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Release Illuminate icon
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Bad against...[]

Bristleback icon
  • Tiny's nonexistent armor in the early game makes him very vulnerable to Quill Spray icon Quill Spray's large amounts of physical damage.
  • Bristleback ability icon Bristleback decreases Tiny's high burst damage against Bristleback.
  • Viscous Nasal Goo icon Viscous Nasal Goo can slow Tiny to a crawl and allows Bristleback to easily kite him with his high movement speed and Quill Spray's long range, as Tiny has no ability to escape.
Chaos Knight icon
  • Chaos Bolt icon Chaos Bolt and Reality Rift icon Reality Rift makes Tiny's low mobility non existent.
  • Chaos Strike icon Chaos Strike means Chaos Knight will most likely survive longer in a duel between the two because Tiny has much lower attack speed.
  • Chaos Knight has a 3.2 strength growth, making him one of the most tanky heroes and a very difficult target for Tiny to burst.
Juggernaut icon
  • Blade Fury icon Blade Fury protects Juggernaut from all of Tiny's magic burst damage.
Invoker icon
  • Invoker is a big problem for Tiny the whole game because of its multiple disables. For example, such as Tornado icon Tornado + E.M.P. icon E.M.P. create unrealistic conditions for Tiny with mana, which is very necessary for Tiny at least for some attacks in a fight. The Cold Snap icon Cold Snap ability can catch an attack from Tiny's hand by surprise, because it becomes slower with the pumping of Grow icon Grow. has a giant deceleration, creating a condition for the kite, which Tiny is very afraid of. In addition, Invoker has a Deafening Blast icon Deafening Blast that disables Tiny's main weapon - strong blows from the hand
Lifestealer icon
  • Feast icon Feast will deal a enormous amount of damage because of Tiny's huge health pool.
  • Rage icon Rage protects Lifestealer from Tiny's magical burst damage.
Lion icon
  • Lion can continuously Mana Drain icon Mana Drain Tiny in the early game, depleting his small mana pool for his abilities.
Necrophos icon
  • Reaper's Scythe icon Reaper's Scythe will turn Tiny's high health against him.
  • Heartstopper Aura icon Heartstopper Aura does substantial damage to Tiny as a result of his high max health.
  • Ghost Shroud icon Ghost Shroud protects Necrophos from Tiny's physical damage with Tree Grab and Tree Volley.
Viper icon
  • Tiny has low movement speed and attack speed, making him vulnerable to Viper's slows.
  • Corrosive Skin icon Corrosive Skin provides magic resistance to lower Tiny's magic burst damage.


  • Heroes with Evasion or abilities that cause Tiny to miss like Phantom Assassin minimap icon Phantom Assassin and Tinker minimap icon Tinker are very effective because of Tiny's low attack speed. Additionally, Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar is not a good item for Tiny because of its reliance on high attack speed to proc for magical damage.
  • Due to Tiny's non-existent agility gain, high physical damage heroes are more effective against him (Clinkz minimap icon Clinkz, Templar Assassin minimap icon Templar Assassin, Ursa minimap icon Ursa, Wraith King minimap icon Wraith King etc).
  • Long ranged heroes like Sniper minimap icon Sniper or Drow Ranger minimap icon Drow Ranger can kite Tiny effectively if he doesn't get the jump on them first.
  • Heroes that are able to slow Tiny's attack speed, like Tusk minimap icon Tusk and Phoenix minimap icon Phoenix, will greatly limit his Physical damage output.


  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar completely cancels Tiny's burst potential if the enemy is quick enough to activate it.
  • Desolator icon Desolator and Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass reduce Tiny's already very low armor, making him very vulnerable to physical damage.
  • Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard reduces Tiny's already low attack Speed and its active helps to kite him in a fight.

Good against...[]

Broodmother icon
  • Tiny can quickly clear Spiderlings with his active abilities and cleave.
Lone Druid icon
  • Tiny can be a serious problem for the distance between Lone Druid and his Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear with his Toss icon Toss ability, since he will throw one away from the other, giving his team the opportunity to deal with either the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear or Lone Druid himself
  • Lone Druid will not always be in his True Form icon True Form, since she has her own recharge, which is why Tiny can find him with a Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger and kill him in a second with a combination of Avalanche icon Avalanche and Toss icon Toss, due to the fact that Lone Druid has a very small health reserve without True Form icon True Form
Meepo icon
  • Avalanche and Toss prevents Meepo's from using Poof icon Poof to escape.
  • Tiny doesn't need to target the weakest clone while he is affected by Tree Grab.
Naga Siren icon
  • Avalanche and Toss combo makes short work of Mirror Image icon Mirror Image's illusions.
  • Tiny's cleave with Tree Grab and area of effect damage with Tree Volley will easily wipe out illusions.


  • Squishy heroes, usually supports, like Lion minimap icon Lion, Ancient Apparition minimap icon Ancient Apparition, Keeper of the Light minimap icon Keeper of the Light etc can die quickly to Tiny's magic burst.
  • Tiny can deal with Visage minimap icon Visage's Gravekeeper's Cloak icon Gravekeeper's Cloak quickly, as Avalanche deals damage in enough instances to completely remove all 4 layers of the passive. With Visage's lower than average Armor, a well positioned stun can allow Tiny to kill Visage easily.

Works well with...[]

Bloodseeker icon
  • Toss makes enemies affected by Rupture icon Rupture take tons of damage.
  • Bloodrage icon Bloodrage gives Tiny some much needed attack speed.
Earthshaker icon
  • Earthshaker is a great hero to Toss into fights, because he can use Echo Slam icon Echo Slam to follow-up.
  • Earthshaker's many stuns helps to keep enemies in place for Tiny to beat them down with Tree Grab and Tree Volley.
Io icon
Magnus icon
  • Empower icon Empower makes Tiny's high base damage even greater.
  • Reverse Polarity icon Reverse Polarity puts enemies in one convenient spot for Tiny to burst them with his magic damage and cleave.
Enigma icon
  • Black Hole icon Black Hole keeps enemies in an area for Tiny to burst them with his area of effect nukes, especially Tree Volley after building Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter
Slardar icon
  • Slardar is a great hero to Toss into fights, as he can stun the enemy he lands next to, slowing them.
  • Corrosive Haze icon Corrosive Haze will allow Tiny to kill enemies efficiently.
Tidehunter icon
  • A Tidehunter without a Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger is a great hero to Toss into fights, because he can use Ravage icon Ravage almost as fast as having a Blink Dagger.
Pudge icon
  • Tiny and Pudge can make quite a deadly duo, with Tiny being able to engage by tossing Pudge onto an enemy, or tossing an enemy onto Pudge so he can get a Dismember icon Dismember off.
  • If you really want to get tactical with Toss and Meat Hook icon Meat Hook, Tiny can Toss Pudge into a spot where he can get a good hook for a kill or a save.


  • Attack speed buffs like Invoker minimap icon Invoker's Alacrity icon Alacrity, Beastmaster minimap icon Beastmaster's Inner Beast icon Inner Beast and Ogre Magi minimap icon Ogre Magi's Bloodlust icon Bloodlust will benefit Tiny greatly.
  • In general, any hero with an area of effect initiation ability can be Tossed into a group of enemies.
  • A hero that can set up for an easy Avalanche-Toss combo, like Shadow Shaman minimap icon Shadow Shaman or Lion minimap icon Lion, will help Tiny with bursting down enemies.
  • In general, any hero with a ranged stun can set up early kills in lane for Tiny.


  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass's attack speed and armor greatly benefits Tiny's lack of armor and agility.
  • Buying a Medallion of Courage icon Medallion of Courage can give tiny very valuable armor in the early game before he has leveled Grow.
