Shadow Shaman's attacks[]
- ▶️ Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation.
- ▶️ Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released.
- ▶️ Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target (50%).
Serpent Ward's attacks[]
- Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released.
- Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target
- Play on each step while moving (20%-40% vol).
Ether Shock[]
- Cast sound plays on Shadow Shaman and the target upon cast (50% vol on Shadow Shaman, 90% vol on the target).
- ▶️ Morph sound plays on the target upon transforming.
- Chicken sound plays on the target upon transforming.
- ▶️ Morph back sound plays on the target upon transforming back.
- ▶️ Full sound example.
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Shadow Shaman upon cast.
- Loop sound plays on the target upon cast and lasts as long as the channeling does (50% vol).
- ▶️ Full sound example.
Mass Serpent Ward[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Shadow Shaman upon cast.