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Release Illuminate icon
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Bad against...[]

Axe icon
  • Berserker's Call icon Berserker's Call and Counter Helix icon Counter Helix allow Axe to kill Shadow Fiend if he stands too close to a creep wave.
  • Battle Hunger icon Battle Hunger is can be strong against Shadow Fiend in the early game because Shadow Fiend's low attack damage makes it hard for him to get last hits if he has no mana. However, Shadowraze also makes it very easy for him to get last hits, so use with caution.
  • Axe minimap icon Axe's naturally high strength and health regeneration will be enough to tank a lot of Shadow Fiend's damage in the early game.
Razor icon
Bane icon
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Enfeeble". can be used to decrease Shadow Fiend's already abysmal level one damage even further, preventing him from getting farm and Necromastery stacks.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Brain Sap". allows Bane to heavily harass Shadow Fiend.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Nightmare". allows Bane to set up some early ganks onto Shadow Fiend.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". enables Bane to completely take Shadow Fiend out of a fight and potentially even kill him, even through Black King Bar icon Black King Bar.
Bounty Hunter icon
Disruptor icon
Doom icon
  • Doom has several disable abilities to choose from jungle creeps (e.g. War Stomp (Centaur Conqueror) icon War Stomp, Ensnare (Dark Troll Summoner) icon Ensnare) to deal with Shadow Fiend who lacks escape abilities.
  • When Doom combines creep abilities with Scorched Earth icon Scorched Earth, Infernal Blade icon Infernal Blade, and Doom ability icon Doom, Shadow Fiend most likely will die as he cannot use Shadowraze and Requiem of Souls to protect himself, and also cannot even flee by using Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger.
  • Although Shadow Fiend has a high physical damage output, Doom has a large health pool to survive it, meaning Doom's combo with high magical damage output will shutdown Shadow Fiend first.
  • Doom usually buys Radiance icon Radiance to improve his damage, making his nuke combo more deadly to Shadow Fiend. The blind also prevents Shadow Fiend from landing his attacks often.
Dragon Knight icon
Jakiro icon
Lina icon
  • Outlanes Shadow Fiend on the central line, due to the fact that Lina's attack range exceeds the range of Shadow Fiend, which makes it difficult for him to fend off her attacks and approach creeps, thus Lina has more level and gold
  • Defeats Shadow Fiend` from Burst with a combination of skills: Light Strike Array icon Light Strike Array, Dragon Slave icon Dragon Slave, Laguna Blade icon Laguna Blade, Shadow Fiend does not have a large pool of health before buying an item: Satanic icon Satanic , which is why Lina's strong magic damage is enough to kill him quickly
Luna icon
  • Lucent Beam icon Lucent Beam and Eclipse icon Eclipse with ministun talent can be used to cancel Requiem of Souls if Shadow Fiend does not have Black King Bar icon Black King Bar. Likewise, since Shadow Fiend is prone to buying Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger, an ill-timed Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger can give Luna a free chance to counter-initiate with Eclipse icon Eclipse.
  • Moon Glaives icon Moon Glaives and Lunar Blessing icon Lunar Blessing allow Luna to outfarm Shadow Fiend in lane and the high physical damage output they provide her can also help her deal with Shadow Fiend even when he buys Black King Bar icon Black King Bar in late game.
  • A well timed Eclipse icon Eclipse will burst and kill Shadow Fiend before he even either initiates or gets a chance to retaliate, especially when equipped with Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter and Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade, this could become even worse for Shadow Fiend if he does not have Black King Bar icon Black King Bar. But bear in mind however, that smart and skilled Shadow Fiend can buy Wind Waker icon Wind Waker to counter this issue.
  • Even though Shadow Fiend can evade all of Luna's abilities with Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade, a smart Luna will always buy Dust of Appearance icon Dust of Appearance to provide vision on Shadow Fiend to her and her team.
Night Stalker icon
  • Void icon Void can be used to cancel Requiem of Souls.
  • Crippling Fear icon Crippling Fear prevents Shadow Fiend from using Shadowraze or Requiem of Souls.
  • With Dark Ascension icon Dark Ascension and Gem of True Sight icon Gem of True Sight, Night Stalker can find and kill Shadow Fiend easily. He is also a tanky hero that can fight Shadow Fiend at any stage of the game.
Pugna icon
  • Decrepify icon Decrepify prevents Shadow Fiend from attacking for its duration, potentially preventing him from getting a kill.
  • Nether Ward icon Nether Ward can do heavy damage to Shadow Fiend if he tries to cast his Requiem of Souls or spam Shadowraze.
Sniper icon
  • Shrapnel icon Shrapnel can be used to cancel Shadow Fiend's Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger from a huge range.
  • Take Aim icon Take Aim and Headshot icon Headshot allow Sniper to harass Shadow Fiend in lane without getting into the range of his Shadowrazes.
Spirit Breaker icon
Tinker icon
  • The blind from Laser icon Laser prevents Shadow Fiend from attacking for its duration, potentially preventing him from getting a kill.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse can be used to prevent Shadow Fiend from casting Requiem of Souls.
  • A combination of Tinker's abilities and his items (like the Dagon 5 icon Dagon 5 and Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade combo) can kill Shadow Fiend quickly.
Ursa icon
  • Earthshock icon Earthshock prevents Shadow Fiend from escaping after Ursa used his Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger to get on top of him.
  • Overpower icon Overpower and Fury Swipes icon Fury Swipes allow Ursa to quickly kill Shadow Fiend.
  • Enrage icon Enrage keeps Ursa alive in a manfight with Shadow Fiend and allows him to stay close, even if Shadow Fiend uses Requiem of Souls.
Tidehunter icon
  • Kraken Shell icon Kraken Shell dispels both Shadowraze's damage amplification stacks and Requiem of Soul's damage reduction (provided Tidehunter has taken enough damage).
  • Ravage icon Ravage cancels Requiem of Souls if Shadow Fiend isn't protected by Black King Bar icon Black King Bar.
Viper icon
  • Nethertoxin icon Nethertoxin both Necromastery and Presence of the Dark Lord, reducing his damage massively.
  • Corrosive Skin icon Corrosive Skin gives Viper bonus Magic Resistance against Shadowraze and Requiem of Souls.
  • Viper can easily take advantage of Shadow Fiend's lack of escape and mobility spells with Viper Strike icon Viper Strike breaks and Poison Attack icon Poison Attack. Poison Attack also serves as a great way to harass Shadow Fiend.
Zeus icon
  • Arc Lightning icon Arc Lightning allows Zeus to get farm in lane against Shadow Fiend without coming into the range of his Shadowrazes.
  • Lightning Bolt icon Lightning Bolt can be used to heavily harass Shadow Fiend when he tries to get a last hit.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Thundergod's Wrath". and Lightning Bolt icon Lightning Bolt can be used to detect Shadow Fiend if he tries to escape with Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade.



Good against...[]

Clockwerk icon
Meepo icon
  • Shadow Fiend can easily focus down and kill one of the Meepos.
  • The amount of damage from Shadow Fiend's AoE spells makes Meepo vulnerable in every aspect.
Nature's Prophet icon
  • Shadow Fiend can easily farm his treants and get easy Necromastery Stacks.
  • If Shadow Fiend buys Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel and Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade, he can counteract Nature's Prophet's split-push.
Void Spirit icon
  • Wins on the central line, thanks to its strong nukes Shadowraze (Medium) icon Shadowraze, because of which Void Spirit cannot approach the creeps to farm gold and overtake Shadow Fiend by level
Silencer icon
  • Shadow Fiend is mostly played as right-click carry and natural Black King Bar icon Black King Bar carrier, making Silencer's spells very ineffective against him.
Slark icon
  • Shadow Dance icon Shadow Dance does not protect Slark from Shadow Fiend's AoE spells.


Works well with...[]

Bane icon
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Nightmare". and Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". are very long duration disables and perfect setups for Shadow Fiend's magical and physical damage.
Clockwerk icon
  • Power Cogs icon Power Cogs can be denied at the beginning of the game for Necromastery stacks.
  • Power Cogs icon Power Cogs also makes it easy to land Shadow Razes on trapped enemies.
Enigma icon
  • Black Hole icon Black Hole pulls enemy heroes into its center making perfect setup for Requiem of Souls.
Legion Commander icon
Magnus icon
Slardar icon
  • Corrosive Haze icon Corrosive Hazes armor reduction synergizes well with Presence of the Dark Lord and Shadow Fiend's high physical damage.
  • Slithereen Crush icon Slithereen Crush can set up Requiem of Souls.
Tidehunter icon
  • Ravage icon Ravage is a perfect setup for Requiem of Souls.
Vengeful Spirit icon
  • Wave of Terror icon Wave of Terror's armor reduction synergizes well with Presence of the Dark Lord and Shadow Fiend's high physical damage.
  • Nether Swap icon Nether Swap can save Shadow Fiend if he gets caught out.
  • Magic Missile icon Magic Missile can setup for Requiem of Souls.

