Dota 2 Wiki
Necronomicon 2 icon
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Version history[]

  • Increased base Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence from 13 to 18.
  • Vampiric Aura (Skeleton King) icon Vampiric Aura now also works fully for ranged allied units, instead of being melee only.
  • Removed the active component from Mortal Strike (Skeleton King) icon Mortal Strike.
  • Reincarnation (Skeleton King) icon Reincarnation
    • Increased slow from 30% to 50%.
    • Increased slow radius from 700 to 900.
Mortal Strike (Skeleton King) icon Mortal Strike:
Passively gives Skeleton King a chance to land a critical strike. Can be cast to temporarily steal health from a target enemy hero. When the active is used, the critical strike is temporarily disabled for the drain duration.
Passive crit chance: 15%
Passive crit damage: 125%/175%/225%/275%
Max health drained: 20% (HP Removal, not lethal)
Drain duration: 7
Cast Range: 550
Cooldown: 25
Mana cost: 30
Note: This does not affect the target's or Skeleton King's maximum health, just temporarily drains health based on the target's maximum health and then returns it.
  • Reincarnation (Skeleton King) icon Reincarnation
    • Increased slow duration from 3 to 4.
    • Reduced cooldown from 300/220/140 to 260/160/60.
  • Increased collision size from 12 to 24.
  • Reduced collision size from 24 to 12.
Deals 30/45/60/75 damage in 1 second intervals over 4 seconds (total damage: 130/180/240/300)
Deals 50/100/150/200 damage on impact, followed by 15/30/40/50 damage per second, starting right after the stun wears off for 2 seconds (total damage: 80/160/230/300)
  • Reincarnation (Skeleton King) icon Reincarnation
    • Now shows its remaining cooldown on the scoreboard.
    • Now always automatically selects Skeleton King for the player after reincarnating.
Old Hellfire Blast icon Hellfire Blast:
Throws a firy projectile at a target, damaging and stunning it.
Damage: 100/150/200/250
Stun Duration: 2
Cooldown: 8
Mana cost: 140
New Hellfire Blast icon Hellfire Blast:
Throws a firy projectile at the target, stunning it on impact, dealing damage over time and slowing it for a shor while.
Damage over time: 30/45/60/75
Stun Duration: 2
Movement speed slow: 15%
Slow Duration: 2
Cooldown: 8
Mana cost: 140
Note: The damage over time is dealt for 4 seconds (total damage: 130/180/240/300). First stuns the target for 2 seconds, then slows it for 2 seconds.
  • Reduced cast animation from 0.51 to 0.35.
  • Increased base armor from 0 to 1 (total armor is now 2.82).
  • Reduced Reincarnation (Skeleton King) icon Reincarnation cooldown from 300/240/190 to 300/220/140.
  • Reduced Hellfire Blast icon Hellfire Blast damage from 125/175/225/300 to 100/150/200/250.
  • Increased Mortal Strike (Skeleton King) icon Mortal Strike crit damage from 130%/170%/210%/250% to 125%/175%/225%/275%.
  • Rescaled Reincarnation (Skeleton King) icon Reincarnation mana cost from 150/200/250 to 100/200/300.
  • Reduced attack point from 1 to 0.56 (previous number is estimated)

Patch history[]

  • Buying an item while dead no longer puts it in the main inventory. Fixes an exploit of buying items while dead with Aegis or as Skeleton King minimap icon Skeleton King and respawning with the item.
  • Fixed loss of vision while reincarnating.