Templar Assassin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slows down enemies with traps. | |
Bending the laws of nature itself, Lanaya forms a Refraction field that absorbs incoming blows, yet amplifies outgoing attacks. She Melds into the background, lying in ambush to unleash a burst of psionic energy on unsuspecting targets. Violet light emanates from her fingertips, her Psi Blades out-ranges any melee weapon, shreds and pierce through lines of foes at once. Persistent in her goals, Lanaya marks the ground with magic circles of eldritch design. Those who walk unknowingly over a Psionic Trap can only limp away from the explosion — for their presence has been revealed, and the assassin who Projected herself into place is not far behind. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() ![]() |
Adjectives: | Female, Nose Legs ( 2 )
▶️ "Where the Hidden Ones send me, I go without question. I do not even question why I question not."
Lanaya, the Templar Assassin, came to her calling by a path of curious inquiry. Possessed of a scientific bent, she spent her early years engaged in meticulous study of nature's laws--peering into grimoires of magic and alchemy, recreating experiments from charred fragments of the Violet Archives, and memorizing observations of the Keen recordkeepers. Already quiet and secretive by nature, the difficulty of acquiring these objects further reinforced her skills of stealth. Had she been less retiring, she might have become notorious among the guilds as a thief-scholar. Instead her investigations led her into far more obscure corners.
As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed.
As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed.
Lanaya, TA
No Target
No Target
Templar Assassin becomes highly elusive, avoiding damage and gaining a bonus to her damage. The damage and avoidance effects are separate, and have a limited number of instances.
Min Trigger Damage Threshold: 5
Duration: 17
Modifiers [?]
Manipulating her psionic veil, Lanaya bends nature's law to her will.
- Interrupts Templar Assassin's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Places two buffs on Templar Assassin:
- Fully negates damage (after all reductions), causing several on-damage effects to not trigger.
- Refracts the 3 damage types, including self-damage and damage from allies, but not heals and HP Removal effects (e.g. Sunder, Soul Ring etc.).
- Has a lower priority than False Promise. However, it still loses a charge when combined with the latter.
- Damage below 5 (after reductions) is completely ignored. It is neither blocked nor consumes any block instances.
- Does not negate any instant kill effects.
- Grants unique flat bonus attack damage.
- Although the bonus attack damage is displayed on the HUD, Refraction only grants the attack damage bonus when the attack projectile successfully lands on the target, then it reduces 1 attack damage bonus instance.
- Missed or disjointed attacks do not reduce the attack damage bonus count.
- Neither loses instances upon attacking allies nor applies the bonus damage to them.
- Does not provide bonus damage when cast while an attack projectile is traveling, but still uses up one instance upon projectile hit.
- TALENTRefraction now can be cast while stunned, cycloned, slept, taunted, hidden or while being affected by forced movement sources.
- It still cannot be cast while silenced, hexed or prevented from acting.
- Templar Assassin is unable to ⇧ Shift-queue this ability upon learning the talent.
Fade Time: 0
Damage: 80/130/180/230
Debuff Duration: 12
Invisibility Duration: Indefinite
Modifiers [?]
Lanaya is as elusive as her covenant with the Hidden Temple.
- Meld first applies a basic dispel, instantly turns Templar Assassin invisible and phased, then a stop order is issued.
- She can turn, pick up, drop, or attack items without breaking the invisibility, considering she does not move while doing so.
- The invisibility is lost upon reaching the cast point of abilities, upon landing an attack, or upon moving.
- Forced movement sources also cancel Meld if moved horizontally.
- After an attack projectile has been launched, Templar Assassin can perform any action without losing invisibility.
- However, if the projectile misses or is disjointed, the invisibility is lost at the moment it misses.
- Does not break invisibility in the following conditions:
- Upon a Psionic Projection cast.
- Upward movement sources and teleporting effects (e.g. Reverse Polarity).
- Templar Assassin's next attack which connects with a unit applies the Meld effects.
- Meld first applies the armor debuff, the Meld damage, the bash, then the attack damage.
- TALENTStacks with other bash sources, with its duration following the regular rule of stuns — the longer one overrides the shorter one.
- The Meld damage is dealt in a separate damage instance and counts as attack damage.
- Since it is applied separately, it does not trigger attack modifiers (e.g. crit or lifesteal) or Psi Blades.
- Killing a unit with the Meld damage also does not trigger Psi Blades as well.
- Neither the bonus damage nor the armor reduction from Meld affects buildings.
- Multiple instances of the armor reduction debuff fully stack.
- However, successive casts before the previous Meld attack projectile landed does not apply its effects on the next attack.
- / Invisibility persists upon losing ability.
Psi Blades
Spill Area Width: 90
Attack Damage Spilled: 100%
Damage Loss per Target: 5%
Her blades pierce the skin as much as the mind, furthering her understanding of the mystery that is reality.
- Increases Templar Assassin's total attack range to 280/330/380/430 (
- The spill area has a rectangular shape, with a width of 90 and a length of 600/650/700/750 (
- Does not perform instant attacks. The projectiles deal regular spell damage.
- Attack modifiers are only applied to the primary target.
- The initial spill damage equals the amount of damage the primary attack target took from the attack (after reductions). The attack's damage value is determined during Templar Assassin's attack point.
- This also means that the initial spill damage can be increased by critical strike, quell, and bash sources.
- Conditional attack damage bonuses (e.g. Javelin damage proc) are not applied.
- Psi Blade's damage has the following flags:
- No-spell-lifesteal flag, preventing its damage from utilizing spell lifesteal.
- No-spell-amplification flag, preventing its damage from being amplified with spell damage amplification.
- The 5% damage loss per target stacks additively, and is always based on the initial damage, not on the damage the previous target took.
- This means Psi Blades' damage reaches 0 after the 20th target.
- However, it still affects all enemies within its area, applying a 0 damage instance to further targets.
- Fully procs on damage effects, such as Corrosive Skin, except for abilities which have a minimum damage threshold (e.g. Gravekeeper's Cloak).
- Templar Assassin's position is checked as the projectile hits the target, not upon launching.
- Psi Blades spill damage when attacking allies or wards which use flat health (e.g. Plague Ward).
Springs the nearest trap, slowing nearby enemies.
Trap Search Radius: Global
Min Move Speed Slow: 30%
Max Move Speed Slow: 60%
Trap Charge Time: 3.5
Slow Duration: 5
- This ability is unlocked when Psionic Trap is learned.
- Upon leveling Psionic Trap for the first time, it has Alt-cast disabled by default.
- With Alt-Cast activated, this ability activates the Psionic Trap nearest to the
Mouse cursor rather than the one closest to Templar Assassin.
- Does not interrupt Templar Assassin's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Cannot be cast when there are no Psionic Traps present.
- The movement speed slow starts at 30% and increases by 0.29% in each server tick, reaching its maximum values at 3.5 seconds.
- The silence duration starts at 1.5 and increases by 0.01 in the same intervals.
- On each second after placement, the movement speed slow values and silence durations are:
- 0s: 30% slow, 1.5s silence.
- 1s: 38.57% slow, 2.07s silence.
- 2s: 47.14% slow, 2.64s silence.
- 3s: 55.71% slow, 3.21s silence.
- The damage is only applied when the trap is fully charged.
- The trap visually changes once fully charged. Its outer ring starts black and turns white once fully charged.
- The damage values are always based on the current level and
talent upgrades upon triggering the trap, and are not set upon spawning the trap.
- The damage is sourced to Templar Assassin and not the trap itself.
- Therefore, the damage is affected by outgoing damage manipulation and spell lifesteal.
- Deals 27.5/32.5/37.5 (
38.5/43.5/48.5) damage in 0.5-second intervals, starting 0.5 seconds after the debuff is placed, resulting in 10 damage instances.
- Multiple instances of the debuff do not stack but get refreshed instead.
- When refreshed, the movement speed slow and damage values get updated based on the trap charge time.
- Traps can always be denied regardless of its max health values.
Psionic Projection
Allows Templar Assassin to teleport to any Psionic Trap after channeling for 1.5 seconds, detonating it upon arrival. Channeling Psionic Projection does not break Meld.
Cast Range: Global
Slow Radius: 400
Channel Time: 1.5
Move Speed Slow: 60%
Slow Duration: 5
Root Notes:
Can be cast while rooted or leashed, but immediately gets stopped without going on cooldown or using mana.
Does not interrupt the channeling if already channeling, but prevents the teleport from happening if the channeling finishes while rooted or leashed.
Requires drafting Psionic Trap to be unlocked.
In reward for her service, Lanaya has been granted access to secrets that unlock new techniques for her psionic gifts.
- Requires Aghanim's Scepter to be unlocked.
- After the channeling time, Psionic Projection moves Templar Assassin to the closest Psionic Trap's coordinates from the targeted point, then the trap is detonated.
- If the channeling is interrupted, the ability does nothing, and goes into cooldown while consuming mana.
- Trap notes fully apply.
- Casting this while traps are not present does nothing, the ability also goes into cooldown while consuming mana.
- Does not break Meld's invisiblity upon cast.
Psionic Trap
Target Point
Target Point
Templar Assassin places mystical traps that invisibly monitor enemy movement. When sprung at her command, they exert a slowing influence of 30% in the area. Traps charge up to slow 60% after 3.5 seconds. Deals bonus damage when fully charged.
Trap Fade Time: 2
Trap Duration: Permanent
Grants the Psionic Projection ability.
Increases max trap count and trap vision range. When activated, traps now silence affected enemies.
Modifiers [?]
Calling upon the reach of the Hidden Temple, none escape the eye of the Templar.
Psionic Trap | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summoned Ward | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- The Psionic Trap can always be denied regardless of its max health.
- Psi Blades notes fully apply, it treats the denied Psionic Trap as the attack target's location, and the spill area extends beyond.
- Psionic Traps apply their effects on enemies when they are triggered by either Trap, Psionic Projection or the ability from the trap itself.
- The traps do not apply their effects when they are destroyed by attacks, or by detonating when exceeding the maximum allowed trap count.
- Psionic Traps do not block neutral creep camps.
- Traps do not disappear upon losing ability. Despite being fully functional, Traps only deal Level 1 damage values.
Psionic Trap Ability[]
Slow Radius: 400
Min Move Speed Slow: 30%
Max Move Speed Slow: 60%
Trap Charge Time: 3.5
Slow Duration: 5
- This ability is cast from the trap itself, allowing Templar Assassin to trigger traps from afar without having to trigger nearby traps first.
Hero Talents | ||
+7 Refraction Instances | 25 | 1s Meld Hit Bash |
3 Meld Armor Reduction | 20 | Meld Dispels |
+120 Psi Blades Attack and Spill Range | 15 | Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled |
+110 Psionic Trap Damage | 10 | +25 Refraction Damage |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Psi Blades
- Increased spill area length from 550/600/650/700 to 600/650/700/750.
- Refraction
- Reduced mana cost from 90 to 85.
- Reduced cooldown from 17 to 16.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Psionic Projection
- CHANGEDfrom dealing a total damage of 275/325/375 to one instance of 200 damage upon reaching the targeted Psionic Trap.
- Increased min movement speed slow from 30% to 60%. [?]
- Psionic Projection
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- UIncreased Psionic Projection min silence duration from 1.5 to 3.5. [?]
- Psionic Trap
- Reduced damage interval from 1 to 0.5.
- Increased total damage from 250/300/350 to 275/325/375.
- Trap
- ADDEDAlt-cast functionality. [?]
Right Click on ability toggles and swaps the functionality of the ability with Trap (Secondary), and activates the Psionic Trap nearest to the
Mouse cursor rather than the one closest to Templar Assassin.
- Psionic Trap
- Trap
- Reduced damage interval from 1 to 0.5.
- Increased total damage from 250/300/350 to 275/325/375.
- Trap
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Psionic Projection
- Reduced damage interval from 1 to 0.5.
- Increased total damage from 250/300/350 to 275/325/375.
- Psionic Projection
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango give Templar Assassin health regeneration allowing her to stay in the lane for longer.
- Healing Salve, used at the last moment, can save Templar Assassin from death.
- Clarity help her sustain the mana cost of her Refraction, which is an essential ability for Templar Assassin in her laning phase.
- Iron Branches give an overall cheap damage, health and mana boost and can be built into a Magic Wand later on.
Early game:
- Boots of Speed is a vital item for every hero in the game in order to escape and chase when necessary.
- Bottle is important for saving runes and sustaining her health and mana while she roams the map to find kills.
- Blight Stone is very cost-effective early game item and will be upgraded later to Desolator.
- Magic Stick can help Templar Assassin out a lot when facing heroes which spam their abilities. The instant health and mana restore can turn around the outcome of a fight when used properly.
Mid game:
- Power Treads provides appropriate attributes, increasing her health or mana at will, as well as raising attack speed.
- Magic Wand makes use of the branches and the Magic Stick from earlier and has a stronger potential heal burst.
- Blink Dagger is essential to reach Templar Assassin's maximum potential. Although she is technically a ranged hero, her base attack range is similar to that of a melee hero. A Blink Dagger allows her to get in range to attack enemies and land her Meld attack, or to catch up to enemies slowed by her Psionic Trap. In teamfights, it helps her to position herself to use the full potential of Psi Blades. On the other side, it is also a great escaping tool when combined with her spells. Refraction prevents the dagger from getting disabled, but if it does get disabled, Meld can help her hide for a moment and then blink out if the enemy has no True Sight or area spells.
- Desolator increases Templar Assassin's damage output immensely, since Templar Assassin only deals physical damage by default (besides Psi Blades). The armor reduction of Desolator fully stacks with that of Meld, allowing her to reduce up to 15 armor on a target. This results in a highly increased damage output, which then translates into higher damage with Psi Blades, since their damage is based on what the initial attack target received. On top of this, Desolator also grants a decent raw attack damage bonus.
Late game:
- Black King Bar may be required to deal with disables; although Refraction helps her from taking any kind of damage, it does not stop disables. If avoiding their disables with blink or Meld is not possible, a Black King Bar should be bought. The item also grants some raw damage and a bit of health, increasing her damage output and survivability further.
Situational items:
- Assault Cuirass, similar to Desolator, synergizes well with Templar Assassin as it reduces enemy armor and increases her attack speed, upping her damage output by a massive amount. Besides that, the additional armor compensates for her squishiness. The armor bonuses and reductions are also auras, making it a valuable contribution to any teamfight.
- Heart of Tarrasque allows Templar Assassin to fight for much longer thanks to its enormous health boost. However, it should only be bought after having built up some damage first, because being tanky does not help her much when she deals little damage.
- Butterfly is always a great item for every agility hero, as it increases attack damage and speed by a lot and also provides evasion, helping against enemy attacks. The evasion also synergizes very well with Refraction, which does not lose any of its damage block charges when Templar Assassin evades attacks.
- Manta Style can be considered on Templar Assassin if some extra push power is required. If one has quick reflexes, its active can also be used to disjoint enemy attacks and spells. It also provides decent stats and grants some mobility. Keep in mind though that, despite her melee-like attack range, Templar Assassin is still a ranged hero, so the ranged illusion values and cooldown are used.
- Daedalus is a great item on Templar Assassin, since a critical strike is spread to all enemies with Psi Blades. It also works extremely well together with her high amount of armor reduction from her ability and typical item choices. However, since it is a chance-based effect and is based on her attack damage, other damage increasing items are required first to unlock its high potential.
- Eye of Skadi grants attributes for tankiness and damage, the slow also keeps enemies in attack range.
- Dragon Lance gives Templar Assassin higher range and a good amount of stats that she needs early-mid game: Strength for health and Agility for armor and damage. The increased attack range also allows Templar Assassin to perhaps skip a few points on Psi Blades and focus on maxing out Meld after Refraction instead. Afterward, it may be disassembled to be turned into a Black King Bar, or kept and upgraded into Hurricane Pike, giving Templar Assassin a second mobility item with Blink Dagger, and its active gives Templar Assassin four possibly unavoidable attacks from any range.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
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![]() Master |
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![]() Grandmaster |
- In DotA, Templar Assassin makes numerous references to the game "Starcraft", another famous RTS game by "Blizzard". Her ability to manipulate psionic energy, the Psi Blades she wields, and the mention of her master being originally from Aiur in her DotA biography all apply to the Protoss, one of the three main races of the game. The description of Meld also describes it as the "Art of Shakuras". In "Starcraft" lore Shakuras is the capital of the Lenassa clan which is part of the Nerazim faction better known as Dark Templar. Lenassa templars are wearing cloth shrouds on their faces, and have purple warp blades and purple eyes.[1]
- Upon triggering a Psionic Trap, ▶️ "It's a trap!" is a reference based on Star Wars' Admiral Ackbar's quote from "Return of the Jedi."
- The response ▶️ "My body is a temple for which I will kill." is a reference to the bible verse John 2:19-22.
- Upon killing Snapfire ▶️ "Alright then, keep your secrets." is a reference to Frodo's quote in the 2001 film "The Lord of the Rings".
Wraith-Night artwork