 100%
- Magic resistance: 20%
- Reworked recipe:
- Old Aghanim's Scepter:
- Recipe: Null Talisman (470), Ring of Basilius (650), Soul Booster (3150), Mystic Staff (2900), Energy Booster (850)
- Total cost: 8020
- New Aghanim's Scepter:
- Recipe: Soul Booster (3150), Mystic Staff (2900)
- Total cost: 6050
- Can now only be bought by heroes who have an upgrade.
- Now also grants 10 attack damage.
- Reduced agility bonus from 40 to 25.
- Reduced evasion chance from 30% to 20%.
- No longer requires Blade of Alacrity (−1000 Gold) to build (total cost decreases from 7500 Gold to 6500 Gold).
- Reduced gold cost from 1600 Gold to 1500 Gold.
- Removed.
- Reduced attack damage bonus from 110 to 85.
- Now requires Demon Edge (2600 Gold) to build, instead of Sacred Relic (4100 Gold) (total cost decreases from 7500 Gold to 6000 Gold).
- Reduced cost from 2700 Gold to 2600 Gold.
- Reduced attack damage bonus from 100 to 64.
- Now requires Upgrader (1500 Gold) to build, instead of Demon Edge (2600 Gold) (total cost decreases from 7300 Gold to 6100 Gold).
- Reduced all attributes bonus from 50 to 25.
- Reduced health bonus from 200 to 150.
- Reduced mana bonus from 300 to 200.
- Item cost change:
- Now requires 2 Ultimate Orbs to build instead of 4.
- Total cost decreases 11500 gold to 6300.
- No longer grants 50% mana regeneration.
- Increased strength bonus from 20 to 25.
- Reduced health bonus from 600 to 300.
- Increased health regeneration bonus from 3 to 9.
- No longer requires Soul Ring (−990 Gold) to build (total cost decreases from 6890 Gold to 5900 Gold).
- Removed.
- Increased Manta Style number of charges from 10 to 20.
- Reworked recipe and stats.
- Old Monkey King Bar:
- Recipe: Battle Fury} (5100 Gold), Quarterstaff (1400 Gold), Upgrader icon.png Upgrader (1500 Gold)
- Total cost: 8000 Gold
- Attack damage bonus: 75
- Attack speed bonus: 10
- New Monkey King Bar:
- Recipe: Demon Edge (2600 Gold), Quarterstaff (1400 Gold), Upgrader (1500 Gold)
- Total cost: 5500 Gold
- Attack damage bonus: 55
- Attack speed bonus: 15
- New Mini-Bash
- Grants each attack a chance to mini-stun and deal bonus damage.
- Proc chance: 40%
- Damage: 50
- Stun Duration: 0.01
- Removed Cleave.
- Replaced Critical Strike with Mini-Bash.
- Old Critical Strike
- Grants each attack a chance to deal additional damage.
- Proc chance: 10%
- Critical damage: 300%
- Burn
- Reduced close damage from 50 to 35.
- Reduced far damage from 30 to 20.
- Now requires 1 Upgrader (Gold 1500) to build instead of 2 (total cost decreases from 7100 to 5600).
- Reset Cooldowns
- Reduced number of charges from 3 to 2.
- Now gains 1 charge whenever Refresher Orb's owner kills a hero (capped at 2 charges).
- No longer requires Upgrader (−1500 Gold) to build (total cost decreases from 7250 Gold to 5750 Gold).
- No longer grants 15 all attributes.
- Now grants 5 health regeneration.
- Reduced attack damage bonus from 75 to 55.
- Reduced Lifesteal from 25% to 15%.
- Item cost changes:
- No longer requires Upgrader to build (−1500 Gold cost).
- Total gold cost decreases from 7875 Gold to 6275 Gold.
- No longer grants 20 intelligence.
- No longer grants 25 attack speed.
- Now grants 150% mana regeneration.
- Now grants 300 mana.
- Reduced attack damage bonus from 40 to 35.
- No longer requires Upgrader (−1500 Gold) to build (total cost decreases from 7225 Gold to 5725 Gold).
- Hex
- Reduced cast range from 700 to 600.
- Reduced hero duration from 6 to 3.
- Increased mana cost from 75 to 100.
- Reduced cooldown from 15 to 13.
- Reworked recipe and stats.
- Old Shadow Blade:
- Recipe: Claymore (1500 Gold), Blades of Attack (650 Gold), Gloves of Haste (610 Gold)
- Total cost: 2760 Gold
- Attack damage bonus: 33
- New Shadow Blade:
- Recipe: Claymore (1500 Gold), Blade of Alacrity (1000 Gold), Upgrader (1500 Gold)
- Total cost: 4000 Gold
- Agility bonus: 10
- Attack damage bonus: 21
- Attack speed bonus: 15
- Added new Shadow Walk active ability.
- Makes you invisible, until you attack or cast a spell. While Shadow Walk is active, you move 20% faster and can move through units. If attacking to end the invisibility, you gain bonus physical damage on that attack.
- Fade time: 0.3
- Damage: 40
- Movement speed bonus: 20%
- Duration: 8
- Mana cost: 150
- Cooldown: 45
- Reduced health regeneration bonus from 3 to 1.
- Reduced mana regeneration bonus from 60% to 25%.
- Increased all attributes bonus from 4 to 5.
- Reduced Teleport channel time from 5 to 3.
- Reduced gold cost from 500 Gold to 350 Gold.
- Removed.
New Items[]
- Added a new item: Dagon. Grants +16 Intelligence, +3 Strength, 3 Agility and +9 Damage.
- Item description: "A lesser scepter that has been duplicated time and time again. Gives +13 Intelligence, +9 damage, +3 to all stats, and a 450 damage Energy Burst."
Requires: Staff of Wizardry (1000) Blades of Attack (650) Null Talisman (470) Upgrader (1500) Active: Energy Burst: Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit. Damage: 450 Cast Range: 600 Mana Cost: 310. Cooldown: 60.
- Added a new item: Black King Bar. Grants +10 Strength And +18 Attack Damage.
- Item description: "A powerful rod imbued with the strength of giants. Adds +10 Strength, +18 damage, and the Avatar ability, which lasts 15 seconds."
Requires: Ogre Axe (1000) Broadsword (1250) Upgrader (1500) Active: Avatar: Grants Spell Immunity Duration Bonus Damage: 30 Bonus Armor: 5 Bonus Health: 200 Duration 15 Mana Cost: 150 Cooldown: 90
Original Warcraft III Map Description[]
Map Description
Have fun with an expanded version of DotA Allstars. Featuring 24 heroes for each side, cool sounds, item recipies, and more!
Loading Screen
DotA Allstars v5.50 Go to and channel Clan TDA@Azeroth. You can find a list of all official version in our forums at, in the general discussion forum. All random mode is enabled when Blue both types -allrandom within the first 10 seconds. "The destructive urge is also a creative one."
Startup Notes
Stop by the forum at or hang out in the channel Clan TDA@Azeroth. Check the quest menu for more information. Gold transfer has been disabled! If you don't want super creeps, type -nosupercreeps right now! If you don't want item powerups, type -nopowerups right now! You may now -repick once. It costs you 50 gold and gives you a new hero. You may only do this in the first 60 seconds! If you want to play all random, Blue must type -allrandom as quickly as possible.
Quest Notes
V5.50 Welcome back to my DotA. Roshan can be killed for 500 bonus gold for your whole team. He is where Morbazan used to be. Item powerups spawn just outside of the river on the Sentinel side. Super creeps spawn randomly after 10 minutes. Almost all recipes give the same abilities as the input items, plus a bonus. Beware that certain item abilities may cause other abilities to stop working. New in v5.50: Some characters were rebalanced and changed. In general, the duration of stuns went down. All tier 3 items have been brought back down to tier 2ish quality. Combowhored has been added back. Some heroes have new abilities. Hopefully shortened the game length some. Fixed some bugs, probably missed a couple =/ This map is originally taken from TFT Dota 7.0 and DotA Allstars v.96b. Type -random to randomly select a hero. Credits to syl-la-ble, WKnight, zetta, mrquincy, mortred, about11, battlebotv8.0, darky27, sopho, linkmaster, nokternal, neichus, and everybody else who has helped me out. Check out our forum at Find a game in channel Clan TDA@Azeroth. Created on 5/27/04 at 8:26 PM. Enjoy! -Guinsoo
See also[]
See also[]