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Bad against...[]

Ember Spirit icon
  • Disruption is not reliable enough to catch an Ember Spirit with a backup Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant.
  • Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist will also make quick work of the spawned illusions.
  • The best you can do against an Ember Spirit is to dispel his Flame Guard icon Flame Guard with your Demonic Purge.
Leshrac icon
  • Pulse Nova icon Pulse Nova makes quick work of any illusions with amplified damage, and deals damage even if Leshrac is in Disruption.
  • An attempt to save an ally using Disruption can easily become a perfect setup for a Split Earth icon Split Earth for the enemy.
  • Disruption does not stop Diabolic Edict icon Diabolic Edict and Pulse Nova icon Pulse Nova once they start pulsing, and even worse it provides a safe shelter for Leshrac to keep pumping up his powerful AoE damage onto the battlefield.
  • Shadow Demon doesn't have the burst damage to take Leshrac out of the fight quickly, although Demonic Purge can help his allies kill a squishy Leshrac.
Lina icon
  • Dragon Slave icon Dragon Slave will make quick work of the spawned illusions from Disruption.
  • An attempt to save an ally using Disruption can easily become a perfect setup for a Light Strike Array icon Light Strike Array for the enemy.
  • Shadow Demon doesn't have the burst damage to take Lina out of the fight quickly, although Demonic Purge can help his allies kill a squishy Lina.
Lion icon
Puck icon
  • All of Puck's abilities are active making Demonic Purge break from Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter useless.
  • Shadow Demon will find a hard time catching a Puck, as he can get away with Illusory Orb icon Illusory Orb or even Waning Rift icon Waning Rift;
  • Puck can dodge Shadow Poison waves and potentially avoid the damage from Demonic Purge with Phase Shift icon Phase Shift. Furthermore, after Disruption ended, Puck can use Phase Shift to avoid any further danger and can blink away with Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger.
  • Waning Rift icon Waning Rift can be used to initiate Shadow Demon, prevent him from using any spells.
Pugna icon
  • All of Pugna's abilities are active, making Demonic Purge break from Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter useless.
  • Nether Ward icon Nether Ward punishes Shadow Demon's constant mana usage from spamming spells, especially Shadow Poison.
  • An attempt to save an ally using Disruption can easily become a perfect setup for a Nether Blast icon Nether Blast for the enemy.
  • Life Drain icon Life Drain can be used to heal Pugna or an ally to save them from Shadow Demon's abilities.
  • However, it can be cancelled by Disruption unless Pugna buys defensive items.
Queen of Pain icon
  • All of Queen of Pain's abilities are active, making Demonic Purge break from Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter useless.
  • However, Demonic Purge can help his allies kill a squishy Queen of Pain.
  • Blink (Queen of Pain) icon Blink allows Queen of Pain to escape from Shadow Demon's abilities if he doesn't have disables.
  • An attempt to save an ally using Disruption can easily become a perfect setup for a Sonic Wave icon Sonic Wave for the enemy.
Storm Spirit icon
  • Shadow Demon will have a hard time catching Storm Spirit, as he can get away with Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning.
  • Static Remnant icon Static Remnant will make quick work of the spawned illusions from Disruption.
  • With very high mobility and usually being paired with Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence, he can catch Shadow Demon with ease both in ganks and in teamfights if Shadow Demon has no survivability items.
Witch Doctor icon
Wraith King icon
  • Shadow Demon's Demonic Purge with Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter cannot break Reincarnation icon Reincarnation, which could put him in a disadvantage against Wraith King if his whole team is with him.
  • Vampiric Spirit icon Vampiric Spirit can out-heal the damage from Shadow Demon's abilities.
  • However, Wraith King is a single-target hero, so he cannot deal with Disruption illusions.


  • Although Phantom Lancer minimap icon Phantom Lancer will generate strong illusions, and you can also break his Juxtapose icon Juxtapose with an Aghanim's Demonic Purge, you have a small chance of guessing which is the real Phantom Lancer after he uses Doppelganger icon Doppelganger.
  • Lycan minimap icon Lycan and Weaver minimap icon Weaver has abilities that allow them to move at maximum movement speed, and those abilities can't be dispelled, potentially wasting the slow from Demonic Purge.
  • You can potentially kill a fragile Weaver minimap icon Weaver by using Disruption during Shukuchi icon Shukuchi with a well-placed Sentry Ward icon Sentry Ward, wasting the Shukuchi. But odds are he'll wait to get low health, Time Lapse icon Time Lapse the damage away and Shukuchi away once more.
  • Chaos Knight minimap icon Chaos Knight, Lone Druid minimap icon Lone Druid, Meepo minimap icon Meepo and Arc Warden minimap icon Arc Warden can be hard targets since Shadow Demon's spells are ill-suited to fight many enemies at once.


  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb will reflect Disruption and Demonic Purge back to Shadow Demon. Additionally, illusions of Shadow Demon created by the reflected Disruption will spawn under the control of the enemy hero who reflected it.
  • Linken's Sphere icon Linken's Sphere blocks Disruption and Demonic Purge.
  • Force Staff icon Force Staff can save the victim if they are able to force through a cliff, to the high ground or create enough distance to retreat into a foggy area.
  • Town Portal Scroll icon Town Portal Scroll can help the victim survive a gank attempt from Shadow Demon if he initiates with a Disruption and has no way to cancel the teleport afterward, while Shadow Poison needs time to stack up and Demonic Purge only deals damage after a lengthy delay.

Good against...[]

Alchemist icon
  • Alchemist is a well-known Radiance icon Radiance carrier among other auras your illusions will benefit from. They also get the extra move speed and reduced base attack time from his Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage, and it's even better if you can catch him as his own rage is about to expire.
  • Disruption will buy enough time for all allies to retreat when Alchemist starts to activate Unstable Concoction icon Unstable Concoction.
Anti-Mage icon
  • While it is unwise to encounter Anti-Mage alone, Disruption's considerable cast range can become a perfect setup for any hard-disable to follow up. If he is pinned down, Anti-Mage will quickly face his demise when the illusions deplete his already low mana pool. Manta Style icon Manta Style will easily allow him to escape, however.
  • The illusions can be controlled to quickly sap mana from any other target, making Anti-Mage one of the most valuable targets to disrupt.
Axe icon
  • While it is unwise to encounter Axe alone, Disruption can be used to save your allies from Axe's initiate Berserker's Call icon Berserker's Call, or, if timed correctly, from his Culling Blade icon Culling Blade.
    • Illusions spawned from Axe has the Counter Helix passive, which with deal some nasty damage if an enemy focuses them
  • Your upgraded Demonic Purge breaks Axe's primary damage output: Counter Helix icon Counter Helix, This can be used on him during Berserker's Call to seriously hinder him.
  • Demonic Cleanse will clear Battle Hunger icon Battle Hunger, which is Axe's method of catching heroes, and Shard upgraded Counter Helix's Damage Reduction, which is one of Axe's primary survivability abilities.

Dark Seer icon
  • The constant dispel from Demonic Purge will make any attempt to save the victim or himself by Surge icon Surge become futile. For what it's worth, Demonic Purge will also dispel Ion Shell icon Ion Shell.
Huskar icon
  • Shadow Poison can quickly stack up on Huskar, And with his naturally low health you don't need as many stacks to be effective.
  • Disruption turns Huskars high attack speed against him, They also have the highest survivability as illusions due to his passive Berserker's Blood icon Berserker's Blood, It also allows you to put Shadow Poison stacks on him,
  • Dissimulate turns Huskar's burning damage against his team, You can cast it on an ally who is taking a bunch of Burning Spear icon Burning Spear stacks and cause Huskar to take high amounts of damage as well
  • Scepter upgraded Demonic Purge is your most effective weapon against him, It's 7 second Break causes him to quickly die in battle
Legion Commander icon
  • Disruption can save allies and mess up an initiation from an enemy Legion Commander. Using Disruption on your ally that is affected by Duel icon Duel will leave her totally exposed without the benefit of the life steal from Moment of Courage icon Moment of Courage. A precise decision to Disrupt Legion Commander or her victim is crucial to waste Duel's potential.
  • Demonic Purge cannot be dispelled by a hard dispel from Press the Attack icon Press the Attack, which in turn can be dispelled by your ultimate.
Omniknight icon
  • Demonic Purge can dispel Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel on the key target during combat, allow your allies to finish them.
Spectre icon
  • Her illusions with Desolate icon Desolate are very valuable, especially when they are usually paired with Radiance icon Radiance. Unlike blink or force movement, Spectral Dagger icon Spectral Dagger's escaping mechanic requires manual movement, and therefore Demonic Purge can hold her back really hard and allow your allies to finish her off.
  • If she tries to kill you or any key ally with Haunt icon Haunt at any point of the game, remember to not panic and always use Disruption on the illusion, whether it is fake or the real Spectre herself. When the situation calls, Demonic Purge can save a second victim from a haunting Spectre.
  • When upgraded by Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter, Demonic Purge can remove Spectre from a fight by disabling Desolate and Dispersion icon Dispersion, negating her damage and tankiness respectively.
Juggernaut icon
  • Be ready to save an ally from Omnislash icon Omnislash with your Disruption.
  • Spawning Juggernaut minimap icon Juggernaut's illusions is a great deal, as his base attack time is low and he has a critical strike. Illusions will benefit from both.
  • Demonic Purge will prevent Juggernaut's desperate attempt to flee using Blade Fury icon Blade Fury. However, it cannot stop him if he is using Town Portal Scroll icon Town Portal Scroll.
Luna icon
  • Demonic Purge takes off Luna's superior mobility, removing the need for chasing her and allowing your team to reposition in team fights or escape when at low HP. If Shadow Demon has Aghanim's Sceptre it will also take away glaive bounces and extra damage from Luna's passive.
  • Luna's illusions created by Disruption are very valuable with their Moon Glaives icon Moon Glaives. These will effectively counter her pushing attempts and are painfully effective in team fights.
  • Disruption can be used to save an ally from Eclipse icon Eclipse.
  • For the same reasons, Shadow Demon is a very good ally for Luna when they are in the same team.
Phantom Lancer icon
  • Phantom Lancer's strength is the sheer amount of illusions he can conjure, Dissimulate can be cast on an ally that he is focusing to quickly thin out his ranks
  • Landing a upgraded Demonic Purge on the real Phantom Lancer prevents him from making very many illusions (His only source being Doppelganger icon Doppelganger), You can reapply as needed if you have the Shard
  • Disrupting Phantom Lancer allows you to create multiple extra illusions with Juxtapose icon Juxtapose, As he is a common carrier of Diffusal Blade icon Diffusal Blade, you can also drain the mana of any nearby heros
Techies icon
  • Shadow Demon's spammable illusions can be used to scout Techies' Proximity Mines icon Proximity Mines.
Venomancer icon
  • In the laning stage, making illusions of Venomancer will turn his Poison Sting icon Poison Sting back at him, making for an easy gank at level one, and for later when your mid comes for ganks.
Windranger icon
  • Shadow Demon can waste precious seconds of Windrun icon Windrun with Disruption.
    • Alternatively, Demonic Purge can be used to dispel it altogether, leaving her completely defenseless for 7 seconds.
  • Disruption can be used to save an ally if they get stunned by Shackleshot icon Shackleshot.


  • Heroes that rely on high health to tank will spread a lot of damage thanks to Disseminate.
  • Disruption can make a beautiful and crucial save for your allies when against heroes who have powerful single target abilities, like Reaper's Scythe icon Reaper's Scythe, Winter's Curse icon Winter's Curse, Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip"., Flaming Lasso icon Flaming Lasso, Pulverize icon Pulverize.
  • Melee carries such as Sven minimap icon Sven, Ursa minimap icon Ursa or Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer can be slowed and easily kited with Demonic Purge.
  • Disruption and Demonic Purge are very good tools to waste the duration of many precious abilities such as Enrage icon Enrage, Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave, Borrowed Time icon Borrowed Time or False Promise icon False Promise.
  • Heroes with high physical damage output but lack of reliable escape mechanisms are always a good target for a solo gank: Sniper minimap icon Sniper, Shadow Fiend minimap icon Shadow Fiend, Troll Warlord minimap icon Troll Warlord, Drow Ranger minimap icon Drow Ranger. Those heroes, however, are dangerous if they manage to close the gap, so take caution.
  • Once you have an Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter, Shadow Demon instantly reaches a new power spike and becomes a counter for a variety of heroes that have strong passives.


Works well with...[]

Ancient Apparition icon
  • Disruption and Demonic Purge can easily trigger the stun from Cold Feet icon Cold Feet.
  • Use Chilling Touch icon Chilling Touch to slow the target after Disruption, keeping them in place for illusion damage, and amplify all magical damage such as from Shadow Poison and Demonic Purge.
  • Disruption can serve as a set up for landing Ice Blast icon Ice Blast.
Dazzle icon
  • Combined with Disseminate and Disruption's illusions, Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave can deal tremendous damage to enemies.
Luna icon
Outworld Destroyer icon
  • Disseminate allows Outworld Destroyer to quickly and easily destroy groups of heroes with his Arcane Orb icon Arcane Orb.
  • If you Disseminate a low mana target, Outworld Destroyer can land a very high damage Sanity's Eclipse icon Sanity's Eclipse on him, and spread that damage, potentially killing a large group of heroes instantly.
  • Disruption along side Astral Imprisonment icon Astral Imprisonment allows you to potentially Banish a hero for as long as you want, Using it on the Carry hero can quickly turn the tide of battle, And you can land as many Shadow Poison stacks as you wish while they are banished with Disruption,
Razor icon
  • Disruption provides a lots of free time for Razor to close the gap and suck dry the attack capability of his victim using Static Link icon Static Link.
  • Neither Static Link icon Static Link nor Eye of the Storm icon Eye of the Storm is disabled during the banishment.
Terrorblade icon
  • With an additional bonus to raw damage and very long range, Terrorblade's Metamorphosis icon Metamorphosis form is among one of the best targets to get your illusions, which deals more damage than the illusions created by Terrorblade himself using Conjure Image icon Conjure Image.
  • A Disruption can save Terrorblade from a long chain of disables, allowing him to use a critical Sunder icon Sunder.



  • Manta Style icon Manta Style provides illusion targets for Disruption, without removing the original hero from play.
  • Disruption lasts long enough for a Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger to be used, allowing low health allies escape, Bear in mind that some damage-over-time abilities will prevent that, like Sniper's Shrapnel icon Shrapnel, or Enigma's Midnight Pulse icon Midnight Pulse.
