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Siltbreaker Siltbreaker 1 model
Siltbreaker Siltbreaker 1 model
Siltbreaker Siltbreaker 2 model
Siltbreaker Siltbreaker 3 model
Siltbreaker Siltbreaker icon
Ancient Creep-Hero
Level 50
Armor Armor 75
Magic Resistance 0%
Attack Damage Basic [?]
1400 ‒ 1700
Attack Range Melee 550
Acquisition Range 1800
Attack Animation 0.56+?
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed 445/460/475 (100)
Turn Rate Takes 0.419s to turn 180°. 0.25
Collision Size 80
Vision Range (G) 6000
Bounty Gold 10002000
Experience 2000
Model Scale 2.6/2.9/3.2
Abilities Corrosive Haze icon Passive
Kraken Shell icon Kraken Shell
Slithereen Crush icon Tail Spin
Guardian Sprint icon Sprint
Blink (Anti-Mage) icon Teleport
Gush icon Line Wave
Winter's Curse icon Mind Control
Summon Wolves icon Summon Minions
Sun Ray icon Mouth Beam
Gush icon Waves
Torrent icon Torrents
Notes 6-slot inventory
100% disable resistance


Main Article: Siltbreaker/Act II

Siltbreaker is the final boss of the Siltbreaker Act II. He is located in Siltbreaker's Vault.


Pierces spell immunity.
Corrosive Haze icon
There is no description for this ability.
Evasion: 25%
Accuracy on Attacks: 75%
Armor Reduction per Stack: 33%
Armor Reduction Duration: 3
Siltbreaker Attack

  • Grants Siltbreaker unobstructed pathing.
  • Permanently grants the Siltbreaker vision over enemies which attack him.
  • Causes Siltbreaker's attacks to reduce armor of his attack target.
    • Successive attacks on the same target increase the stack count and reset the entire stack's duration.
    • The armor reduction is based on the affected units' total armor, including armor granted by agility and direct armor bonuses.

Kraken Shell
Kraken Shell icon
There is no description for this ability.
Damage Threshold: 600
Threshold Reset Timer: 6

  • Applies a strong dispel on Siltbreaker whenever the damage threshold is reached.
  • Only damage from player owned sources (after reductions) is counted towards the debuff removal.
  • Damage counter for the debuff removal resets when Siltbreakerdoes not take player based damage for 6 seconds.
  • A debuff removal proc is indicated by a sound effect and water particles on Siltbreaker's skin.

Tail Spin
Pierces spell immunity.
Slithereen Crush icon
No Target
There is no description for this ability.
Radius: 110
Effect Delay: 1.82
Damage: 3000
Movement Speed Slow: 100%
Attack Speed Slow: 100
Slow Duration: 3
Knockback Duration: 0.5
Knockback Distance: 400
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
polar furbolg ursa warrior thunder clap
greater bash

  • Siltbreaker Spins around, flinging his tail, damaging, slowing and knocking back every enemy hit by the tail.
  • Upon cast begin, Siltbreaker's facing angle gets locked, so that he cannot turn.
  • 1.82 seconds after cast begin, the effects of the spell start getting applied. They get applied until reaching the cast point of 2.22 seconds.
    • This means the effects are applied over a time window of 0.38 seconds.
    • During this 0.38 seconds, any enemy coming within 110 range of his tail gets hit.
    • Siltbreaker swings his tail counter-clockwise. The effects are always on 4 parts of his tail, so that his entire tail is covered.
  • Hit enemies are knocked back 400 range far (and 100 range up) over 0.5 seconds. During the knockback, enemies are fully disabled.
  • A unit can only be hit once per cast.
  • The cast of Tail Spin is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Guardian Sprint icon
No Target
There is no description for this ability.
Movement Speed: 800/950/1100
Duration: 4
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Siltbreaker Sprint

  • Does not interrupt Siltbreaker's channeling spells on cast.
  • Applies a haste on Siltbreaker, so he cannot be slowed below the set value.
  • The cast of Sprint is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Pierces spell immunity.
Blink (Anti-Mage) icon
Self / Enemy Heroes
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 3000
Damage Radius: 500
Channel Time: 4
Effect Delay: 1.6
Damage: 1300
Knockback Distance: 250
Knockback Duration: 0.25
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
greater bash

  • Teleprts the Siltbreaker to the target area after a delay. Upon arrival, enemies within the area are damaged and knocked back.
  • The channeling of this ability has no real purpose. Even if interrupted, the spell's effects continue normally.
    • However, since Siltbreaker does not cancel the channeling and is immune to disables, it effectively works like a cast time.
  • The teleport area is marked on the ground.
  • Enemies are fully disabled during the knocback.
  • The cast of Teleport is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Line Wave
Does not pierce spell immunity.
Gush icon
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 1500
Projectile Travel Distance: 7000
Projectile Radius: 150
Damage: 200
Duration: Permanent
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Siltbreaker Bubble
Disable Aggro

  • Launches a projectile towards an enemy hero in a straight line, which creates a bubble around the target, drowning it.
    • The bubble stuns, roots, disarms and hides the hero and deals damage over time to it. This means the hero cannot be interacted with while in the bubble.
  • The bubble itself is a unit with 10 health and spell immunity, which can be attacked.
    • The buble lasts indefinitely. To get rid of it, it has to be destroyed. This is possible with attacks, or with abilities that deal damage through spell immunity.
  • Deals damage in 0.5 second intervals, starting 0.5 seconds after the bubble is applied.
  • The disable aggro modifier is applied on the hit hero and on the bubble, so that neither of them draw attacks automatically.
  • The projectile travels at a speed of 1100, taking 6.36 seconds to reach max distance. It disappears upon hitting a hero.
  • The cast of Line Wave is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Mind Control
Does not pierce spell immunity.
Winter's Curse icon
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 1500
Projectile Max Travel Distance: 1800
Projectile Radius: 100
Attack Search Radius: 7000
Movement Speed Bonus: 75%
Attack Speed Bonus: 150
Duration: 7
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Siltbreaker Mind Control

  • The projectile travels at a speed of 600 and cannot be disjointed.
  • The projctiles travels for up to 3 seconds, resulting in a possible distance of 1800.
  • Upon projectile hit, the hero gains movement, attack speed and phased movement and starts attacking the closest allied hero.
    • The allied hero is selected once upon projectile hit and does not change. The ally has a mark above its head, indicating it is being targeted.
    • This means, if that ally turns unattackable (e.g. ethereal or invulnerable), the mind controlled ally follows the ally, but does not switch to a new target.
  • Increases the mind-controlled hero's model size by 150%.
  • The cast of Mind Control is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Summon Minions
Summon Wolves icon
There is no description for this ability.
Max Channel Time: 3.5
Summon Interval: 0.2324
Number of Reefwatch Renegades: 15/15/13
Number of Swoledars: 0/0/2
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • When in phase 3, 2 of the Renegades are replaced by 2 Swoledars.

Mouth Beam
Pierces spell immunity.
Sun Ray icon
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 5000
Beam Distance: 3000
Beam Width: 130
Max Channel Time: 5
Effect Delay: 0.4
Damage per Second: 2000
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Fires a highly damaging beam with his mouth, which he sways around slowly.
  • The beam deals 40 damage in 0.02-second intervals, starting 0.02 seconds after channel begin, resulting in 250 possible damage instances.
    • This results in 2000 damage per second, and a total possible damage of 10000 to a single target (before reductions).
  • Siltbreaker is rooted and cannot turn during the cast.
  • Has 175 range non-lingering ground vision around the beam for the duration.
  • The cast of Mouth Beam is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Pierces spell immunity.
Gush icon
There is no description for this ability.
Max Channel Time: 12
Waves Travel Distance: 7000
Waves Width: 240
Waves Interval: 1.5
Number of Waves per Interval: 6
Damage per Wave: 1500
Knockback Distance: 250
Knockback Duration: 0.25
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
greater bash

  • Sends waves outwards from Siltbreaker, which deal damage and knock enemies back upon hit.
  • The waves travel at a speed of 550, taking 12.72 seconds to reach max distance.
  • 6 waves are send in 1.5 second intervals, starting immediately as the channeling begins, resulting in 9 intervals, totalling in 54 waves.
  • The waves are always send in the same two alternating directions.
    • On every even interval, one line is send towards the north, and all other lines adapted to it evenly, with 60° in between each other.
    • On every odd interval, the formation is rotated by 30°.
  • A wave hits when getting within 240 range of it. Upon hit, all enemies within 240 radius of the hit unit, including the hit unit, get damaged and knocked back.
  • The cast of Waves is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.

Pierces spell immunity.
Torrent icon
There is no description for this ability.
Max Channel Time: 8
Torrents Spawn Radius Min: 50
Torrents Spawn Radius Max: 3000
Torrents Interval: 0.0267
Torrents Effect Radius: 225
Torrents Effect Delay: 1.5
Torrents Damage: 1400
Torrents Knockback Distance: 200
Torrents Knockback Duration: 1
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
temple guardian immunity
grater bash

  • Creates many torrents within the given radius while channeling. The torrents are delayed.
  • Attempts to spread the explosion so that they overlap the least.
  • Every 0.0266 seconds a torrent is created, for a total of 300 torrents.
  • Each torrent can spawn within a random distance of 50 to 3000 away from Siltbreaker.
  • A bubbling effect indicates where the torrents are going to erupt.
  • Units tossed in the air are stunned and still able to be attacked.
  • While in the air, other units may pass below hit airborne units.
  • Units are knocked 500 range up and 200 range away from the torrent's center.
  • The cast of Torrents is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.


Item drops[]

100% chance to drop one of the following artifacts:


  • ▶️ Welcome to Dark Reef. Your stay won't be long.
  • ▶️ Now that you've had the pleasure.. time to die.
  • ▶️ Welcome, slaves to the Brine.
  • ▶️ You've come this far. Do come in.
  • ▶️ There's still glimmer to these scales.
  • ▶️ A lifetime locked away. So much to make up for.
  • ▶️ The worst of Dark Reef fell quickly. I'm still aching for a good fight.
  • ▶️ I worked out my atrophy killing the wardens' pets.
  • ▶️ I once sat at the Conclave's table. It'll be nice to filet old friends.
  • ▶️ Did the Conclave tell you where I came from?
  • ▶️ There's nothing you can do I haven't seen before.
  • ▶️ The survivors of Dark Reef call me master.
  • ▶️ Soon you'll be dead, and the Conclave of the Brine will feel my wrath!
  • ▶️ Without the Conclave, the Mer's dry-land armistice will break.
  • ▶️ The seas will rise and wash the lands clean.
  • ▶️ The Conclave thought they too could ascend. Fools!
  • ▶️ My ascension would have been impossible without the Brine's help.
  • ▶️ With Rhyzik's power lost to me, the binding runes falter.
  • ▶️ Killing Rhyzik secured my early release.
  • ▶️ You're not disciples?
  • ▶️ Are you Roe's newest puppets?
  • ▶️ You know the Conclave sent you here to die?
  • ▶️ All Roe's prescious disciples. Dead by my hand. And now you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa.
  • ▶️ My incarceration taught me many things.
  • ▶️ This is my domain. You are but playthings.
  • ▶️ Your last moments prove interesting.
  • ▶️ What hope do you have against me?
Killing an enemy
Entering phase 2
Entering phase 3
Casting Slithereen Crush icon Tail Spin

25% chance

Casting Guardian Sprint icon Sprint

25% chance

Casting Blink (Anti-Mage) icon Teleport

25% chance

Casting Gush icon Line Wave

25% chance

Casting Gush icon Waves
Casting Winter's Curse icon Mind Control

50% chance

Casting Summon Wolves icon Summon Minions

phase 1 & 2

phase 3

Casting Torrent icon Torrents
Casting Sun Ray icon Mouth Beam
Unused responses
cool sound
Hero-specific taunts

Update history[]

  • Fixed being able to aggro Siltbreaker from outside his room before opening the gate.
  • Fixed Winter's Curse icon Mind Control targeting any enemy unit, instead of heroes only.
  • Increased attack damage from 1350-1600 to 1400-1700.
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.5/1.3/1.1 to 1.5/1.25/1.
  • Increased movement speed from 440/450/460 to 445/460/475.
  • Increased health from 140000 to 200000.
  • Corrosive Haze icon Passive
    • Increased accuracy from being 50% to 75%.
    • Now causes Siltbreaker's attacks to reduce 33% of the attack target's armor for 3 seconds. [?]
  • Increased Slithereen Crush icon Tail Spin cooldown from 25 to 40.
  • Increased Blink (Anti-Mage) icon Teleport cooldown from 1200 to 1300.
  • Increased Gush icon Line Wave cooldown from 15 to 25.
  • Increased Sun Ray icon Mouth Beam cooldown from 20 to 25.
  • Increased Gush icon Waves cooldown from 1100 to 1500.
  • Increased Torrent icon Torrents damage from 1000 to 1400.