Dota 2 Wiki
Dota 2 Wiki
Version 3.2h
(Full list)
  • Increased Tower damage against Heroes.
Release Date


Armor Type[]

  • Increased Magic damage against Hero Armor from 60% to 75%.
    • Increased Tower Damage against Heroes from 60% to 75%. [?]


Drow Ranger icon
Lion icon
  • Increased Hex (Lion) icon Hex cooldown from 12 to 13.5.
Unknown Hero icon
  • Changed Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Dark Portal". armor type from Heavy to Medium.
Shadow Shaman icon
  • Increased Hex (Shadow Shaman) icon Hex cooldown from 12 to 13.5.
Viper icon
  • Disruption icon Dark Prison
    • Reduced duration from 4/6/8 to 2/3/4.
    • Reduced cooldown from 75 to 30.
    • Increased mana cost from 90 to 110.

Original Warcraft III Map Description[]

Map Description

Have fun with an expanded version of DotA Allstars. Featuring 13 new heroes, new abilities, some neat sounds, and much more! Yeah, this is the one with the cool sounds.

Loading Screen

DotA Allstars v3.2h

This is a modified DotA.  13 heroes have been added to Allstars v.96.  Balance and bugs can be an issue.  Any comments you may have are very appreciated.  Drop by the forum at
The newest version of my DotA can always be found at
Look for the next version to have a myriad of changes, including much better and diverse ultimates for many heroes.
------>Gold transfer is disabled!!!!!! <------ READ ME
Please read the quest menu when you have a spare moment.

Startup Notes

Stop by the forum at
If you think the map is bugged, or imbalanced, drop by the forum and leave a post.  As this version contained many changes, I'm sure there will be bugs.  PLEASE email me about them!  Check the quest menu for more information.

Gold transfer has been removed.

Quest Notes

DotA Allstars 3.2h
Welcome to my version of DotA Allstars.  In this version, many new heroes have been added.  A few other features have been added as well.
This map is originally taken from TFT Dota 7.0 and DotA Allstars v.96b.
Type -random to randomly select a hero.
You can buy your hero back if you are dead from the tavern.
Money transfers have been disabled to prevent abuse (I have a replay of a lvl 4 Traxex with a relic..).
The standard loading screen has been reinstated.
I changed the price of several items, and added a bunch of new ones.
I balanced and changed countless skills and most of the heroes.
All skills have working hotkeys now.
Fixed v.99a which was simply embarassing and shouldn't be talked about ; )
Sounds have been added when certain things happen in-game =)
I am aware of how the Dragon's Greed skill tends to leave permenant text on the screen.  I am working on a fix for that.
I also know of the bug that causes a hero to stop responding to a players orders (possibly permenantly).  This bug goes back to TFT dota, and I'm searching for the fix.  If this happens, share unit control with another player (he can move your unit) and this sometimes fixes it.
Added notification for what heroes the enemy selects.

I made a TON of balance changes in this version.  I'd guess it was about 25 or so.. too many to list.  I cleaned up the triggers and customs and decreased the map size significantly.
Thanks go out to a myriad of testers, but especially syl-la-ble, Zetta, glavius, Mortred, About11, WKnight, TheDotaGuy, and Emilythestrange (my apologies if I forgot anybody!).  Props also go out to Eul, the creator of the original DotA.

This map was tested/edited by Guinsoo.
ICQ # 30421237
AIM Godwalksthearth account \"Guinsoo\" on USeast (Azeroth)
Home channel \"9nid\"
Visit the forum at
Visit the 9nid webshite at
Email me at

Any questions, comments, concerns, issues, observations, thoughts, queries, flames, praises, or any other forms of communication?  Email me or stop by the forum.  Save the replay if you can.

This map was edited/created by Guinsoo on 3/27/04.

See also[]
