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Bad against...[]

Broodmother icon
  • Broodmother relies less on abilities and more on right-clicks.
  • Spiderlings can overwhelm Silencer, who has mediocre armor and no escape tool.
Dragon Knight icon
  • If Silencer can't prevent Dragon Knight from using Elder Dragon Form icon Elder Dragon Form, Silencer's spells aren't going to be that effective against him, as Dragon Knight relies on right-clicks and not spells.
  • Dragon Blood icon Dragon Blood's armor bonus and health regeneration allows Dragon Knight to stay in the lane against Glaives of Wisdom.
  • Dragon Knight often builds Black King Bar icon Black King Bar, allowing him to remove Global Silence before engaging.
Jakiro icon
  • Even though carry Silencer can easily take down a support Jakiro with his Glaives of Wisdom icon Glaives of Wisdom, Jakiro can also do the same to Silencer if he is not careful and if Jakiro is not played as support. As Silencer is rather squishy and lacks escape mechanisms without items, and Jakiro's damage over time abilities can take advantage of this.
  • Ice Path icon Ice Path can be used to prevent Silencer from escaping. And if Jakiro uses Ice Path icon Ice Path along with Macropyre icon Macropyre and Dual Breath icon Dual Breath in anticipation right before Silencer uses his abilities to disable Jakiro, Jakiro will be able to kill SIlencer before he even gets a chance to do anything to Jakiro.
  • Dual Breath icon Dual Breath, Liquid Fire icon Liquid Fire and Liquid Frost icon Liquid Frost from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard can greatly reduce Silencer's attack speed.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Macropyre icon Macropyre can deal huge pure damage to Silencer even if Silencer is spell immune.
  • Bear in mind, however, that Jakiro should approach Silencer carefully as Silencer's Arcane Curse icon Arcane Curse, Last Word icon Last Word and Global Silence icon Global Silence prevents Jakiro from casting any spell. Jakiro, however, can counter this by going for Guardian Greaves icon Guardian Greaves, a common item on support Jakiro, and with Black King Bar icon Black King Bar and Manta Style icon Manta Style, a situational items on Jakiro.
Lifestealer icon
  • Rage icon Rage can protect Lifestealer from most of the Silencer's abilities with the exception of Global Silence icon Global Silence.
  • If Lifestealer can Infest icon Infest himself on any unit, he can literally avoid being affected by Global Silence icon Global Silence.
  • Against a carry Silencer, Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Infest icon Infest can disarm him and allow Lifestealer to attack Silencer from within, even if Silencer is spell immune.
  • Open Wounds icon Open Wounds from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard can severely slow down Silencer, and allow Lifestealer and his team to heal themselves by attacking Silencer.
Lycan icon
  • Shapeshift icon Shapeshift is useful for killing or escaping Silencer.
  • Summon Wolves icon Summon Wolves, can be used to hunt and harass silencer - even when Lycan himself can't fight.
Nyx Assassin icon
  • Silencer is rather squishy and has poor mobility without items, making him an easy target for Nyx.
  • Silencer's intelligence steal ability is a complete disadvantage against Nyx Assassin as Mind Flare icon Mind Flare will deal increasing damage for each point of intelligence Silencer has stolen, turning Silencer's intelligence steal against him.
Phantom Assassin icon
  • Phantom Assassin doesn't care about Silencer's spells as she relies on right-clicks more than spells.
  • Phantom Assassin often builds Black King Bar icon Black King Bar, which allows her to remove Global Silence before engaging.
Phantom Lancer icon
Slark icon
  • Slark's Dark Pact icon Dark Pact allows him to dispel Silencer's debuffs.
  • Against a carry Silencer, Essence Shift icon Essence Shift will lower damage from both Glaives of Wisdom and his basic attack.
Sniper icon
  • Due to Sniper having a such a long range, he will rarely get hit by any of Silencer's spells.
  • Global Silence will not hinder Sniper much as other heroes since most of his damage output comes from his attacks.
Ursa icon
  • Silencer relies on preventing enemies from using abilities in teamfights with Arcane Curse, Last Word, and Global Silence. However, they are ineffective against Ursa since he relies more on items and attacks than abilities.
  • Against a carry Silencer, Enrage icon Enrage can help Ursa reduce all damage he takes, even Glaives of Wisdom's pure damage will just tickle Ursa while his Enrage icon Enrage is active.


  • Heroes with damage-increasing passive abilities, such as Viper minimap icon Viper and Riki minimap icon Riki, will usually kill Silencer in a short time before he even has time to set up his abilities.
  • Heroes that can disable or silence Silencer for a long time, such as Bane minimap icon Bane and Legion Commander minimap icon Legion Commander, can lock down Silencer while their allies put him down.
  • Heroes who rely on passive abilities and attacks, such as Drow Ranger minimap icon Drow Ranger, Wraith King minimap icon Wraith King, and Lone Druid minimap icon Lone Druid, can render Silencer useless. But remember that a smart Silencer will most likely buy Silver Edge icon Silver Edge to counter this if he is played as carry.


  • Manta Style icon Manta Style dispels most of Silencer's debuffs when used.
  • Guardian Greaves icon Guardian Greaves dispels all Silencer's debuffs and restores lost health and mana.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar removes all Silencer's debuffs upon activation and prevents damage from Glaives of Wisdom.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity can be used to disable Silencer for a moment or dispel Silencer's debuffs from you. It also gives nice movement speed and mana regen boosts, which can come in handy.
  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb removes all Silencer's debuffs from the targeted ally. Echo Shell can also reflect Last Word back to Silencer, preventing him from casting or using Glaives of Wisdom.
  • Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence and Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn can silence Silencer, preventing him from casting Global Silence when needed or using Glaives of Wisdom. It also increases the damage Silencer takes from attacks making him easier to kill. With Global Silence out of the way, a fight will be much more in your team's favor.
  • Blade Mail icon Blade Mail If Silencer has a lot of intelligence, Glaives of Wisdom will deal lots of damage. Silencer himself, however, is rather squishy and will often lose more than half of his health with just a few attacks if he attacks target with Blade Mail. Blade Mail is good especially on high hp heroes like Pudge minimap icon Pudge, Centaur Warrunner minimap icon Centaur Warrunner or Ogre Magi minimap icon Ogre Magi.

Good against...[]

Bristleback icon
  • Bristleback will not be able to cast Viscous Nasal Goo icon Viscous Nasal Goo or Quill Spray icon Quill Spray while silenced, effectively blocking a major part of the hero's damage and preventing Warpath icon Warpath charges from stacking.
  • Arcane Curse slows Bristleback down and lasts longer the more abilities he uses. On the other hand, if he doesn't use any abilities, he will begin to lose Warpath charges.
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Crystal Maiden is squishy, is heavily spell reliant, has low base Intelligence, and is naturally slow, making her an ideal target for Silencer.
  • Crystal Maiden's Freezing Field icon Freezing Field has a similar cooldown to Global Silence, therefore, Freezing Field can almost always be canceled to ruin aggressive Crystal Maiden initiations.
Enigma icon
Medusa icon
Oracle icon
  • Oracle's reliance on spamming his spells can be easily hindered by Silencer's Arcane Curse.
  • Last Word and Global Silence negates Oracle's attempt to save his allies with his spells.
  • Fate's Edict icon Fate's Edict is useless against Glaives of Wisdom's pure damage.
Outworld Destroyer icon
  • Silencer's intelligence steal will heavily reduce Outworld Destroyer's damage output, especially if Destroyer dies a lot near Silencer and loses intelligence permanently.
  • Global Silence and Last Word will render Outworld Destroyer helpless unless he has an item/ally to dispel silence.
Pugna icon
  • Pugna is very reliant on his abilities for damage which Silencer can take advantage off. But he has to be careful around the Nether Ward icon Nether Ward as Silencer's abilities cost a lot of mana to use.
Shadow Demon icon
  • Shadow Demon's main source of damage is his low cooldown, high damage spells - meaning Last Word and Global Silence will pretty much take him out of the game for the duration.
  • Shadow Demon likes to spam his abilities, which makes him vulnerable to Arcane Curse.
  • If Shadow Demon dies near Silencer, he will lose intelligence, reducing his mana pool, mana regen, and attack damage. Furthermore, if the game is long and Shadow Demon dies often, the intelligence losses will also reduce his spell damage.
Terrorblade icon
Timbersaw icon
  • Timbersaw is heavily reliant on his abilities for damage and escape, allowing Silencer to effectively disable him and make him useless in both team fights and 1v1 scenarios.
Tinker icon
  • Silencer can stop Rearm icon Rearm, preventing Tinker from spamming his abilities/items or escaping.
  • Tinker heavily relies on his mana pool and has mana issues throughout the entire game and Silencer's intelligence steal does not help with that.
Windranger icon
  • Silencer's abilities hamper Windranger's effectiveness in battle, preventing her from comboing abilities and escaping using Windrun icon Windrun.
Zeus icon
  • Zeus' main source of damage is his low cooldown, high damage spells - meaning Last Word and Global Silence will pretty much take him out of the game for the duration.
  • Zeus likes to spam his abilities, which makes him vulnerable to Arcane Curse.
  • If Zeus dies near Silencer, he will begin to lose intelligence, reducing his mana pool, mana regen, and attack damage. Furthermore, if the game is long and Zeus dies often, the intelligence losses will also reduce his spell damage.


Works well with...[]

Slardar icon
  • Slardar can effectively helps silencer during laning stage as well farming Intelligence from enemies and scale well onto late game, tanking in the frontline while silencer is freehitting from behind.
  • Corrosive Haze icon Corrosive Haze also Amplify damage input from Silencer and gain vision to the enemies.
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Silencer consumes a lot of mana and he lacks a stun/disable. Crystal Maiden helps with both of those issues.
  • Crystal Maiden can cast her Ultimate without fear of getting interrupted by enemy abilities during Global Silence.
Anti-Mage icon
  • Global Silence can prevent enemy abilities from disabling Anti-Mage while he breaks their mana.
  • Silencer's abilities benefit well for Anti-Mage as both punishes the spellcasters.
Pudge icon
  • Pudge can use Meat Hook icon Meat Hook to hook enemies for easy kills, allowing Silencer to harvest intelligence safely and quickly.
  • Both of you grow stronger with each kill, even if you reach level 25 with max items. Your enemies on the other hand lose max mana and mana regen(and damage, if intelligence hero) every time they die, making them grow weaker. This is very good in long games.
Outworld Destroyer icon
  • Outworld Destroyer can save a low health Silencer with Astral Imprisonment icon Astral Imprisonment, and if any enemies die within range, Silencer will still gain intelligence while imprisoned.
  • Silencer's passive intelligence steal increases intelligence difference between Outworld Destroyer and his enemies, increasing the damage they take from Sanity's Eclipse icon Sanity's Eclipse.
  • Global Silence prevents enemies disabling Outworld Destroyer during combat.
