Silencer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can silence all enemies on the map. | |
Two hundred years of selective breeding had produced Nortrom, the prophesied war-mage that would bring glory to the order of Aeol Drias. Therefore, disgust and disappointment followed when it was found that the boy could cast not even a hex. Yet, on the day of final testing, Nortrom would have the Last Word. His arranged opponents fell under an Arcane Curse, draining their health and prolonging the curse with each incantation made. Then, there was Global Silence. Not a gasp or whisper escaped their lips as Nortrom cut his challengers to ribbons with his multi-pronged Glaives, stealing their intelligence to add to his own. At that moment, it became clear to all watching — The absence of magic can be the greatest magic of all. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() ![]() |
Adjectives: | Nose Legs ( 2 )
Raised with other young mages in a hidden cantonment among the hills of the Hazhadal Barrens, the order's preceptors waited for Nortrom's abilities to manifest. While the other students honed their talents with fire, or ice, or incantatory spells, Nortrom sat silent and talentless, unable to cast so much as a hex. As the day of final testing approached, he still hadn't found his magic. In disgust, the preceptors berated him, while the children laughed. "You are no mage," the head of the order declared. Still, Nortrom did not slink away. He entered the day of testing and faced down the young mages who had mocked him. And then his preceptors learned a valuable lesson: a lack of magic can be the greatest magic of all. Nortrom silenced the young mages one by one and defeated them in single combat, until he alone stood as champion of the Aeol Drias, in fulfillment of the prophecy.
- Whenever an affected unit casts an ability, the duration is increased by 2 seconds. The penalty duration has no stack limit.
- Fully ignores abilities that do not trigger on-cast effects (e.g. active attack modifiers and toggleable-abilities).
- Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is applied, resulting in 6 + 2 per penalty instances.
- Can deal up to 116/184/252/320 + 32/48/64/80 per penalty (
176/244/312/380 + 52/68/84/100 per penalty) damage to a single unit (before reductions).
- Can deal up to 116/184/252/320 + 32/48/64/80 per penalty (
- If an affected unit gets silenced, the debuff duration is suspended and the damage and slow values are multiplied by 1.5 until the silence expires.
- The cooldown in the ability description refers to the debuff countdown instead of the ability's cooldown.
- Suspends the duration by increasing the debuff's duration by 1 second on each interval.
- Slows movement speed by 15%/22.5%/30%/37.5% for silenced units.
- Deals an additional 24/36/48/60 (
39/51/63/75) damage per second to silenced units.
- The initial damage is not amplified if the target was silenced when Arcane Curse was cast.
- Successive casts of Arcane Curse fully stack, with each cast placing a debuff independent of each other.
- The sound effect played on every damage instance is only audible to the affected unit's player.
- Glaives of Wisdom's cast range can only be further increased by attack range bonuses of the same range type as the caster. It is not affected by cast range bonuses.
- Both Autocast and manually casting it uses Silencer's current attack range.
- The bonus damage is dealt in a separate damage instance, and counts as spell damage.
- This means it is not affected or considered by anything that works with attack damage.
- This also means that it fully works with spell damage amplification and spell lifesteal.
- Checks Silencer's intelligence upon projectile hit, so changes in his intelligence while the projectile flies affect its damage.
- Glaives of Wisdom first steal intelligence, and applies its spell damage, then the attack damage.
- Therefore, the stolen intelligence affects the glaives' damage right away but still depends on the attack hitting the target.
- The temporary intelligence steal cannot reduce enemy intelligence below 0, but Silencer always gains the full amount of intelligence, no matter how much the target has left.
- Treat clones as heroes, and illusions as creeps.
- Reduces the target's current mana by 12/12/24/36 (
36/36/48/60), instead of keeping the current mana percentage.
- This lost mana is returned upon the debuff expiring.
- The target also effectively loses 0.05/0.05/0.1/0.15 (
0.15/0.15/0.2/0.25) mana regeneration, and 1/1/2/3 (
3/3/4/5) main attack damage if it is an intelligence hero.
- Vice versa, it temporarily increases Silencer's mana, mana regeneration, and main attack damage by the same amount per cast.
- Unlike the target, Silencer keeps his current mana percentage upon gaining and losing the temporary intelligence.
- Each attack places a new hidden modifier buff/debuff on both Silencer and the target. This means their durations are independent from each other.
- The counter modifiers on both Silencer and his targets show how much intelligence they gained or lost.
- Upon death, the dying hero's intelligence restores back to its normal values, while Silencer keeps the bonus intelligence values for the remaining duration.
- Permanently stolen intelligence is removed from the enemy's base intelligence and added to Silencer's base intelligence.
- A +2 (
+4) appears above Silencer's head, indicating that he stole the enemy's intelligence.
- The number of stolen intelligence gained/lost can be seen on the status buff icon.
- Does not permanently steal intelligence if the enemy hero has Reincarnation, is an illusion, from the Tempest Double.
- Grants a stack in the following conditions as long as Silencer or the owner of the ability is alive:
- The enemy hero(es) dying within the 925 steal radius, including denied enemy heroes.
- To permanently steal intelligence outside the steal radius, Silencer has to be credited for the kill. Other player-controlled units do not count.
- When Meepo or its Meepo Clones is instantly killed due to either the Prime or any one of its clones dying, only the Prime gets its intelligence stolen.
- A +2 (
- The permanent intelligence steal cannot reduce enemy base intelligence below 1. Silencer also does not gain intelligence from heroes that are at 1 intelligence.
- Enemy heroes effectively lose 24 (
48) mana, 0.1 (
0.2) mana regeneration, and 2 (
4) main attack damage if it is an intelligence hero.
- Vice versa, it permanently increases Silencer's mana, mana regeneration, and main attack damage by the same amount per stack.
- The permanent intelligence steal is not retroactive, it cannot gain charges from kills and deaths before Glaives of Wisdom is learned.
- Enemy heroes effectively lose 24 (
- Each successful attack with Glaives of Wisdom adds 1 to the attack counting buff.
- Glaives of Wisdom gain 1 charge when the projectile impact the main attack target. It does not count any hit by the Glaives Bounces talent.
- The buff is always present, but it is hidden when at 0 charges.
- Neither count attacks done against allies, wards or buildings, nor triggers on the attack applying the silence.
- Once the counter reaches 3, Silencer gains the attack buff.
- The buff causes the next Glaives of Wisdom attack to apply a 1.75-second silence onto the all affected targets.
- As Silencer is a ranged attacker, this buff remain active until a Glaives of Wisdom projectile impacts and applies the silence. This means the attack buff can affect more than 1 Glaives of Wisdom attack.
- Attacks with this buff reset the counter and do not increase it.
- Neither the charges nor the attack buff has a duration and last indefinitely.
- For Silencer to continuously silence his attack target, he must have ≥ 366 attack speed or have an attack time of ≤ 0.44s (before status resistance reductions).
- Note that as Silencer is a ranged attacker, there is variation in the attack projectiles spawning position around Silencer. So these values are not absolute.
- The movement of the target/its relative distance to Silencer also affect the impact timing of the projectile.
- TALENTGlaives of Wisdom now bounces towards the closest enemy unit within 500 range of the attack target.
- If the projectile is unable to impact the main attack target (due to evasion, attack immunity, invulnerability...), it also does not bounce.
- The bouncing glaives travel at the same speed as the leading attack projectile.
- The projectile speed can be further increased by other attack projectile speed bonuses.
- Does not bounce back to the same unit if it already hit all other nearby units. Cannot bounce on invisible enemies or enemies in the Fog of War.
- TALENTLike normal Glaives of Wisdom hits, the bouncing projectiles deal 2 damage instances: a physical instance and an intelligence-based magic damage instance. However, they are not instant attacks.
- The magic damage instance is functionally identical to a normal Glaives of Wisdom hit.
- The physical damage instance is a physical spell damage instance with following properties:
- Do not trigger any attack modifier or on-hit effects, and ignore evasion.
- Affected by damage block sources and Bulwark, but not Resonant Pulse.
- Has the following flags:
- No-spell-lifesteal flag, preventing their damage from utilizing spell lifesteal.
- No-spell-amplification flag, preventing their damage from being amplified with spell damage amplification.
- Is equal to damage amount calculated for the leading attack, which is determined upon attack begin.
- This means it works with critical strike and quell, since these are included in the initial damage calculations.
- This also means that it does not matter how much damage the attack actually did to the target, since that part is being calculated on projectile hit.
- It also means that other conditional attack damage bonuses (i.e. Javelin damage proc) are not included, since these happen later in the calculations as well.
- When the target casts an ability during the 4 seconds initial debuff duration, the target gets damaged, then silenced and muted, and then the cast ability takes effect.
- Although the silence happens first, the ability's effects are already queued up, therefore the silence does not prevent the target from casting the ability.
- However death does stop the ability, meaning if the damage from Last Word is enough to kill the target, the cast ability does not go off.
- This means that damage negating sources (e.g. Refraction) do not block Last Word's damage.
- TALENTLast Word mutes items only when the affected target is silenced.
- Fully ignores abilities that do not trigger on-cast effects (e.g. active attack modifiers and toggle-abilities).
- Triggers on channeling abilities, but waits for the channel to stop first.
- With Phase Shift and Tricks of the Trade, Last Word only applies its effects when the ability is canceled by the player prematurely.
- This means if the aforementioned abilities expire on their own, Last Word's damage and silence are not applied.
- Solar Guardian and Dissimilate does not trigger any aspects of Last Word.
- When the initial debuff expires, it still damages and silences the target.
- Last Word first applies the debuff, then the damage.
- Deals the base damage and Silencer's current intelligence to units without attributes (e.g. lane creeps).
- The initial debuff provides shared vision over the target for its duration.
- Last Word turns into an area-targeted ability, so that it cannot directly target units anymore.
- Can target invisible and untargetable units and units inside the Fog of War.
No Target
- Affects invisible and invulnerable units as well.
- The sound effect of Global Silence which plays on each enemy's hero has the highest sound priority in the game.
- This means it heavily tones down other game sounds for enemies, making it basically the only sound they can hear during the silence.
Hero Talents | ||
Last Word Mutes | 25 | +25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage |
Arcane Curse Undispellable | 20 | 1 Glaives of Wisdom Bounces |
+0.8x Last Word Int Multiplier | 15 | -20s Global Silence Cooldown |
+20 Attack Speed | 10 | +10 Arcane Curse Damage |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Glaives of Wisdom
- CHANGEDdamage type from Pure to Magical.
- Increased intelligence as damage from 15%/35%/55%/75% to 20%/40%/60%/80%.
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- After the required hits, the next Glaives of Wisdom attack now silences all hit targets, including the
bounced attack.
- After the required hits, the next Glaives of Wisdom attack now silences all hit targets, including the
- LVL 20LVL 25
- Increased Arcane Curse initial damage from 40/60/80/100 to 20/40/60/80.
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango sustains Silencer's health in lane; as a support, he can also share the item with his team.
- Healing Salve also restores health to Silencer or an ally.
- Clarity allows Silencer to harass enemies with his abilities as needed.
- Null Talisman provides damage for securing last hits and denies and amplifies the damage from glaives.
Early game:
- Magic Wand has all the benefits of Magic Stick, along with providing stats and greater charge storage. As Silencer is quite vulnerable to enemy attacks even as a carry, burst HP regen is always helpful.
- Boots of Speed help Silencer get close enough to use abilities, and potentially get kills or assists to enjoy Intelligence Steal.
- Wind Lace also provides movement speed boost. Additionally, it can build into Eul's Scepter of Divinity or Drum of Endurance.
- Town Portal Scroll transports Silencer to fights in order to steal early intelligence.
Mid game:
- Witch Blade is the best first item for Silencer giving him intelligence, armor, attack speed and perfect passive that synergies with passive effects of glaives.
- Power Treads provides Silencer with attack speed and appropriate attributes, particularly strength to give him more health. The ability to switch attributes can help with spell casting and outputting damage.
- Hurricane Pike can be used on himself or a teammate as an escape mechanism or him to close the distance upon a fleeing enemy, or can be used to push an enemy out of position. Also, it improves his attack range and allowing him to finish off an opponent with four glaives at long range; Last Word can be used to keep constant vision of his target.
- Orchid Malevolence is a powerful item to build on a carry Silencer, synergizing with all of his spells. Orchid is the only item which grants intelligence, health regeneration, mana regeneration, attack speed, attack damage in one package.
- Arcane Curse's duration pauses when silenced, so a third source of silence from this item's active increases the effectiveness of this spell, and increases the likelihood of being able to apply a second curse, before the first wears off.
- Glaives of Wisdom get more damage and more attack speed, plus Orchid's active will amplify all the damage done during its duration.
- Last Word's biggest weakness is the 4 second delay before damage and silence is inflicted, allowing ganked targets to cast an escape spell. By using Soul Burn, then Last word, the delay duration becomes a benefit, as it provides True Sight over the target for the full duration, and continues into a total of 11 seconds of silence without using Silencer's ultimate.
Late game:
- Bloodthorn, upgraded from Orchid Malevolence, provides additional stats such as intelligence. In particular, it also provides additional attack speed and allows attacks to pierce through evasion. Its improved Soul Rend not only silences an opponent, but makes Silencer's attacks hit harder with True Strike, bringing down even the most evasive and/or tankiest heroes.
- Scythe of Vyse provides a strong disable. It also gives intelligence and powerful mana regeneration to sustain his abilities.
- Black King Bar greatly increases Silencer's survivability with strength and Debuff Immunity so he can continue to output damage without worrying about enemy disables.
Situational items:
- Drum of Endurance suits an offensive Silencer in the early game, increasing the power of pushes with attack speed and improving his ability to chase enemies with movement speed.
- Glimmer Cape, a support item, grants invisibility and magic resistance to Silencer and allies so they can escape.
- Blink Dagger is a powerful mobility tool, no matter what role Silencer is played in. As a support he can easily position himself to cast his disables on the enemy, as well as use it to evade enemy ganks. As a carry, it gives him strong positioning, allowing him to move quickly into a fight to attack after disabling the enemy with his ultimate. Or to simply blink in to steal intelligence from dying enemy heroes.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity increases intelligence, movement speed and mana regeneration so Silencer can make plays on the map. The active Cyclone can disable enemies, remove debuffs from yourself, and make yourself temporarily invulnerable. Can also be upgraded into a Wind Waker for improved stats, although it is expensive.
- Rod of Atos provides both intelligence and health, as well as a root to catch enemies out of position, or to hold them in place so Silencer can either retreat or stop enemies from using their escape abilities or Town Portal Scroll. Can be upgraded into Gleipnir for improving his attacks with Maelstrom's benefits.
- Shiva's Guard increases Silencer's survivability against physical damage while also granting him more stats to fuel his abilities and attacks, making it a well-rounded item. The slow can also help chase down fleeing enemies more easily.
- Refresher Orb, an ultimate late game item, enables Silencer to inflict a 12 seconds silence at highest level that pierces spell immunity and invulnerability, shutting down enemy heroes who rely on using abilities in team fights. It also refreshes items so he can use Black King Bar or Bloodthorn a second time, improving survivability and damage output.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- Unlike most heroes, Silencer's attack projectiles actually use the model of his equipped cosmetic weapon.
- Like Death Prophet, Omniknight and Io, Silencer received a color palette change, changing his model and icons, having his former red armor replaced with violet.
- Before his palette change, newer players would occasionally mistake Silencer for Dragon Knight, and he would sometimes be referred to as "The other Dragon Knight". Even after the palette swap, some older players may refer to him as "Purple Dragon Knight".
- Silencer's spell sound effects are based on some of his voice lines. Arcane Curse debuff sounds is based on "▶️ Curse you!", Last Word is based on one of his laughing lines and Global Silence is based on ▶️ this.
- Chen is a member of the Knights of the Fold which would make him an enemy to Silencer based on Silencer's background. Despite this, there is no dialogue between the two heroes.
Hero Talents | ||
Last Word Mutes | 25 | +25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage |
Arcane Curse Undispellable | 20 | 1 Glaives of Wisdom Bounces |
+0.8x Last Word Int Multiplier | 15 | -20s Global Silence Cooldown |
+20 Attack Speed | 10 | +10 Arcane Curse Damage |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Glaives of Wisdom
- CHANGEDdamage type from Pure to Magical.
- Increased intelligence as damage from 15%/35%/55%/75% to 20%/40%/60%/80%.
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- After the required hits, the next Glaives of Wisdom attack now silences all hit targets, including the
bounced attack.
- After the required hits, the next Glaives of Wisdom attack now silences all hit targets, including the
- LVL 20LVL 25
- Increased Arcane Curse initial damage from 40/60/80/100 to 20/40/60/80.
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango sustains Silencer's health in lane; as a support, he can also share the item with his team.
- Healing Salve also restores health to Silencer or an ally.
- Clarity allows Silencer to harass enemies with his abilities as needed.
- Null Talisman provides damage for securing last hits and denies and amplifies the damage from glaives.
Early game:
- Magic Wand has all the benefits of Magic Stick, along with providing stats and greater charge storage. As Silencer is quite vulnerable to enemy attacks even as a carry, burst HP regen is always helpful.
- Boots of Speed help Silencer get close enough to use abilities, and potentially get kills or assists to enjoy Intelligence Steal.
- Wind Lace also provides movement speed boost. Additionally, it can build into Eul's Scepter of Divinity or Drum of Endurance.
- Town Portal Scroll transports Silencer to fights in order to steal early intelligence.
Mid game:
- Witch Blade is the best first item for Silencer giving him intelligence, armor, attack speed and perfect passive that synergies with passive effects of glaives.
- Power Treads provides Silencer with attack speed and appropriate attributes, particularly strength to give him more health. The ability to switch attributes can help with spell casting and outputting damage.
- Hurricane Pike can be used on himself or a teammate as an escape mechanism or him to close the distance upon a fleeing enemy, or can be used to push an enemy out of position. Also, it improves his attack range and allowing him to finish off an opponent with four glaives at long range; Last Word can be used to keep constant vision of his target.
- Orchid Malevolence is a powerful item to build on a carry Silencer, synergizing with all of his spells. Orchid is the only item which grants intelligence, health regeneration, mana regeneration, attack speed, attack damage in one package.
- Arcane Curse's duration pauses when silenced, so a third source of silence from this item's active increases the effectiveness of this spell, and increases the likelihood of being able to apply a second curse, before the first wears off.
- Glaives of Wisdom get more damage and more attack speed, plus Orchid's active will amplify all the damage done during its duration.
- Last Word's biggest weakness is the 4 second delay before damage and silence is inflicted, allowing ganked targets to cast an escape spell. By using Soul Burn, then Last word, the delay duration becomes a benefit, as it provides True Sight over the target for the full duration, and continues into a total of 11 seconds of silence without using Silencer's ultimate.
Late game:
- Bloodthorn, upgraded from Orchid Malevolence, provides additional stats such as intelligence. In particular, it also provides additional attack speed and allows attacks to pierce through evasion. Its improved Soul Rend not only silences an opponent, but makes Silencer's attacks hit harder with True Strike, bringing down even the most evasive and/or tankiest heroes.
- Scythe of Vyse provides a strong disable. It also gives intelligence and powerful mana regeneration to sustain his abilities.
- Black King Bar greatly increases Silencer's survivability with strength and Debuff Immunity so he can continue to output damage without worrying about enemy disables.
Situational items:
- Drum of Endurance suits an offensive Silencer in the early game, increasing the power of pushes with attack speed and improving his ability to chase enemies with movement speed.
- Glimmer Cape, a support item, grants invisibility and magic resistance to Silencer and allies so they can escape.
- Blink Dagger is a powerful mobility tool, no matter what role Silencer is played in. As a support he can easily position himself to cast his disables on the enemy, as well as use it to evade enemy ganks. As a carry, it gives him strong positioning, allowing him to move quickly into a fight to attack after disabling the enemy with his ultimate. Or to simply blink in to steal intelligence from dying enemy heroes.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity increases intelligence, movement speed and mana regeneration so Silencer can make plays on the map. The active Cyclone can disable enemies, remove debuffs from yourself, and make yourself temporarily invulnerable. Can also be upgraded into a Wind Waker for improved stats, although it is expensive.
- Rod of Atos provides both intelligence and health, as well as a root to catch enemies out of position, or to hold them in place so Silencer can either retreat or stop enemies from using their escape abilities or Town Portal Scroll. Can be upgraded into Gleipnir for improving his attacks with Maelstrom's benefits.
- Shiva's Guard increases Silencer's survivability against physical damage while also granting him more stats to fuel his abilities and attacks, making it a well-rounded item. The slow can also help chase down fleeing enemies more easily.
- Refresher Orb, an ultimate late game item, enables Silencer to inflict a 12 seconds silence at highest level that pierces spell immunity and invulnerability, shutting down enemy heroes who rely on using abilities in team fights. It also refreshes items so he can use Black King Bar or Bloodthorn a second time, improving survivability and damage output.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- Unlike most heroes, Silencer's attack projectiles actually use the model of his equipped cosmetic weapon.
- Like Death Prophet, Omniknight and Io, Silencer received a color palette change, changing his model and icons, having his former red armor replaced with violet.
- Before his palette change, newer players would occasionally mistake Silencer for Dragon Knight, and he would sometimes be referred to as "The other Dragon Knight". Even after the palette swap, some older players may refer to him as "Purple Dragon Knight".
- His abilities' sound effects are based on some of his voice lines.
- Arcane Curse debuff sounds is based on ▶️ "Curse you!".
- Last Word is based on one of his laughing lines
- Global Silence is based on ▶️ on this.
- Chen is a member of the Knights of the Fold which would make him an enemy to Silencer based on Silencer's background. Despite this, there is no dialogue between the two heroes.