Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
19 + 2
24 + 2
19 + 1.4
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 20 438 1054 1758 2022
+0.25 +2.15 +4.95 +8.15 +9.35
Mana 80 308 536 848 956
+0 +0.95 +1.93 +3.23 +3.68
Armor 0 4 8.67 14 16
Magic Resist 25% 26.9% 28.86% 31.46% 32.36%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.68/s 0.82/s 0.98/s 1.17/s 1.24/s
Attack Range Ranged 450 (750)
Attack Speed ▶️ 115 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.7
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed ▶️ 280 (Nighttime 310)
Turn Rate Takes 0.262s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Goo
Internal npc_dota_hero_venomancer
Deals damage over time with venomous attacks.
Venomancer brings slow death to its enemies. It infects other living beings by its very Noxious Touch, and spewed Venomous Gales to slow and poison escaping prey. Part reptile and part orchid, it sprouts an endless army of toxin-spitting sentinels, the Plague Wards, to defend its perimeters with Acid Spit. Should foes draw near, they are sprayed with a massive, noxious Poison Nova, ensuring that even those who get away eventually succumb to the Venomancer's many Latent Toxins.
Venomous Gale
Poison Sting
Plague Ward
Latent Toxicity
Latent Toxicity
Poison Nova
Poison Nova
Noxious Plague
Roles: Support Support Nuker Nuker Initiator Initiator Pusher Pusher Disabler Disabler
Complexity: Hero Complexity
Adjectives: Green
Legs ( 0 )


Venomancer minimap iconLesale Deathbringer, the Venomancer
▶️ "No necromancer shall raise what the venomancer puts down."
In the Acid Jungles of Jidi Isle, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of every creature that scuttles, climbs or swoops between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous. Ages ago, an Herbalist named Lesale crossed the Bay of Fradj by coracle, searching for potent essences that might be extracted from bark and root, and found instead a nightmare transformation. Two leagues into Jidi's jungle, Lesale encountered a reptile camouflaged as an epiphyte, which stung him as he mistakenly plucked it. In desperation, he used his partial knowledge of the jungle's herbal bounty, mixing the venom of the (swiftly throttled) reptile with the nectar of an armored orchid, to compound an antidote. In the moments before a black paralysis claimed him completely, he injected himself by orchid-thorn, and instantly fell into a coma.

Seventeen years later, something stirred in the spot where he had fallen, throwing off the years' accumulation of humus: Venomancer. Lesale the Herbalist no longer—but Lesale the Deathbringer. His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter—one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid. Jidi's Acid Jungles knew a new master, one before whom even the most vicious predators soon learned to bow or burrow for their lives. The lurid isle proved too confining, and some human hunger deep in the heart of the Venomancer drove Lesale out in search of new poisons—and new deaths to bring.


Venomous Gale
Venomous Gale icon
Launches a ball of venom in a line, poisoning enemy units so that they take both initial damage and damage over time, as well as suffering slowed movement. Venomous Gale deals damage every 3 seconds over its duration.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 800
Max Travel Distance: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 850
Gale Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 125
Impact Damage: 50/75/100/125
Number of Instances: 5
Damage per Instance: 15/45/75/105
Move Speed Slow: 50%
Duration: 15
Talent Number of Plague Wards: 2
Cooldown symbol
 21/20/19/18 (Talent 16/15/14/13)
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
modifier_projectile vision
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Plague Ward icon Plague Ward must be drafted as well for Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Wards to spawn.
A concoction of various stings, poisons, and toxins gathered from the jungles of Jidi Isle, victims surviving it are rare.

  • A unit with less than 25% of its max health can be denied when it has the Venomous Gale debuff on.
  • The gale travels at a speed of 1200, taking 0.71 seconds to reach max distance.
  • With the travel distance and gale radius, it can hit units up to 975 range away.
  • The movement speed slow decreases over time per server tick. Hit units regain 0.16666666666667% of their movement speed in 0.05-second intervals, starting 0.05 seconds after the debuff is applied.
  • After the impact damage, it deals damage over time in 3-second intervals, resulting in overall 6 damage instances.
  • Venomous Gale can deal up to 125/300/475/650 damage to a single unit (before reductions).
  • Debuff from successive casts do not stack but refresh its duration.
    • This means the initial damage is not dealt again, since it only applies upon debuff creation.
  • The projectile has 280 radius flying vision. This vision does not last.
    2 Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Wards based on its current level are created around each hit enemy hero, including clones, excluding illusions.
    • The wards are placed within 100 range of every enemy hero affected, on opposite sides of each other.
    • If Plague Ward icon Plague Ward is not learned, no wards are spawned.

Poison Sting
Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Does not pierce debuff immunity. WT
Poison Sting icon
Adds poison damage to Venomancer's normal attacks and slowing movement speed.
Damage per Second: 8/16/24/32
Plague Wards Damage Multiplier: 0.5
Move Speed Slow: 8%/10%/12%/14% (Talent 16%/18%/20%/22%)
Duration: 6/9/12/15
Talent Health Regen Reduction: 15%
Disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Also prevents Plague Wards from applying Poison Sting.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Mass Serpent Ward icon Mass Serpent Wards' attacks can apply Poison Sting based on its level on enemies when drafted.
The paralytic sting of the creature which caused his transformation now belongs to the Venomancer.

  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is placed, resulting in 6/9/12/15 instances.
  • Debuff from successive attacks does not stack but refreshes the duration.
  • Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Wards' attacks apply Poison Sting based on its current level on enemies as well.
    • If Poison Sting is not learned, no debuffs are applied.
    • The Poison Sting applied by the wards uses a different modifier than Venomancer. These modifiers do not interfere and are indepedent of each other.
    • However, the wards' debuff does not apply damage, movement speed slow, or the health regeneration reduction if the enemy is also affected by both debuffs.
    • The wards' Poison Sting can deal up to 24/72/144/240 damage.
    • Only the damage per second component is halved for the Plague Wards.

Plague Ward
Plague Ward icon
Summons a plague ward to attack enemy units and structures. The ward is immune to magic. Wards gain the Poison Sting level from Venomancer, dealing 50% of the full damage.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 850
Ward Duration: 40
Ward Damage: 14/22/30/38
Cooldown symbol
 5 (Talent 4)
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Poison Sting icon Poison Sting must be drafted as well for it to get applied.
A mixture of his old herbalist talents and newfound toxic mastery creates a living embodiment of plague.

Plague Ward
Venomancer Plague Ward model
Summoned Ward
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Ability Duration 40
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Piercing icon Piercing
12/21/30/39 ‒ 14/23/32/41 (Talent 30/52.5/75/97.535/57.5/80/102.5)
Attack Range Ranged 600
Acquisition Range 600
Attack Speed 0.71 attack(s) per second. 100 • 1.4s BAT
Attack Animation 0.3+0.7
Projectile Speed 1900
Turn Rate Takes 0.314s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 800
Bounty Gold 15/17/19/21
Experience 20/25/30/35
Abilities Spell Immunity icon Spell Immunity
Poison Sting icon Poison Sting

  • Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Wards can be controlled to attack a specific target or to stop attacking altogether.
  • Plague Wards' attacks apply Poison Sting icon Poison Sting based on its current level on enemies as well.
    • Poison Sting notes fully apply.
    • The damage source of the wards' Poison Sting is Venomancer, meaning certain on-damage effects (e.g. Blade Mail icon Damage Return) react on the Venomancer rather than on the wards.
    • Leveling up ability and learning the health regeneration reduction Talent talent immediately update all current active Plague Wards' Poison Sting ability values.
  • Plague Wards have a lower target priority than units and heroes, so they are attacked by towers and lane creeps last.
    • Roshan icon Roshan always prioritizes wards if there are no other units within his attack range. He also destroys Plague Wards with 100 attack.
  • The wards gain their spell immunity through a buff, so it is possible for enemies to Ping it to display its remaining duration.
    The Plague Wards health and damage multiplier Talent talent does not immediately update current active Plague Wards.
  • Poison Sting icon Poison Sting applied is based on Venomancer minimap icon Venomancer's current ability level when acquired.

Latent Toxicity
Latent Toxicity icon
Applies a weak poison that minorly slows and deals damage to its target. If this poison is dispelled in any way, the target will receive a large amount of damage and be stunned.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 800
Damage per Second: 20
Move Speed Slow: 10%
Dispel Damage: 300
Debuff Duration: 7
Stun Duration: 1.6
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
This ability is not available in Ability Draft.
As Venomancer's own origins corroborate, some of Jidi's most horrifying dangers become apparent only with time.

  • The projectile travels at a speed of 1800.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately as the debuff is placed, resulting in 7 instances.
  • It is possible to deal up to 420 damage, if the debuff was dispelled at the end before the last damage interval.
  • Debuff of successive casts does not stack but refreshes the duration.
  • This ability can be acquired upon Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Morph icon Morphing to Venomancer minimap icon Venomancer's hero model.

Poison Nova
Poison Nova icon
Whenever Venomancer dies or the effects of Venomous Gale end prematurely on an enemy hero, a spreading ring of poison erupts. Enemies hit by the poison will take non-lethal magic damage over time and have their magic resistance reduced. This effect can trigger every 10.0 seconds and cannot be refreshed.
Proc Chance on Death: 100%
Start Radius: 255
End Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 900
Max Health as Damage per Second: 3%
Magic Resistance Reduction: 20%
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
This ability is not available in Ability Draft.
In the Acid Jungles, creatures releasing noxious poison to their attackers is common; Venomancer spreads this plague beyond the Jidi Isle.

  • Poison Nova is released on the following conditions:
    • Releases an instance centered around the enemy target(s) that dispels Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale.
    • Releases an instance centered around Venomancer upon death.
  • Puts the ability on a fixed 10-second cooldown whenever it triggers.
    • This cooldown is neither affected by cooldown reductions nor cooldown resetting abilities.
  • Has no trigger distance limit.
  • Poison Nova expands at a speed of 550, taking 1.17 seconds to reach max distance.
    • Starts expanding at a radius of 255, enemies within this radius are affected immediately upon cast.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately as the debuff is placed, resulting in 11 instances.
    • Poison Nova's damage over time is not lethal. It does not drop affected units below 1 health from its damage ticks.
    • Can deal up to 33 of max health as damage to a single unit (before reductions).
  • This ability can be acquired upon Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Morph icon Morphing to Venomancer minimap icon Venomancer's hero model.

Noxious Plague
Noxious Plague icon
Infects an enemy with a deadly plague that does an initial burst of damage and additional damage over time based on the unit's maximum health. The plague slows the target and nearby enemies based on their distance to the target. When the target dies or the debuff expires, all nearby enemies are infected with a noncommunicable version of the plague.
Cast Animation: 0.15+0.72
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 900
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 800
Impact Damage: 200/300/400
Max Health as Damage per Second: 4%/5%/6% (Talent 5.5%/6.5%/7.5%)
Max Move Speed Slow: 50%
Debuff Duration: 5
Talent Attack Speed Slow: 200
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants the Poison Nova ability.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Grants the Latent Toxicity ability.
Modifiers [?]

  • The projectile travels at a speed of 1200.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately as the debuff is placed, resulting in instances.
    • Can deal up to 20%/25%/30% (Talent 27.5%/32.5%/37.5%) max health as damage (before reductions).
  • An aura is created centered on the affected target upon projectile impact that applies the movement speed and the attack speed slow.
    • Fully affect hidden units, but not invulnerable units.
    • Enemies regain their movement speed while moving further from the affected target.
    • TALENT
      However, the attack speed slow is applied at full strength, regardless of distance.
  • Upon the debuff expires or upon the affected target's death, secondary projectiles are released from that affected unit to enemies within 800 radius that applies non-spreading Noxious Plague.
    • Can launch secondary projectiles to invisible enemies and enemies in the Fog of War.
    • These projectiles cannot be disjointed.
    • The primary target is not affected again.


Hero Talents
2.5x Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Ward HP/Damage25Noxious Plague icon Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack Speed
Venomous Gale icon Gale Creates Venomancer Plague Ward icon Plague Wards20+1.5% Noxious Plague icon Noxious Plague Max HP Damage
+8% Poison Sting icon Poison Sting Slow15-1s Plague Ward icon Plague Ward Cooldown
15% Poison Sting icon Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction10-5 Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale CD

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore
  • Plague Ward icon Plague Ward
    • Ward Damage rescaled from 13/22/31/40 to 14/22/30/38.
  • Noxious Plague icon Noxious Plague
    • Initial Damage increased from 150/250/350 to 200/300/400
    • Cooldown decreased from 120/100/80s to 100/90/80s

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango regenerates health, allowing Venomancer to stay longer in lane without going back to the fountain.
  • Healing Salve icon Healing Salve restores health as well.
  • Clarity icon Clarity is highly recommended in the laning stage, as Venomancer is highly dependent on casting spells in order to be effective. Venomancer's base mana pool and intelligence growth are quite poor, and casting Venomous Gale once at level 1 drains more than half of your mana pool.
  • Observer Ward icon Observer Wards are a core requirement as a support. While you can place Plague Wards to scout enemy movement, they are limited in vision, duration and sight range, and can be far more easily spotted and destroyed.
  • Sentry Ward icon Sentry Ward is crucial on Venomancer as a support item. As he can place Plague Wards through terrain and fog of war to get vision, he can easily place Sentry Wards alongside them to de-ward enemy Observer Wards. Since Plague Wards are summoned units, he can "set and forget" them after finding an Observer Ward, rather than risk getting ganked by staying to de-ward.
  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed are important to get early on Venomancer, as his base movement speed is quite low. More mobility allows you to position yourself for your spells, particularly getting within range to cast Venomous Gale.* Magic Stick icon Regular Stick provides no regeneration.

Early game:

  • Power Treads icon Power Treads are a good purchase as the extra attributes can be used either to increase Venomancer's intelligence to make casting easier or to increase Venomancer's strength to give him more survivability.
  • Force Staff icon Force Staff is useful on Venomancer if he is are having trouble farming a Blink Dagger. The increased mana pool helps greatly with his ability to cast spells, and the item's active ability serves as a useful escape mechanism on a frail hero without escape abilities. Force Staff icon Force Staff can later be upgraded into Hurricane Pike icon Hurricane Pike that can do the same while also increasing Venomancer's attack range.
  • Veil of Discord icon Veil of Discord provides attributes and armor for Venomancer as well as the item's active, Magic Weakness, which increases the effectiveness of all of Venomancer's spells and even his passive. Though not as powerful as Aghanim's Scepter regarding Poison Nova icon Poison Nova, it is much cheaper and easier to build. Combining both can result in an astounding amount of damage over time, and also benefits teammates if you have a caster-heavy lineup. Veil of Discord icon Veil of Discord can later be upgraded into Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard that can do the same while also reducing heals and attack speed of nearby enemy heroes.

Mid game:

  • Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade gives more damage, more attack speed and a useful escape mechanism for Venomancer while also allowing himto initiate on the enemy team and cast your ultimate with it's invisibility.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter provides attributes for Venomancer and will also give him access to Poison Nova icon Poison Nova that will allow him to release a spreading ring of poison that will deal non-lethal magic damage over time to enemies and weaken their magic resistance anytime effects of Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale end prematurely or if Venomancer dies.
  • Hurricane Pike icon Hurricane Pike gives Venomancer bonus attributes along with the extra attack range and the ability to either escape from enemy heroes or to catch up with them if they are trying to escape from him.
  • Dagon icon Dagon can give Venomancer nice attributes, spell lifesteal which will allow him to heal himself with his abilities, and a much needed high magical damage burst for finishing off enemy heroes.

Late game:

  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger is the best choice if Venomancer is his team's main initiator, which he can use to position himself before casting Noxious Plague icon Noxious Plague and/or Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale.
  • Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence solves all of Venomancer's mana problems and gives him more physical damage per second. Additionally, the silence can be used to disable enemies, which is useful both as a semi-carry and support.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard will give Venomancer access to Latent Toxicity icon Latent Toxicity which will allow him to apply a weak poison that minorly slows and deals damage to its target, and which will be able to deal a large amount of damage on an enemy hero and stun him/her if it's dispelled in any way.
  • Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard is expensive, but provides Venomancer with many strong benefits. It gives him a much larger mana pool to use, allowing him to better utilize his spells, and gives him armor for resisting physical damage. The auras add to his ability to slow enemy heroes, and the active can be used in conjunction with Poison Nova to slow enemies enough to catch them in its radius, as well as add an additional movement speed slow on top of Venomous Gale and Poison Sting.
  • Silver Edge icon Silver Edge will give Venomancer lots of attack damage, great attack speed, escape mechanism and the ability to have his attacks from Poison Sting icon Poison Sting apply a break that can disable passive abilities of certain enemy heroes.

Situational items:

  • Octarine Core icon Octarine Core is a highly expensive item, but can give Venomancer many strong benefits. The item grants increased HP and mana, giving Venomancer more staying power. More importantly, the cooldown reduction allows Venomancer to place Plague Wards much more frequently, and the spell lifesteal combined with his powerful damage-over-time spells, particularly Poison Nova, give him immense survivability in any fight as he can regenerate health almost as quickly as he takes damage.
  • Manta Style icon Manta Style gives Venomancer more overall stats, as well as movement speed. Its active can be used to remove debuffs from yourself, and the illusions can assist in applying slows to enemy targets.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity gives a lot of mana regeneration, some movement speed and intelligence, eliminating your mobility and mana issues almost entirely. It also makes positioning for casting your spells easier by disabling an opponent for a short time, and can be used to temporarily save yourself after casting Poison Nova amongst the middle of the enemy team.
  • Drum of Endurance icon Drum of Endurance gives Venomancer stats across the board, and the increased movement speed can offset his low mobility somewhat. The extra attack speed also helps him apply his Poison Sting more easily.
  • Rod of Atos icon Rod of Atos gives Venomancer a lot of health, a lot of intelligence to increase the size of his mana pool, and a long range root that can help him with initiating and ganking. The active allows Venomancer to set up his Venomous Gale.
  • Gleipnir icon Gleipnir, an upgrade for Rod of Atos icon Rod of Atos will allow Venomancer to root multiple enemies at once for his Noxious Plague icon Noxious Plague and/or Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale, while also giving him the ability to have his attacks from Poison Sting icon Poison Sting release a chain lightning that can bounce between multiple enemies and damage them.
  • Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade can give Venomancer extra cast range, extra mana regeneration, extra attributes, and the ability to either protect himself against heroes who rely on physical damage to be effective, or to disarm an enemy hero and make them more vulnerable to Venomancer's magical damage output. Bear in mind, however, that Plague Ward icon Plague Wards will not be able to attack ethereal units as their damage is physical instead of magical.
  • Revenant's Brooch icon Revenant's Brooch will give Venomancer lots of attack damage, spell lifesteal to heal himself using his abilities, and will also allow his attacks to deal magical damage that can pierce through armor and attack ethereal units at the cost of 70 mana while it's active.
  • Spirit Vessel icon Spirit Vessel will give Venomancer good attributes, bonus health, mana regeneration and armor, and will also allow Venomancer to reduce health and healing of enemy heroes, which works well with Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale, Poison Sting icon Poison Sting and Noxious Plague icon Noxious Plague.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse is a very farm-intensive item to purchase, however, it permanently solves all of Venomancer's mana issues while also giving him an instant hard disable that he can cast on the enemy in a teamfight, even in the late game.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Plague Ward icon Plague Ward Building Damage
Relic Rare icon
Three Hero Poison Nova icon Poison Novas
Relic Rare icon
Poison Nova icon Nova Venomous Gale icon Gale Combo
Relic universal icon
Lifetime Poison Nova icon Poison Nova Damage
Relic universal icon
Hurricane Pike icon Hurricane Pike Target Damage
Relic universal icon
Slow Duration
Relic universal icon
Veil of Discord icon Veils Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Triple Kills
Relic universal icon
Mega Kill Streaks
Relic universal icon
Dust of Appearance icon Dusts Leading To Kills
Relic universal icon
Towers Destroyed
Relic universal icon
Kill Assists
Relic universal icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • Venomancer's name, Lesale, may be a reference to "Le Sale", which is French for "The Dirty" or "The Nasty".
  • In DotA, Venomancer's hero model was a hydralisk. Hydralisks are a ranged combat unit of the Zerg, an alien race in "Blizzard Entertainment"'s RTS game "Starcraft". Hydralisks are a very common and well-known image in Blizzard games.[1]
  • ▶️ "It's in my nature." likely alludes to the animal fable The Scorpion and the Frog, in which the scorpion answers to why it stings the frog in the middle of a river, drowning them both.


