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Bad against...[]
- Borrowed Time's automatic activation will help Abaddon survive a field of Proximity Mines or a Blast Off combo. However, the damage from a single mine can kill him if his HP is low enough.
- Aphotic Shield's can easily break Techies' Etheral Blade combo.
- Thanks to Counterspell's magic resistance, Anti-Mage has a good chance of surviving a Blast Off combo.
- Anti-Mage is a natural Manta Style carrier, meaning he can dispel the silence from Blast Off and blink away when Techies initiates on him.
- Exorcism's ghosts will automatically clear all Proximity Mines revealed when Death Prophet walks near them, provided that the ghosts do not have a specific target at that time.
- Death Prophet is a natural Eul's Scepter of Divinity carrier, meaning she can easily escape a Blast Off initiation.
- Juggernaut can trigger Proximity Mines while in Blade Fury, and can walk away from a initiation with Blast Off if Blade Fury is activated before the silence.
- Juggernaut ignores Reactive Tazer when he uses Omnislash, whether Techies used it to protect an ally or themselves.
- Lifestealer's Rage lets him clear Proximity Mines without taking damage, and allows him to hit heroes whom Techies has used Reactive Tazer on.
- Corrosive Skin will protect Viper from Techies' magical damage.
- Even though Reactive Tazer will disarm Viper if he attacks Techies with Poison Attack, he does lots of damage with his other abilities that can still kill Techies.
- Dark Ascension also allows Night Stalker to fly over Proximity Mines without triggering them.
- Crippling Fear is effective in stopping Techies from using Blast Off and Void is effective in stopping them from running to the safety of their mines.
- Fate's Edict gives 100% magic resistance, which prevents most of Techies' damage.
- Oracle's Fortune's End dispels Reactive Tazer buff from Techies allowing him to be attacked. However, Reactive Tazer will instantly perform the area of effect disarm that is normally applied at the end of the duration.
- Fortune's End will also dispel Blast Off silence, Techies' Etheral Blade, Proximity Mines' magic resistance reduction, and Sticky Bomb's slow. However beware that it will only dispel Sticky Bomb's first or second instance of slow and not the damage, which will trigger as normal.
- Refraction can be very useful in safely neutralizing Proximity Mine fields, or absorbing Techies' Blast Off combo.
- Wraith King's skeletons from Vampiric Spirit keeps the choke points and rune spawns safe from Proximity Mines.
- Wraith King is not afraid to go into a field of Proximity Mines, wherever he goes as long as Reincarnation is off cooldown .
- Heroes with summons like Broodmother, Enigma, Nature's Prophet; or illusions, like Naga Siren, Terrorblade are effective at keeping the choke points and rune spawns safe from Proximity Mines.
- Ranged heroes as a whole deserve a mention since they can remove mines with basic attacks from a safe distance.
- Heroes with forced movement abilities or non-interrupting forced movement, such as Lion, Drow Ranger, Magnus, Mars, as they can cancel blast-off mid air, removing his ability to initiate or escape.
- Infused Raindrops can help in the early game against Techies' magical damage.
- Black King Bar is useful in avoiding a Blast Off combo and killing Techies without getting disarmed.
- Orchid Malevolence/ Bloodthorn or Scythe of Vyse are useful in disrupting Techies' Blast Off combo while you are silenced.
- Hood of Defiance, Glimmer Cape and Pipe of Insight significantly reduce the damage caused by Techies' abilities.
- Helm of the Dominator can dominate creeps and send them to defuse bombs or use them as living wards.
- Aeon Disk passively prevents a Blast Off combo.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity and Force Staff can waste Blast Off, putting it on cooldown if you use it on Techies while they are airborne.
- Manta Style dispels the silence from Blast Off, potentially breaking the combo after the stun wears off.
Good against...[]
- Techies can turn his tree jumping ability against him, by placing Proximity Mines that will detect him near trees, and then destroying the trees around him with Blast Off, stunning him and dealing high damage, on top of him being silenced when the stun expires.
- Monkey King's mobility is also severely limited around Techies' mines as he will almost always trigger them due to the cooldown time between tree jumps. Monkey King will be forced to take mine damage or escape with Primal Spring.
- Techies does huge amounts of magical damage, which will bypass Untouchable.
- Enchantress depends on abilities to do damage and heal, which Blast Off's silence prevents.
- Techies has great area of effect damage to deal with Phantasm illusions.
- Blast Off silences Chaos Knight, stopping him from using his disables and allowing his teammates to walk away from his heavy damage.
- Reactive Tazer will disarm all of Chaos Knight's illusions even if he has activated his Black King Bar.
- Morphling usually has low max health due to shifting strength into agility, which combined with Blast Off's silence will prevent him from using Waveform and Adaptive Strike (Strength), leaving him defenseless and making him an easy target to burst down.
- Techies is very good against roaming supports and gankers such as Bounty Hunter, Riki, Weaver, Earthshaker, Nyx Assassin, etc. that are constantly moving around the map.
- He is also good against squishy heroes in general.
Works well with...[]
- Flaming Lasso can pull enemy heroes through Proximity Mines.
- Sticky Napalm's turn-rate debuff allows Techies' mines to trigger easily as enemies try to destroy them.
- Batrider lacks reliable lockdown, so he benefits greatly from Blast Off's silence and Sticky Bomb's slow, which combined with Firefly's damage gives enemies little options to survive.
- Frostbite is a great set up for Techies to place their Remote Mines and buy time for them to activate, as it disarms and roots the enemy.
- Since Techies' abilities cost a lot of mana, having Arcane Aura is very helpful.
- If the enemy team lack a lot of disable for Freezing Field, Techies can ensure Crystal Maiden can get a full channel off by silencing the only enemies that can interrupt it.
- Magnus can Skewer a number of enemies onto Proximity Mines.
- Reverse Polarity is good for setting up a deadly Blast Off. Since the enemies are stunned and bunched up, three Proximity Mines will be easy to place and devastating.
- Nether Blast used together with Proximity Mines can quickly bring down an enemy tower
- Decrepify can be used to prevent an enemy hero from attacking Techies' mines. As a plus, it amplifies their damage altogether
- The slow of Decrepify provides a good setup for Blast Off and amplifies its damage .
- Pugna can place a Nether Ward next to a cluster of mines, making it dangerous for enemy heroes with a short attack range to get closer to it and attack it . Likewise, Techies can plant his mines next to a Nether Ward to protect it
- Putting Techies in a Snowball is good for setting up a Mine on top of a stunned enemy.
- Walrus Kick can be used to kick enemies into mines over long distances.
- Techies can defend Tombstone with Proximity Mines.
- Sticky Bomb's slow can keep enemies near the Tombstone.
- Undying lacks disables, so he benefits greatly from Blast Off's silence and Reactive Tazer's disarm.
- Heroes with abilities that provide forced movement, such as Blinding Light, Boulder Smash, Dispose, Meat Hook, Nether Swap, Spear of Mars, Telekinesis, Tidal Wave, Toss, Vacuum can displace enemies on to mines.
- Techies generally works well with any heroes that have disarm combined with a slow or root allowing techies to set up Proximity Mines, a great example being Treant Protector's Overgrowth.
- Techies is great for defending heroes that channel their abilities, such as Witch Doctor as they can Blast Off and burst down heroes from a long range that try to interrupt the channel.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Reactive Tazer can help initiator type strength heroes such as Tidehunter or Doom that lack armor from being killed with physical damage before their team can follow up.