Version History[]
- Reduced Fiend's Gate cast point from 0.45 to 0.2.
- Pit of Malice
- Now deals 20/30/40/50 damage upon rooting a unit
- Reduced cast time from 0.35 to 0.25.
- Increased Firestorm cooldown from 15/14/13/12 to 16/15/14/13.
- Reduced Pit of Malice cast point from 0.45 to 0.35.
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- Addedunit-targeting and and ↓↓ Double-tapping functionality to Firestorm, following the affected ally around when doing so.
- Increased Fiend's Gate mana cost from 100 to 200.
- Rescaled Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction from 5%/15%/25%/35% to 6%/14%/22%/30%.
- Increased Fiend's Gate channel time from 3 to 3.5.
- Reduced base health from 200 to 120.
- Reduced Firestorm mana cost from 110/120/130/140 to 110/125/140/155
- Rescaled Atrophy Aura buff duration from 30/45/60/75 to 35/45/55/65.
- Reduced Fiend's Gate cooldown from 120/110/100 to 110/100/90.
- Firestorm
- Rescaled max health as damage per second from 1%/2%/3%/4% to 1.5%/2%/2.5%/3%.
- Increased cooldown from 12 on each level to 15/14/13/12.
- Fiend's Gate
- Increased incoming damage reduction from 10%/20%/30% to 14%/22%/30%.
- Reduced cooldown from 140/120/100 to 120/110/100.
- ReplacedDark Rift with Fiend's Gate.
- Fiend's Gate
- The portals can now only be placed with a distance of 2000 between each other.
- Underlord now immediately starts channeling the teleport upon cast.
- Now grants allies 10%/20%/30% incoming damage reduction and 10%/20%/30% movement speed bonus for 5/6/7 seconds after teleporting.
- Increased cast range from 4000 to Global.
- Increased channel time from 2 to 3.
- Rescaled cooldown from 110 to 140/120/100.
- Fiend's Gate
- ReworkedAghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- OldGrants Underlord the Fiend's Gate ability.
- New
- Pit of Malice applies 40% movement speed slow to enemies within the radius.
- Fiend's Gate now creates Pits of Malice based on its current level under both portals.
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- Firestorm
- No longer reduces cast time by 50%.
- Now reduces wave interval, burn damage interval, and debuff duration by 25%.
- Firestorm
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Reduced Fiend's Gate cooldown from 130 to 110.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+125 Firestorm radius reduced to +100.LVL 20+12% Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction increased to +15%.
- Increased base health regeneration from 0 to 0.25.
- Reduced base movement speed from 295 to 290.
- Increased Firestorm mana cost from 100/110/120/130 to 110/120/130/140.
- ReworkedAghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- OldDark Rift
- Reduces teleport delay by 1.
- Increases radius by 300
- Replaces the cooldown with 2 charges that have a 130/115/100-second replenish time.
- Can be cast on ally heroes.
- NewGrants Underlord the Fiend's Gate ability.
- Fiend's Gate
- Creates 2 portals, one next to Underlord and one at the targeted location. Allies can right-click a portal, briefly channeling to teleport to the other portal.
- Cast time: 0.45
- Cast range: 4000
- Teleport channel time: 2
- Portals duration: 20
- Mana cost: 100
- Cooldown: 130
- Notes: Portals cannot be placed on impassable terrain, the Fountain areas, or the Roshan pit. The portals' locations are marked on the minimap.
- Fiend's Gate
- Unit type: Ward
- Health: 450
- Collision size: 96
- Vision range: 500
- Notes: Cannot be attacked.
- Talents:
- LVL 20+20 health regeneration ➜ +12% Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction.LVL 20+60 attack speed ➜ +1% Firestorm max health as damage per second.LVL 2540% Atrophy Aura damage granted to allies increased to 50%.
- Increased attack range from 175 to 200.
- Rescaled Firestorm radius from 400/430/460/490 to 425 on each level.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Dark Rift
- No longer reduces cooldown by 50.
- Now replaces the cooldown with 2 charges that have a 130/115/100-second replenish time.
- Now also increases radius by 300.
- Dark Rift
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- Firestorm
- No longer self-heals for 15% of its damage values.
- Now increases the number of waves by 3.
- Firestorm
- AddedAttribute Bonus.
- Talents:
- LVL 20+50 attack speed increased to +60.LVL 25
- ReworkedAghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- OldAtrophy Aura
- Grants 50% of the attack damage bonus from the aura to nearby ally heroes.
- Increases bonus damage duration to 70/80/90/100.
- NewDark Rift
- Reduces teleport delay by 1.
- Reduces cooldown by 50.
- Now can be cast on ally heroes.
- AddedAghanim's Shard upgrade for Underlord:
- Firestorm
- Reduces cast time by 50%.
- Now self-heals for 15% of its damage values.
- Adds self-cast and ↓↓ Double-tapping functionality, following Underlord around when doing so.
- Firestorm
- Reduced Firestorm cast range from 675 on each level to 600/625/650/675.
- Pit of Malice
- Increased root duration from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8.
- Increased cooldown from 18/17/16/15 to 21/19/17/15.
- Rescaled Atrophy Aura attack damage bonus per creep death from 4/5/6/7 to 2/4/6/8.
- Reduced Firestorm cast range from 750 to 675.
- Reduced Pit of Malice cast range from 750 to 675.
- Reduced Atrophy Aura radius from 1200 to 900.
- Talents:
- LVL 15+100 Pit of Malice radius reduced to +75.LVL 2520% Firestorm damage to buildings reduced to 15%.
- Increased attack range from 150 to 175.
- Firestorm
- The debuff is now placed on ancient creeps as well, excluding Roshan. [?]
- Reduced cast time from 0.6 to 0.5.
- Increased radius from 400 on each level to 400/430/460/490.
- Reduced Pit of Malice cooldown from 22/20/18/16 to 18/17/16/15.
- Atrophy Aura
- No longer grants 2/3/4/5 permanent attack damage per enemy hero deaths.
- Increased attack damage bonus per creep death from 5 on each level to 4/5/6/7.
- Increased attack damage bonus duration from 30/40/50/60 to 30/45/60/75.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+20 movement speed ➜ +5 armor.LVL 10LVL 15LVL 15+150 cast range ➜ +100 Pit of Malice radius.
- Reduced strength gain from 3.3 to 3.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+25 movement speed reduced to +20.LVL 15+150 cast range increased to +175.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+30 movement speed reduced to +25.LVL 10+18 Firestorm damage per wave reduced to +14.LVL 15+6 Atrophy Aura permanent attack damage bonus per hero reduced to +5. [?]LVL 15+200 cast range reduced to +150.LVL 20+25 health regeneration reduced to +20.LVL 20+60 attack speed reduced to +50.LVL 2525% Firestorm damage to buildings reduced to 20%.LVL 25+0.8s Pit of Malice root duration reduced to +0.65s.
- Talents:
- LVL 15+7 Atrophy Aura permanent attack damage bonus per hero reduced to +6. [?]LVL 15+150 cast range increased to +200.LVL 20+70 attack speed reduced to +60.
- Increased agility gain from 1.3 to 1.6.
- Increased base armor from 2 to 3.
- Reduced Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction from 7%/18%/29%/40% to 5%/15%/25%/35%.
- Talents:
- LVL 15+125 cast range increased to +150.
- Reduced Pit of Malice cooldown from 24/22/20/18 to 22/20/18/16.
- Reduced Dark Rift cooldown from 130/120/110 to 130/115/100.
- Pit of Malice
- Reduced mana cost from 100/115/130/145 to 80/100/120/140.
- Reduced cooldown from 30/26/22/18 to 24/22/20/18.
- Increased Pit of Malice radius from 390 to 400.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+25 movement speed increased to +30.LVL 15+15 Atrophy Aura attack damage bonus per hero ➜ +7 Atrophy Aura permanent attack damage bonus per hero. [?]LVL 15+100 cast range increased to +125.
- Pit of Malice
- Increased radius from 375 to 390.
- Reduced cooldown from 32/28/24/20 to 30/26/22/18.
- Increased strength gain from 2.9 to 3.3.
- Increased base movement speed from 290 to 295.
- Increased base movement speed from 285 to 290.
- Reduced intelligence gain from 2.6 to 2.3.
- Reduced base health regeneration from 1.5 to 0.
- Reduced base mana regeneration from 0.9 to 0.
- Atrophy Aura
- Now grants Underlord a permanent 2/3/4/5 attack damage bonus for every enemy hero dying with the debuff.
- No longer pierces spell immunity.
- Increased radius from 900 to 1200.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+30 movement speed reduced to +25.LVL 20+20 health regeneration increased to +25.
- Firestorm no longer applies its debuff on ancient creeps. [?]
- Increased Dark Rift mana cost from 75/150/225 to 100/200/300.
- Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.
- Reduced base movement speed from 290 to 285.
- Talents:
- LVL 20+30 health regeneration reduced to +20.
- Increased base health regeneration from 0 to 1.5.
- Increased base mana regeneration from 0.01 to 0.9.
- Talents:
- LVL 10+2 mana regeneration ➜ +30 movement speed.LVL 10+5 armor ➜ +18 Firestorm damage per wave.LVL 15LVL 15+40 movement speed ➜ +100 cast range.LVL 20+125 cast range ➜ +30 health regeneration.LVL 20+60 attack speed increased to +70.LVL 25LVL 25
- Increased Firestorm max health as damage per second from 0.75%/1.5%/2.25%/3% to 0.8%/1.6%/2.4%/3.2%.
- Increased strength gain from 2.6 to 2.9.
- Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.
- Increased base mana from 50 to 75.
- Atrophy Aura
- Self-attack damage bonus is no longer dispelled on death.
- Increased attack damage reduction from 4%/16%/28%/40% to 7%/18%/29%/40%.
- AddedAghanim's Scepter upgrade for Underlord:
- Atrophy Aura
- Grants 50% of the attack damage bonus from the aura to nearby ally heroes.
- Increases bonus damage duration to 70/80/90/100.
- Atrophy Aura
- Talents:
- LVL 10+10% spell damage amplification increased to +12%.LVL 10+4 armor increased to +5.LVL 15+35 movement speed increased to +40.
- Reduced base movement speed from 305 to 290.
- Reduced Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction from 10%/20%/30%/40% to 4%/16%/28%/40%.
- Talents:
- LVL 15+200 health ➜ +35 movement speed.LVL 20+100 cast range increased to +125.LVL 20+50 attack speed increased to +60.
- Pit of Malice
- Increased root interval from 3.5 to 3.6.
- Increased cooldown from 30/26/22/18 to 32/28/24/20.
- Addedto Captain's Mode
- Pit of Malice
- No longer pierces spell immunity.
- No longer interrupts channeling abilities upon rooting.
- No longer deals 100 damage.
- Changedfrom rooting enemies only once upon entering the radius, to rooting units every 3.5 seconds based on when enemies enter the radius.
- Reduced cast time from 0.6 to 0.45.
- Reduced root duration from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8.
- Increased pit duration from 7 to 12.
- Increased pit radius from 275 to 375.
- Increased cooldown from 21/18/15/12 to 30/26/22/18.
- Dark Rift
- Increased radius from 450 to 600.
- Increased teleport delay from 5/4/3 to 6/5/4.
- RemovedAttribute Bonus.
- addedTalents:
- Reduced Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction from 18%/26%/34%/42% to 10%/20%/30%/40%.
- Reduced Pit of Malice cooldown from 24/21/18/15 to 21/18/15/12.
- Atrophy Aura
- Increased attack damage bonus per hero death from 30 on each level to 30/35/40/45.
- Rescaled attack damage bonus duration from 30/35/40/45 to 25/40/55/70.
- Further changes can be seen in , due to them not belonging to any game version.
- Increased base health from 180 to 200.
- Increased base mana from 0 to 50.
- Increased attack range from 128 to 150.
- Pit of Malice
- Now grants 800 flying vision within the radius upon cast.
- Has a 7-second vision linger duration.
- ReworkedFirestorm.
- OldFirestorm
- Calls down 3 waves of fire that damage all units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 3 seconds. Deals 30% damage to structures.
- Cast range: 750
- Radius: 400
- Max channel time: 3
- Number of waves: 3
- Wave interval: 1
- Damage per wave: 55/80/105/130
- Damage per second: 15
- Burn duration: 3
- Mana cost: 100/110/120/130
- Cooldown: 16
- Notes: Channeled ability, affects buildings.
- NewFirestorm
- Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 2 seconds.
- Cast range: 750
- Radius: 400
- Number of waves: 6
- Wave interval: 1
- Damage per wave: 25/40/55/70
- Damage per second: 5/10/15/20
- Burn duration: 2
- Mana cost: 100/110/120/130
- Cooldown: 14
- ReplacedExpulsion with Atrophy Aura.
- OldExpulsion
- Ignites the rotten gases of corpses around you, detonating them to cause damage to any enemy within the explosion radius. Each explosion fuels another until there are no more corpses in the area. Heals allied units for half of the damage.
- Corpse search radius: 575
- Explosion radius: 575
- Explosion interval: 1.5
- Damage per explosion: 20/40/60/80
- Heal per explosion: 10/20/30/40
- Mana cost: 125/135/145/155
- Cooldown: 18
- NewAtrophy Aura
- Nearby enemy units are weakened, losing a portion of their base damage. If it dies while under this effect, Underlord gains temporary bonus damage.
- Radius: 900
- Attack damage reduction: 18%/26%/34%/42%
- Attack damage bonus per hero death: 30
- Attack damage bonus per non-hero death: 5
- Attack damage bonus duration: 30/35/40/45
- Notes: Only reduces base damage and that gained by attributes. Each instance of bonus damage has its own duration and do not refresh each other.
- Dark Rift
- Now makes its teleportation target a low priority target similar to how Boots of Travel works.
- Addedthe Cancel Dark Rift sub-ability.
- Allows Dark Rift to be canceled before it resolves.
- Expulsion
- Increased explosion interval from 1.25 to 1.5.
- Increased mana cost from 125 to 125/135/145/155.
- Reduced base armor from 3 to 2.
- ChangedUnderlord hull type from
. [?]- Increased collision size from 18 to 27.
- Increased bound radius from 12 to 24.
- Removedfrom Captain's Mode.
- ChangedUnderlord hull type from
.- Reduced collision size from 27 to 18.
- Reduced bound radius from 24 to 12.
- Expulsion
- Reduced corpse search radius and damage/heal radius from 600 to 575.
- Increased explosion interval from 1 to 1.25
- Increased cooldown from 10 to 18.
- Increased mana cost from 75 to 125.
- Reduced cast point from 0.75 to 0.6.
- Increased attack range from 100 to 128.
- ReworkedFirestorm.
- OldFirestorm
- Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 2 seconds.
- Cast range: 750
- Radius: 400
- Number of waves: 6
- Wave interval: 1
- Damage per wave: 25/40/55/70
- Damage per second: 5/10/15/20
- Burn duration: 2
- Mana cost: 100/110/120/130
- Cooldown: 14
- NewFirestorm
- Calls down 3 waves of fire that damage all units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 3 seconds. Deals 30% damage to structures.
- Cast range: 750
- Radius: 400
- Max channel time: 3
- Number of waves: 3
- Wave interval: 1
- Damage per wave: 55/80/105/130
- Damage per second: 15
- Burn duration: 3
- Mana cost: 100/110/120/130
- Cooldown: 16
- Notes: Channeled ability, affects buildings.
- Pit of Malice
- Reduced root duration from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
- Now deals 100 damage to units upon rooting them.
- Now creates 5 corpses inside the pit.
- ReworkedExpulsion.
- OldExpulsion
- Ignites rotten gases of corpses, detonating them to cause damage to any enemy within the explosion radius. Each explosion fuels another until there are no more corpses in the area. Does a ministun on damaged units.
- Cast range: 750
- Corpse search radius: 475
- Explosion radius: 375
- Explosion interval: 1
- Damage per explosion: 20/40/60/80
- Explosion stun duration: 0.1
- Mana cost: 75
- Cooldown: 10
- Notes: If no corpses are found for 2 checks (2 seconds), the spell ends.
- NewExpulsion
- Ignites the rotten gases of corpses around you, detonating them to cause damage to any enemy within the explosion radius. Each explosion fuels another until there are no more corpses in the area. Heals allied units for half of the damage.
- Corpse search radius: 600
- Explosion radius: 600
- Explosion interval: 1
- Damage per explosion: 20/40/60/80
- Heal per explosion: 10/20/30/40
- Mana cost: 75
- Duration: 10
- Notes: Has an instant cast time. The radius follows Pit Lord. If no corpses are found for 2 checks (2 seconds), the spell ends.
- Addednew Bound Radius mechanic. [?]
- Underlord has the
hull size. [?] - This unit has a 27-radius collision size and a 24-radius bound radius respectively.
- Underlord has the
- AddedDark Rift ground-targeting and minimap-targeting functionality.
- Automatically targets the closest valid target within 3500 range of the targeted point.
- Firestorm
- Increased cast range from 500 to 750.
- Increased radius from 275 to 400.
- Pit of Malice
- Increased root duration from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3.
- Reduced pit duration from 10 to 7.
- Reduced cooldown from 24 on each level to 24/21/18/15.
- Expulsion
- Increased cast range from 500 to 750.
- Reduced mana cost from 100/110/120/130 to 75 on each level.
- Reduced cooldown from 15 to 10.
- Fixed Dark Rift going into cooldown when cast incorrectly.
- Increased base intelligence from 14 to 17.
- Increased base movement speed from 295 to 305.
- Dark Rift
- Changedfrom using a 6/5/4 channel time to 6/5/4 effect delay after cast.
- Reduced mana cost from 150/225/300 to 75/150/225.
- ReplacedDark Portal with Dark Rift.
- OldDark Portal
- Opens a rift that pass through the netherworld at his present position and a target position simultaneously. Heroes can walk through the gates once to cross the distance between them in an instant by clicking on the center of it. Lasts 60 seconds.
- Cast range: Global
- Channel time: 6/5/4
- Portal duration: 60
- Mana cost: 200/100/0
- Cooldown: 200
- NewDark Rift
- Opens a rift that pass through the netherworld at his present position and a target unit simultaneously. Teleports your hero and nearby allied heroes through the rift.
- Cast range: Global
- Radius: 375
- Channeling time: 6/5/4
- Allowed cast targets: Allied buildings/Allied buildings and units/Allied buildings and units
- Mana cost: 150/225/300
- Cooldown: 180/160/140
- Notes: Only teleports heroes. Can only target lane creeps on level 2/3.
- Increased intelligence gain from 2.2 to 2.6.
- Updated Pit of Malice ability tooltips.
- Dark Portal
- Can no longer target inside base areas.
- Can no longer target areas the player has no vision over on Level 1 and Level 2, but can still target Fog of War areas on Level 3.
- Units can no longer go back and forth through the portal. Each unit may use the portal only once in one direction.
- Added new ability animation effects when traveling through the portal.
- Increased portal duration from 15/20/25 to 60 on each level.
- Increased channel time from 4/3/2 to 6/5/4.
- Increased cooldown from 150/120/90 to 200 on each level.
- Reduced mana cost from 100/200/300 to 200/100/0.
- Created
Patch History[]
- Increased versus scale from 0.7 to 0.85.
- Increased loadout scale from 0.7 to 0.85.
- Addednew Adjectives attributes. [?]
- Underlord has the following values: Demon
, Green1
, Horns1
, Potbelly1
, Legs2
and Nose0
- Underlord has the following values: Demon
- Added↓↓ Double-tapping support for Fiend's Gate.
- Fixed not channeling the Fiend's Gate upon Fiend's Gate cast.
- Updated Pit of Malice ability tooltips.
- Fixed ability interactions between Snowball and Fiend's Gate.
- Updated Atrophy Aura ability tooltips. [?]
- Fixed spell immune units being unable to channel Fiend's Gate.
- Typing
in the hero selection now highlights Underlord. - Fiend's Gate
- Addednew backend string:
- Fixed Exorcism spirits being able to destroy unit.
- Updated Firestorm ability backend strings.
- Reduced Atrophy Aura backend cast range ability values from 900 to 0.
- Atrophy Aura
- Updated ability spell immunity tooltips.
- Updated ability dispellable tooltips.
- Fiend's Gate
- Added countdown timer to indicating its remaining duration.
- Updated ability particles.
- Added Fiend's Gate minimap icon.
- Added missing channeling ability icon for Fiend's Gate.
- Fiend's Gate
- Updated ability sound effects.
- Updated Fiend's Gate model.
- ReplacedFiend's Gate lore:
- Old
Long have the forces of the abyss been limited in reach, but with the power of Aghanim in hand, Vrogros' thirst for conquest grows only stronger.
- New
They come without warning, leaving fire and blood where kingdoms once flourished.
- Updated the following ability descriptions:
- Updated Firestorm ability tooltip.
- Fiend's Gate
- Updated ability description.
- Updated ability particles.
- Updated Fiend's Gate ability description.
- Updated Fiend's Gate portal materials and particles.
- Updated Fiend's Gate portal materials and particles.
- Added Fiend's Gate port spawn and despawn sound effects.
- Updated default hero model.
- Updated default weapon particles.
- Added error message to Fiend's Gate:
Portal on wrong team.
- Reduced legs from 4 to 2.
- Increased legs from 2 to 4.
- Updated Firestorm particle effects.
- Increased max polygon counts.
- Fixed Atrophy Aura showing a radius of 1200 instead of 900 when hovering over the ability icon.
- Fixed Pit of Malice root interval being reduced by status resistance.
- Added Arcane Rune responses.
- Added attack speed activity modifiers and movement speed activity modifiers for Underlord.
- These modifiers are used to trigger different animations at different speeds.
- Updated Pit of Malice ability tooltip.
- Added
tag to Atrophy Aura.
- Fixed a visual bug with Pit of Malice rendering after the ability duration is over.
- Updated default item build.
- Fixed the interaction between Atrophy Aura and illusions.
- Increased the texture width of the back slot from
. - Fixed Pit of Malice pre-cast sound being audible to enemies.
- Fixed Atrophy Aura not being disabled by Break.
- Dark Rift
- Fixed being unable to directly target invulnerable units.
- Fixed not disjointing projectiles upon teleporting.
- AddedUnderlord.
- Added workshop requirements.
- Added effigy animations.
- UIncreased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.6.
- UFirestorm
- Now creates visual effects at the targeted area during the cast time, visible to allies.
- First wave now happens immediately upon cast, instead of being delayed by 0.9 seconds. [?]
- The burn debuff is now fully dispellable, instead of being completely undispellable.
- Changedburn damage over time from a fixed 5/10/15/20 to 0.75%/1.5%/2.25%/3% of maximum health per second.
- Reduced cooldown from 14 to 12.
- UPit of Malice
- Now creates visual effects at the targeted area during the cast time, visible to allies.
- Debuff is now fully dispellable, instead of being dispellable by strong dispels only.
- Now checks for enemies within range in 0.5-second intervals, instead of being instant.
- UAtrophy Aura
- Now grants damage when a Meepo clones dies within range [?]
- Rescaled attack damage bonus duration from 25/40/55/70 to 30/40/50/60
- UDark Rift
- Added↓↓ Double-tapping support, which automatically causes the ability to target their team's fountain.
- Can now target player-controlled units as teleport targets as well. [?]
- Reduced cooldown from 130 on each level to 130/120/110.
- AddedLegacy Keys.
- Added minimap icon.
- Fixed Firestorm pre-cast visual effects being visible to enemies.
- Pit of Malice
- Fixed pre-cast visual effects being visible to enemies.
- Fixed not providing True Sight over affected units.
- Atrophy Aura
- Fixed attack damage bonus being dispelable.
- Fixed granting attack damage from Undying Zombie dying.
- Fixed not affecting invulnerable units.
- Dark Rift
- Fixed status buff missing text.
- Fixed not giving the teleport target the lowest attack target priority. [?]
- Fixed being unable to teleport invulnerable and hidden allies.
- Fixed being unable to directly target creep-heroes as teleport target.
- Fixed the teleport visual effects still appearing even when the teleport was canceled.
- Added an ability icon for Cancel Dark Rift.
- Fixed Firestorm and Pit of Malice ability interactions with spell immunity.
- Updated portrait entry.
- Added hero entry.
- Added loadout slot for armor, head, head item, weapon, and ambient effect.
- Added particle file for the eyes ambient effect.
- URenamedfrom Abyssal Underlord to Underlord.
- UAdded portrait information.
- UChanged the portrait pedestal from large to small.
- UAdded response rules.
- UAdded schema entries ambient particles have been that are attached to the eyes.
- Removed hero textures from game files.