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Release Illuminate icon
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Bad against...[]

Anti-Mage icon
  • Anti-Mage can close the gap with Blink (Anti-Mage) icon Blink. Sniper will struggle to escape once he is jumped on due to the lack of mobility.
  • Counterspell icon Counterspell reduces sniper's magic damage from Shrapnel icon Shrapnel and Assassinate icon Assassinate. The active component can also reflect the projectile back to sniper if he dares to target Anti-Mage. This is seriously detrimental for Sniper as he is prone to buying Khanda icon Khanda to boost effects of the Assassinate icon Assassinate.
  • Sniper often relies on mana to use items for escaping, and his abilities cost a lot of mana. Mana Break icon Mana Break drains Sniper's mana and takes away Sniper's means to disengage.
  • Anti-Mage has faster farming speed. He can outfarm and get ahead of Sniper easily.
Axe icon
Ember Spirit icon
  • Ember Spirit can close the distance between Sniper easily with his Activate Fire Remnant icon Activate Fire Remnant and further keep Sniper in place with Searing Chains icon Searing Chains.
  • With the help of Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter, Sniper cannot outrun Ember Spirit or chase him, even if Sniper builds mobility items.
Invoker icon
  • Invoker's arsenal of magical spells are troublesome for Sniper who has low HP and high armor, which does not benefit him much against Invoker.
  • Besides magical damage, he can be disarmed and repeatedly mini-stunned with Cold Snap icon Cold Snap, preventing him from reacting.
  • Leveling Quas icon Quas can allow Invoker to lane effectively against Sniper despite right-click harassment.
Lifestealer icon
  • Lifestealer can close the distance to Sniper by using Infest icon Infest on a fast or durable creep to tank Sniper's damage.
  • Open Wounds icon Open Wounds and Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy will reduce Sniper's mobility heavily, and Rage icon Rage's movement speed bonus helps in closing the gap to Sniper. It also protects him from Assassinate and Shrapnel.
  • Infest icon Infest can dodge an incoming Assassinate or to surprise Sniper during ganks. Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Infest icon Infest can also allow Lifestealer to disarm Sniper and attack him from inside.
Lina icon
  • Lina defeats Sniper on the mid, because she has the same attack range as him, and her Dragon Slave icon Dragon Slave ability deals much more damage to creeps, as well as to Sniper himself, than Shrapnel icon Shrapnel, which creates uncomfortable conditions for Sniper to farm on the line, which is why Lina either punches Sniper harder than he either pushes a pack of creeps up to the tower and finishes off his creeps under it, preventing Sniper from earning gold and a level.
Omniknight icon
  • Being mostly a physical damage dealer, Sniper's effectiveness is greatly reduced by Omniknight's Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel.
  • Omniknight's Degen Aura icon Degen Aura allows him to slow sniper and catch him. Sniper has to then use some escape item.
  • Omniknight can also protect an ally from being finished off by Assassinate by using Purification icon Purification and Repel icon Repel which grants a massive strength boost.
Phantom Assassin icon
  • Stifling Dagger icon Stifling Dagger and Phantom Strike icon Phantom Strike allow Phantom Assassin to close the gap with Sniper and prevent his escape.
  • Blur icon Blur allows Phantom Assassin to approach Sniper while invisible and dodge much of Sniper's damage. It can also disjoint Assassinate.
  • Coup de Grace icon Coup de Grace quickly cuts through Sniper's low health; one or two procs will usually kill him.
  • Fan of Knives icon Fan of Knives from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard can deal damage to Sniper's maximum health and disable Headshot icon Headshot and Take Aim icon Take Aim.
Pudge icon
  • Pudge's Meat Hook icon Meat Hook allows him to bring Sniper in the middle of any fight, and the pure damage does well against his high armor and low health.
  • Dismember icon Dismember can lock Sniper down, which makes him highly vulnerable and gives enough time for Pudge to kill him alone. Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgraded Dismember icon Dismember will also allow Pudge to save an ally from Assassinate icon Assassinate.
Slardar icon
Spectre icon
Spirit Breaker icon
  • Spirit Breaker can charge towards Sniper from anywhere on the map with Charge of Darkness icon Charge of Darkness.
  • Greater Bash icon Greater Bash deals magical damage, which can prove dangerous to Sniper and his low health.
  • Both previous abilities combined with Nether Strike icon Nether Strike ensures that Spirit Breaker can easily solo kill Sniper.
Storm Spirit icon
  • Storm Spirit can close the distance towards Sniper very easily with his ultimate Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning.
Tusk icon
  • Snowball icon Snowball allows Tusk to move himself and allies towards Sniper whilst invulnerable and hidden.
  • His Ice Shards icon Ice Shards may also block pathing for Sniper as he has no means of moving through obstacles. In addition, Tag Team icon Tag Team can hinder Sniper's escape.
Tinker icon
  • Tinker is one of the few heroes who is able to defeat a Sniper on the center line thanks to his long-ranged abilities.
  • Laser icon Laser allow Tinker to deal damage to Sniper and blind him, causing him to miss attacks more often.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Heat-Seeking Missile". can deal heavy damage to Sniper on lane.
  • Defense Matrix icon Defense Matrix allow Tinker to save himself or allies from Assassinate icon Assassinate.
  • Warp Flare icon Warp Flare from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard allows Tinker to teleport Sniper away from himself, while also reducing both his attack range and cast range. If Sniper is teleported near Tinker's allies with Warp Flare icon Warp Flare, he will be bursted down in no time.
Viper icon
  • Viper Strike icon Viper Strike breaks Sniper's passives.
  • Corrosive Skin icon Corrosive Skin allows Viper to deal more damage to Sniper than Sniper deals to him when laning, especially by briefly stepping into Shrapnel.
  • Nethertoxin icon Nethertoxin together with Poison Attack icon Poison Attack can slow Sniper and tears through his low health and mobility.
Weaver icon
  • Shukuchi icon Shukuchi allows Weaver to close the gap between himself and Sniper with high speed, and to maneuver through teamfights to get on top of him.
  • A combination of The Swarm icon The Swarm and Desolator icon Desolator tears through Sniper's low armor.



  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand and Holy Locket icon Holy Locket will gain charges from Sniper's Shrapnel spam on lane.
  • Blade Mail icon Blade Mail returns all the damage Sniper deals, and the duration of it is often more than enough to either kill Sniper, or leave him low on HP.
  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger allows the user to close the gap with Sniper and can disjoint Assassinate; however, Sniper's long range means that he can disable Blink Dagger if he spots the enemy first.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity can disjoint Assassinate if timed correctly, as you have ~2-3 seconds to react before being hit.
  • Linken's Sphere icon Linken's Sphere blocks Assassinate on impact.
  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb will reflect Assassinate back at Sniper, which proves especially dangerous if the lotused hero has Aghanim's Scepter, since it will stun Sniper for a lengthy time.
  • Smoke of Deceit icon Smoke of Deceit disables True Sight from Assassinate on target.
  • Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade allows enemies to sneak up on Sniper and fight him up close. Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade can later be upgraded into Silver Edge icon Silver Edge that can also disable Headshot icon Headshot and Take Aim icon Take Aim, which can make Sniper struggle even against heroes he naturally counters.

Good against...[]

Earthshaker icon
Enigma icon
  • Sniper has a very long range, so it is rare that Enigma can catch him in a Black Hole icon Black Hole.
  • Assassinate can easily cancel Black Hole icon Black Hole if he is not caught, especially with Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter.
  • Enigma's Eidolons from Demonic Conversion icon Demonic Conversion are useless to push against a Sniper as he will easily kill them, especially with Mjollnir icon Mjollnir, a common item on Sniper.
Huskar icon
  • Sniper just doesn't give Huskar a chance, as he always just keeps his opponents at a great distance. However, in such a game you will need to have a Concussive Grenade icon Concussive Grenade and a Hurricane Pike icon Hurricane Pike in order to avoid the Life Break icon Life Break of Huskar
Medusa icon
  • Medusa is a fairly immobile hero that deals damage around her with Split Shot icon Split Shot. Sniper should outrange her and should stay out of harm's way from Split Shot.
  • More importantly, Sniper should have enough attack range to fire at Medusa during her Stone Gaze icon Stone Gaze without turning to stone, so the ultimate is mostly wasted against him.
Silencer icon
  • Sniper is a pure right click carry with a very long range, making it hard for Silencer to cast any of his skills on him in lane. During team-fights, Global Silence icon Global Silence has little impact on Sniper.
Shadow Fiend icon
  • Shrapnel can be used to cancel Shadow Fiend's Blink Dagger from a huge range.
  • Take Aim and Headshot allow Sniper to harass Shadow Fiend in lane without getting into the range of his Shadowraze (Medium) icon Shadowraze.
  • Assassinate when upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter can be used to cancel Shadow Fiend's Requiem of Souls icon Requiem of Souls.
Shadow Shaman icon
Templar Assassin icon
  • Sniper destroys Templar Assassin Refraction icon Refraction's only defense with its Shrapnel icon Shrapnel ability, which is why it can easily punch it and kick it off the line, getting more level and gold.
  • The huge range of Sniper's attack due to the Take Aim icon Take Aim ability allows him to spend the whole game at a distance far from Templar Assassin, constantly punching her with his physical attacks, which is why Templar Assassin remains either to run away or hide in Meld icon Meld, however, even there Sniper will not let her escape with the help of Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger, since he uses Shrapnel icon Shrapnel.
Venomancer icon
Undying icon
  • Sniper can easily destroy Tombstone icon Tombstone from long range.


Works well with...[]

Bloodseeker icon
  • Bloodrage icon Bloodrage can be cast on Sniper, increasing his attack speed and the damage of his abilities
  • Thirst icon Thirst grants True Sight on all enemies under 25% HP, even through Fog of War, providing vision for Sniper to attack or use Assassinate to secure kills.
  • Rupture icon Rupture can force one enemy hero to stand still, preventing him from getting closer on Sniper
Clockwerk icon
  • Power Cogs icon Power Cogs provides a simple setup for Shrapnel icon Shrapnel
  • Any enemy hero spotted by Rocket Flare icon Rocket Flare is an easy target for Assassinate icon Assassinate
  • Shrapnel can spot one potential target for Clockwerk to aim his Hookshot icon Hookshot
  • Overall, Clockwerk has enough tools to keep enemy heroes occupied, while Sniper deals damage from a safe distance
Lich icon
  • Lich's multiple slows allow enemies to be more easily kited.
Night Stalker icon
  • The forced nights from Dark Ascension icon Dark Ascension won't be much of a problem for Sniper's 1400 night vision units, instead of the usual 800 units that most heroes have. Also, Sniper likes a tanky frontline hero to soak all the damage, which Night Stalker can provide.
  • Void icon Void can slow enemies and allow Sniper to either escape or damage.
  • Crippling Fear icon Crippling Fear can silence any potential spellcasters and prevent them from harming Sniper.
Ogre Magi icon
  • Ignite icon Ignite's long duration, potent slow will allow Sniper to kite enemies.
  • Bloodlust icon Bloodlust increases Sniper's attack speed and movement speed, enabling him to farm faster and output more damage in team-fight.
Venomancer icon
  • Venomancer's whole kit makes it harder for some team compositions to get close enough to Sniper throughout the game
  • Sniper can deal the finishing blow on an enemy affected by Poison Nova icon Poison Nova with Assassinate.
Drow Ranger icon
  • Sniper being a ranged right click agility carry, Marksmanship icon Marksmanship can provide a boost to his agility.


  • Sniper appreciates durable front-liners to engage the enemies, allowing him to attack from a safe distance: Centaur Warrunner minimap icon Centaur Warrunner, Abaddon minimap icon Abaddon, Wraith King minimap icon Wraith King, Axe minimap icon Axe
  • Sniper works well with slows, as he already has 2 slows of his own, from Shrapnel and Headshot, potentially allowing Sniper to constantly knock enemies back and not give them chances of retaliation: Bristleback minimap icon Bristleback
