Dota 2 Wiki



Regular movement[]

Charge of Darkness movement[]

  • During Charge of Darkness, the timing of the footstep sounds are altered and play at 100% volume.
  • During Charge of Darkness, only ▶️ Hand support 1 is used for his hand and it plays at 100% volume.
  • ▶️ Example


Charge of Darkness[]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays twice on Spirit Breaker upon cast. Once as a local sound with 100% volume audible to everyone and once global at 50% volume audible to allies only.
  • ▶️ Target sound plays on the target upon getting stunned.
  • Move sound play on Spirit Breaker while charging whenever he moves his arm with his weapon forwards.
  • ▶️ Full sound example, without Greater Bash.
  • ▶️ Full sound example, with Greater Bash.


Greater Bash[]

  • ▶️ Bash sound plays when Greater Bash procs and hits the target, 100% volume when proccing on heroes, 50% volume on creeps.
  • ▶️ Full sound example with attack sounds.

Nether Strike[]

  • ▶️ Pre cast sound plays on Spirit Breaker during the cast animation.
  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Spirit Breaker cast.
  • ▶️ Full sound example, without Greater Bash.
  • ▶️ Full sound example, with Greater Bash.


Taunt: Raging Bull

  • ▶️ Plays on Spirit Breaker upon taunt begin.