Siltbreaker | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ancient Creep-Hero | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Main Article: Siltbreaker/Act II
Siltbreaker is the final boss of the Siltbreaker Act II. He is located in Siltbreaker's Vault.
- Grants Siltbreaker unobstructed pathing.
- Permanently grants the Siltbreaker vision over enemies which attack him.
- Causes Siltbreaker's attacks to reduce armor of his attack target.
- Successive attacks on the same target increase the stack count and reset the entire stack's duration.
- The armor reduction is based on the affected units' total armor, including armor granted by agility and direct armor bonuses.
- Applies a strong dispel on Siltbreaker whenever the damage threshold is reached.
- Only damage from player owned sources (after reductions) is counted towards the debuff removal.
- Damage counter for the debuff removal resets when Siltbreakerdoes not take player based damage for 6 seconds.
- A debuff removal proc is indicated by a sound effect and water particles on Siltbreaker's skin.
Radius: 110
Effect Delay: 1.82
Damage: 3000
Movement Speed Slow: 100%
Attack Speed Slow: 100
Slow Duration: 3
Knockback Duration: 0.5
Knockback Distance: 400
- Siltbreaker Spins around, flinging his tail, damaging, slowing and knocking back every enemy hit by the tail.
- Upon cast begin, Siltbreaker's facing angle gets locked, so that he cannot turn.
- 1.82 seconds after cast begin, the effects of the spell start getting applied. They get applied until reaching the cast point of 2.22 seconds.
- This means the effects are applied over a time window of 0.38 seconds.
- During this 0.38 seconds, any enemy coming within 110 range of his tail gets hit.
- Siltbreaker swings his tail counter-clockwise. The effects are always on 4 parts of his tail, so that his entire tail is covered.
- Hit enemies are knocked back 400 range far (and 100 range up) over 0.5 seconds. During the knockback, enemies are fully disabled.
- A unit can only be hit once per cast.
- The cast of Tail Spin is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
No Target
No Target
There is no description for this ability.
- Does not interrupt Siltbreaker's channeling spells on cast.
- The cast of Sprint is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 3000
Damage Radius: 500
Channel Time: 4
Effect Delay: 1.6
Damage: 1300
Knockback Distance: 250
Knockback Duration: 0.25
- Teleprts the Siltbreaker to the target area after a delay. Upon arrival, enemies within the area are damaged and knocked back.
- The channeling of this ability has no real purpose. Even if interrupted, the spell's effects continue normally.
- However, since Siltbreaker does not cancel the channeling and is immune to disables, it effectively works like a cast time.
- The teleport area is marked on the ground.
- Enemies are fully disabled during the knocback.
- The cast of Teleport is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 1500
Projectile Travel Distance: 7000
Projectile Radius: 150
Damage: 200
Duration: Permanent
- Launches a projectile towards an enemy hero in a straight line, which creates a bubble around the target, drowning it.
- The bubble itself is a unit with 10 health and spell immunity, which can be attacked.
- The buble lasts indefinitely. To get rid of it, it has to be destroyed. This is possible with attacks, or with abilities that deal damage through spell immunity.
- Deals damage in 0.5 second intervals, starting 0.5 seconds after the bubble is applied.
- The disable aggro modifier is applied on the hit hero and on the bubble, so that neither of them draw attacks automatically.
- The projectile travels at a speed of 1100, taking 6.36 seconds to reach max distance. It disappears upon hitting a hero.
- The cast of Line Wave is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
Target Unit
Target Unit
Enemy Heroes
Enemy Heroes
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 1500
Projectile Max Travel Distance: 1800
Projectile Radius: 100
Attack Search Radius: 7000
Movement Speed Bonus: 75%
Attack Speed Bonus: 150
Duration: 7
- The projectile travels at a speed of 600 and cannot be disjointed.
- The projctiles travels for up to 3 seconds, resulting in a possible distance of 1800.
- Upon projectile hit, the hero gains movement, attack speed and phased movement and starts attacking the closest allied hero.
- The allied hero is selected once upon projectile hit and does not change. The ally has a mark above its head, indicating it is being targeted.
- This means, if that ally turns unattackable (e.g. ethereal or invulnerable), the mind controlled ally follows the ally, but does not switch to a new target.
- Increases the mind-controlled hero's model size by 150%.
- The cast of Mind Control is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
Summon Minions
Max Channel Time: 3.5
Summon Interval: 0.2324
Number of Reefwatch Renegades: 15/15/13
Number of Swoledars: 0/0/2
- Summons Reefwatch Renegades within 1500 radius around Siltbreaker.
- When in phase 3, 2 of the Renegades are replaced by 2 Swoledars.
There is no description for this ability.
Cast Range: 5000
Beam Distance: 3000
Beam Width: 130
Max Channel Time: 5
Effect Delay: 0.4
Damage per Second: 2000
- Fires a highly damaging beam with his mouth, which he sways around slowly.
- The beam deals 40 damage in 0.02-second intervals, starting 0.02 seconds after channel begin, resulting in 250 possible damage instances.
- This results in 2000 damage per second, and a total possible damage of 10000 to a single target (before reductions).
- Siltbreaker is rooted and cannot turn during the cast.
- Has 175 range non-lingering ground vision around the beam for the duration.
- The cast of Mouth Beam is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
Max Channel Time: 12
Waves Travel Distance: 7000
Waves Width: 240
Waves Interval: 1.5
Number of Waves per Interval: 6
Damage per Wave: 1500
Knockback Distance: 250
Knockback Duration: 0.25
- Sends waves outwards from Siltbreaker, which deal damage and knock enemies back upon hit.
- The waves travel at a speed of 550, taking 12.72 seconds to reach max distance.
- 6 waves are send in 1.5 second intervals, starting immediately as the channeling begins, resulting in 9 intervals, totalling in 54 waves.
- The waves are always send in the same two alternating directions.
- On every even interval, one line is send towards the north, and all other lines adapted to it evenly, with 60° in between each other.
- On every odd interval, the formation is rotated by 30°.
- A wave hits when getting within 240 range of it. Upon hit, all enemies within 240 radius of the hit unit, including the hit unit, get damaged and knocked back.
- The cast of Waves is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
There is no description for this ability.
Max Channel Time: 8
Torrents Spawn Radius Min: 50
Torrents Spawn Radius Max: 3000
Torrents Interval: 0.0267
Torrents Effect Radius: 225
Torrents Effect Delay: 1.5
Torrents Damage: 1400
Torrents Knockback Distance: 200
Torrents Knockback Duration: 1
- Turns Siltbreaker immune to physical damage, spell immune, invulnerable and hidden upon cast begin, until the channeling finishes.
- Creates many torrents within the given radius while channeling. The torrents are delayed.
- Attempts to spread the explosion so that they overlap the least.
- Every 0.0266 seconds a torrent is created, for a total of 300 torrents.
- Each torrent can spawn within a random distance of 50 to 3000 away from Siltbreaker.
- A bubbling effect indicates where the torrents are going to erupt.
- Units tossed in the air are stunned and still able to be attacked.
- While in the air, other units may pass below hit airborne units.
- Units are knocked 500 range up and 200 range away from the torrent's center.
- The cast of Torrents is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
Item drops[]
100% chance to drop one of the following artifacts:
- Slippers of the Abyss
- Slippers of the Abyss
- Slippers of the Abyss
- Slippers of the Abyss
- Slippers of the Abyss
- Slippers of the Abyss
- Wand of the Brine
- Wand of the Brine
- Wand of the Brine
- Wand of the Brine
- Glimmerdark Shield
- Glimmerdark Shield
- Siltbreaker's Dredged Trident
- Intro
- ▶️ Welcome to Dark Reef. Your stay won't be long.
- ▶️ Now that you've had the pleasure.. time to die.
- ▶️ Welcome, slaves to the Brine.
- ▶️ You've come this far. Do come in.
- Laughing
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Ha ha haa.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha hah.
- ▶️ Ha haa!
- ▶️ Ho ho ho ho ho ho hoo!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha haa!
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahahaaa.
- ▶️ Nyha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Eh ha ha he ha ha ha haa!
- ▶️ Eeh ha ha ha ha ha haha!
- ▶️ Eh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- ▶️ Eh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Aah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Aah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Hhaa ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Eeeh he he he ha ha ha. Yeeh he he he he. Aah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- ▶️ Haah ha ha haa.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa.
- ▶️ ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaa.
- Taunting
- ▶️ There's still glimmer to these scales.
- ▶️ A lifetime locked away. So much to make up for.
- ▶️ The worst of Dark Reef fell quickly. I'm still aching for a good fight.
- ▶️ I worked out my atrophy killing the wardens' pets.
- ▶️ I once sat at the Conclave's table. It'll be nice to filet old friends.
- ▶️ Did the Conclave tell you where I came from?
- ▶️ There's nothing you can do I haven't seen before.
- ▶️ The survivors of Dark Reef call me master.
- ▶️ Soon you'll be dead, and the Conclave of the Brine will feel my wrath!
- ▶️ Without the Conclave, the Mer's dry-land armistice will break.
- ▶️ The seas will rise and wash the lands clean.
- ▶️ The Conclave thought they too could ascend. Fools!
- ▶️ My ascension would have been impossible without the Brine's help.
- ▶️ With Rhyzik's power lost to me, the binding runes falter.
- ▶️ Killing Rhyzik secured my early release.
- ▶️ You're not disciples?
- ▶️ Are you Roe's newest puppets?
- ▶️ You know the Conclave sent you here to die?
- ▶️ All Roe's prescious disciples. Dead by my hand. And now you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa.
- ▶️ My incarceration taught me many things.
- ▶️ This is my domain. You are but playthings.
- ▶️ Your last moments prove interesting.
- ▶️ What hope do you have against me?
- Killing an enemy
- ▶️ The sea takes your remains.
- ▶️ Try again in another life.
- ▶️ Got a floater!
- ▶️ I hardly noticed you.
- ▶️ Join the rest.
- ▶️ Who will remember you?
- ▶️ Your story ends.
- ▶️ Pathetic.
- Entering phase 2
- ▶️ The ruins of Dark Reef will be my seat of power.
- ▶️ You can't win.
- ▶️ At last, a real fight!
- ▶️ Didn't think you were worthy.
- ▶️ Now you die!
- ▶️ You're nothing!
- ▶️ Never!
- ▶️ I didn't expect much from Conclave pawns.
- Entering phase 3
- ▶️ The ruins of Dark Reef will be my seat of power.
- ▶️ You can't win.
- ▶️ At last, a real fight!
- ▶️ Didn't think you were worthy.
- ▶️ Now you die!
- ▶️ You're nothing!
- ▶️ Never!
- ▶️ You've earned a warrior's death.
- Casting Tail Spin
25% chance
- Casting Sprint
25% chance
- ▶️ Run all you like.
- ▶️ Outrun me?
- ▶️ You!
- ▶️ I'll take this one.
- ▶️ You're out of your elements.
- ▶️ Where can you go?
- Casting Teleport
25% chance
- ▶️ Ooh, didn't you know?
- ▶️ It's easier this way.
- ▶️ Look again.
- ▶️ Wherever you go, there I am.
- ▶️ Helloo!
- Casting Line Wave
25% chance
- ▶️ Enjoy your stay.
- ▶️ Time out!
- ▶️ Caught in the undertow.
- ▶️ Your breath magics fail you.
- ▶️ Require.
- ▶️ Dead water.
- ▶️ Deep breath!
- ▶️ Bubble-trouble.
- Casting Waves
- ▶️ You should have stayed in the shallows.
- ▶️ Where is your lifeboat?
- ▶️ Time for a swim.
- ▶️ Wave-breaker!
- ▶️ Swept away.
- ▶️ My powers return.
- Casting Mind Control
50% chance
- ▶️ Bend to my will.
- ▶️ You'll do nicely.
- ▶️ Ha ha ha haa! Betrayer!
- ▶️ Your willpower is crumbling.
- ▶️ Come, betray a while.
- ▶️ Watch where you're aiming.
- ▶️ You're mine!
- ▶️ Do it my way.
- Casting Summon Minions
phase 1 & 2
- ▶️ Feast!
- ▶️ School's in session.
- ▶️ Crowd on.
- ▶️ Swell company.
- ▶️ Useful parasites.
- ▶️ I'll not be denied!
phase 3
- ▶️ From the depths!
- ▶️ Hear your master!
- ▶️ Arise!
- ▶️ My wrath begins!
- ▶️ By my will!
- ▶️ Nothing can save you.
- Casting Torrents
- ▶️ Surge!
- ▶️ It only takes a puddle to drown someone.
- ▶️ Flood warning!
- ▶️ Storm swell.
- ▶️ Caught in the vortex.
- ▶️ Did they not warn you?
- Casting Mouth Beam
- Unused responses
- anger
- attack
- ▶️ Mruagh!
- ▶️ Aarh!
- ▶️ Eargh!
- ▶️ Heaah!
- ▶️ Nuagh!
- ▶️ Ha!
- ▶️ Nuurgh!
- ▶️ Nuargh!
- ▶️ Yaargh!
- ▶️ Yragh!
- ▶️ Heah!
- ▶️ Nuh!
- ▶️ Heaah!
- ▶️ Rrraagh!
- ▶️ Haaa!
- ▶️ Hu!
- ▶️ Huuah!
- ▶️ Haa!
- backhand
- ▶️ Out of my way!
- cool sound
- ▶️ Rhooargh.
- die
- ▶️ Only my body falls.
- ▶️ Nooo!
- ▶️ Impossible!
- ▶️ The Brine don't deserve you.
- ▶️ Nooo!
- ▶️ Argh uh Noo!
- ▶️ But I just got out.
- dismissive
- injured
- no
- yes
- off-screen
- ▶️ I see you. I see inside of you.
- ▶️ Aah, your minds are strong. Deliciously strong.
- ▶️ Where did the Conclave find you?
- ▶️ Wha-, visitors? For me?
- ▶️ I see you. I see through all of you.
- pain
- Hero-specific taunts
- ▶️ Down here, we call Red Mist chum.
- ▶️ You can't hide your fears from me, Moghul.
- ▶️ Grave mistake, Dazzle.
- ▶️ I've seen your Nothl Realm. Color me unimpressed.
- ▶️ The dragon is impressive. The man not so much.
- ▶️ Your armor is your anchor, Davion.
- ▶️ You stink of dry land, pale ranger.
- ▶️ Gods, What a hideous Drow!
- ▶️ What kind of fools break in to prison?
- ▶️ You defeated Rhyzik?
- ▶️ Your debts to the Conclave mean nothing to me.
- ▶️ Men and their machines don't belong down here.
- ▶️ Abandon ship!
- ▶️ All hands lost.
- ▶️ You're both half loser, Jakiro.
- ▶️ That's not a barrel roll, Jakiro.
- ▶️ Fear not, Tresdin. I'll kill Vrogros, too. In time.
- ▶️ Run out of hobbled prey, Commander?
- ▶️ Doggy-paddle on out of here, Leshrac
- ▶️ We have much in common. Well, had.
- ▶️ The seas don't boil, fiery one. They crush!
- ▶️ The worst part, Lina, Rylai outlives you.
- ▶️ Evil lurks inside you, Moonrider. Set it free.
- ▶️ Ooh, Luna. You could've been something special.
- ▶️ You'll fit nicely in my terrarium.
- ▶️ Look into my eye, Medusa.
- ▶️ Ooh, I've heard about you, Purist. Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaa.
- ▶️ There is no Omniscience here, but me.
- ▶️ You can't escape me, Assassin!
- ▶️ Consider your contract terminated.
- ▶️ I'm something of a collector myself, Shadow Fiend.
- ▶️ Your souls are leaking.
- ▶️ Your powder's wet, little man.
- ▶️ The sea hates a coward, Sniper.
- ▶️ Why fight for them, half-blood? I can unlock your true power!
- ▶️ I was once like you, Sven. Weak, with dry-land blood.
- ▶️ If it's knowledge you seek, join me, Lanaya.
- ▶️ The sea kills blindly, Assassin.
- ▶️ Where is your precious Maelrawn now, Tidehunter?
- ▶️ You're too scrawny to eat. Perhaps I'll use you as bait.
- ▶️ Hmmm. A tiny gastrolith.
- ▶️ Sentient rocks still crumble.
- ▶️ Time for your salt bath, tree.
- ▶️ You should've stayed with your flock, tree.
- ▶️ You're a pretty thing, troll.
- ▶️ I expected more from a warlord.
- ▶️ Toxic green! My favorite color.
- ▶️ You're playing for the wrong team, Viper!
- ▶️ You can barely walk, doctor. Much less swim.
- ▶️ Your cask tickles, doctor.
- ▶️ Ha ha, how's the water, bug?
- ▶️ Who'll weave your pieces back together, Skitskurr?
- ▶️ Why are you here, dry-lander? Wanted to go for a swim?
- ▶️ The wind and waves are allies, ranger. Why fight it?
- ▶️ You fell from godliness, Zeus. I ascended!
- ▶️ You're king of the gods? Unworthy.
Update history[]
- Fixed being able to aggro Siltbreaker from outside his room before opening the gate.
- Fixed Mind Control targeting any enemy unit, instead of heroes only.
- Increased attack damage from 1350-1600 to 1400-1700.
- Reduced base attack time from 1.5/1.3/1.1 to 1.5/1.25/1.
- Increased movement speed from 440/450/460 to 445/460/475.
- Increased health from 140000 to 200000.
- Passive
- Increased accuracy from being 50% to 75%.
- Now causes Siltbreaker's attacks to reduce 33% of the attack target's armor for 3 seconds. [?]
- Increased Tail Spin cooldown from 25 to 40.
- Increased Teleport cooldown from 1200 to 1300.
- Increased Line Wave cooldown from 15 to 25.
- Increased Mouth Beam cooldown from 20 to 25.
- Increased Waves cooldown from 1100 to 1500.
- Increased Torrents damage from 1000 to 1400.