Each attack has a 40% chance to reduce enemy hero movement speed by 26% and attack speed by 26 when used by a melee hero. Reduces enemy hero movement by 13% and attack speed by 13 when used by a ranged hero. Effect lasts 5 seconds.
Proc Chance: 40%
Move Speed Slow (Melee): 26%
Attack Speed Slow (Melee): 26
Move Speed Slow (Ranged): 13%
Attack Speed Slow (Ranged): 13
Slow Duration: 5
- This ability was removed in the 7.20 gameplay patch.
- Successive procs on the same target do not stack, but refresh the duration instead.
- The proc chances of Maim from multiple Sange and Sange derived items work fully independently from each other.
- Fully stacks with the Maim debuffs from Sange and Heaven's Halberd, since they use a separate modifier each.
- The proccing attack first applies the debuff, then its own damage.
- Maim uses pseudo-random distribution.