Dota 2 Wiki
Unreleased Content

Version History[]

  • Increased Snowball icon Snowball damage bonus per gathered hero from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115.
  • Reduced base health from 200 to 120.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Reduced snowball speed from 625/650/675/700 to 575/600/625/650.
    • Reduced stun duration from 0.8/1/1.2/1.4s to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2.
  • Reduced Ice Shards icon Ice Shards cast range from 1800 to 1400.
  • Reduced Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! critical damage from 300%/350%/400% to 250%/325%/400%.
  • Increased Snowball icon Snowball speed from 600/625/650/675 to 625/650/675/700.
  • Increased Tag Team icon Tag Team slow duration from 0.4 to 0.5.
  • Reduced base movement speed from 315 to 310.
  • Increased Ice Shards icon Ice Shards damage from 70/140/210/280 to 75/150/225/300.
  • Increased Snowball icon Snowball base damage from 80/120/160/200 to 80/140/200/260.
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH!
    • Reduced critical damage from 350%/375%/400% to 300%/350%/400%.
    • Rescaled mana cost from 50/75/100 to 75 on each level.
    • Reduced cooldown from 36/24/12 to 20/15/10.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
Walrus Kick icon Walrus Kick
Kicks the closest enemy unit towards the targeted point's direction, stunning, damaging, and slowing them.
Cast time: 0.2
Cast range: Global
Enemy search radius: 250
Knockback distance: 1400
Damage: 350
Movement speed slow: 40%
Slow duration: 5
Stun duration: 1
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 8
Notes: Targets a point to choose the direction, searches for enemies around Tusk and chooses the closest enemy. Prioritizes heroes, ignores ancient creeps.
Walrus Kick icon Walrus Kick
Kicks the targeted enemy towards the selected direction using vector-targeting, stunning, damaging, and slowing them. Deals damage to enemies within a radius upon landing. Cooldown is reduced when cast on creeps.
Cast time: 0.2
Cast range: 250
Knockback distance: 1400
Impact radius: 250
Impact damage: 350
Kick Damage: 350
Movement speed slow: 40%
Slow duration: 5
Stun duration: 1
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 12
Creep cooldown reduction: 50%
Notes: Uses vector targeting to choose the direction, targets an enemy directly to choose the target. Can target any enemy unit that is not a building or a ward.
  • Reduced Snowball icon Snowball cooldown from 21/20/19/18 to 21/19/17/15.
  • Increased Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! critical damage from 350% on each level to 350%/375%/400%.
  • Increased Snowball icon Snowball damage bonus per gathered hero from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Old
      Grants Tusk minimap icon Tusk the Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil ability.
    • New
      Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
      • Increases total length by 300.
      • Grants 2 auras within the shards that apply a 40% movement speed slow to enemies and deals 60 damage per second.
  • Talent Talents:
    • LVL 10
      +8 health regeneration  +25 Tag Team icon Tag Team attack damage bonus.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 1 to 0.75.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • Reduced cast range from 2000 to 1800.
    • Reduced mana cost from 100/105/110/115 to 100 on each level.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • No longer destroys trees within a 200 radius around the target upon reaching it. [?]
    • Reduced cast range from 1250 to 1150.
  • Reduced Tag Team icon Tag Team attack damage bonus on trigger from 25/50/75/100 to 20/45/70/95.
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! now increases Tusk minimap icon Tusk's attack animation speed by 40%.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
      • No longer reduces attack speed by 35.
      • Increased movement speed slow from 35% to 40%.
      • Increased hero attacks to destroy from 4 to 6.
      • Increased non-hero attacks to destroy from 16 to 24.
      • Reduced mana cost from 100 to 70.
      • Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
        • Increased movement speed from 340 to 375.
        • Increased vision radius from 400 to 650.
  • Added
    Attribute Bonus icon Attribute Bonus.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
      • Increased hero attacks to destroy from 3 to 4.
      • Increased non-hero attacks to destroy from 12 to 16.
      • Increased movement speed slow from 30% to 35%.
      • Increased attack speed slow from 30 to 35.
Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
Summons a mobile flying ward that provides an aura which slows nearby enemies' movement and attack speeds.
Cast time: 0.1
Radius: 650
Hero attacks to destroy: 3
Non-hero attacks to destroy: 12
Movement speed slow: 20%
Attack speed slow: 30
Sigil duration: 25
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 30
Aura linger duration: 0.5
Notes: The ward is created on Tusk's location. Can be gathered in Snowball icon Snowball. The slow is provided by an aura.
Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil stats:
Unit type: Ward
Level: 0
Health: 12
Movement speed: 310 (Flying)
Turn rate: 0.5
Collision size: 8
Vision: 400 (Ground)
  • Increased base armor from 0 to 1.
  • Increased Snowball icon Snowball damage bonus per gathered hero from 20/30/40/50 to 20/40/60/80.
  • Increased base armor from -1 to 0.
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 3.4 to 3.9.
  • Tag Team icon Tag Team
    • Reduced slow duration from 0.5 to 0.4.
    • Increased mana cost from 40/50/60/70 to 70 on each level.
    • Increased cooldown from 15 on each level to 24/21/18/15.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 1.5 to 0.
  • Reduced base mana regeneration from 0.9 to 0.
  • Replaced
    Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil with Tag Team icon Tag Team.
Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
Tusk summons a Frozen Sigil by calling upon the deepest cold of winter. The Sigil creates a snowstorm which slows all enemy units within 600 range.
Radius: 600
Hero attacks to destroy: 3/3/4/4
Non-Hero attacks to destroy: 12/12/16/16
Move speed slow: 10%/15%/20%/25%
Attack speed slow: 30/40/50/60
Aura linger duration: 0.5
Sigil duration: 30
Mana cost: 75
Cooldown: 50
Tag Team icon Tag Team
Temporarily applies a negative debuff aura around you, causing enemies that are attacked under it to take bonus physical damage and reduced movement speed.
Cast time: 0
Radius: 350
Attack damage bonus against debuffed enemies: 25/50/75/100
Movement speed slow: 75%
Slow duration: 0.5
Aura duration: 5
Mana cost: 40/50/60/70
Cooldown: 15
Notes: The slow from multiple instances fully stacks. The bonus damage is added to the attacking ally's attack damage value.
  • Increased Ice Shards icon Ice Shards cooldown from 21/18/15/12 to 23/20/17/14.
  • Increased Ice Shards icon Ice Shards cooldown from 19/16/13/10 to 21/18/15/12.
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.3 to 2.6.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.
  • Increased base mana from 50 to 75.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • Improved consistency of Ice Shards when pushing units in/out of the shards on impact.
    • Changed
      shard creation from around the targeted point to where the ability is targeted.
    • Increased cast range from 1800 to 2000. [?]
    • Increased projectile speed from 1100 to 1200.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • Reduced mana cost from 120 to 90.
    • Reduced cooldown from 18/16/14/12 to 19/16/13/10.
    • Increased vision duration from 0.5 to 2.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Changed
      snowball speed from 150% * CurrentMS + 100 * HeroGathered to a fixed 675.
    • No longer automatically gathers units within a 100 radius upon cast.
    • Can now add allies into Snowball, or allies can jump in themselves while it is moving with Keyboard White Mouse Right Right Click.
  • Added
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Tusk minimap icon Tusk:
Walrus Kick icon Walrus Kick
Kicks the target back and slows it.
Cast range: 128
Knockback distance: 900
Movement speed slow: 40%
Slow duration: 4
Knockback duration: 1
Notes: Cancels out the knock-up of Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! when casting on a punched unit.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • Increased projectile speed from 900 to 1100.
    • Increased shard duration from 5 to 7.
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH!
    • Changed
      ability targeting type from No Target to Target Unit.
    • Added
      Autocast functionality.
    • Reduced cooldown from 25/20/15 to 20/16/12.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • No longer destroys trees.
    • No longer stops when it hits a hero.
    • Now travels until reaching the cast location and creates its shards there.
    • Increased cast range from 1500 to 1800.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Allies can now Keyboard White Mouse Right Right Click the Snowball to jump into it.
    • Increased speed bonus per gathered hero from 75 to 100.
  • Reduced Snowball icon Snowball cooldown from 21 on each level to 21/20/19/18.
  • Reduced Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! cooldown from 30/24/18 to 25/20/15.
  • Changed
    Snowball icon Snowball ability operations:
    • Is now a two-part ability. Main snowball begins rolling in-place, and automatically launches 4 seconds after using the main Snowball icon Snowball ability.
    • Added
      Launch Snowball icon Launch Snowball sub-ability to prematurely launch the Snowball towards the target.
    • Added
      ally Keyboard White Mouse Right Right Click functionality, can now manually add allied units within 400 radius by doing so.
    • Increased snowball speed from 150% * CurrentMS to 150% * CurrentMS + 75 * HeroGathered.
    • Increased damage from a fixed 80/120/160/200 to 80/120/160/200 + 20/30/40/50 * HeroGathered.
    • Reduced gather radius from 200 + 40/sec to 100.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Increased damage against secondary targets from 40/80/120/160 to 80/120/160/200. [?]
    • Increased stun duration against secondary targets from 0.25/0.5/0.75/1 to 0.5/0.75/1/1.25. [?]
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH!
    • No longer deals 300% critical damage above the health threshold.
    • No longer deals 400% critical damage below the health threshold.
    • No longer has a 50% health threshold for different critical damage values.
    • Now always deals 350% critical damage.
  • Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
    • Changed
      from having 200/220/240/260 health to requiring 3/3/4/4 hero attacks or 12/12/16/16 non-hero attacks to be destroyed.
  • Reduced Snowball icon Snowball cooldown from 24 to 21.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • Reduced projectile flying vision radius from 800 to 300.
    • No longer has a 3.34-second vision linger duration.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Tusk minimap icon Tusk's player-controlled units can now be added to the Snowball as well.
    • Reduced cooldown from 28 to 24.
  • Increased Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! critical damage against targets above the health threshold from 250% to 300%.
  • Changed
    Tusk minimap icon Tusk hull type from DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO_SMALL to DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO. [?]
  • Updated Snowball icon Snowball ability effects. [?]
  • Increased Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! critical damage against targets above the health threshold from 225% to 250%.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards now destroy trees around the area they are created.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • No longer moves faster based on the allies inside of it.
    • Added
      Disabled Help support.
    • Fixed ability interactions between Hidden sources and the Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Courier delivering items to the hidden hero.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Reduced max chase duration from 3.25 to 3.
    • Reduced snowball speed bonus per extra hero from 100% to 50%.
  • Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
    • Reduced health from 300 on each level to 220/240/260/280.
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH!
    • No longer deals 75/150/225 magical damage to the target upon landing.
    • Fixed ability overhead text from being displayed through the Fog of War.
  • Fixed Essence Shift icon Essence Shift not working properly against the hero.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Reduced max chase duration from 4 to 3.25.
    • No longer dispels debuffs on Tusk minimap icon Tusk and allies while rolling.
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH!
    • Increased cooldown from 18/16/14 to 30/24/18.
    • Reduced critical damage against targets above the health threshold from 250% to 225%.
    • Reduced landing damage from 100/200/300 to 75/150/225.
  • Created

Patch History[]

  • Typing Ymir in the hero selection now highlights Tusk minimap icon Tusk.
  • Reduced loadout scale from 1 to 0.9
  • Added
    new Adjectives attributes. [?]
    • Tusk minimap icon Tusk has the following values: Arachnophobic 1, Fuzzy 1, Icy 1, Legs 2 and Nose 1.
  • Updated default hero animations.
  • Updated Ice Shards icon Ice Shards ability tooltips.
  • Fixed various permanent Snowball icon Snowball issues.
  • Fixed Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! sometimes not going on cooldown when manually cast.
  • Fixed Walrus Kick icon Walrus Kick mana cost being wrongly reduced from 100 to 75 in the 7.30 gameplay patch.
  • Updated default hero model and animation.
  • Increased max polygon counts.
  • Updated default hero model.
  • Added hero icons above Snowball icon Snowball to indicate heroes gathered in Snowball.
  • Fixed Ice Shards icon Ice Shards's projectile blocking neutral creep camps.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Added a visual indicator on the Snowball target. [?]
    • Fixed ability's vision modifier duration being reduced by status resistance.
  • Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
    • Added LOD0 support at 1000 polygons.
    • Reduced LOD1 from 1000 to 750.
  • Improved consistency of Ice Shards icon Ice Shards when pushing units in or out of the shards on impact.
  • Snowball icon Snowball
    • Fixed some visual inconsistencies with appearance after the target has already been impacted.
    • Fixed visual not following invisible units properly.
  • Changed creep pathfinding interaction with Ice Shards icon Ice Shards.
  • Added Russian voiceover lines.
  • Reduced health bar offset from 250 to 190.
  • Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil ambient effects will now properly stop when it expires or is destroyed.
  • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
    • Fixed ability sound effects not respecting the Fog of War.
    • Fixed the visual effect not stopping when the ability hits a close enemy.
  • Fixed Omnislash icon Omnislash hitting units inside Snowball icon Snowball.
  • Fixed kill assist gold not being given to heroes that are hidden (i.e. Snowball icon Snowball).
  • Fixed some cases where Ice Shards icon Ice Shards could get units stuck.
    • Ice Shards icon Ice Shards
      • Fixed Ice Shards not being created when the projectile hits a magic immune hero.
      • Fixed projectile colliding with illusions.
    • Snowball icon Snowball
      • Fixed being able to gather illusions that weren't Tusk minimap icon Tusk's inside Snowball.
      • Fixed Snowball gathering allies along the way.
    • Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil
      • Added Tusk Frozen Sigil icon Frozen Sigil portrait.
      • Fixed not preserving control groups when ability is leveled up.