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Old Abilities
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Proximity Mines (Pre 7.31)[]

Proximity Mine (Pre 7.31)
Techies Proximity Mine model
Summoned Ward
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Permanent
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0%
Move Speed 0 (100)
(Talent 60)
Turn Rate Takes 0.393s to turn 180°. 0.4
Collision Size 8
Vision Range (G) 64
Bounty Gold 25
Experience 0
Abilities Unknown icon Invisibility
Notes Phased

Proximity Mines (Pre 7.31)
Proximity Mines icon
Plant an invisible mine that cannot be detected by True Sight, but is visible if an enemy is within the active 400 AoE of the mine. Mines detonate if an enemy is standing within the active AoE for 1.6 seconds. The explosion deals full damage in the blast radius, and deals 30% damage to buildings.
Cast Range: 100 (With Aghanim's Scepter 400)
Trigger Radius: 400
Damage Radius: 400
Activation Delay: 1.75
Detonation Delay: 1.6
Damage: 200/380/560/740
Building Damage Percentage: 30%
Number of Charges: 3
Charge Replenish Time: 23 (Talent 20)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Increases cast range.
The bane of Toterin!

  • Techies gets all 3 charges immediately upon learning Proximity Mines.
  • The mines cannot be triggered during the 1.75-second activation delay.
    • During this delay, Proximity Mines are visible to the enemies. Once active, they turn invisible.
  • It takes a total of 3.35 seconds for a Proximity Mine to detonate when placed right next to an enemy unit or structure.
  • The mines only detonate when an enemy stands within its trigger radius for 1.6 seconds.
    • This means quickly entering and leaving the area does not cause them to trigger.
    • Upon entering its trigger radius, a sound is emitted from the mine, warning the enemy that they are within the trigger radius.
    • Both the warning and mine explosion sound is audible to everyone and audible through the Fog of War.
    • Can be triggered by invisible, but not by invulnerable or hidden units.
    • Proximity Mines cannot be triggered by flying units and it does not damage wards.
  • Proximity Mines only damage enemies when they are triggered, not when they are destroyed by attacks.
    • The damage source is the mine itself, meaning certain on-damage effects (e.g. Blade Mail icon Damage Return) react on the mine rather than on Techies.
    • The damage is based on the current level as it detonates, and not as it was placed.
    • Proximity Mines deal 60/114/168/222 damage to buildings.
    • Provides 300 radius flying vision at its location for 1 second after detonating.
  • Proximity Mines cannot be placed within 400 radius of other allied Proximity Mines.
    • When mouse-hovering on the ability, all own Proximity Mines display a red circle, indicating their trigger radius.
    • With the mines movement speed granting Talent talent, the mines can be moved and overlap on each other after being placed.

Stasis Trap (7.00-7.30e)[]

Stasis Trap (7.00-7.30e)
Techies Stasis Trap model
Summoned Ward
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Permanent
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0%
Move Speed 0 (100)
(Talent 60)
Turn Rate Takes Division by zero.s to turn 180°. 0
Collision Size 8
Vision Range (G) 0
Bounty Gold 10
Experience 6
Abilities Unknown icon Invisibility
Notes Phased

Stasis Trap (7.00-7.30e)
Stasis Trap icon
Plant an invisible trap that roots nearby enemy units instantly when triggered.
Cast Range: 150 (With Aghanim's Scepter 450)
Trigger Radius: 400
Root Radius: 600
Activation Delay: 2
Root Duration: 2/3/4/5
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Increases cast range.
The scourge of Trapper Town!

  • The traps cannot be triggered during the 2-second activation delay.
    • During this delay, the traps are visible to the enemies. Once active, they turn invisible.
  • Roots the targets, preventing them from moving and casting certain mobility abilities.
    • While rooted, provides True Sight over the targets.
    • The traps only root enemies when they get triggered, not when they are destroyed by attacks.
    • The root duration is based on the level of Stasis Trap as the trap was placed, and not as it detonates.
  • When a Stasis Trap triggers, all other Stasis Traps owned by the player within 600 radius of the triggering trap are destroyed.
    • Stasis Traps have no placement restrictions, they can be placed within any range of each other.
  • Provides 600 radius flying vision at its location for 1 second after detonating.
  • The trap's explosion is audible through the Fog of War.

Remote Mines (Pre 7.31)[]

Remote Mine
Techies Remote Mine model
Summoned Ward
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Ability Duration 600
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0%
Move Speed 0 (100)
(Talent 60)
Turn Rate Takes Division by zero.s to turn 180°. 0
Collision Size 24
Vision Range (G) 700
Bounty Gold 10
Experience 6
Abilities Pinpoint Detonate (Remote Mine) icon Pinpoint Detonate
Unknown icon Invisibility
Notes Phased

Remote Mines
Remote Mines icon
Plant an invisible explosive that will only detonate after a brief delay when triggered. Does not damage buildings.
Cast Animation: 0.75+0.46
Cast Range: 500 (With Aghanim's Scepter 800)
Damage Radius: 425
Activation Delay: 0
Detonation Delay: 0.25
Fade Time: 2
Damage: 300/450/600 (With Aghanim's Scepter 450/600/750)
Mine Duration: 600
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Increases damage and cast range.
The downfall of Dredger's Bight!

  • Remote Mines only damage enemies when they are triggered with the Focused Detonate icon Focused Detonate or Pinpoint Detonate (Remote Mine) icon Pinpoint Detonate sub-abilities, not when they are destroyed by attacks or expire.
  • Remote Mines have no activation delay, and can be detonated immediately after being placed.
    • However, once triggered, the detonation is delayed by 0.25 seconds.
  • Remote Mines can be stacked on one spot without interfering with each other in any way.
  • Can have up to 69 remote mines at a time with the default cast time, cooldown and duration.
  • Provides 500 radius flying vision at its location for 3 seconds after detonating.
  • The damage is based on the level of Remote Mines as the mine was placed, and not as it detonates.
    • However, the damage values update instantly when picking up or dropping Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter.
  • Remote Mines have their model size increased by 10% per level.

Focused Detonate
Focused Detonate icon
Detonate all remote mines in the target area.
Cast Range: Global
Search Radius: 700
Cooldown symbol
Why light one fuse when you can light them all?

  • This ability got removed in the 7.31 gameplay patch.
  • Can be cast without having to face towards the targeted area.
  • If there are no Remote Mines within the search radius, nothing happens, wasting the cooldown.

Land Mines (Pre 7.00)[]

Land Mine
Techies Proximity Mine model
Summoned Ward
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Permanent
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Turn Rate Takes Division by zero.s to turn 180°. 0
Collision Size 8
Vision Range (G) 64
Bounty Gold 10
Experience 14
Notes Phased

Land Mines
Land Mines icon
Plant an invisible mine that explodes when an enemy steps near. The explosion will deal less damage if the enemy is farther away from the mine when it explodes. Mines explode 0.3 seconds after being triggered. Damages buildings.
Cast Range: 100
Trigger Radius: 200
Full Damage Radius: 200
Half Damage Radius: 500
Activation Delay: 0.5
Detonation Delay: 0.3
Damage: 150/190/225/260
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
The bane of Toterin!

  • It takes 0.8 seconds for a land mine to detonate when placed right next to an enemy unit or structure.
  • The mines only damage enemies when they get triggered, not when they are destroyed by attacks.
  • The mines have a small collision size and are not phased, so they cannot be stacked on top of each other.
  • Flying units cannot trigger or be damaged by the mines.
  • Once triggered, the mines deal 150/190/225/260 damage in a 200 radius and 75/95/112/130 damage between 200 and 500 radius.
  • Provides 300 radius flying vision at its location for 1 second after detonating.
  • Land mines which are already placed do not upgrade when you level up the ability.
  • Land mines can be targeted and destroyed with Quelling Blade icon Quelling Blade and its upgrades.

Stasis Trap (Pre 7.00)[]

Stasis Trap (Pre 7.00)
Techies Stasis Trap model
Summoned Ward
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Duration Ability Duration 360
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Turn Rate Takes Division by zero.s to turn 180°. 0
Collision Size 8
Vision Range (G) 600
Bounty Gold 10
Experience 6
Abilities Unknown icon Invisibility
Notes Phased

Stasis Trap (Pre 7.00)
Stasis Trap icon
Plant an invisible trap that stuns nearby enemy units when triggered.
Cast Range: 150
Trigger Radius: 450
Stun Radius: 450
Activation Delay: 1.5
Detonation Delay: 1.5
Stun Duration: 2.5/3/3.5/4
Trap Duration: 360
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
The scourge of Trapper Town!

  • This ability got reworked into the following Stasis Trap icon Stasis Trap in the 7.00 gameplay patch.
  • It takes 3 seconds for a stasis trap to detonate when placed next to an enemy.
  • The traps only stun enemies when they get triggered, not when they are destroyed by attacks or when they expire.
  • When a stasis trap triggers, all other stasis traps owned by the player within 450 radius of the triggering trap are destroyed without triggering.
  • The traps can be stacked on one spot and cannot block unit pathing.
  • Can have up to 17/21/25/32 traps at a time with the current cast time, cooldown and duration.
  • Provides 300 radius flying vision at its location for 1 second after detonating.
  • Stasis traps which are already placed do not upgrade when you level up the ability.
  • Stasis traps can be targeted and destroyed with Quelling Blade icon Quelling Blade and its upgrades.

Suicide Squad, Attack! (5.57-Pre 7.00)[]

Suicide Squad, Attack!
Suicide Squad, Attack! icon
Enemies / Self
Techies sacrifice themselves for the greater good, dealing massive area of effect damage. More damage is dealt to units closer to Techies when they explode. Techies' respawn time is reduced by 50% when killed by this ability.
Cast Range: 100
Full Damage Radius: 200
Partial Damage Radius: 500
Full Damage: 500/650/850/1150
Partial Damage: 260/300/340/380
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
What's this button do?

  • Damages enemies in the area before killing Techies, so Techies still gets the experience when enemies die to this spell.
  • Respawn timer reduction is calculated with the following priority:
  • Provides 400 radius ground vision at Techies location for 2 seconds after the suicide.
  • Destroys trees within 500 radius around Techies upon cast.

Rapid Revive (5.10-5.68)[]

Rapid Revive
Cannot be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Pierces spell immunity. EV
Suicide Squad, Attack! icon
The techies are able to revive quicker than other units.
Respawn Timer Reduction: 20%/40%/60%/80%
Rapid Revive

  • This ability has a different innate value depending on the radius for the splash damage.
Full Damage Radius has a base radius of 50.
Half Damage Radius has a base radius of 140
Quarter Damage Radius has a base radius of 280.

Explosive Shot (Pre 5.10)[]

Explosive Shot
Cannot be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Pierces spell immunity. EX
Flak Cannon icon
The Techies fire more explosive bullets, adding 8/16/24/32 damage and a slightly larger splash to each attack.
Base Bonus Damage: 8/16/24/32
Bonus Splash Radius: 40/80/160/200
Explosive Shot

  • This ability has a different innate value depending on the radius for the splash damage.
Full Damage Radius has a base radius of 50.
Half Damage Radius has a base radius of 140
Quarter Damage Radius has a base radius of 280.

Detonate All (Pre 6.72)[]

Detonate All
Focused Detonate icon
No Target
Detonates all remote mines.
Radius: Global
Cooldown symbol
Why light one fuse when you can light them all?

  • This sub-ability was renamed from Detonate to Detonate All in 6.69.
  • This sub-ability was removed in the 6.72 gameplay patch, based on community feedback.
    • The reasoning was, there were barely ever any cases where the player wants to detonate all mines. The Focused Detonate icon Focused Detonate allowed for more precise detonating.

Suicide Squad, Attack (Pre 5.50)[]

Suicide Squad, Attack! (Pre 5.50)
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast. Not blocked by Linken's Sphere. Pierces spell immunity. EC
Suicide Squad, Attack! icon
Enemies / Self
Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Deals massive area of effect damage
Cast Range: 100
Full Damage Radius: 200
Partial Damage Radius: 500
Full Damage: 900/1600/2400
Partial Damage: 450/800/1250
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Note: right clicking on an enemy will activate this ability!

  • Damages enemies in the area before killing Techies, so Techies still gets the experience when enemies die to this spell.
  • Provides 400 radius ground vision at Techies location for 2 seconds after the suicide.
  • Destroys trees within 500 radius around Techies upon cast.