Dota 2 Wiki



  • Increased Periodic Gold from 5 gold every 7 seconds (1 gold every 1.4 seconds) to 7 gold every 5 seconds (1 gold every 0.71 seconds).

Lane Creeps[]



  • Increased base armor before Agility attribute symbol agility armor bonuses from -3 to 0.


  • Buyback now revives hero at full HP and mana, instead of 50% HP and 0% mana.


  • Increased kill experience awarded radius from 900 to 1000.


Anti-Mage icon
  • Increased Mana Burn icon Mana Burn mana cost from 65/85/85/95 to 60/85/100/115.
  • Increased Mana Void icon Mana Void damage per missing mana from 0.33/0.6/1 to 0.4/0.75/1.1.
Bounty Hunter icon
  • Shuriken Toss icon Shuriken Toss
    • Increased damage from 100/175/250/325 to 100/200/300/400.
    • Increased mana cost from 100/110/120/130 to 100/120/140/160.
  • Shadow Walk icon Shadow Walk
    • Removed Backstab damage.
  • Unknown icon Duplicate
    • Increased duration from 20/40/60 to 30/60/90.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 60 to 30/60/60.
Brewmaster icon
  • Increased Thunder Clap icon Thunder Clap damage from 50/100/150/200 to 75/125/200/250.
  • Drunken Brawler icon Drunken Brawler
    • Reduced critical chance from 10% to 6%.
    • Reduced critical damage from 200/300/400/600% to 200/300/400/500%.
    • Reduced evasion from 7%/14%/21%/30% to 6%/12%/18%/24%.
  • Brewmaster Earth minimap icon Earth
Hurl Boulder (Earth) icon Hurl Boulder
Throws a boulder at a unit, doing damage and stunning it.
Projectile speed: 1000
Cast range: 800
Damage: 100
Stun duration: 2
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 10
Notes: Earth Brewling had no mana pool, so during these versions he was unable to cast this.
  • Brewmaster Storm minimap icon Storm
    • Increased base attack damage from 37-43/55-64/73-85 to 37-43/75-84/122-134.
    • Reduced base attack time from 1.5 to 1.5/1.5/1.35.
  • Brewmaster Fire minimap icon Fire
    • Increased base attack damage from 52-62/78-93/104-124 to 52-62/105-120/179-199.
Chaos Knight icon
  • Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.
  • Increased base attack time from 1.55 to 1.7.
  • Increased base attack damage from 53-63 to 53-69.
  • Chaos Bolt icon Chaos Bolt
    • Reduced damage from 75/170/265/325 to 75/150/220/290.
    • Reduced cast range from 600 to 420.
    • Rescaled mana cost from 130/140/150/160 to 125/140/150/165.
  • Reduced Chaos Strike icon Critical Strike critical damage from 1100%/200%/300%/400% to 1100%/150%/233%/333%.
  • Increased Phantasm icon About 11 mana cost from 175 on each level to 175/225/275.
Chen icon
  • Reduced Storm Hammer icon Storm Bolt mana cost from 100/125/150/180 to 100/120/140/165.
Clinkz icon
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.75 to 1.5.
  • Increased base attack damage from 15-17 to 15-23.
  • Increased Strafe icon Strafe cooldown from 12 to 40/35/30/25.
  • Skeleton Walk icon Skeleton Walk
    • No longer deals 25/50/75/100 damage.
    • Reduced bonus movement speed from 25/50/75/100% to 10/20/30/40%
    • Increased duration from 20/25/30/30 to 20/25/30/35
  • Death Pact icon Death Pact can now be cast on enemy units.
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Freezing Field icon Freezing Field
    • Increased damage from 110/170/250 to 110/180/300.
    • Increased mana cost from 300/400/550 to 300/400/600.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 120 to 150/120/60.
Death Prophet icon
  • Increased base attack damage from 16-27 to 16-34.
  • Exorcism icon Exorcism
    • Increased number of spirits from 7/14/21 to 7/16/32.
    • Increased number of max spirits Per Target from 21 to 32.
    • Increased mana cost from 200 to 200/300/400.
Doom icon
  • Reduced Agility attribute symbol agility gain from 1.25 to 1.
  • Rescaled base Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence and gain from 15 + 1.45 to 18 + 2.3.
  • Reduced base attack time from 2.05 to 2.
  • Increased base armor from 0 to 2.
  • Devour icon Devour
    • Can no longer devour enemy heroes for 8 seconds on level 4.
    • Now lasts until the creep dies, instead of having a max duration of 20/40/60/80.
    • Increased creep level limit from 0 on each level to 1/2/5/6.
    • Increased damage per second from 10 to 20.
    • Increased mana cost from 0 on each level to 50/40/30/0.
    • Increased cooldown from 0 on each level to 30/20/10/0.
  • Replaced Unknown icon Phaser with LVL Death icon LVL? Death.
Old Unknown icon Phaser
Moves hero instantly to destination by shadow power.
Cast time: 4
Cast range: Global
Mana cost: 70
Cooldown: 60/50/40/30
New LVL Death icon LVL? Death
Dissipates a piece of a target's soul. Deals 250 bonus damage if the target's level is a multiple of a number.
Cast range: 600
Base damage: 100/150/200/250
Bonus damage: 250
Hero level multiplier: 6/5/4/3
Cooldown: 8
Mana cost: 70/90/110/130
Projectile speed: 1500
Stun duration: 0
Notes: The damage is dealt in 2 instances. The base damage is slightly delayed and relies on a very fast projectile. The stun was bugged and lasted indefinitely.
Dragon Knight icon
Drow Ranger icon
  • Increased Frost Arrows icon Frost Arrows attack speed slow from 20%/28%/36%/45% to 30/40%/50%/60%.
  • Increased Marksmanship icon Marksmanship proc chance from 10%/20%/30% to 10%/30%/50%.
Warlock icon
  • Scorched Earth icon Flame Circle
    • Increased damage per second from 66/83/100 to 66/100/141.
    • Increased mana cost from 260 to 260/400/650.
    • Increased leftover fire damage per second from 4 to 20/30/40.
    • Increased fire ring burn hero duration from 2.67 to 3.67.
Faceless Void icon
Juggernaut icon
  • Increased Blade Fury icon Blade Fury damage per second from 30/40/50/60 to 50/70/90/110.
  • Omnislash icon Omnislash
    • Increased mana cost from 200 on each level to 200/300/400.
    • Increased cooldown from 60 on each level to 130/95/60.
Leshrac icon
Lich icon
  • Increased base Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence from 18 to 19.
  • Increased base attack damage from 19-25 to 19-32.
  • Increased base attack time from 1.56 to 1.70.
  • Chain Frost icon Chain Frost
    • Reduced damage from 400 to 200/300/400.
    • Reduced number of bounce from 4/6/8 to 6.
    • Increased mana cost from 200/250/300 to 200/325/500.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 140 to 145/115/75.
Lifestealer icon
Lina icon
  • Laguna Blade icon Laguna Blade
    • Increased mana cost from 280/325/375 to 280/420/680.
    • Reduced cooldown from 180 to 180/120/45.
    • Increased damage from 450/600/750 to 450/675/975.
    • Reduced cast range from 700 to 600.
Lion icon
  • Increased base attack time from 1.68 to 1.7.
  • Finger of Death icon Finger of Death
    • Increased damage from 500/600/700 to 500/700/1000.
    • Increased mana cost from 200 to 200/420/650.
    • Reduced cast range from 800 to 700.
    • Reduced cooldown from 190 to 9.
Luna icon
  • Rescaled Eclipse icon Eclipse cooldown from 120 to 120/90/30.
Lycan icon
  • Restored hero model change, back to non-wolf form.
  • Increased base Strength attribute symbol strength from 20 to 21.
  • Increased base damage from 31-47 to 32-46.
  • Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.
  • Increased base attack time from 1.65 to 1.7.
  • Replaced Feast icon Cannibalize with Howl icon Howl of Terror.
Old Feast icon Cannibalize
Eats a nearby dead animal or person to restore the lycanthropy's hit points.
Cast range: 80
Hero Corpse Duration: 8
Unit Corpse Duration: 10
Heal per second: 15/25/35/45
Duration: 10
Mana cost: 70
Cooldown: 0
New Howl icon Howl of Terror
The hero wols, reducing nearby enemy unit's attack damage and armor.
Duration: 20 seconds.
Attack damage reduction: 10%/20%/30%/40%
Armor reduction: 1/2/3/4
Radius: 500
Mana cost: 45/55/65/85
Cooldown: 20
Old Critical Strike (Alpha Wolf) icon Rend and Tear
Many of the lycanthropy attacks tear the flesh, causing extra damage.
Proc chance: 40%/42.5%/45%
Critical damage: 150%/175%/200%
New Shapeshift icon Shapeshift
A full Moon curdles the blood of the lycanthropy. He transforms into a Wolf with extra damage, hit points, Critical Strike, and bonus movement and attack speed.
Transformation time: 2
Health bonus: 300/600/900
Health regeneration: 3
Base attack time: 1.35
Base attack damage: 40-62
Movement speed: 410
Night vision: 1400
Critical Strike Chance: 20%
Critical Strike Damage: 200%
Duration: 40/50/60 seconds
Mana Cost: 150/175/200
Cooldown: 180/170/160
Magnus icon
  • Reduced base Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence from 20 to 19.
  • Increased base attack time from 1.5 to 1.7.
  • Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.
  • Reverse Polarity icon Reverse Polarity
    • Increased mana cost from 200/225/200 to 200/275/400.
    • Reduced stun duration from 4/5/7 to 4/5/6.
    • Reduced cooldown from 120 to 120/90/60.
Medusa icon
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.7 to 1.5.
  • Unknown Unit icon Pandemona
    • Increased health from 500 to 800.
    • Increased building close damage per second from 25 to 35.
    • Increased unit close damage per second from 10 to 15.
Morphling icon
Naga Siren icon
  • Song of the Siren icon Song of the Siren
    • Increased cooldown from 0 to 120/90/60.
    • Increased 200/300/400 to 200/325/550.
    • Reduced radius from 1200/3600/global to 1000/2000/global.
Nature's Prophet icon
Old Invoke icon Rapid Experience
Bonus experience: 10%/20%/30%
Radius: 700
Bonus mana regen: 1%
New Wrath of Nature icon Wrath of Nature
Summons damaging energy to swath around the map and damage a bunch of random enemies. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds 8% damage.
Cast range: Global
Bounce distance: Global
Number of bounces: 14/16/16
Damage increment per bounce: 8%
Base damage: 175/235/295
Mana cost: 200/380/590
Cooldown: 90/60/30
Night Stalker icon
  • Rescaled base vision range from 1800/800 to 1200/1800.
  • Changed Night Stalker minimap icon Night Stalker's base regeneration type from only regenerate at blight to only regenerate at night. [?]
  • Increased base health regeneration from 1 to 3.
  • Reduced Void icon Void cooldown from 10 to 8.
  • Vampiric Aura (Skeleton King) icon Thirst for Blood
    • Lifesteal only works during night time.
    • Increased lifesteal from 7%/12%/21%/28% to 12%/24%/36%/48%.
  • Crippling Fear icon Crippling Fear
    • Increased movement speed slow from 15%/25%/35% to 20%/40%/60%.
    • Reduced mana cost from 250/325/400 to 250/290/350.
    • Reduced cooldown from 75 on each level to 20/15/10.
Nyx Assassin icon
Omniknight icon
Degen Aura icon Weaken Aura
Nearby dire are purge by the presence of the Omniknight.
Radius: 900
Armor reduction: 1/2/3/4
Notes: Passive aura, lingers for 1-2 seconds.
New Repel icon Repel
Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a targeting unit.
Cast range: 500
Duration: 5/10/15/20
Mana cost: 60/75/90/105
Cooldown: 0
Notes: Grants the target magic immunity.
Old Penitence icon Holy Blade
The Omniknight adds the power of his god to his weapon. His sword smolders with holy power and gains ranged attack.
Attack range bonus: 300/400/500
Attack damage bonus: 8%/16%/24%
New Reincarnation icon Divine Retribution
Whenever a nearby allied hero dies, the Omniknight gains divine power for a period of time.
Death search radius: 900
Movement speed bonus: 25%/50%/75%
Attack speed bonus: 50/100/150
Armor bonus: 10/20/30
Attack damage bonus: 20%/40%/60%
Duration: 20/30/40
Phantom Assassin icon
  • Reduced Coup de Grace icon Coup de Grace proc chance from 10%/14%/19% to 8%/12%/16%.
Unknown Hero icon
  • Changed primary from Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence to Strength attribute symbol strength.
  • Changed attack type from ranged to melee.
  • Reduced attack range from 130 to 125.
  • Increased base armor from -2 to 1 (total armor is now 2.4).
  • Increased Stitch number of corpses raised from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Necrogenesis".
    • Now spawns the corpse inside Pudge, instead of on the ground. Can store up to 8 corpses. The corpses are visible as icons in the hud, clicking on an icon drops the corpse on the ground.
    • Added a sub-ability, Drop All Corpses, which causes the Butcher to drop the corpses on the ground.
    • Corpses now decay like other corpses when on the ground.
    • No longer limited to 7 corpses maximum on the ground.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Carrion Flies".
    • Increased Flies' Evasion from 70%/80%/90% to 90% on each level.
    • Rescaled attack damage from 3-4/13-14/16-17 to 8-9/11-12/14-15.
    • Increased mana regeneration from 0 to 2.5.
    • Reduced starting mana from 25 to 0.
    • Increased mana cost from 35 to 50.
Queen of Pain icon
  • Changed main attribute from Agility attribute symbol agility to Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence.
  • Increased base Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence from 19 to 20.
  • Increased base attack damage from 21-23 to 21-28.
  • Sonic Wave icon Sonic Wave
    • Increased damage from 400/500/600 to 400/550/750.
    • Increased mana cost from 200/250/300 to 200/300/400.
    • Reduced cooldown from 120 to 120/100/80.
Razor icon
Unknown Hero icon
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Death Ward".
    • Increased number of ability levels from 3 to 4.
    • Increased level requirement from 6/11/16 to 6/11/16/21.
    • Now Death Ward grants True Sight on level 3/4.
    • Increased attack range from 700 to 700/700/800/900.
    • Increased Acquisition range from 700 to 700/700/800/900.
    • Rescaled mana cost from 200 to 200/300/400/500.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 210 to 210/190/150/100.
    • Rescaled damage from 56-60/81-85/106-110 to 56-60/81-85/106-110/146-150.
    • Rescaled number of attack targets 1/2/2 to 1/2/2/3.
Shadow Shaman icon
  • Reduced Ether Shock icon Forked Lightning mana cost from 150 to 105/115/125/135.
  • Mass Serpent Ward icon Mass Serpent Ward
    • Rescaled mana cost from 250 to 200/250/350.
    • Reduced cooldown from 90 to 90/90/30.
    • Changed Shadow Shaman Serpent Ward icon Serpent Ward damage type from chaos/piercing/piercing damage to piercing damage on each level.
Silencer icon
  • Increased base attack damage from 27-32 to 30-37.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Star Storm".
    • Increased damage from 75/125/175/250 to 75/150/225/300.
    • Reduced mana cost from 100/120/140/160 to 100/115/130/145.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Rain of Chaos".
    • Increased number of infernals from 2/2/3/3 to 2/3/4/5.
    • Rescaled mana cost from 150 to 110/130/150/170.
Slardar icon
Sniper icon
  • Changed primary attribute from Strength attribute symbol strength to Agility attribute symbol agility.
  • Reduced base Strength attribute symbol strength and gain from 20 + 2.8 to 16 + 2.3.
  • Increased base Agility attribute symbol agility from 16 + 2.2 to 20 + 2.9.
  • Assassinate icon Assassinate
    • Reduced cast time from 2 to 2/1.85/1.70.
    • Reduced cooldown from 30 to 30/15/5.
    • Increased mana cost from 175/250/325 to 175/275/400.
    • Increased cast range from 1500 to 1500/2000/2500.
Sven icon
  • Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.
  • Reduced Storm Hammer icon Storm Bolt mana cost from 100/125/150/180 to 100/120/140/165.
  • God's Strength icon God's Strength
    • Increased mana cost from 260 to 250/300/400.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 80 to 120/90/80.
Techies icon
  • Reduced base armor from 1 to 0.
Terrorblade icon
  • Reduced Life Drain icon Soul Steal health drained per Interval from 6.25/12.5/18.67/25 to 5/10/15/20.
  • Increased Chaotic Offering icon Rain of Chaos mana cost from 200 to 200/275/350.
Venomancer icon
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.56 to 1.5.
  • Increased base attack damage from 19-23 to 19-25.
  • Increased base armor from 0 to 1.
  • Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Ward
    • Rot icon Disease Cloud
      • Reduced damage per second from 10/18/27/36 to 5/10/15/20.
      • Increased radius from 176 to 225.
  • Poison Nova icon Poison Nova
    • Increased damage from 70/100/130 to 70/100/150.
    • Increased cooldown from 120 to 140/120/90.
Viper icon
Visage icon
  • Reduced base Agility attribute symbol agility and gain from 23 + 3 to 19 + 2.8.
  • Increased base Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence and gain from 20 + 2.5 to 22 + 3.5.
  • Death Pact icon Death Pact can now target any non-hero unit.
Wraith King icon
Zeus icon
  • Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.
  • Reduced Storm Hammer icon Storm Bolt mana cost from 100/125/150/180 to 100/120/140/165.
  • Lightning Bolt icon Lightning Bolt
    • No longer has visual effects or particles.
    • Increased mana cost from 80/100/130/160 to 80/100/125/150.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Thundergod's Wrath".
    • Increased damage from 175/300/400 to 200/350/500
    • Rescaled cooldown from 125 to 125/100/75.
    • Rescaled mana cost from 225/300/375 to 200/325/400.


Aegis of the Immortal icon
Happened betweeen 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked
Old Aegis of the Immortal:
Recipe: Ogre Axe icon Ogre Axe (1000), Robe of the Magi icon Robe of the Magi (575), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 3075
Strength bonus: 6
Intelligence bonus: 6
Armor bonus: 10
Magic resistance bonus: 33%
New Aegis of the Immortal:
Recipe: Buckler icon Buckler (3075), Cloak icon Cloak (1875), Helm of Iron Will icon Helm of Iron Will (2570), Ultimate Orb icon Ultimate Orb (2850), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 11870
All attributes bonus: 15
Health regeneration bonus: 2
Mana regeneration bonus: 50%
Armor bonus: 25
Magic resistance bonus: 80%
Aghanim's Scepter icon
  • Fixed Aghanim's Scepter.
Battle Fury icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked recipe and stats
Old Battle Fury:
Recipe: Mithril Hammer icon Mithril Hammer (1825), Helm of Iron Will icon Helm of Iron Will (1400)
Total cost: 3225
Attack damage bonus: 24
Health regeneration bonus: 2
Armor bonus: 5
New Battle Fury:
Recipe: Mithril Hammer icon Mithril Hammer (1825), Claymore icon Claymore (1500), Perseverance icon Perseverance (1775)
Total cost: 5100
Attack damage bonus: 55
Health regeneration bonus: 5
Mana regeneration bonus: 100%
  • Increased Battle Fury icon Cleave cleave damage from 35% to 50%.
Boots of Travel icon
(Happened between 5.30 and 5.31).
  • Reduced Boots of Travel icon Teleport cooldown from 180 to 120.
Buckler icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked
Old Buckler:
Recipe: Ring of Regen icon Ring of Regen (320), Gauntlets of Strength icon Gauntlets of Strength (150), Vitality Booster icon Vitality Booster (1200)
Total cost: 1670
Strength bonus: 5
Health bonus: 300
Health regeneration bonus: 3
New Buckler:
Recipe: Staff of Wizardry icon Staff of Wizardry (1000), Belt of Strength icon Belt of Strength (575), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 3075
Strength bonus: 6
Intelligence bonus: 6
Armor bonus: 10
Magic resistance bonus: 33%
Claymore icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Renamed Lothar's Claymore to Claymore.
  • Reworked
Old Lothar's Claymore:
This was an upgraded item.
Recipe: Blades of Attack icon Blades of Attack (650), Broadsword icon Broadsword (1250), Gloves of Haste icon Gloves of Haste (610)
Total cost: 2510
Attack damage bonus: 28
Attack speed bonus: 15
New Claymore:
This is now a basic item.
Gold cost: 1500
Attack damage bonus: 21
Cloak icon
  • Reworked
Old Cloak:
This was a basic item.
Gold cost: 1400
Armor bonus: 5
Mana regeneration bonus: 50%
New Cloak:
This was a basic item.
Recipe: Leather Tunic icon Leather Tunic (950), Sage's Mask icon Sage's Mask (350), Robe of the Magi icon Robe of the Magi (575)
Total cost: 1875
Intelligence bonus: 6
Armor bonus: 10
Mana regeneration bonus: 50%
Crystalys icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Renamed Crystal Defender to Crystal Battlegear.
Daedalus icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked.
Old Daedalus:
Recipe: 2x Eaglesong icon Eaglesong (7200), Hyperstone icon Hyperstone (2600), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 11300
Agility bonus: 50
Attack damage bonus: 5
Attack speed bonus: 60
Ability: Daedalus icon Cold Attack - Causes each attack to slow enemy movement speed by 40% and attack speed by 20 for 1/3 seconds.
Can be bought by any hero.
New Daedalus:
Recipe: Crystalys icon Crystalys (3700), Sacred Relic icon Sacred Relic (4100), Hyperstone icon Hyperstone (2950), Blade of Alacrity icon Blade of Alacrity (1000), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 13250
Agility bonus: 10
Attack damage bonus: 100
Attack speed bonus: 80
Armor bonus: 10
Ability: Daedalus icon Critical Strike - Grants each attack a 10% chance to deal 200% damage.
Can only be bought by ranged heroes.
Daedalus icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reduced attack damage bonus from 200 to 120.
  • Now requires Gem of True Sight (+700 Gold) to build (total cost increases from 8625 Gold to 9325 Gold).
Added new passive ability.
True Sight: Adds the ability to see invisible units and wards to any allied vision within its carrier's range.
Radius: 1100
Diffusal Blade icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
Eye of Skadi icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Melee heroes are restricted from buying Eye of Skadi icon Eye of Skadi.
  • Increased Universal attribute symbol all attributes bonus from 25 to 50.
  • Increased mana bonus from 200 to 300.
  • Item cost change:
    • Now requires 4 Ultimate Orb icon Ultimate Orbs to build instead of 2.
    • Total cost increases from 6800 to 12500.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
Heart of Tarrasque icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
Old Heart of Tarrasque:
Recipe: Reaver icon Reaver (3000), Mithril Armor Mithril Armor (2325), Vitality Booster icon Vitality Booster (1200)
Total cost: 6525
Strength bonus: 40
Health bonus: 400
Armor bonus: 18
New Heart of Tarrasque:
Recipe: 2x Reaver icon Reaver (6000), Mithril Armor Mithril Armor (2325), Vitality Booster icon Vitality Booster (1200), Soul Ring icon Soul Ring (990), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 12015
Strength bonus: 55
Agility bonus: 5
Intelligence bonus: 5
Health bonus: 500
Armor bonus: 15
Helm of Iron Will icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked
Old Helm of Iron Will:
This was a basic item.
Gold cost: 1400
Armor bonus: 5
Health regeneration bonus: 2
New Helm of Iron Will:
This is now an upgraded item.
Recipe: Morbid Mask icon Mask of Death (1500), Chainmail icon Chainmail (750), Ring of Regen icon Ring of Regen (320)
Total cost: 2570
Passive: 10% Lifesteal
Armor bonus: 5
Health regeneration bonus: 4
Helm of the Dominator icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked recipe
Old Helm of the Dominator:
Recipe: Morbid Mask icon Morbid Mask (1500), Chainmail icon Chainmail (750), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 3750
New Helm of the Dominator:
Recipe: Helm of Iron Will icon Helm of Iron Will (2570), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 4070
Hyperstone icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Increased gold cost from 2600 to 2950.
Manta Style icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked recipe and stats
Old Manta Style:
Recipe: Blade of Alacrity icon Blade of Alacrity (1000), Belt of Strength icon Belt of Strength (575), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 3075
Strength bonus: 8
Agility bonus: 12
New Manta Style:
Recipe: Ogre Axe icon Ogre Axe (1000), Band of Elvenskin icon Band of Elvenskin (575), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 3075
Strength bonus: 12
Agility bonus: 8
Monkey King Bar icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Can now be dropped, sold and destroyed.
  • Reworked recipe and stats
Old Monkey King Bar:
Recipe: Demon Edge icon Demon Edge (2700), Hyperstone icon Hyperstone (2600), 2x Upgrader icon Upgrader (3000)
Total cost: 8300
Attack damage bonus: 100
Attack speed bonus: 60
Ability: None
New Monkey King Bar:
Recipe: Oblivion Staff icon Oblivion Staff (3510), Battle Fury icon Battle Fury (5100), Hyperstone icon Hyperstone (2950), Demon Edge icon Demon Edge (2700), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 15760
Attack damage bonus: 130
Attack speed bonus: 80
Ability1: Monkey King Bar icon Cleave - Deals 80% of attack damage in a 185 area around the target.
Oblivion Staff icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Reworked
Old Oblivion Staff:
Recipe: Robe of the Magi icon Robe of the Magi (575), Gloves of Haste icon Gloves of Haste (610)
Total cost: 1185
Attack speed bonus: 15
Intelligence bonus: 8
Mana bonus: 150
New Oblivion Staff:
Recipe: Gloves of Haste icon Gloves of Haste (610), Quarterstaff icon Quarterstaff (1400), Upgrader icon Upgrader (1500)
Total cost: 3510
Attack speed bonus: 25
Attack damage bonus: 10
Grants each attack a chance to instantly a kill a non-hero unit.
Proc chance: 10%
Notes: Does not work against buildings and wards.
Perseverance icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
Radiance icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
Old Radiance:
Recipe: Sacred Relic icon Sacred Relic (4100), Platemail icon Platemail (1400), Gem of True Sight icon Gem of True Sight (700)
Total cost: 6200
Attack damage bonus: 75
Armor bonus: 10
New Radiance:
Recipe: Sacred Relic icon Sacred Relic (4100), Platemail icon Platemail (1400), 2x Upgrader icon Upgrader (3000)
Total cost: 8500
Attack damage bonus: 60
Armor bonus: 10
  • Radiance icon Burn
    • Reduced close damage from 120 to 75.
    • Reduced far damage from 60 to 30.
Ring of Basilius icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Renamed from Band of Basilius into Ring of Basilius.
Skull Basher icon
(Happened between 5.30 and 5.31).
  • Can now be dropped, sold and destroyed.
  • Renamed from Gnomon's Cranium Basher to Cranium Basher.

New Items[]

Tome of Retraining icon
  • Added back.
Blink Dagger icon
(Happened between 5.30 and 5.31).
  • Added back
  • Reduced gold cost from 4200 to 3900.
Butterfly icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Butterfly. Grants +50 Agility, +50 Attack Speed and 40% Evasion.
  • Item description: "The Butterfly is the blade that was magically created for use in the War of the Magi, but was never used. Grants +50 Agility, 80% increased attack speed, and 40% Evasion."
Eaglesong (3600)
Eaglesong (3600)
Hyperstone (2950)
Quarterstaff (1400)
Upgrader (1500)
Quarterstaff icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Quarterstaff. Grants +10 Attack Damage and +10 Attack Speed.
  • Item description: "A deceptively hidden artifact, disguised as an ordinary quarterstaff. Grants +10% attack speed and +10 damage."
Town Portal Scroll icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Town Portal Scroll.
  • Item description: "Teleports the Hero and any friendly units to a target friendly tower."
Gold Cost: 500
Active: Teleport
After channeling for 5 seconds, teleports you to a target friendly building.

Mana : 0
Cost: 0
Satanic icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Satanic. Grants +130 Damage, +15 All Stats and 15% Lifesteal.
  • Item description: "Satanic grants the user Devilish powers. Adds +130 damage, 15% life steal, +15 to all stats, and the ability to dominate the soul of a nearby Undead creep, restoring hit points and mana."
Helm of the Dominator (3750)
Ring of Health (875)
Ultimate Orb (2850)
Upgrader (1500)


Death Pact: Instantly kills a targeted allied creep, healing the caster and restoring some mana based on the target unit's current health.
Cast Range: 800
Target Current Health as Heal: 85%
Target Current Health as Mana: 15%
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 15
Scythe of Vyse icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Scythe of Vyse. Grants +25 All Stats and +50 Attack Speed.
  • Item description: "What could be more powerful than Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse? Grants a 20% chance to kill any non-hero enemy in one hit, can turn enemy units into Sheep, gives 50% increased attack speed, and +20 to all stats."
Oblivion Staff (3510)
Eul's Scepter of Divinity (3400)
Ultimate Orb (2850)
Upgrader (1500)


Hex: Turns a target unit into a harmless critter for 3.5 seconds. The target has a base movement speed of 140 and will be silenced, muted, and disarmed.

Critter Type (According to Unit movement Type):
Walking Unit => Sheep
Flying Unit => Flying Sheep (Sheep with wings)
Amphibious => Sheep (Amphibious)
Water Walking Unit => Swimming Sheep

Hero Duration: 5
Creep Duration: 15
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 17


Bash Vyse (Insta-kill): Grants a 20% chance to kill any non-hero enemy in one hit
Bonus Damage: 99999
Proc Chance: 20%
Bash Duration: 1.25/3.00
Shadow Blade icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Lothar's Edge. Grants +33 Damage, +15 Attack Speed.
  • Item description: "The legendary Lothar's sword that was dropped during the Second War. Grants +33 damage and +15% attack speed."
Blades of Attack (650)
Claymore (1500)
Gloves of Haste (610)
Soul Booster icon
Happened between 5.30 and 5.31
  • Added a new item: Soul Booster. Grants +500 Health, 500 Mana, +60% Mana Regen and +3 Health Regeneration.
  • Item description: "The Soul of a powerful Dragon. Gives 500 hit points, 500 mana, and 60% enhanced mana and life regeneration."
Vitaly Booster (1200)
Energy Booster (850)
Point Booster (1100)

Removed Items[]

Original Warcraft III Map Description[]

Map Description

Have fun with an expanded version of DotA Allstars.  Featuring 24 heroes for each side, cool sounds, item recipies, and more!

Loading Screen

DotA Allstars v5.31
Go to and channel Clan TDA@Azeroth.
You can find a list of all official version in our forums at, in the general discussion forum.

All random mode is enabled when blue and Pink both type -allrandom within the first 10 seconds.

The number of creeps that spawn increases periodically. Destroying enemy creep factories no longer stops them from spawning. Instead it makes your creeps stronger.

Startup Notes

Stop by the forum at or hang out in the channel Clan TDA@Azeroth.
Check the quest menu for more information.

Gold transfer has been disabled!
If you don't want super creeps, type -nosupercreeps right now!
If you don't want item powerups, type -nopowerups right now!
You may now -repick once.  It costs you 50 gold and gives you a new hero.  You may only do this in the first 60 seconds!

If you want to play All random, type -allrandom RIGHT NOW!

Quest Notes

Welcome back to my DotA.
Roshan can be killed for 500 bonus gold for your whole team. He is where Morbazan used to be.
Item powerups spawn just outside of the river on the Sentinel side.
Super creeps spawn randomly after 10 minutes.
Almost all recipes give the same abilities as the input items, plus a bonus.
Beware that certain item abilities may cause other abilities to stop working.
Fixed in this version:
Fixed certain broken heroes: Night Stalker, Doom Bringer, Dragon Knight, Lifestealer, Naga Siren, Terrorblade, and the Butcher.
Added -allrandom.
Changed around a few skills, did a little trimming and such.
Fixed -random and -repick bug where duplicates were common.
Fixed allrandom.
Fixed various things - Terrorblade, Chaos Knight, Devour, Nortrom, Morphling, Necrogenesis, Carrion Flies, and Death Pact.
Changed to a multiboard.
Changed the entire item system.
Balanced numerous skills.
Changed the Butcher slightly.
Fixed Aghanim's Scepter and a bunch of other items.
If anybody witnesses the game crash when someone leaves, save the replay and get it to me (Guinsoo).
This map is originally taken from TFT Dota 7.0 and DotA Allstars v.96b.
Type -random to randomly select a hero.
This map is simply for beta testing, at the moment.
Credits to syl-la-ble, WKnight, zetta, mrquincy, mortred, about11, battlebotv8.0, darky27, sopho, linkmaster, nokternal, neichus, and everybody else who has helped me out.
Check out our forum at
Find a game in channel Clan TDA@Azeroth.

Created on 5/4/04  at 11:14 PM.


See also[]
